Custom Query (8171 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (2301 - 2400 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1460 Fix for certain FTP clients sending PORT commands Patch normal Other

Some FTP clients (CuteFTP is one, I believe) send leading zeros in the IP portion of the PORT command, e.g. "PORT 001,002,003,004,13,79". When an ip address in this format ( is passed to inet_addr (), it is interpreted as octal. If 8 or 9 are present in the IP, inet_addr() returns INADDR_NONE, and the PORT command fails. This fix resolves that issue by converting each octet of the IP to int and back to char to strip leading zeros.

#1461 Patch for local folder auto-refresh Patch normal Other

For me, it's quite inconvenient if the local download folder can not refresh automatically. Therefore I write a patch that enables the local folder to be refreshed automatically each time when a new file/folder creates or any write operations.

Just add FileChangeNotify.h & FileChangeNotify.cpp to the project and apply patches to LocalView2.h & LocalView2.cpp (base on the 2.2.10 source)

#1462 fixed some sftp buffer overflow in unicode mode Patch normal Other

fixed some unicode buffer overflow for sftp

#1463 let FzSFtp.exe work in unicode build Patch normal Other

lef FzSFtp.exe work in unicode build

#1464 add an option to force to use UTF-8 for remote site Patch normal Other

This patch need the previous 2 patches I sent.

Add an option in site manager advanced option, allow user to force to do the UTF-8 convert for remote site (both ftp and sftp).

For the unicode build, I change the IPC for fz and fzsftp, the local filename will convert to UTF-8 and pass to IPC. (but the ansi build won't do this)

Under unicode build, I can access the file or directory for both Chinese and Japan filename. The message show in the status control in sftp mode will show some UTF-8 encode string. (because I convert it before the showstatus() in sftp mode.

#1465 show unicode string in status window (CRichEditCtrl) Patch normal Other

This patch enable the unicode support for CStatusCtrl, display the correct unicode string in status window.

#1466 force UTF8 won't reload while use reconnect Patch normal Other

If we use Force UTF8 in Site Manager, but server didn't support UTF8 in FEAT command, and also didn't support OPTS UTF8 ON command. The re-connect function won't use UTF8 even we setting it in Site Manager.

#1467 Allow use force UTF8 option for sftp mode Patch normal Other

This patch will use the force UTF8 option (introduced in FileZilla 2.2.12b) for sftp mode.

#1468 Splitter position not save correct Patch normal Other

Queue splitter postion not save correct if site manager open on startup.

#1469 Fix VS.NET 2003 compilation warnings (cvs) Patch normal Other

cvs version, fix two Fix VS.NET 2003 compilation warnings


FtpControlSocket.cpp, line 4658

...\FileZilla\source\FtpControlSocket.cpp(4657): warning C4800: 'const BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

SetDirectoryListing(&dir, WorkingDir.path ==


change to

SetDirectoryListing(&dir, WorkingDir.path ==



Similarly line 4693

...\FileZilla\source\FtpControlSocket.cpp(4693) : warning C4800: 'const BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

SetDirectoryListing(&dir, WorkingDir.path ==


change to

SetDirectoryListing(&dir, !!(WorkingDir.path ==


#1470 [ 1106937 ] Typo in uninstall dialog Patch normal Other

This is a correction of typo in uninstall dialog

#1471 [ 1167290 ] HELP FILE typo alert Patch normal Other

I`ve changed "availabe" to "available" on the page "Quick Guide".

#1472 Spelling error in German version Patch normal Other

Wrong spelling: "Vebinde mit" when connecting to the FTP server

Now it is fixed. ("Verbinde mit...")

#1473 Improve commandline hints Patch normal Other


-u <sourcefile> <targetdir>

Add this:

Note that sourcefile must contain at least one backslash

This is due to the parsing code in MainFrm.cpp, circa line 2449 (in current CVS) in method CMainFrame::OnProcessCmdLine:

int pos=localfile.ReverseFind('

if (pos==-1



(This is really not intuitive, and I had to debug the code to figure out why it was telling me that it could not parse the commandline.)

