Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (2401 - 2500 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2889 Strip Linux build Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is it possible you could strip the stable Linux build, that would reduce the linux package alot.


#2890 Windows Vista should be like XP version Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've used the windows xp version and i love it. but when i use it on vista it sucks. I can't disconnect unless i close the program, i can't pause the downloads one by one. If you could put the same features as windows xp in the vista version itd be awesome. thanks

#2893 Use individual theme.xml files instead of global themes.xml Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To make theming of FileZilla easier something else instead of one global themes.xml file should be used. FileZillla could, for example, instead look for *.xml files in a resources/themes directory and load everything from there.

ATM you have to manually edit the global themes.xml file which makes creating standalone themes more difficult. (For example within package management systems.)

#2897 silk icon theme Feature request normal FileZilla Client

a new icon them, based on famfamfam silk icon set

#2898 No need for keep-alive duiring file transfer Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As of keep-alives are being sent during a file transfer. I don't think I know of a server that will time out during a transfer, so this isn't really necessary. :)

#2899 Remote file editing: Eliminate "File has changed" dialog Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This is the best FTP client I've ever used, and I edit remote files 100+ times a day with it.

What would save a lot of time for guys like me is having the option to save a file in the editor and have it automatically upload without this dialog:

"A file previously opened has changed: Upload this file back to the server?"

Maybe the dialog could include a checkbox to the effect of "Always use this answer."

Note: I'm really excited about the keep alive timeout fix in Thanks!

#2901 Transfer Queue Manipulation Feature request normal FileZilla Client

None of the sort tabs work, either by name, direction, size, or priority. It would also be nice to right click "pause" or stop. Not just stop and remove or unprocess queue.

#2906 Some Security minded options Feature request normal FileZilla Server
  1. Option for hiding directorys that are hidden or marked as system (But still accessable)
  1. Edit section for ban'ed Ip address's Said ip maybe a freind messing around (you may want to let them back in)
  1. An option for restricting the number of connections from a single ip address.
  1. Site Message Option - Drop a message to all or a single user that the Server may be comming down for work in a few.


#2908 add right-click copy URL for remote files Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add a right-click "copy URL" (to clipboard) feature to remote files/folders. Associate a URL with sites/paths in the site manager and use this to compute the answer. This is the feature I miss the most from "Smart FTP Client". --joe

#2910 Lockstep Folder Navigation Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

GlobalSCAPE CuteFTP has a feature called "Lockstep Folder Navigation" that I would love to see implemented in FileZilla as well. When you navigate to a folder in one pane, the program automatically navigates to the equivalent location in the other pane. I'll give an example to explain better:

You connect to a server. The left-hand pane (your local machine) is showing "C:\Website". The right-hand pane displays the contents of the server, "/". Suppose that both contain a folder called "images." You double-click on the images folder in the left-hand pane, opening it, so now the left-hand pane shows "C:\Website\images". With lockstep navigation, the right-hand pane would then automatically navigate to "/images/", without requiring the user to click on the images folder in this pane.

In other words, it would detect that you navigated to a folder in one pane that has an equivalent in the other pane, and accordingly would open both. Similarly, if you were to double-click on the ".." folder in the right pane at this point, it would move up by one directory in both panes.

This is a time-saving, convenience feature--it's not a bug fix or anything critical--but it really is fantastic, and I hope to see it in future versions of FileZilla.

#2911 Add scp support to Filezilla Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Many people are using WinScp (which I find has an inferior interface and is slower than filezilla) only because they need the Scp protocol and make calls to Putty.

If you implement this, we can just switch over to Filezilla!

Thanks and best regards, Cheski

#2913 Move Edit -> Import/Export to File menu Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The menu structure is confusing as the Export to file and Import from file is under the Edit menu. I assumed that this feature did not exist as it wasn't under the File menu.

From a usability point of view both Import and Export should be under the File menu.

#2917 Favourite folders Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It's great if FZ has somewhere to store favourite folders (quick folders), so that we can go quickly to some folders (both in Client and Server) that frequently used

#2918 shortcuts for remote directories Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Would it be possible to have shortcuts to remote directories in the site manager, like in CuteFTP ? It's really helpfull !

Thanks for your great job !!!

Best regards,


#2919 Copy paths to clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add a function to copy paths of files to clipboard, also make it possible to copy more the one url at the same time.

The best thing I like to see is that it's possible to copy url and i convert it to the www adress. eg copy path ... f/the/file

converted to

Like in transmit for osx

#2920 Way to export setting via command line Feature request normal FileZilla Client


a very important feature is a way to export a XML file with all settings and data of Site Manager, for security (I want to backup the data every day using a .BAT file) and to install Filezilla in a new computer, for example, to restore identical configs on it.

