Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 8171)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#271 Unable to use default remote directory in site mgr Bug report normal Other

I realized that I was simply unable to remove the leading hash mark. My ftp site doesn't like it, so I am unable to specify any default directory at all.

#272 SSH connection not working Bug report normal Unknown

I have tried to use FileZila to connect a secureftp server. After entering the password, it can get connected and list the directory.

However, apart from list directory, I cannot do anything like cd, get, put,

#273 Remember Settings Bug report normal Other

I am not sure if this is a but or a feature. I always sort by date for both the local and the server. I also adjust the widths of the columns to the way I like them. When I close the program, it goes back to the defaults. Under FileZilla Options I have checked Remember last used configuration, but it does not. I also have checked the box for Remember column width in details style. Last I have to check the box to overwrite if newer every time I restart the program. I would be nice if it could remember this setting.

Excellent program.

Thanks Kris

I am using Version 2.1.4b

#274 pumps up users directories Bug report normal Other

Strange effect appears when setting up user's accessible directories. One dir e.g. F:/UPLOAD is shown twice or even more. And it grows with the time...

Send further questions to penzgnu@…

#275 Slow Bug report normal Other

When I upload a file, through my bordermanager server over an ADSL line. The transfer rate is about 8 kb/s, but when I use a differnt ftp client I get 21 kb/s. The proxy I use is http 1.1. I have no speed limits. Transfer type is: auto. I use version 2.1.4b

#276 Accents not recognized Bug report normal Other

Accentuated characteres (é,è,ù,à, etc...) are not recognised and replaced by a comma.

#277 negative time left downloading symlink Bug report normal Other

When I was downloading a file via symlink the "time left" numbers (both minutes and seconds) in the queue area went negative after the first second (probably based on the size of the symlink itself?).

#278 Remote directory doesn't allow relative paths Bug report normal Other

It is impossible to use a relative path as remote directory.

One homepage needs that files are places in the subdir WWW. But I can't change to that directory automaticly.

I tried ./ and I even tried to edit the .xml file, but that didn't help either, but there is ALWAYS a / added to the start of the remote directory.

#279 Could not retrieve directory listing Bug report normal Other

Connecting to a GuildFTP server v. 0.999.6, using a "real" id and password, logs in just fine and gets as far as the "LIST" command and then: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (2755 bytes). 425 Can't build data connection. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

Tried using Linux ftp (lukemftp which is originally bsd...) to connect instead and it worked fine...

#281 Empty lines Bug report normal Other

I have problems viewing and editing remote files trough FileZilla... When I open a file for editing, new, empty, lines has been added between every single line in the document. After removing all the hundreds of empty lines, I saved the file again. When I opened it again later, all the lines were back again. I have tried opening the file in a few different programs, with the same result. That is what makes me think FileZilla is the problem.

#282 Anonymous Login Bug report normal Other

When connecting to a ftp-site by clicking on the saved site in the 'adress book' the "enter password" window opens and the "OK"-Button is greyed out. You can't login to an FTP-Site which doesn't need a password without entering at least one character into the "enter password" window. You can't just press OK when no password is needed. Is that a bug or a feature? I think it sucks.

#283 FileZilla 2.1.5 - Help file.... Bug report normal Other

When ENGLISH is selected as the LANGUAGE via SETTINGS the HELP file is in FRENCH. A bug?

#284 Problem downloading to a local UNC Path Bug report normal Other

There seems to be a problem when I download a remote file to a local UNC path. It tells me the file already exists(even if it doesn't) and ask if i want to overwrite it. Even if I choose to do downloads the file but it's never saved in the directory.

I'm on windows 2000 and I mapped a drive letter to that UNC path and the problem is solved.

#285 400 char welcome message Bug report normal Other

I managed to put all kinds of legal stuff into the welcome message, the text length was about 400 chars and from that moment on, no clients could connect. Clients gets instantly disconnected, sometimes they receive the first line of the welcome message, but as a general rule they don't get any. Connection closed by remote host. I then deleted the welcome message, restarted the server and it works normally again.

#286 Debug - Menu Bug report normal Other

In SETTING in ver 2.15 there is an option DEBUG MENU. There is no reference to this in the HELP file. So what does it do? I've tried in checked/unchecked modes and can find litle difference? Have I missed something?

#287 LS only shows files with uid in /etc/passwd Bug report normal Other

I use winbind on an SFTP server, which uses the standard nsswitch.conf and associated libraries (so this problem is likely to be seen with NIS or similar services). If I use SFTP on a linux commandline or if I use PSFTP in DOS, I see these files. But FileZilla ignores these files. It's probably because it doesn't look up the user/group name with the standard unix utility getent (or with similar unix calls). All other unix utilities I've used do this lookup.

This appears to be a bigger issue than winbind. If a server uses NIS or something else (with settings in nsswitch.conf), this will probably fail.

I suggest, rather than reading /etc/passwd, do 'getent passwd' or a similar unix call. Same with groups. I don't know if the code does this but I assume it does based on the behavior.


#288 Upload bandwidth problem (10 times less) Bug report normal Other

I've noticed a 10 times smaller upload transfer in the FileZilla client version 2.1.5.