#1474 Optimization for type parsing Patch normal Other

In the transfer type parsing (guessing) code in MainFrm.cpp circa line 2488 (in current CVS), the code tries all types, even if it finds one. An optimization would be to stop trying types when one is found.

Current code:

while ((i=AsciiFiles.Find( _T(";") ))!=-1) {






Code which stops trying guesses after it finds one:

while ((i=AsciiFiles.Find( _T(";") ))!=-1) {




transferfile.nType=1; break;

} AsciiFiles=AsciiFiles.Mid(i+1);


#1475 New cmdline args so it doesn't hang Patch normal Other

Added three new command line arguments:


close main dialog (as soon as transfer completes)


do not close main dialog (default)

  • overwrite overwrite existing files without prompt

The "-close" is so commandline invocation doesn't leave filezilla.exe running forever, especially if run from a batch file not in the interactive desktop (where noone will ever see it).

The "-noclose" is just something you can add to the end of a command line when debugging, to cancel an earlier "-close" on the command line (or getting added elsewhere by a variable).

The "-overwrite" is to avoid the dialog hanging at the prompt for overwrite/nooverwrite -- this avoids having to set a choice in the user profile which would lock in the user and every script invocation run under that user account -- that is, this allows making the choice relevant for the particular command line invocation.

#1476 corected typos Patch normal Other

Corected typos in polish version.

#1477 corected typos 2 Patch normal Other

Corected typos in polish version in file FileZilla_2_2_13b_src\source\LanguageDLLs\Polish\fz_p olish.nsh

#1478 typofix Patch normal Other

Corected typos in polish version

#1479 FileZilla server CWD can't change drive Patch normal Other

Hi, teh CWD command can't change the driver (in version 0.9.2 the command run correcty), I try this on filezilla server 0.9.7 and 0.9.8 with TotalCommander 6.52

#1480 Specify default anonymous password Patch normal Other

This patch adds support for specifying a default anonymous password to the GUI. The patch was done via CVS diff -u and patches multiple files. Patches are a little bigger than necessary because trailing spaces of the affected files got trimmed.

#1482 Toggle MODE Z in FEAT response Patch normal FileZilla Server

This patch disables listing MODE Z in response to a FEAT command if Zip compression has been disabled in the server settings. The patch consists of two parts: The first file just trims all trailing spaces in the file to be patched, the second applies the patch.

#1483 wildcards in command line Patch normal FileZilla Client

Make the command line mode more powerfull by allowing wildcards in uploaded/downloaded filenames.

exemple :

C:\Program Files\FileZilla>filezilla -d ftp://user:pass@site /pub/*" c:\download

for downloading all files from "pub" to the download directory.

thanks !


#1484 Turkish Language File Patch normal Other

I've been trying to send updated language file to Tim but it doesn't get included in project page. Maybe my email is taken as spam. Anyways, here it is.

#1485 German translation (seite!=site, seite=page) Patch normal FileZilla Client

The german translation of the term 'site' is inconsistent and misleading in the current version (2005-09-27) of the filezilla-client.

In the current version "site" is translated using the words "Server" (which is obviously not the same as site) and "Seite" (Seite is the german word for page!)

Somebody may construct some word like "FTP-Präsenz". But this word is not in use, it sounds ugly untechnical, and it is longer and more complicated than "Site".

Since there seems to be no german word for the term site in this context, I suggest to use the word Site, which is frequently used by german-speaking people.

I searched for "Seite" and "Server" within FzResDe.rc, and replaced it by "Site" where this word seems to match. I did not check any other translations.

The changes are not tested, because I don't have the tools installed needed for testing. So I filed this patch as unstable. But since I have only made a view changes and since I have used quite short strings, there should be no problem at all.

#1486 Pre-allocate diskspace to minimize fragmentation Patch normal FileZilla Client

This patch pre-allocates exactly the needed amount of diskspace when getting a file. This will minimize fragmentation, especially when transferring more than 1 file at once. The Filezilla Server already contains code similar to the code in this patch, so only the client is affected.

I've added SetLength64 to MFC64bitfix and call it after opening the file. I truncate the filesize in ResetOperation in case something went wrong.

Sorry, no diff.