Thank you! Rogerio (long time Filezilla user)

#2921 Exclude Ignore Folders eg. .SVN, CVS Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would be great if I could add a global setting to never upload my .svn folders. (ie. ignore folder, exclude folder) Thanks :)

#2923 File and directory exclusions Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It could be very nice to add file and directory exclusions for uploads.

For example, I work with SVN and I have a ton of ".svn" directories in my web projects. When I upload one to a FTP server, I would like not to upload the ".svn" directories and their contents...

I'd see a double option on a per-site configuration option as well as a general option.

#2925 Simultaneous Directory Traversal mode (remote + local) Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Our office does a lot of web design and everyone agrees that this would be an awesome feature!

If there could be a toggle button on the main tool bar that puts Filezilla Client into SDT (Simultaneous Directory Traversal) mode which means that if you change directory in the local window, it will look for a directory with the same name on the remote side. If it finds one it automatically opens it.

If you are in a directory of the same name in both local and remote windows and you move back a directory in the local window then it also moves back a directory on the remote side too.

It would be great to have it have this functionality in both the remote window and local window... I described it above with only the local window firing this special functionality but that was just to keep the wording simple. It should definitely be turned on for both given the toggle is on.

There should also be an option in settings that lets you say whether the check for whether you are in a folder of the same name is case sensitive or not... with the default being 'not'.

This feature would save us a TONNE of time over the course of a month with the number of times we have to click 'includes' on both, then '..' on both, then 'admin' on both etc. while simply trying to update files quickly that are located in different directory without using the tree view.

#2930 Turn off request for resubmission Feature request normal FileZilla Client

After changing a file via View/Edit filezilla always asks if it should resubmit the altered file. Is it possible to turn those questions off in the options?

#2931 Add support for scheduled transfers Feature request normal FileZilla Client

For regular / re-occurring file transfers, it would be great to have either a dedicated scheduler, or at least be able to run FileZilla from a command line with all switches/options which could then be set up for regular-re-occurring execution by the Windows event scheduler. Thanks!

#2932 Create a backup of a file on remote server Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I do a lot of editing of files, and currently to make a copy of a file before I edit it, I do this:

  1. Switch to c:\temp
  2. Copy file from remote to temp
  3. Rename it locally to filename.ext.backup
  4. Re-upload to server

Would be great if I could just ctrl+drag a file on the remote view to create a copy of a file.

Or right-click and "Create backup" which will just copy a file and put .backup on the end of it.


#2933 Improvement suggestions for Site Manager "Sites" UI Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm running Filezilla on linux.

There are a few things I'd love to see improved with the Site Manager "Sites" UI.

  • I'd like to be able to make the sites viewing area wider or narrower on demand. Right now there is a fairly small space and it feels a little cramped, especially when I want to have longer names, or folder trees. Right now, it uses scrollbars, but I'd like to be able to change the size via drag&drop.
  • When trying to rename/delete/copy sites or folders, the keyboard shortcuts don't seem to be working. Pressing R or D or C will simply select the site that has those letters as their first letter. It won't actually delete them until I manually click the buttons.
  • I can't seem to drag&drop existing sites between folders. I can add a folder, and add a site to that folder, but I can't move sites between folders. I'd like it if I could add a folder, then move an existing site to that folder.
  • In the General tab, in the Logontype dropdown menu. I'd like to be able to type the first letter of the option I want and it automatically selects it (this is the standard html behavior). Right now, when you have the dropdown menu active, pressing N for 'Normal' doesn't do anything, but I'd like it to select the 'Normal' option, and so on.

Thanks for your time!

#2934 Remember my "Target file already exists" settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I habitually upload multiple files to servers, always with the same settings, "Overwrite if source newer" and "Always use this action." Of course, other people have their own preferences they usually use.

Please make FileZilla Client remember the last-used settings for this dialog box, even on the next execution of the software. This saves time having to select the same options again and again.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

#2937 not a FXP client but like Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


escuse me for my poor english.

I just want to tranfert automatically a directory an its sub-diretories from my first ftp server to my second ftp server, by pass my computer, because my servers don't accept FXP.

This is what I do manually : 1) I connect to my first server 2) I download a selected directory and sub-dirextories and files into a temporary directory in my local computer 3) when it's done I delete on my fisrt server the selected directory and sub-dirextories and files 4) when it's done I disconnect my first server 5) I connect to my second directory 6) I upload the downloaded directory and sub-dirextories and files 7) when it's done I disconnect my second server

Is it possible to do these 7 step automatically with filezilla ?