This was observed on my local network, when uploading files from a windows xp to linux proftpd. Switched to version 2.0.2 and all works fine.

All the settings were default (no bandwidth limit set).

#289 "Selected Files" recalculated after every transfer Bug report normal Other

Bear with me, my first ever bug report for any open source project. I looked through the bugs to see if its been posted, but didnt see it, so it may have been.

Problem I found was with large directories (1000+ files). This issue probably isnt present with small directories.

After selecting a large directory of about 2000 files, 20mb total and adding it to the queue, I began my transfer. I clicked my process queue button before clicking of the directory I had selected. At that point, FileZilla recalculated my 'selected files' after every file transfer. Each recalculation took about 10 seconds (which is another bug, FileZilla's EXTREMELY slow file size calculations). After about 3 file transfers it finally crashed. The second time around I made sure to click off the files, and everything transfered fine.

Filezilla also crashes when adding large groups of files to the queue. This particular case I had to add four batches of about 500 files at a time before processing. When trying to add all 2000 at once, the program crashed immediately.

FileZilla 2.1.5

Dave V dviorean@…

#290 fail on download file under ssl on proftpd with mod_tls Bug report normal Other

While I download file from Linux server which installed proftpd with mod_tls, I find that filezilla will not disconnect the data channel after the file is completely sent out.

#291 remote directory change without command Bug report normal Other

Moving a file from




works fine but when i change to remote/dir/ and home/dir/ and start uploading that already exist and i choos "overwrite" as action the remote dir changes back to remote/dir/subdir/ instead of staying in /remote/dir/

Hope that helps good work though thanks for this free piece of technology

askless@… <-- yes it is valid

#292 using FTP proxy : remoteID@fireID@remotehost Bug report normal Other

on FileZilla 2.1.5, using the FTP proxy setting as : remoteID@fireID@remotehost the authentication is rejected by the firewall. Not quite sure FileZilla handles correctly the password which should be : remotePWD@firePWD looking at the status window, the password is longer than the comniation remotePWD@firePWD.

PS : the FTP proxy that we have is the FTP proxy of CheckPoint Firewall-1.

#293 SQUID - not working with it Bug report normal Other

Hi. FileZilla doesnt working with Squid. IE, Mozilla, WSftp and another apps goes through Squid without problem. I tested all config combination options.

#294 GSSAPI/Kerberos and raw FTP PROT command Bug report normal Other

By default, FileZilla currently uses PROT P (encrypted, with checksums) for all file transfers.

Using the Server/raw FTP command, it is possible to change to PROT S (unencrypted, with checksums) successfully.

However, PROT C (unencrypted, no checksums) fails with "Out of memory" at beginning of file transfer.

Being able to use the raw PROT command is useful, until (if) FileZilla supports a GUI interface to change encryption and checksums, but PROT C doesn't work.

#295 Can't remember password? Bug report normal Other


I'm using 2.1.5 in windows2000, in the site manager screen, the password field is always gray out. I'm not sure if there is any option to enable this feature, anyway I didn't find it.

I like it! and I like free.


by jiangpet@…

#296 sftp download speed v. slow Bug report normal Other

OS: win XP machine: dual 1700 XP with 512 MB Ram client connection - cable modem. server connecting to - work machine with dedicated T1

While using sftp through filezilla, the speed seems to be very slow. I found that the max i got from my work machine to home is 4.4KB / s and UP 6.5 KB / s.

I thought this was a little strange, so I downloaded WinSSH and used it's sftp functionality and got 100KB /s down, and 12 KB / s up.

I have attached the settings file (I marked previous stuff as *REMOVED*)

I checked the speed limiting, and it didn't seem to be set...

#297 No refresh on remote Bug report normal Other

It doesn't appear to be possible to refresh the remote view. This makes it quite difficult to perform certain tasks, especially when it involves administering websites that have a lot of files that are being constantly created.

#299 Speed Limit Rule Not Saved Bug report normal Other

Whenever I key in any Speed Limit Rule, it cannot be saved and shown on the screen.

#300 Using "Move down" in Queue doesn't work Bug report normal Other

Sometimes using the "Move down" item in the queue doesn't work. Seems to be after adding to the queue. Works later on.

#301 "Can't open data connection" on public IP Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

Trying to run FileZilla Server on a WinXP machine, and I keep getting this error message in the interface:

FileZilla Server version 0.8.3a beta Copyright 2001 by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@…) Connecting to server... Connected, waiting for authentication Protocol error: Unknown protocol identifier (0x50 0x50 0x48). Connection to server closed.

Wasn't able to get anywhere in terms of configuration. I tried starting the server and connecting to it using WS- FTP with my e-mail address and a password as the login, and get this:

WINSOCK.DLL: WinSock 2.0 WS_FTP LE 5.08 2000.01.13, Copyright © 1992-2000 Ipswitch, Inc.

  • -

connecting to Connected to port 21 220-FileZilla Server version 0.8.3 beta test release 1 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@…) 220 Please visit USER mgturland@… 331 Password required for mgturland@… PASS (hidden) 530 Login or password incorrect! ! Logon failure, so quitting

Not sure if it's a bug, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Suggestions?