#1487 Round filesizes up (like Explorer) Patch normal FileZilla Client

This patch rounds the filesizes displayed in the list controls up, like Windows Explorer does. Now, only an empty file will show up as "0 bytes". Done for both local and remote file lists.

Also, the automatic filesize formatting was changed a bit. It now limits the number of digits to 3, so a file with 1000 bytes will show up as "1 KB".

The original behaviour would say "1023 bytes" but for a file with 1024 it would say "1 KB", eventhough the length of the strings would be the same.

#1488 Fixes Wrong Date Bug Patch normal Other

FiileZilla 2.2.16 sets the date incorrectly when preserve date/time is used. Dates older than a month are set to the previous day because they don't have a time zone offset calculated for them. For dates older than a month, FileZilla tells the OS to set the time to 12am. Without the timezone offset thats actually 5pm of the previous day in the pacific time zone, 8pm of the previous day on the east coast, etc. The patch is a diff generated by diff - u.

#1489 Slovenian Update for Filezilla3 Patch normal FileZilla Client

Several times I have sent updated Slovenian translation (po file) to codesquid via his e-mail (like it says on the translations webpage and like I did several times half a year ago and he included it) in the past months, but the updates were not included in the build. So I am using this system for again sending in the update of Slovenian po file for Filezilla3. Maybe now it will make it into the fresh builds?

#1490 Turkish Update Patch normal FileZilla Client

Full Turkish language file for nightly build of january 30th 2006.

By the way, why there are & signs in front of some letters in translation texts. Are they shortcut pointers of menu items?

Thanks guys for great work.

#1491 Updated Slovenian translation (sl) Patch normal FileZilla Client

Here is the updated Slovenian translation, in sync with the latest pot.

#1492 Updated Slovenian translation (sl) Patch normal FileZilla Client

Here is the updated Slovenian translation, in sync with the latest pot.

#1493 lost UTF8 after close connection Patch normal FileZilla Client

The default value for m_bUTF8 set to true in class's constructor, and set it to false when the server didn't support UTF8.

If server support UTF8 by Auto or Force, this value will keep true, but in DoClose(), it will reset to false.

After that, next connect won't call constructor again, so this value will always be false.

We should change it to true in Connect() to avoid this bug.

#1494 Patchs for adding Desktop folders... Patch normal Other

Hi, First, thank you for FileZilla, my favorite ftp client :D

I have make some patchs for FileZilla these days. The following are what I have done. Would you consider adding these new features into next release? I think it is very useful for people using FileZilla

  1. Display My Desktop' and My Document' folders
  2. Show volume names on drives
  3. Avoid draging folders which cannot be moved (ex:

`My Computer', etc)

  1. Avoid downloading files to some folders (ex: `My


(Todo: QueueCtrl.cpp)

Screenshot: 223-3.png

Patch files: 223-3.diff.rar

Cole, TW

#1495 problem with desktop location changed by user Patch normal FileZilla Client

If user changed the desktop with Tweak UI(or something else), the desktop location would be wrong. The parameter of SHGetSpecialFolderPath() should be CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY instead of CSIDL_DESKTOP to get the correct desktop location.

#1496 full-row-select in listview Patch normal Other

Full-row-selection would be useful when check out file information on the right side :p


patch files for 2.2.24

#1497 Arraysort in DirTreeCtrl Patch normal FileZilla Client

Both quicksort and insertsort work incorrectly :X Quicksort sorts [1,5,7,6,3,2,4] into [1,2,3,6,]4[5,7]. I have re-written it :p

And the sorting result in FileZilla is kind of different in Windows Explorer with some Chinese words. I think it may be the problem of CollateNoCase(), but I don't know how to solve it :(

#1498 transfer queue didn't save server's UTF8 value Patch normal FileZilla Client

When exit FileZilla, save QueueItem, the server's UTF8 value didn't save to file, so next time, we won't know the server of the file is support UTF8 or not.

This patch will fix this problem.

#1499 FileZilla didn't remember maximized status at beginning Patch normal FileZilla Client
  1. Maximized FileZilla, then exit.
  2. execute FileZilla again, the windows will restore to

be maximized.