My mail is nospam.top_nullus-void@… without "nospam.","-void","remove-"

thank you

#2938 global and specific parameter Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


escuse me for my poor english

when I use filezilla on internet, I can't download or upload more than one file at time.

when I use filezilla on intranet, I can download or upload more than one file at time.

each time I connect it's necessary to change setting\transfert\maximum silmutaneous number

is it possible to have a global or a parent properties for a group, and a private or child property in the group ?

thank you

My mail is nospam.top_nullus-void@… without "nospam.","-void","remove-"

#2939 On VMS, remove version number Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very helphull if the (ej. ;2) version number is removed when transfering a file from Open VMS. At this moment when you transfer a file from VMS, it also transfer the version number as part of the whole name. This make impossible to detect in AUTO mode if the file is ASCII or Binary and also no association could be made on the Windows side unless you remove the version number.

Example File with version number: test.txt;10 File without version number: test.txt

#2940 Cerberus FTP Virtual Root Dir. Support Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see support of Cerberus FTP Server's Virtual Root Directory for Users to be included in the next release of FileZilla.

#2945 Symbolic links on remote server are not handled correctly Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Problem: If on the remote server there is a symbolic link that does not refer to a directory (i.e. it points to a file), the following error is issued:

Befehl: CWD README.txt Antwort: 550 README.txt: Not a directory Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden

instead of downloading the file that is pointed to by the symbolic link README.txt

#2946 Send NOP to keep alive Command Connection Feature request normal FileZilla Client

File-Zilla Client: Command-Connection to a server should be keep-Alive by the NOP Operation. Calculate the Idle Time of the Command-Connection and initiate a NOP Command every 120 sec for example. Every NOP or any other communication of the Direction "Client->Server" should reset the Idle-Time-Counter.


#2947 use RESTart-4096 technic in case of uncomplete transmissions Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla supports APPEND to complete a broken upload. In my case this faild on several tests. I will suggest the technique other FTP-Clients use:

In the Upload-Case:

1) Read the Size of the File On Server 2) Use the Restart Command with "Size-4096" Bytes (this is because Servers/Filesystems may preallocate Space for uploaded files and the content of the end of this files may undefined) 3) Upload at the given position


#2948 Rethinking the "Update Available" window Feature request normal Unknown

The background: When I open FileZilla, I have a specific task ahead of me and want to get it done as quickly as possible. Today I opened it and was faced with the "Update Available" window, so I clicked "Next" just to download the update so I could run it later. Unfortunately, I discovered I had to wait for the entire update process to complete before I could get on with my task.

The request: I would love to see the "Update Available" window only show up when I shut FileZilla down, as then I could just let it go in the background since it wouldn't be interfering with what I originally opened the program to do. The same end would be achieved but would be less intrusive on the workflow of the user.

#2949 Revamping Bug reporting Feature request normal Other

I consider this a gross bug, but I didn't want it deleted for being out of place.

As a new, non-programmer user of FileZilla, I saw the "please report all bugs" on my first run and decided to comply. Unfortunately, I assume most people who think the same thing will stop short of reporting bugs and feature requests because of the insane process that stands between them and the submit button.

There were at least 11 steps involved over three separate websites/programs before I could even begin typing up my bug/feature request, and this must be changed if you want the wider community to contribute.

The steps I had to follow:

  1. Search through FileZilla menus for bug reporting.
  2. Find FileZilla website in "About" or web search.
  3. Note no mention of bug reporting on menu; see brief mention only on introduction page.
  4. Get to SourceForge, click on "Bugs".
  5. Click on "Login to Submit New".
  6. Click "Register".
  7. Fill out form.
  8. Check email for confirmation message.
  9. Find FileZilla project page again.
  10. Click "Bugs".
  11. Click "Submit New".
  12. Fill out Bug submission form.

And that doesn't even count searching through the existing requests and looking for possible matches.

Any non-programmer user without the stubborn tenacity to complete the bug request would have dropped off long before the "Register" page which would be a big enough block to turn most people off from going on.

The Bug reporting procedure NEEDS to be fixed. The ideal solution would be to have a menu within FileZilla that would bring up a bug reporting form -- such as "Report Bug" to the right of "Help" (or even under the help menu). At the very least, this menu could bring the user to the Bug Reporting page or Feature Request page on SourceForge, at which point anonymous submissions would have to be allowed (or if there's a way to have a general "Anonymous FileZilla User" account that would automatically be logged into if the page referral is from the FileZilla client itself and there is not already a SF user cookie in play on that computer).