#302 retry too fast! Bug report normal Other

In "Setting"->"Connetction"->"retry Setting",I set 60 seconds to retry,but when I conncet to a ftp site,when the site say "too many users - please try again later",then it show "Error : Unable to connect!",and retey the site right now.

#303 Getting directory listing on SSL EXplicit sites fails Bug report normal Other

When logging in to an SSL EXplicit-enabled site, after the LIST command has been sent, nothing happens, then the client times out.

This happened on Filezilla 2.1.5 when trying to connect to ProFTPD 1.2.8 and 1.2.8rc2 servers. The server certificate is accepted, but then no directory listing appears. The client times out, but the server connection stays open (until the server times it out).

Other clients (smartftp, ws_ftp, and the client from work fine.


#304 Invalid PORT command Bug report normal Other

With V 2.1.6, I cannot connect to a site via port 2121. System responds with "Invalid PORT Command" and "Could not retrieve directory listing".

I can connect fine to this same site via this same port using WS-FTP and SmartFTP.

#305 Dragging files directly to the desktop Bug report normal Other

When I try to drag files from the remote site to my desktop or someother location outside of FileZilla it won't let me.. if I drag from remote to local within file zilla it works great.. is there a way to allow file zilla to do this?

#306 SFTP using SSH2 not working in Win9x Bug report normal Other

My father & co-workers had reported problems with Win9x (98 SE & ME) connecting to my SFTP server. I use Win2k (at home) & XP (at work) and didn't have any problems with FileZilla connecting.

I now have an Windows 98SE laptop that I'm experiencing the same problem my father & co-worker had.

Steps to reproduce the problem on Win98SE:

1) Install FileZilla 2) Choose 'secure' mode - where it doesn't keep passwords 3) Choose XML, not registry for settings. 4) Run program 5) Open site manager, add site, choosing type of SFTP using SSH2 6) Attempt a connect, entering password when prompted for it.

Results of the above:

COMMAND: CONNECT server:22, initializing SFTP connection... FzSFtp.exe did not respon, terminating connection...

which repeats over and over until the timeout/retries are reached.

I have tried v2.1.4, 2.1.5, and now 2.1.6a on this machien and they all result in the same.

I'm will to assist with the resolution of this bug as much as possible. I even have MS VC 6 on this laptop, & have installed v2.1.6a w/source

#307 Cannot upload a large file when using GSS Bug report normal Other

Uploading a small file works (~100 kbytes), uploading a large file (~7 Mbytes) fails with the following dump and report.

#308 Overwrite if newer doesn't work Bug report normal Other

I'm using Filezilla 2.1.6, and it seems that when you set the "Overwrite if newer" option at the File Transfer screen, it doesn't work. Local files of e.g. 26-4 will just overwrite remote files of 24-4.

This is very annoying when uploading directories, as ALL files are uploaded and not only those which have been changed.

#309 SSL get files - Crash Bug report normal Other

Hello, I'm using ProFTPD file server with enable TLS/SSL. Everything works fine, auth, download... but when I attempting upload it crashes down and terminates. Server is okay (other clients works). If need account on my server contact me! js@…. Thanks

#310 FTP Times out on large remote dir listing Bug report normal Other

While listing a remote dir containing 200000+ files (don't ask) the connection times out. The same listing from a traditional command line ftp client completes successfully

#311 Cannot reload the file queue from file Bug report normal Other

Cannot reload the file queue from file

#312 Access Violation in CApiLog::LogMessage Bug report normal Other

Binary for 2.1.7 compiled with VC++ 7.1 causes an access violation in CApiLog::LogMessage when exiting FileZilla.exe. The attached .diff fixes the problem.

#313 Sennding maximized window to tray Bug report normal Other

Restoring the window from the tray turns to restored size, not maximized size.

#314 Activity leds in status bar when maximized Bug report normal Other

These leds shows moved, the red led shows partially out of screen when the window is maximized.

#315 Transfer queue list shows visual garbage Bug report normal Other

between desc list and the first file in progress

#316 VC++ 7.1 can't compile DirectoryCache.h (2.1.7) Bug report normal Other

I don't know if this is a bug per se, but VC++ 7.1 will not compile the 2.1.7 source unless the protected modifier is commented out in DirectoryCache.h at line 62.

Just an FYI!


  • Kirk

P.S. is there a better place to submit compile- and source-related items?

#317 Ident does not let you use "ident" for ident Bug report normal Other

If you use "ident" as the ident it prompts you to enter a username.. this may be a feature? jae7@…

#318 Wrong year for files < 6 months old Bug report normal Other

Filezilla can get the year wrong for files that have been modified within the last 6 months. The list output from my server works like the standard "ls" command in so much as a file older than 6 months has the date shown as "MMM DD YYYY" and files 6 months or newer have "MMM DD HH:MM". Files with the latter date stamp format sometimes are shown in the year 2003 and sometimes the year 2002.