  1. minimized FileZilla window, to taskbar. (not to tray)
  2. restore FileZilla window, it will restore to a

normal window, not a maximized window.

This patch will fix this problem.

#1500 sometimes, FZ don't ask for overwrite, just resume it Patch normal FileZilla Client

I'm not sure this is a bug in original FZ or not, because I didn't meet this problem when I use the build download from sourceforge site. But in my personal build, I've this problem sometimes.

Sometimes, when I add a file for transfer from local to remote site, if there is a file with same filename exists, FZ will won't ask me to overwrite it or resume it (My setting is Ask in option).

I trace this problem for a long time, finally, I found, sometimes, in CQueueCtrl::SetProgress(), it will set bTransferStarted to true if pTransferStatus->bFileTransfer is true. then, bTriedAutoResume will be true, then the file will be resume.

If this happen when we've file already in queue, need to transfer, yes, no problem. But, if it happen, set bTransferStarted to true, but there is no file in transfer state, that will cause the problem I meet.

After trace the code, I found bFileTransfer flag will set to true in CTransferSocket::UpdateStatusBar() if m_nTransferState is STATE_STARTED. then FZ will set bFileTransfer to true always.

But, there are some code will call UpdateStatusBar(), this problem will happen if CTransferSocket::CheckForTimeout(), if we just set m_nTransferState to STATE_STARTED, then FZ will post a message, then start to transfer it, during the time,from the time we set it to STATE_STARTED to the time the file start transfer, if we call CTransferSocket::CheckForTimeout() again, then bFileTransfer will set to true before we really start the transfer. so this file will be consider already in transfer state, it should be auto resume, not ask us to choose the action.

My patch will fix this problem, just change the code in

CTransferSocket::UpdateStatusBar(), only change

bFileTransfer to true if the is really in transfer state.

#1501 Transfer file with folder in GeeXbox's bftpd Patch normal FileZilla Client

GeeXbox's bftpd will return 421 if CWD folder failed. FileZilla will retry to CWD always.

This patch will try to use MKD command even CWD get 4xx code.

#1502 Add an option to hide local hidden files Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client

This patch makes showing the hidden local files optional, defaulting to the current behavior (of ignoring the hidden attribute).

This is exposed as a check box on the local view options page.

If hidden files are not shown, they will not be uploaded either.

The only outstanding issue is the now ambiguous view menu options "Show hidden files" I would recommend changing this to "Show Remote hidden files" or something similar. Leaving it as is just invites bug reports. This change is not included in the patch.

-Eric Moore

#1503 Implement friendly byte counts Patch normal FileZilla Server

Code to display, eg, "200000" as "200,000", and code to alternatively display it as "195Kb" (it switches on an option boolean which is of course never set, as FileZilla Server currently does not have such an option).

This is to implement my RFE [ 1558084 ] Comma-separated byte counts

#1504 Add two more commandline arguments to FAQ doc Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client

Add to this page

the following commandline arguments, which have been available in filezilla for a couple of years, since the developer kindly accepted my patches to add them for automated use (in 2004 I think).

Add the below descriptions -- or some variation, these are just my off-the-cuff attempts :)


This argument causes FileZilla overwrites any existing

file without prompting (for automated and script use).


This argument causes FileZilla to close after the

upload is complete (for automated and script use).

#1505 Fix outgoing port on data connections in active mode Patch normal FileZilla Server

This patch addresses the problem described in the bug report [ 1575413 ] Active mode data connection is made from the wrong port.

#1506 UTF-8 patch for FileZilla3's sftp mode Patch normal FileZilla Client

This patch allow force UTF-8 option in FileZilla3's sftp mode.

#1507 fix FZ3 sftp upload/download directory Patch normal FileZilla Client

Create local/remote directory in sftp mode when the directory not exist.

#1508 let FZ3 create empty directory also Patch normal FileZilla Client fixed

When we try to transfer whole directory, empty directory won't be created in FZ3. This patch will let FZ3 create directory even it is empty.

#1509 Nepali Translation Patch normal FileZilla Client

I am attaching Nepali translation for filezilla 3 in .gz format. Please accept the file.