Whatever happens, if FileZilla's community is genuinely wanting people to participate, there need to be dramatic changes.

#2950 improve timeout message Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When a timeout occurs, the log shows you "server disconnected". It could tell us "Server disconnected. Press the R button to reconnect." This would help some users to discover this feature.

#2951 Folder-Browsing Synchronization Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

How about synchronizing the folder-views while navigating through either directory tree (local or remote site). If the selected folder (name) equals a folder (name) in the opposite view, on "folder sync" a doubleclick on one of them triggers the same action on the other.

#2952 Request clean-up of dialog boxes Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Various dialog boxes have the positions of the OK and Cancel buttons reversed from what has become the norm, which is Cancel on the left and OK (or Connect) on the right. The reason for doing things this way is that as English readers and writers, we normally work from left to right. However, to proceed with an action by moving (visually, logically) to the left to click the Connect button for example, clashed with user-friendly interface design. Thanx!

#2953 show selected file count Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is it possible to add a count of selected files like it was in version 2.2.18?


#2955 drag and drop between different instances of FileZilla Feature request high FileZilla Client

It would be interesting implemented the function drag and drop between different instances of FileZilla. Thank you. Regards.

#2956 (re-)implement GSSAPI/Kerberos Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have used FileZilla 2.x (currently 2.2.32) heavily for years, and especially rely on GSSAPI/Kerberos and IPv6 functions of FileZilla client. I did a trial install of, but uninstalled it when I was unable to find these features. Are they hidden? Or did they get dropped in the recode from 2.x to 3.x? In any event, please restore them so I can use a current version of FileZilla.

#2958 Command on startup Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have two FTP servers that need commands on startup to be useful. Those commands are "site long" for a novell server and "site cyl pri=7 sec=1 lrecl=235 blksize=0 unit=TEST" for a VMS mainframe. These commands are a little long to remember to type in before transferring any files.

#2959 File size in statusbar Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if the sum of filesize from selected files appear in the statusbar. (Like Explorer in Windows with statusbar activated)

#2960 Auto ban Feature request normal FileZilla Server

auto ban ip that try to log more than X time with the wrong password and auto ban the ip that try to log with the user admin or administrator

#2962 Show number of selected files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very useful to show the number of currently selected files for both the local PC and remote server. When comparing directories with a large number of files, you are stuck without knowing if one is missing.

#2963 Auto expand folder tree Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Previously the default directory trees were expanded automatically. Any chance of this being reimplemented?

#2965 Screenshot Feature request normal Other

Please see attached screenshot. A small detail but handy nonetheless.

#2969 ActiveDirectory Authentication / NTFS Authorization Feature request normal FileZilla Server

As Filezilla Server is for Windows, I think it would be great to be able to use the Windows Domain (which in most cases will be the localhost) for user authentication. Rights management can be obtained via ntfs permissions. So it's not necessary to manage several accounts, their passwords and permissions.

#2971 Linux support Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I see you have a linux version for the client. Is there any possibility that a linux server will be made available. I would like to move my server to linux but Filezilla is the easiest server to set up under windows and I would like it for Linux.

Very many thanks for listning, Andy Norrie gm1mqe@…

#2972 Central storage file for apple/windows Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to see one central file which stores the FTP settings which can be opened both by the Apple version as the windows version of this great program.

#2973 Display Total Files / Filesize Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I'm missing the small feature in the new version that displays the total number of files / total filesize for each directory.

I use some size restricted servers, so it's necessary to see how much of that size do I already use. And the total number of files is necessary for my website report (as for example to know the total number of e-cards created in a specific month).

Thank you

#2974 add "skip empty directories" function Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

if somewhere there could be the option to skip empty directories (global or per site), i think that feature would be appreciated.

#2975 no HTTP-PROXY support Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

in Filezilla 3 HTTP-PROXY support is not present ( I haven't FTP Proxy only HTTP proxy)

Filezilla 2 has this support. in example, in Filezilla 2.2.32, I can insert my http proxy in:

  • Filezilla Options
  • Connection
  • Proxy settings

then i set Http 1.1 proxy and insert my hostname and port (username and password not needed for me but optionally supported with checkbox)

please help me with Filezilla 3 I cannot connect

I downloaded old version (2.2.32) from tucows and old version run properly...

#2976 lockstep folder navigation Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Please implement a feature similar to Cuteftp lockstep folder navigation.

More details here:

#2982 Search remote ftp site for specific files Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Would you please consider adding a search feature to be able to search for specific files on large FTP sites, rather than to have to search manually through many directories.