Example listing:

-rw-rw-rw- 1 admin home 3344 Apr 3 2001 hmi.htm -rw-rw-rw- 1 admin home 8768 May 6 18:45 index.htm -rw-rw-rw- 1 admin home 1976 Feb 15 2002 manuals.htm -rw-r--r-- 1 admin home 21704 Jan 30 23:48 manuals.php

FileZilla showns index.htm as being in 2002 (wrong), whilst manuals.php is in 2003 (correct) hmi.htm in 2001 and manuals.htm in 2002.

I'm using FileZilla 2.1.7 and FTP over SSH2 on a Win2K pc.

#319 XML list are not imported into Queue Bug report normal Other

On Windows 2000 the lists exported from the Queue are then not imported back. This seems to be present in version 2.1.6 and 2.1.7. It worked in version 2.1.4

The XML file is generated properly and its contents are easily browsed in IE.

#320 Error Uploading directory Bug report normal Other

i try to upload a directory from local to remote, but the programs halt, if i try to add the dir on the queue the task not appear in queue too!

#321 Connot fonction wish Winroute Bug report normal Other

Wich Winroute Filezilla server don't fonctionne in Active mode

Please send me a mail to rem.d@… when the problème is delete


#322 Transfered files truncated Bug report normal Other

Version: 2.1.7

I use the SSL mode with explicit encryption. I noticed that files transfered with that version are truncated (a few bytes are missing). I can't confirm that this is the case with non SSL transfers (didn't try). The transfer was OK with version 2.1.6a.



#323 Non-English character compatability Bug report normal Other

Some non-English charaters (ex. Chinese characters) have problem with FileZilla, while these characters are OK on UNIX systems. When I made directories with FileZilla "Create directory" command, there was no error messages about making directories, but names of those directories did not display correctly in FileZilla remote directory window (display with spaces) and consequently "cd" to those directories was not possible.

I found that the character with hexidemical code "B57B" is incompatable with FileZilla. (Remember that Chinese characters have a double-byte character system.) I suspect that the first byte "B5" is responsible for this issue.

I tried CuteFTP (4.0 and PRO) with it, both versions didn't display correct directory name but "cd" command was OK and upload/download worked well.

The local directory window of FileZilla doesn't suffer from this problem however.

#324 LIST as alias for DIR not understood Bug report normal Other

The current version of filezilla's server (0.8.3a) does not list files after receiving the command LIST. It even doesn't recognize the command. Just add LIST as alias for DIR or LS and everything works.

(The concerning directories are home directories with every right set.)

#325 ASCII mode transfer doesn't work Bug report normal Other

This has been reported at least twice before (tickets 614075, 580087), but as of the current version v2.1.7, FileZilla is still incapable of using ASCII mode for SFTP transfers. I am attempting to transfer Perl scripts but cannot use FileZilla because of this problem.

I want to use FileZilla because my current FTP client, WS_FTP LE, doesn't support SFTP; my server is being changed to SFTP only soon. Regardless of whether I download a particular file from my server, setting the file extension in Edit :: Settings :: ASCII / Binary :: ASCII file, or manually specify Transfer :: Transfer Type :: ASCII, the file is downloaded in Binary mode. If I download the same file with WS_FTP it is downloaded correctly in ASCII mode.

I understand that some versions of SFTP don't have an ASCII transfer mode. If that is the case, either the options for ASCII / Binary should all be greyed out when connected via SFTP, or preferably SFTP would itself handle the ASCII / Binary conversion...

#326 Remote dir changes after renaming files Bug report normal Other

Quite often, after renaming a file in the remote server by pressing F2m typing the new name then the Enter key, the current remote directory will change by itself. The action is similar to what occurs if a remote directory is deleted, however the directory and the file are still intact. Occasionaly this takes a while to happen after the Enter key is pressed. Maybe renaming is not the only situation that causes this, can't know for sure.

#327 missing files in 'remote panel' from OpenVMS server Bug report normal Other

some file on are missing from the remote pannel.

the server is an OpenVMS box running OpenVMS 7.2-1 and TCPIP Services v5.3

(maybe a 'show raw dir' option could help to debug)

#328 this bugtracker appears to be useless.. Bug report normal Other

It seems like none of the developer is willing to "track" any of the bugs posted herein. There are plenty of open bugs dated from last year, but nonbody knows, if they are solved, closed or still an issue. Not a single entry can be found in the 'colved' or 'closed' categories. FZ has some nice features and it's too bad, that user reponses seemed to be ignored -- at least here at Sourceforge.

The current release (2.17) is labeled "mature", but introduced a couple of new very annoying bugs, e.g. weired server directory changes and the non-functional queue (which was one of the reasons for me to choose FileZilla). It appears that I need to *downgrade* or worse: kick FileZilla and go back to my previous FTP client.

A disappointed user.