Thanks, Subir

#1510 Updated Nepali Translation Patch normal Other

Updated Nepali Translation from the latest POT file.

#1511 "Users" table in "Users" window correction. Patch normal FileZilla Server

"Users" table in "Users" window has been moved at left side from all. Remaining stuff moved by 93 pixels to the right. Button "OK" moved few pixel higher, that be on higher distance from the button "Cancel". Users list table maked bigger height. Help strings are maked shorter, sorry, that was possible to avoid, but better by another patch ...

#1512 IDR_MAINFRAME accelerator remove. Patch normal Other

The IDR_MAINFRAME accelerator blocks work of ordinar Ctrl+C copy operation. Recommended : remove it fully. No any references from .cpp files to it I found. In .diff a relative to it string tables are removed too.

#1513 "Users" table in "Users" window, version 1 Patch normal Other

Same as before.

Buttons OK, Cancel are moved to empty place. Tab "Users" maked full height of dialog box (some users may fill it full easy, I think).

#1514 FZ2 VS2005 compile fix Patch normal FileZilla Client

This fixes the following VS2005 compile error on the misc/HyperLink.* files:

Error 1 error C2440: 'static_cast' : cannot convert from 'UINT (thiscall CHyperLink::* )(CPoint)' to 'LRESULT (thiscall CWnd::* )(CPoint)' d:\development\temporary\filezilla\filezilla\source\misc\hyperlink.cpp 71

#1515 Fix serverpath autodetect Patch normal FileZilla Client

This fixes partially bug [ 1690530 ] Paths without leading '/' character won't work in FTP/SFTP.

Current code in CServerPath::SetPath() will think that: "AAAA/" is a DOS path while "aAAA/" is a UNIX path, while both of them should be detected as UNIX paths, because DOS path requires ':' in the path, which neither of these have.

#1516 New icons Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected

Hi around,

you do a pretty good job and I often use your program! :) But as I tested your beta for 3.0, I saw that you still use the old squared icon.

I thought about something web2.0-like and created a set of icons for you - hope you like it!

I created them with the gimp and saved every layer in a xcf-gimp-file, so that it can be changed in any direction (So it is GPL-compatible :) - all sources available)

I thought of creating a squared one (with similiar look), too - you'll here from me, if I created them. :)

#1517 Stratus VOS listing support Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client

This is a patch for Stratus VOS. I've tested it in my own servers, sadly I can't find any public VOS Server for testing but you can see some documentation here

#1518 remember UI position for FZ3rc1 Patch normal FileZilla Client

this is a patch for filezilla 3.0 rc1 to remember the UI position and size.

#1519 keepalive for FZ3rc1 Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client

This patch allow FileZilla 3 RC1 enable the keepalive function for FTP. No option setting now, it will always enable keepalive for FTP, randomly send command every 30-60 seconds.

SFTP in FZ3 seems already with keepalive, so I just add this for FTP. (It's easy to enable it for another protocol, just modify the KeepAlive() for protocol's ControlSocket.)

#1522 Fench translation - Fz 3.0 Patch normal FileZilla Client

For Filezilla 3.0 :

I corrected a lot of translations, accents, incorrectly spelt words or translations.

#1523 fr_FR.po update for FileZilla-3.0.0 Patch normal FileZilla Client

Everything is in the title ....

Anyhow the preceeding translation file was quite complete. But it contained several typos, erroneous translations, no respect of the FR conventions for the special characters (! ? : " and …)...

I hope this version can be used, as I always try to take a lot of time to verify that it is correct (and in line with the other translations).

BTW I created a RPM file for Fedora 7. Spec file is available here:

RPM and SRPM will be available here ASAP (because I can not access my "ftp" server from my work - even with filezilla !!!):

#1524 show server information in window title Patch normal FileZilla Client

show current connected server information in window title.

#1525 configure assumes that wxrc is named wxrc Patch normal FileZilla Client

configure assumes that the program wxrc is named wxrc and it doesn't check wx-config for it

#1526 GetPathEllipsis() Patch normal FileZilla Client

This function takes excessively large path strings in the "File already exists" dialog box and removes characters from the middle of the path until its short enough, and replaces the middle with an ellipsis.

also updated fileexistsdlg.h with the prototype.