Thanks, Jeremy

#2983 Allow arbitrary location for sitemanager.xml Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I don't want to encrypt my home partition, but I do need to protect my cached passwords. I'd like to be able to install FileZilla normally but link to a TrueCrypt drive for the single file that merits that protection.

#2984 Option to auto-open Site Manager on load Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use zillions of pre-created entries on Site Manager. Everytime I load the program I need to press Control+S to open Site Manager. An option to auto-open it on load (like version 2.x) is very handy.

#2985 Auto-refresh local file list when new file is added Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When a new file is saved to the local directory, or any other change occurs, FileZilla should automatically refresh the local directory view so that you can easily switch to FileZilla from what you were doing and work with uploading new files etc from the directory without having to manually refresh it every time.

I may be wrong but I believe this is what was included as a patch by Chen-hsiu Huang in FileZilla 2 on 2005-02-21, as FileZilla 2 had this functionality but I have yet to see it implemented in FileZilla 3.

#2986 Open Sitemanager each time FileZilla starts Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I found this feature quite useful but unfortunately it's gone in the newer versions. Is there a chance to have it in future releases?

#2987 Add "Prompt for Username & Password" to Site Manager and CLI Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I would like to be able to create a shortcut to FileZilla that launches an FTP to an address specified within the shortcut.

FileZilla already does this partially, however I need to have the user enter their username and password every time. I cannot store the username in the shortcut and I cannot save usernames/passwords in the site manager.

So in the shortcut I would like to have something like this as the command:

"c:\program files\FileZilla FTP Client\FileZilla.exe" address -f

Where "address" is the address of the ftp server that I put into the shortcut and "-f" or some other switch tells FileZilla to prompt for the username and password before connecting to the server.

This would allow me to deploy a shortcut to all the machines that I use that will connect for any user to a given FTP server, but it will prompt them for their information upon the initial connect each time.

Thanks for your consideration,


#2990 synchronised local/remote folder navigation Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to suggest a feature that would mean Filezilla Client tries to change the current folder in the other pane after the user changes current folder in one of the panes.

to clarify:

1) user changes to 'htdocs' folder in local site pane.

2) _if_ sync folder navigation toggle is set _and_ current folder in remote site pane contains a 'htdocs' folder _and_ the current folder names are the same.. _then_ change into 'htdocs' in remote pane. _else_ change navigation toggle to include "!" (because sync may be out of step)

This seems to me a natural progression of the 'Default local directory' and 'Default remote directory' in the Advanced section of the Site manager.

#2991 Matching Directory Function. plz. Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dear Filezilla team.

Hello. I really appricated your team make Filezilla. That is really nice s/w.

I've used FileZilla 100 times in a day. What I and most of my team's need are Matching directory Function.

I remember one of FTP client has that Function. that was crazy nice function, but except that, there is nothing good.

FileZilla has most of nice function without Maching Directory function.


ex) Local c:\aaa\instance1\eee\ggg\hhh\111\222\333

Server \home01\weblogic\instance1\eee\ggg\hhh\111\222\333

from "c:\aaa\instance1\" and "\home01\weblogic\instance1\" have same tail that "\eee\ggg\hhh\111\222\333".

If there is a button "set Head Directory Local/Remote" and then the directory moves together. where I get in and out.

of course, there should be turn on/off function.

I really hope you can make that function.

#2992 automatically upload file after edit Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Very often I edit a file via "edit file" in filezilla. When I test something (maybe php script) I have to enter the filezilla window to confirm "upload the file" every time I would like to test the script / after I saved it locally.

it is not comfortable because it costs a lot of time.

please add a function/option called "automatically upload files when edited/saved locally" or something like that to make working with filezilla easier.

#2994 Add a "Open Existing File" to edit existing file dialog Tim Kosse Feature request high FileZilla Client

When one edits a file from the server and the file is already being edited, it would be nice if the dialog that asks "A file with that name is already being edited. Discard old file and download the new file?" also had an "Open existing file" button, rather than just a Yes or No.

The existing file is usually sitting somewhere in a hard to reach location, and I might not want to redownload it, such as in the case where I closed the editor by accident.

#2995 blinking task-bar until transfer complete Feature request normal Unknown

Hey guys, excellent FTP software! The feature I would like is simple: that the filezilla icon in the bottom task-bar changes color when a file transfer is completed. That way I don't have to keep the focus on filezilla while I am waiting, but instead I can go to the web page and refresh it the moment I see that the transfer is completed because the icon in the task-bar has stopped blinking or changed color or something.

Keep up the good work!