#329 Unable to upload to MVS Server Bug report normal Other

I cannot upload to an IBM MVS Server type. The directory listing shows empty, when it is not, and when I try to send the file I get the following:

Response: 230 XAHEDM is logged on. Working directory is "XAHEDM.". Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of O:\FTP Temp\test.send Command: CWD /'XAHEDM.'/ Response: 550 CWD cmd failed : EDC5129I No such file or directory. Command: CWD / Response: 250 HFS directory / is the current working directory Command: MKD 'XAHEDM.' Response: 550 error allocating XAHEDM. Command: CWD /'XAHEDM.'/ Response: 550 CWD cmd failed : EDC5129I No such file or directory. Error: Upload failed

I am using Version 2.17

#330 Server: Custom PASV Options ignored Bug report normal Other

I'm running FZ server (0.8.3) behind a router and cant get it to give out correct ip:port for pasv, no matter what I options I enter. Dynip support would be nice too ;) teilzeitprofi@…

#331 Problem with connecting through SQUID (other) Bug report normal Other

I need to set the following to use FTP: USER remoteID@remoteHost

But this isnt implemented, so i just used

USER remoteID@remoteHost fireID

Then the log shows following: Antwort: 220 Welcome to fireproxy2. Status: Versuche über den Proxy zu erreichen Befehl: USER develop@… Antwort: 501 Invalid destination in user name.

I just think this is the space at the end of the request. Please implement USER remoteID@remoteHost too!

#332 Cannot cd into subdir if dir is a .lnk Bug report normal Other

The problem is with filezilla server.

I don't know how to access files on different partitions (I tried cd d:

but it didn't work)

So I created .lnk file in my C: root, that points to my D: disk.

I can do cd DiskD.lnk

from ftp client, but I cannot cd into any subdir...

I hangs for some time, and then it outputs that directory isn't found.

#334 Server 0.8.3: Folder name problem Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

I found that filezilla server had problems with folder names of Chinese characters. But rather, it's not just a DBCS (double-byte character system) compatability problem. I could enter those folders in question and get the file list normally, but when I started to download files in those folders, filezilla server reported "550 file not found" for each file. I tried to use the same Chinese characters as file names and those files could be downloaded normally. This problem occurs only with folders (with Chinese name), not files (with Chinese name), and only while downloading files in thoese folders. Looks like filezilla server has some problem handling folder names on action of file transfer.

Although not all Chinese characters cause this problem, it occurs very often. In my experience, 2 folders out of 4 exhibited this problem. It is probabily a bug ranther than a Chinese character compatability problem.

I tried two different clients, filezilla and windows xp built-in ftp, and confirmed that this problem was at server side. (The server was executed on windows me)

#335 Queue does not use automatic ASCII/BINARY mode after restart Bug report normal Other

Repro steps: -Connect to a server -Begin a few binary uploads to the server -Stop the queue -Stop the program -Restart the program -Restart the queue

->The files are now transferred in ASCII mode

Expected-> The files have to be transferred in the appropriate mode, depending on their extension

#338 graphical redraw-bug on resize window Bug report normal Other

When resizing, then minimizing filezilla and/or bringing it back to front, the transfer-queue window displays some two pixel-lines stuff that doesn't belong there. see image. nothing much of importance and probably easily fixed.

#339 Problem with upload (APPE) Bug report normal Other

When I upload files to my website then there are several files that have a problem. The message are: Command: APPE b.htm Response: 451 b.htm Append/Restart not permitted, try again. Error: Upload failed

The above message comes several times for the same file and then stops trying. If I then remove the file from the website the upload works without problems.

A lot of files work without problem.


#340 Ident server bug in settings dialog Bug report normal Other

How to get the bug:

1) Clear the user name in the ident text box. Now disable the ident server, and then close the dialog. 2) Open the settings dialog again, and re-enable the ident server. Type a username into the text box. 3) Switch to a different pane in the settings box, e.g. "SFTP settings". Click OK.

You should now see a message box telling you to type a username, even if you have typed one.

#341 Client goes CRAZY!!... Bug report normal Other

...when pressing "Process the queue" button while not connected. I got instantly banned from the ftp due to 40 retries a sec. I want the client to start downloading (processing the que) when i get connected

#342 Problems changing directory on remote host Bug report normal Other

As an example, we use Novell as our FTP server.

We cannot CD to <server>/<volume>/<path>

Client always seems to remove the second leading slash leaving us with "cd /<server>/<volume>/<path>"

Furthermore, client always appends another / to the end (and, it appears, the beginning) of any directory that doesn't have it. Relative pathing is a good thing (for example, ~ is very handy but doesn't work).

It'd be nice to have a hotkey bound to changing the directory, too.

Aaron aheck@…

#343 upload very slow with no speed limit set Bug report normal Other

When uploading a file using FileZilla in my intranet from Win2k to IBM AIX, it takes about 2 minutes to upload a 8MB file. Achieving a 79KB/s throughput.

When using ftp in the MSDOS command prompt, it takes about 3 seconds. However, download files in the same environment only takes about 3 seconds. Upload from Win2k to Win2k machines took 30 seconds with FileZilla while ftp from command prompt took 3 seconds. There is no speed limit set.

#344 speed limits are not set correctly when using custom rules Bug report normal Other

When I set the custom speed limit rules and click OK, the rules are GONE!!! But - when I restart FileZilla, they are there ???!!!! My settings are stored in XML file.

#345 Problem with 2+ instances Bug report normal Other

I have following problems with more than one instance of FileZilla:

Lets say we have Instance A and B (A started first)

I connect to a server with A and DL. Then I make a new entry in the Site Manager to U/L something. I do the transfer and close A.