#1527 Pointer comparison using < and > is gcc-specific Patch normal FileZilla Client

In the source file src/putty/timing.c in FileZilla 3.0.4 (apologies here that I haven't got the CVS version...), there is code specific to only lcc around line 44 onwards. In fact, it's likely to apply to all non-gcc compilers, because pointer comparison using "<" and ">" operators appears to be a gcc-specific extension.

Hence, this patch simply widens the lcc check to include all non-gcc compilers instead. By doing this, it allows the source file to compile using HP's ANSI C compiler on HP-UX 11. There could be an argument to actually ditch the gcc-only version too and use the generic one, but that's up to you...

#1528 Bypass proxy settings feature Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client


the bypass proxy feature was really useful to me in version 2.x but was lost in the version 3.x So here are the patches that made this feature "alive" again. I build the patched filezilla under mingw (cygwin) and all works fine.

Cheers, Paolo

PS. thanks guys for this very good tool.

#1529 New FTP Sub-Category in the "Connection" Dialog Patch normal FileZilla Client

Added a FTP category in the optionsdialog which contains the whole FTP Settings.

#1530 Handling DEL key in queue window Patch normal FileZilla Client


here is a patch to let delete a selection in queue window just through DEL key (I simply made a copy of your previous change to LocalView window).

Cheers, Paolo.

#1531 Added file exist actions Tim Kosse Patch normal FileZilla Client


I've added a couple of options that I find sometime useful to the file exist actions. The new options are:

  • overwrite if size is different
  • overwrite if size is different or source is newer

I also made some changes around the code in order to allow future new option easy to add; I changed all (all the ones I found) refernces to fie exist actions as integer in actions as "enum CFileExistsNotification::OverwriteAction"

I tested the changes compiling the code under mingw, they seem to work fine.

Cheers, Paolo.

#1532 socket.cpp and win2000 compatibility problem Patch normal FileZilla Client


I've seen the workaround you placed on top of socket.cpp ( MinGW needs this for getaddrinfo) in order to have filezilla compiling under mingw. Unfortunately this is only an half workaround, I mean, in this way the program compiles perfectly but it doesn't work under win2000; defining _WIN32_WINNT as 0x501 means WinXP. On win2000 WS2_32.dll doesn't include function getaddrinfo and freeaddrinfo so, when you try to run filezilla you only got en error window telling you that getaddrinfo is not available in WS2_32.dll. Here is a patch (based on rev. 2434) that adds an include file (wspiapi.h) that redefines the functions that are unavailable under win2000.

Cheers, Paolo.

#1535 Feature suggestion: update only if newer Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other

I have been gladly impressed by FileZilla. I'd never found an ftp program so good... and it is even better considering its wonderful price ;).

There is a feature that I have been looking for from long time ago in an ftp program that I haven't found yet. I think it could be a great complement for FileZilla. This is a "backup mode". I think it could be very helpful for webmasters with slow dial-up connections like me that want to make backups of our websites, but without wasting the time of downloading all the files that haven't changed since the last backup.

It could be implemented as a new feature or simply as a new option in the dialog box that appears when a downloaded file is already in the local computer. In addition to the current "Overwrite", "Rename" and "Skip" options, this new button could be called something like "copy only if newer".

#1539 More control of file transfer Feature request normal Other

I've seen other softwares doing this, is it possible to control the transfer speed, both download and upload? This feature already exist in LeechFTP, NetAnts, GoZilla, FlashGet, etc.

#1540 More than one download Feature request normal Other

Hi, great Program so far, but one improvement would be nice:

Is it possible to add functionality to download/upload more than one file at a time??

Like in leechftp. ( There are up to 16 threads for transfers. This speeds up transfer sometimes.

Would be nice..


hackman 2001

#1541 CHMOD of a group of files and/or dirs Tim Kosse Feature request normal Other

Ver 1.3 doesn't allow to change the CHMOD of a selected group of files and/or directories, you can only CHMOD one by one. Please allow that in the next release. Thanks for this great program!

#1544 Last Connected Site on Site Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As with everyone else who has posted on this forum, I agree, your program is amazing! Seriously nice work!