#2996 Copy URL of a file to Clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think a function who permit to copy the url of an ftp's file in a http link would be nice for Filezilla. Exemple : A friend want to see a picture that I have on my HDD. I upload it on my ftp, and when it done, I make a right click on the file (in the ftp), and I use the copy url's button, and I have the direct link to download the file for my friend (like Smartftp has this function, but it can also copy the ftp url, and just the path. It's a very useful function and i hope she can be add to a futur version of Filezilla.

Sorry for my English, i'm French.

#2997 Option to have file list beside directory list Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like the option to display the files list beside the directory list, in both local and remote panes. My directory tree and file names are rarely anywhere near 1/2 the screen width, but I often would like to be able to view more than can be displayed in the letterbox views.

#2998 Display Site Manager at startup Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it was a usefull feature of the previous version. Can we have it also in V3?

Thanks Claudio

#2999 date stamp in transfer window Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd love a date stamp also in the file transfer window. Thank you very much.

#3001 Remote file URL to Clipboard Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I used to use SmartFTP, but after they stopped offering a free version for download I've decided FileZilla's going to be my FTP client from now on.

SmartFTP had a feature that copied the URL of a remote file to your clipboard if the FTP server was bookmarked and it's remote URL text box was filled in.

#3002 Add support for IPv6 literal addresses RFC 2732 Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Adding IPv6 support back into FileZilla was welcome. I have been using it. Supporting literal IPv6 addresses per RFC2732 - square brackets around the literal address is missing. IPv4 literal addresses are supported, so IPv6 should be as well.

#3004 Store encrypted Passwords Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Actual: Passwords (for sites as for Proxy settings) are stored in the Configuration File as Cleartext on the Hard Disk. The Users Passwords can be easily observed by opening the Config.

Request: Encrypt the Passwords using symmetric Encryption (such as AES or Blowfish). Although it would be possible to retrieve the Key that has been user , the stored Passwords cannot be read as easily from the Config.

#3005 Add a directory lock Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When browsing, it could be much more convenient to allow "directory lock", meaning that when I browse into dir "A" on local computer, the remote connection also opens "A" dir, and vice-versa.

#3006 Directory tree navigation Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the old Filezilla version you could type a letter and the prompt was moved to the first folder starting with that letter. In version 3 it is not possible.

Can you allow it?

Thanks Claudio

#3009 File filtering for FTP upload Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A feature which I find very useful is to be able to set 'file filters' (as 'global settings' and/or per FTP location) which prevent certain files from being uploaded. For example, uploading a complete image directory also uploads that unnecessary Thumbs.db file (on Windows). (The filter which should then be set, would be 'Thumbs.db').

Or, when uploading a precompiled .NET website all sourcefiles should not be uploaded (filter on '*.aspx.vb'/'*.aspx.cs').

It could work almost similar like the 'Filename filters' but instead of not showing certain files locally, the files matching the filters are not uploaded.

#3012 Allow Multiple FTP connection via Tabs Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I used to be a big fan of SmartFTP until they started charging for the Home version. The best featured I liked in their client, was the ability to leave multiple FTP connections open at the same time via tabs on top. I work on about a dozen different sites all the time, so it is very helpful for me to keep those connections open, then just click on the tab for the appropriate connection and drag-drop files to the FTP clinent to FTP them up.


#3013 case of filename Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if it were possible to force filenames to lowercase or uppercase when uploading files. So just like the overwrite option there should be the possibility to choose: filename -> original; lowercase; uppercase.

#3015 bookmarks Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it could be usefull if there are the bookmarks of local and network folders, same as firefox or explorer

#3016 QUIT disconnect checkbox option Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Request for "QUIT"-Disconnect Option:

Description: A check box option (or a seperate command) to invoke a "QUIT" command before or on disconnect.

Justification: Currently, when disconnecting or closing the FileZilla Client Application, there is no "hand-shaking" between the server and client upon disconnection.

If a "QUIT" command option-upon-close is invoked, (or if a user manually enters the "QUIT" command in the custom commands field) it communicates with the server that the connection is being closed. In addition, various servers may send the client various FTP session stats regarding file transfers, total files transfered and total bytes uploaded or downloaded.

In closing, if the QUIT command is added, the FileZilla client would not terminate the connection before receiving the overall final stats from the server before disconnecting.

Thanks for providing a great FTP Client App. (Nice Job!)

Thanks for your interest regarding this request.

  • A FileZilla Advocate
#3017 Auto rename for the incompatible characters in filename Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I have a linux ftp server, and some files on it has the name contain chars like ":". This is valid in linux. But when I run FileZilla on windows, and try to download it, FileZilla just reports: "Error: Failed to open "D:\My Documents\a:b" for writing" because ":" is not allowed in windows filenames. Please implement a auto rename option.