Now: 1) The new site just isnt saved! 2) The queue of B wont be saved!

#346 Troubles with specials Chars in dirnames Bug report normal Other

I wont submit thi tracker item, if I knew that this happens with EVERY FTP Client.

But, DAP (Download Accelerator Pro) hasnt got any problems, so i just say it:

When I have strange Chars in a Dirname, then it just says "Dir doesnt exist" These are as an example this strange y with two points over it...

#347 SSL upload through socks proxy fail Bug report normal Other

I'm using Filezilla to conentc to an SSL ftp server (implicit encryptin), using a socks5 proxy. Everything works fine except upload. In this case filezilla send all data in few seconds instead of several minutes (with very large files). When arrived to 100% and after the timeout has expired, he disconnect from server; only some data arrive on the server, so I've to resume the upload, several times when the file is very large.

#348 Can't connect with FileZilla Bug report normal Other

Under some circumstances, I cannot connect to my website with FileZilla. If I use another FTP Client, (like WS_FTP Pro) I get connected. If I use FileZilla a bit later, I can connect again without any modifications in the preferences or else panels.

This is the log I get when problem occurs. Etat : Connexion à ... Etat : Connecté à Attente du message d'accueil... Réponse : 220 FTP server (Version wu- 2.6.2(1) Tue Mar 4 15:42:58 CET 2003) ready. Commande : USER stephane Réponse : 331 Password required for stephane. Commande : PASS * Réponse : 230-No directory! Logging in with home=/ Réponse : 230 User stephane logged in. Etat : Connecté Etat : Récupération de la liste de répertoires... Commande : CWD /home/web/ Réponse : 250 CWD command successful. Commande : PWD Réponse : 257 "/home/web" is current directory. Commande : PORT 192,168,0,3,13,177 Réponse : 500 Illegal PORT Command Erreur : N'a pas pu récupérer la liste du répertoire Commande : TYPE A Réponse : 200 Type set to A. Commande : PWD Réponse : 257 "/home/web" is current directory. Commande : REST 0 Réponse : 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer. Commande : PWD Réponse : 257 "/home/web" is current directory. Commande : PWD Réponse : 257 "/home/web" is current directory. Commande : TYPE A Réponse : 200 Type set to A.

Hope this help. I like using your software. Without this problem I would be an happy guy !

#349 Address incorrectly identified Ver 2.17 Bug report normal Other

I copy and paste tStellaDemoInst.exe into the ADDRESS input box. FILEZILLA looks for tStellaDemoInst.exe/ thinking the last part is a folder not a file. A connection is made but an error message folder not found is reported. Now it would be great if the common extensions where recognised. eg. doc, zip, html, exe,....

Or have I missed something?

#350 Changing password does not work. Bug report normal Other

I could not change my password. We have and AIX 4.3.3 server with OpenSSH. I enter my old password and my new password twice and all I get is a beep and the dialog goes away.

#351 Transfer Hang Bug report normal Other

Now sure if *hang* is the right word but I've been experiencing hangs or jams in transfers when using filezilla to transfer files from my local sun ultra60 server into my PC (Win3K SP2).

The proceedure that i use is to drag a large number of files say 40 or more from the remote window to the local window. Files vary in sizes from 200K to 2MB (max).

The transfer begins fine and transfers the file quickly. But after a number of transfers (the exact number seems arbitrary) the transfers in the queue slow.

A couple of seconds go by and then I get a dialog box saying that the file that I am trying to transfer is on my system already, has a size of 0 bytes and do I want to overwrite, skip, etc....

In some cases this continues for each file in the queue in other cases the connection seems to *wake up* again and transfers begin again.

Messages in the log window when this happens are:

command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT xxx,xxx,xxx,81,9,25 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: RETR ASIN_one_seismic_u32 Response: 425 Can't create data socket (,20): Interrupted system call. Error: Download failed

I can sucessfully transfer the same files using other programs between these two systems (windows ftp, ncftp(v3.1.4), and cygwin ftp);

If I drag and drop smaller amounts of files 5~10 I haven't run into this, It only seems when I queue a large number of files 40+.


#352 UNC paths produce incorrect CD for GET/PUT Bug report normal Other

[I searched through the bugs; hopefully this isn't a duplicate]


When I try to GET/PUT a file from a server where the remote path is on a network share, the FTP client appears to translate server/share/dir/filename.ext to /server/share/dir/filename.ext when changing directory prior to the GET/PUT command.

Server Configuration:

  • Windows 2000 Server SP3; Cygwin 1.3.22-1; OpenSSH


Client Configuration:

  • Windoes XP; FileZilla 2.1.7



If you read through the thread, OpenSSH 2.9P2 had this problem and it had been patched. To isolate FileZilla, I used the OpenSSH and SecureFX client to try to reproduce the probem -- it only exists in FileZilla.