Two features that I think would be nice is to have the site manager, instead of having a default site, remember the last site you connected to via the site manager. And finally, it would be cool if instead of a list box, the site manager was a tree view that allowed you to categorize the sites into directories.

Keep up the great work Tim! FileZilla is awesome.

#1545 Queue-level Overwriting Feature request normal Other

When I drag multiple files to be uploaded or downloaded, it would be nice to be able to select an action (such as overwriting, resuming, skipping, etc.) that will apply to only those files selected. Instead, now if I select Overwrite and check "Always use this action when a file already exists" I have to restart the program in order to see the "File already exists" window again.

Does that make sense?

#1555 Connect to default site on startup Feature request normal Other

Nice program, replaced my CuteFTP on the day I got it =)

It would be nice to have an option to let the program to connect to the default site on startup, rather than bringing up the site manager and pressing "connect" each time.

#1558 move files within remote area Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if has feature to move files on current directory view to any folder that visible or to parent directory by dragging selected file and drop over directory name or icon...

#1559 move files within remote area Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if has feature to move files on current directory view to any folder that visible or to parent directory by dragging selected file and drop over directory name or icon...

#1560 Copy URL to clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Keep up the good work!

'Copy URL to clipboard' (as a button) will be a good thing for wintegration with download managers!

#1561 Compiling error?? Feature request normal Other

D:\FileZilla\FileZilla\source\stdafx.h(25) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'htmlhelp.h': No such file or directory

Compiling error??

#1562 Changing Password Feature request normal Other

Something that I find that not to many clients have is the ablity to change your password. I only know of one client so far. I think this would be an ablity that would be valuable.

The command to change your password if it is not to well know is:

SITE PSWD "OldPassword" "NewPassword"

#1563 FTP Searching Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

I find that went browsing FTP sights for file can be very time consuming and lengthy. The ablity to search a FTP sight is a valuable one.

SITE INDEX filename.ext


SITE INDEX filename.*

#1564 Duplicate timestamp of downloaded files Feature request normal Other

The remote sites I've encountered are notoriously bad at keeping their system clocks accurate. Although my local Windows clock may be correct, I cannot use the "Overwrite if newer" feature with the mismatch between the remote's site clock and my local clock.

I propose adding an unix-like touch feature to the code to synchronize the timestamp of the downloaded file with that of the file on the remote ftp site. In this way the files downloaded will use the timestamp of the ftp site regardless of when they are downloaded, and use of the "Overwrite if newer" feature will be enhanced.

For the GNU licensed code of a touch for windows see: and see the attached upload

Keep up the great work, FileZilla is the best!

#1565 custom welcome message Feature request normal Other

it would be great to have a custom welcome message for the filezilla server to give the user a few informations about the system or the max. number of possible connections. thx :)

#1566 set passive mode for each site. Feature request normal Other

I want to set whether using passive mode for connecting the ftp server. each time I need to go to setting page to change it among login to different sites. thank you

#1567 Choose password for anonymous login Feature request normal Other

It would be nice to be able to set the password sent to remote server when doing anonymous logins. However, the default anon@<local address> is fine for most sites

#1568 Choose font for message log window Feature request normal Other

Currently the message log window has a font the user cannot change, Arial I think. But it would be nice to be able to change it, for example to a fixed width font.

#1569 Remove from Queue Feature request normal Other

In the remote window an additional menu-item on the right mouse button pull-down menu "Remove Frome Queue" would edit out any entries from the queue having the path of the selected directory (or file), mark, the directory (or file) as having been excluded in the remote window and prevent the opening that directory. This would be a time saver over having to remove items from the queue manually and allow the user to select a secific branch from a directory tree and then prune away any unwanted sub-branches easily.


Jeff Peters

#1570 Column Widths Not Saved Feature request normal Unknown

FileZilla does not save the widths of columns in either the remote or local panes.

Every time I restart FileZilla and connect it sets the column widths back to default. And the default wastes tremendous space in the date, time, and permissions columns, resulting in horizontal scroll bars. Every time I have to manually change the column widths back, which is annoying.