Sorry if there is already one. But I can't find it.

#3018 save column sort order Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I maintain several multipage websites and I frequently use FTP to update changed pages only. The most useful folder view for this operation is to show files in date-modified order, newest at the top.

I would like to have FileZilla remember the way I left the folder and present the same view next time.

Alternatively, I'd settle for a preference setting to pick the default folder view.

Auto-refresh of the local file list wouldn't go amiss either.

#3019 Remote file listing auto scrolled down Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

When opening a directory which is a little ways down in the remote file list (eq, you must scroll down to see the directory), the resulting file list is also scrolled down. So that when you double click on a directory and you expect to be shown the top of the file list with . and .. dir entries, you are actually dropped right into the middle of the file list. It's as if the program is trying to preserve your initial scroll depth or something.

WinXP service pack 2, FZ 2.2.9

#3020 default remote path not definable for Netware ftp server Bug report normal Other

accessing a netware ftp server there must be ppossible to define a remote path (under the Advance section) which looks like:


where netwareserver is the servername, volume is the volume of the netwareserver, followed by the directory The path must begin with 2 backshlash like I#ve pointed out above.

If I enter this path, FileZilla (V 2.2.13c) is converting it to


#3021 Filezilla confused by unix search-only directories Bug report normal Other

Using ftp, filezilla (2.2.14.a) gets confused when it encounters directories with search-only permissions, e.g.: rwxr-x--x and rwxr-x-wx.

In my case the ftp server is vsftp on OSX 10.3.9. Other clients handle this correctly, like Cyberduck (OSX) and the unix ftp command-line client.

Here are some more details on the directory structure and operations that cause filezilla to fail:

/ftp/cvrti/*/Upload /ftp/cvrti/*/Download

where * represents a collection of directories under cvrti. The cvrti directory has permissions rwxr-x--x,

  • directories have permissions rwxr-xr-x, Upload is

rwxr-x-wx and Download is rwxr-xr-x. Note that I don't want the contents of cvrti or Upload to be visible.

I can get Filezilla to cd into a * directory and from there I can retrieve files from the Download directory.

But I can't put files to the Upload directory.

#3022 QuickConnect to FTP file tries to CWD into that file Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

First of all, many thanks for contributing such a good FTP client!

When I paste a fully qualified FTP file link into the QuickConnect address field and press enter, nearly everything works well: FileZille connects to the server and logs in as anonymous. But after SYST and PWD, FileZilla tries to CWD into the file, instead of the directory containing the file. After that FileZilla should have added the file to the download queue (and start it immediately, if the queue was empty).


Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready. Command: USER anonymous Response: 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Command: PASS * Response: 230-You are user #2 of 50 simultaneous users allowed. Response: 230- Response: 230 Logged in anonymously. Command: FEAT Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: CLNT Response: MDTM Response: MLST type*;size*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner;UNIX.uid;;UNIX.gid;unique Response: PASV Response: REST STREAM Response: SIZE Response: TVFS Response: Compliance Level: 19981201 (IETF mlst-05) Response: 211 End. Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is cwd. Command: CWD /S-3.1RC3-200506171618/ Response: 550 That is not a directory. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#3023 Renaming file to existing name doesn't update file list Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If you rename a file on the server to another file that already exists in the same directory, then on the server the renamed file overwrites the file that originally had that name (which is fine) but then filezilla shows two files with the same name. For example a directory might contain:

main.php index.php

if you renamed main.php to index.php, index.php will be overwritten by main.php but filezilla shows:

index.php index.php

while it should show:


This is not a server side issue. Refreshing fixes the problem.

#3024 Userinterface bug Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

Using the latest client version of Filezilla, if you upload a file to a location where you do not have any access the file is displayed in the remote directory list. But ofcourse the file is not uploaded and an error is trigged (critical transfer error).

This easily get one to think that the file was uploaded...


#3025 File transfer via SFTP is omitting the trailing backslash Bug report high Other

When moving a file to our server (AIX 5.3) with SFTP it seems the put command is not adding the trailing backslash to the command line when sending the file so when I send the file readme.txt to the directory /home/rgoshko/tmp, I am getting a file called tmpreadme.txt in /home/rgoshko.

you can see in the log that I attached that no file appears in my ~/tmp directory.

This was seen on both versions 2.2.14 and 2.2.16.