Connection Log:

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT hooptie@…:22 Response: Remote working directory is san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: Remote directory is san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Command: LIST Response: Listing directory san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Response: Sucessfully received 37 items Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CD Downloads Response: Remote working directory is now san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads Command: LIST Response: Listing directory san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads Response: Sucessfully received 26 items Status: Directory listing successful Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT hooptie@…:22 Response: Remote working directory is san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\Hooptie\Desktop\Regional Command: CD /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads/ Response: Directory /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/Downloads: no such file or directory Command: CD /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents/ Response: Directory /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/My Documents: no such file or directory Command: CD /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie/ Response: Directory /san_home/storage/Home/Hooptie: no such file or directory

#353 Can't parse path on Windows server Bug report normal Other

FileZilla doesn't like Windows FTP servers. It can't parse the path, I assume because it doesn't start with a slash.

Here's the log with debugging turned on:

Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(811) : List(FALSE,0,"","",1) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(315) : OnReceive(0) Response: 257 "C:/" is current directory Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(811) : List(FALSE,0,"","",0) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(960) : Can't parse path! Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2646) : ResetOperation(4) Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

ftp> quote syst 215 WIN32 A N (WFTPD by Texas Imperial Software)

#354 Changing dirs locally and remotely at the same time Bug report normal Other

It would be great if I could quickly change directories locally and remotely at the same time by holding down a key, such as CTRL and clicking on the directory in one view.

This will work a little like the following:

If key is pressed and directory is changed (doesn't matter in what view), FileZilla should check if the same directory exists in the other view. If it does, then it should open it up as well. If it doesn't, just open up in the view that was selected.

This would an excellent feature, especially for people that constantly change directories. Usually, the directory structures locally and remotely are the same.

#355 'default remote directory' setting in Site Manager fails Bug report normal Other

setting the 'default remote directory' setting in Site Manager to a directory eg home will be saved as /home/

this works fine on a unix box but on a windows box it will fail

on a windows box the command 'cwd home' will work whereas 'cwd /home/' gives a 'could not receive directory error'

#356 View/Edit: edit not working Bug report normal Other

I tried to use View/Edit to download/edit/upload a file, but it didn't do the upload. I set up some associations such as

css C:\Program Files\Bradbury\TopStyle3\TopStyle3.exe html C:\Program Files\Bradbury\TopStyle3\TopStyle3.exe xml C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe php C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe

and the view function works fine.

But when I change the file, save it, then close the editor, the changed file is not uploaded.

#357 Remote dir refreshes to wrong dir with SFTP Bug report normal Unknown

sometimes after uploading the remote dir will change to the dir I was previously in when it refreshes. Doing a refresh before I upload will make it stay in the current dir.

#358 sftp:// URL parsing should fails if there is no password Bug report normal Other

if i pass sftp://user@host/tmp to FileZilla (2.1.7) it claims that the URL is invalid. the URL in question is valid and generated by FileZilla itself, the URL works if i use sftp://user:@host/tmp

The password in this case doesn't need to be given as i use pageant (putty ssh-agent) which authenticates for me. (thanks to the putty based ssh backend)

FileZilla should accept urls in form of ftp://[user[:pass]@]hostpath instead of ftp://[user:pass@]hostpath

#359 UI - default font colour in QuickConnect bar is black Bug report normal Other

When using FileZilla under Win98SE, High Contrast#2 colour scheme (black background, green text), the text in the Quick Connect bar is not visible (only see the fields, cannot see the words "Address:", "User:", "Password:", "Port:", as tehy are hard-coded as black text, and the colour scheme uses a black background). Other toolbars do not appear to be affected, but I did not check everything.

#360 bad hiccup on upload Bug report normal Other

In FileZilla 2.1.6 sometimes when I use 'Overwrite if newer' and possibly also on 'Overwrite', the last few lines of a file is appended after the file has been uploaded completely.

For HTML files this means that the last few lines of code appear unparsed at the bottom of the page. I presume it would be harder to notice and more troublesome for binary files.

I can fix this by deleting the bad file and reuploading. Overwriting seems to cause the same problem.

This doesn't seem to be a file size problem as bigger or similarly sized files don't always have this problem.

Attached is a file that it happened to today. This was one of many.

#361 Accept SSL dialog does not display fingerprint Bug report normal Other

When connecting to a FTP server over SSL the client displays a "Accept certificate?" dialog allowing the user to either reject or accept the certificate.

The dialog however does not display the keys fingerprint, making it impossible to determine if the client is talking to the server intended or that someone is using a man-in-the-middle attach to steal passwords using a fake certificate.

#362 received filesize is a little bit smaller than that on serve Bug report normal Other

When Download a Large File suppose a file on server have size as (say) 20822112 but the d/l one will be (say) 20818104

It needs resume for the file can be fully d/l

#363 I can't see file and directory list! Bug report normal Other

I use filezilla 2.1.8 and very thanks to your application.

In my work, I try connect the server - SunOS myct 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4us - and successfuly connect. But, I can't see any file and directory. Of course, there are files and directories.

#365 PASV mode not correct Bug report normal Other

When I set PASV mode for single connection then also LIST command must be performed in this mode.

This doesn't seem to be the case in current version (2.1.8b), and my connection blocks since my firewall allows only passive (outgoing) connections.

