Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#11259 closed Feature request (worksforme)

Display available updates when closing FileZilla Client

Reported by: glc1010 Owned by:
Priority: low Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: update on close Cc:
Component version: 3.25.2 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: 7


Not sure if it's possible but could the "Install New Version" prompt appear when closing Filezilla rather than opening it. Generally I am opening Filezilla to complete a task and don't want to stop what I'm doing to do an update, however once the task is completed I would happily allow an update to run.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Kurt McKee, 7 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo
Summary: Update TimingDisplay available updates when closing FileZilla Client

I'm also running 3.25.2 and have just received the notification to install 3.26.1.

It appears that it is possible to skip the update when FileZilla Client opens, complete the task you're working on, and then select "New version available!" in the menu.

Please confirm that this is an acceptable workflow and then we can close this feature request. =)

comment:2 by glc1010, 7 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: moreinfoclosed

I can confirm this is not ideal but workable. Please close the ticket

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