#3026 Transfer Queue window doesn't Remember size and position Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When Remember size and position of FileZilla is enabled under Edit, Settings, Interface Settings, Miscellaneous settings, and Transfer Queue is enabled under Startup settings, the Transfer Queue window does not remember where it was last set. In fact, regardless of where it was last, the transfer Queue window covers two thirds of the screen covering the local and remote directory listing, which are completely covered if local and remote Treeview is enabled. I have duplicated this problem on 3 different computers.

#3027 Asian Language Datetime Listing Bug report normal Other

I read about changelog and found that support for listing on asian servers. It works, but not perfect. Following is the output of server(HP-UX) in debug window.

""" 추적: -rw-rw-rw- 1 root sys 42891 10 월 25일 16:25 test 추적: drwxrwxrwx 13 bin bin 8192 1 월 12일 20:55 tmp 추적: dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 96 2004.07.15 tmp_mnt 추적: dr-xr-xr-x 24 bin bin 2048 7 월 29일 15:32 usr 추적: dr-xr-xr-x 26 bin bin 1024 11 월 3일 01:50 var """

As you can see, there are some various pattern of datetime. That serves's OS is 'HP-UX'. And 'SUN OS' prints out other format of datetime. Some pattern of it does not drawed in drectory window.

#3028 SFTP to VMS server doesn't work Alexander Schuch Bug report normal Other

When I SFTP to a VMS server, all directories show up as empty.

Trace logs indicate that OpenVMS's SFTP server lists directory contents as bare filenames, e.g.: Trace: JTEST.DSC;1 Trace: JTEST.DTA;1 Trace: JTEST.RMS$JOURNAL;2

FTP works.

#3029 Better drag-n-drop support Bug report normal Other

Hi, I noted that dragging a file from local to remote (ie from desktop to the remote window) works perfectly, while If I drag'n'drop a file from a remote server to the desktop, it won't work. Can you please fix it?

Thank you

#3030 Add tabbing between panes Bug report normal Other

I start FileZilla client, just press RET to go to my default ftp site. Everything works very fine except that after connect focus is in none of the panes so I can not use TAB to move around. I have to use the mouse for just that (which unfortunately is quite inconvenient).

This is v 2.2.21 from 2006-04-20.

#3031 View/Edit image file Windows Picture and Fax viewer Bug report normal Other

For convience I'd like to be able to View images with the Windows Picture and Fax viewer. As a lightweight method to see the images on file. i found that the command to do this is not to a single executable file: rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen I found that It will not work at all when I set this in my preferences. Thanks Colin I'm on a windows xp sp2 home edition machine.

#3033 beta 1 elapsed time, and time remaining % display Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

I am trying the 3.0.0 beta1. The elapsed time display and the remaining time display have the format: %00:%00:%00

The percent signs should go.

Thanks for the great software.

#3034 Can't Sort by Date Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

filezilla 3.0.0-beta1 build date: 2006-10-5 OS: Windows XP SP2

After connecting to my site, when i try to sort the remote site files by date, nothing happens. Sorting by name and file size works fine.

#3035 Tabbed interface Bug report normal Other

Since version 3 is going to be a rewrite of the interface etc anyway, I like to file a bug report against the interface since it lacks tabs. I have seen more than 1 bug on this in the version 2 feature request so I think it is time this becomes a serious issue and is wothly of a bug status.

FileZilla needs tabs on both the remote as well as the local views. A good example is provided by the competition (See SmartFTP interface

This should enable users to drag and drop files between 2 remote sites and between multiple remote sites and multiple local sites.

I have little to no experience with programming in C/C++ but do have it in Java so I hereby offer my limited assistance to the development team as well.

#3036 Site manage and TCP ports Bug report normal Other

When creating a new site in site manager selecting FTP or SFTP for servertype neither option changes port number from current setting.

#3037 Servermanager does not store new servers Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

If a new server is created with a connection type other than anonymous and no user is supplied, the server is discarded (not stored in the servermanager database) without message.

#3038 Import old ftp settings? Bug report normal Other

I've installed the new version, but gives me no option to import my previous account settings that are stored in my Filezilla.xml file. What a time-saver that would be!

#3039 Site Manager Drop-down button Bug report normal Other

On earlier versions, there was a drop-down button just to the right of the Site Manager icon, that allowed quick choosing of ftp sites. That option is missing. Could it be replaced please?

#3040 Filter doesn't consider recursive directory adding Bug report normal Other

The filter is all well and good but the most important usage is the ability to drop a directory into the queue and have it filter out all of the things in the filter. Currently it only seems to support the actual base directory. This makes it useless for uploading a directory structure and having it filter out hidden folders, subversion folders, thumbs.db files, etc.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.