#366 FTP upload to Xbox slow Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated

Using FileZilla 2.1.4b, I can FTP files to Xbox normallyat a high speed, like several Mbps. Upgrading to FileZilla 2.1.5 and higher (I tried the latest 2.1.8b) the FTP uploads slow down to around 20-70K/sec. FTP downloads to PC are fast and it is just the uploads that are slow in later versions.

I am using EvolutionX and XBMP 2.4 as FTP server.

#367 Waiting to retry not working any more Bug report normal Other

With version 2.1.8b, a new bug has been introduced for my system : I have Error: Timeout detected! Error: Unable to connect! Status: Waiting to retry... (5 retries left) but nothing happens, I have to retry manually.

There is still another problem. When the program has tried too many times to upload a file, Reset status doesn't fix the problem as I have the same message, I have to exit, then ask for an upload.

#368 PASV mode is faulty in 2.1.8b Bug report normal Other

I agree, there is something broken in FileZilla CLient 2.1.8b, it does not use PASV mode under any of the two simple scenarios I tried, but uninstall, and install version 2.1.7, and using the same configuration, the PASV mode is working.

#369 Files not visible! Bug report normal Other

Remote host is under Unix (Solaris 8) with french language interface. File modified during July month are not visible in FileZilla interface.

With windows client FTP, "ls -l"command output is: -rw-rw-r-- 1 others achil 2883 mai 15 14:46 help.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 others achil 16447 jun 27 13:23 config.php -rw-rw-r-- 1 others achil 5798 jui 1 11:45 index.php

Under FilZilla, file "index.php" is not visible: help.html 2883 15/05/2003 14:46 config.php 16447 27/06/2003 13:23

It seems that output of command "LIST -a" / "ls -al" is not correctly analyzed...

#371 Update OpenSSL Bug report normal Other


FileZilla client cannot connect to a FTP server with a large bitcount certificate of 4096 bits (and presumably larger bitcount certificates). What I see is a pause in the SSL connecting stage, FileZilla Client stalls after it prints out the Trace message:

Trace: AsynccSslSocket.cpp(871):SSL_connect:SSLv3 write finished A

Then a after a short while it timesout.

Error: Timeout Detected!

I've downloaded the source code and I see the openssl version flags indicate version "OpenSSL 0.9.6b 9 Jul 2001".

Can we please see the FileZIlla Client updated to the latest version of OpenSSL, version "OpenSSL 0.9.7b 10 Apr 2003" is the latest on the OpenSSL site.

Thanks! Jesse

#372 network drive Bug report normal Other

On a win 2000 when I try to connect through a network drive the program just hangs..... and I have to force quit out of it.

#373 wrong file name on remote site Bug report normal Other

if i transfer a number of file great of 5 (approximately), sometime, in the remote site, filezilla confuse the real name of files:

local remote but abc.htm -> abc.htm -> is the .htm abc.doc -> abc.doc -> is the .pdf abcd.pdf -> abcd.pdf -> is the .doc

this problem affect all version after 2.1.4, our servers are ProFTPD 1.2.2, ProFTPD 1.2.2rc3 and ProFTPD 1.2.7rc3

#374 Upload slow to Mac OS X Bug report normal Other

Uploading a file to MAC OS X (v10.2.x) using its built-in FTP server (lukemftp) is slow (~100KB/s) for version 2.1. 8.

I also tried v2.1.4 and it uploads at 4.1MB/s, so something has been broken. No speed limits were in place.

I guess this is a similar problem to the one someone has with uploading to an Xbox.

I have seen this problem with many comercial and freeware FTP apps such as BPFtp, CuteFTP. A few work properly - LeechFTP, WS-FTP.

#375 SFTP is not working Bug report normal Other


I've just downloaded FileZilla Server and Client (2.1.8c) and trying to use SFTP to connect to the server (0.8.5) but unable to connect. I keep on getting timed out message.

Please help, here are the log messages

Normal FTP is working without any problems, but I need to use SFTP. I ve tried this on Windows 2000/XP but no success :-(

On the server

Connected. sending welcome message... 421 login time exceeded. Closing control connection. disconnected.

On the client

Status: Connecting to myserver:221 ... Trace: FzSFtp.exe: FzSFtp started and initialized. Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2146): OnConnect(0) caller=0x00b09f60 Status: Connected with myserver:221, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT user@myserver:221 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2415): OnReceive(0) caller=0x00b09f60 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2423): OnClose(0) caller=0x00b09f60 Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(2047): Unknown network error Response: Fatal: Unknown network error Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2222): DoClose(8192) caller=0x00b09f60 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2252): ResetOperation (12292) caller=0x00b09f60 Error: Unable to connect!

#376 Message log shows on;y one visible line Bug report normal Other

Win98SE, FZ 2.1.8c

The message log always scrolls so that only the last line is visible. which makes it hard to see whats happening as it happens. Introduced since v2.1.7.

#377 Enter a valid url with invalid path in the address box leave Bug report normal Other

Win98SE, FZ 2.1.8c

Enter this into the address box: "" You connect the the server ok, get an error invalid path as expected and now cannot navigate the site, even though you are still connected.

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