This has been around since 1.6 or before, and it doesn't seem like it should be hard to add. It would be VERY helpful.

#1571 Toolbar and QC Bar on Same Line Feature request normal Unknown

It would be very nice if the toolbar and quick connect bar could be on the same line, like Windows does with toolbars in Explorer and Internet Explorer. On high- resolution screens there is a lot of wasted space next to the toolbar, and the QC bar would fit in that space just fine. As it is now I don't even display the QC bar because it takes away valuable space in other parts of FileZilla.

#1572 Show hidden files (.) Feature request normal Other

It would be really nice to add a "show hidden files" option that shows files beginning with a dot so for example I could manage my .htaccess files with that.

#1573 Drag n Drop support on connected server. Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if you could drag and drop files and folders within the remote file list.

#1574 Site Manager Drag and Drop Feature request normal Unknown

A really handy new feature would be the ability to drag and drop the different ftpsite into different folders. What do you think?

#1575 a few small things Feature request normal Other

Hi guys, great work

Here's a few things I noticed in the couple of hours I've been using the program and I'd like to see (preferably all implemented as options rather than as hard-coded settings)

  • is it possible to have the option to change the

double-clicking action on a local file? I do this and I expect to view it but FileZilla tries to upload it

  • can you make the file properties for transferred

files immediately update? When I upload/download the new file size is shown as 0 or ??. It would be better if it would automatically register the copied file's size

  • as someone else mentioned, sizes in bytes are good,

sizes in Mb are not very helpful

  • I would like to see an option for displaying the

password rather than showing . I am the only one using my machine at home and it is annoying trying to remember what the password was when I need to get the site details

  • a bug (I should mention it on the other page I

suppose...) The Host textbox on the site manager appears to be disabled-like. You cannot copy from it and the cursor does not blink when you focus on it.

  • the commands that FileZilla sends to keep the

connection alive could be shown in different color to the ones initiated by the user. For that matter, you could extend this to all the commands issued by the program

Thank a lot!

#1576 ... and a few more while I'm at it Feature request normal Other

Hello again,

Have been playing with the program a little more since the last message and would like to ask for the following:

  • choose a wav file to play when the program connects

to a site. Similarly, choose a sound to play for disconnecting and for completing an ftp session

  • I found an inconvenience: on the Site Manager,

pressing DEL will erase the currently selected site even if all you wanted to do was to delete a character when editing one of the fields. Deleting a site should only be executed if the site tree has focus

  • when connected to a site, the program's title bar

should display the name of the site instead of "FileZilla version xxx" (or at least have it somewhere on the title)

  • on the Site Manager again: new folders are sorted

aplhabetically, but they should appear at the top of the list, before individual site entries. Also, have an option to sort or not sort the entries

  • another thing there: when creating a new folder, it

is not possible to drag existing entries into it, so I have to manually copy them - not convenient really

Once again, thanks for this great program - I'll probably be back for more wishes...

#1577 ...... here I go again Feature request normal Other

Well, further on with my adventures I noticed the following:

  • the estimated remaining time seems to be calculated

on the transfer rate of that particular instance and as a result it jumps up and down wildly, at least in the early stages. Averaging the transfer rate of the last, say, 5 seconds would make it look more smooth

  • on the Site Manager, would it be possible to have

some text space for each site where one could simply record a few notes?


#1578 ...... here I go again Feature request normal Other

Well, further on with my adventures I noticed the following:

  • the estimated remaining time seems to be calculated

on the transfer rate of that particular instance and as a result it jumps up and down wildly, at least in the early stages. Averaging the transfer rate of the last, say, 5 seconds would make it look more smooth

  • on the Site Manager, would it be possible to have

some text space for each site where one could simply record a few notes?


#1579 Compare remote and local directories Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A command for compare local and remote directories will be usefull.

Such a comparison may be limited to the files size.

#1580 Use more than one ftp proxy Feature request normal Other

I work for more than one customer and I have to use a different ftp proxy for each one. Is is really boring and prone to mistakes changing the settings each time. The ability to use a differnt proxy for each connection would be usefull in my case. If the effort is small and enough people are interested it would be a nice inprovement :-)

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