Custom Query (8170 matches)


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Results (2201 - 2300 of 8170)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#132 Site Manager - Drag / Drop Bug report low Other

Hi, there is a small problem with the drag and drop routine in the site manager section.

In site manager, display several open folders containing ftp sites so that they extend both above and below the viewing pane.

Now, try to drag and drop an item into a folder which is outsite the viewing pane. There is no scrolling.

There is no way to drag the item into the folder if it can not be seen.

Cheers, Clive

#133 Local directory tree goes beyond C: Bug report low Other

When browsing the local tree, when one arrives at the root directory (C:\) there is still a folder in the interface for going to the "parent" directory of C:\. When clicked upon, it goes to "\", showing the drive letters as part of the directory listing. However, trying to access any drive letter is impossible since it goes to "\<drive>\", which doesn't exist. (for example, C:\, the parent is \, and going to c: again leads to \c:\. The workaround for now would be to type in the drive letter at the "local site".

#134 SSL uploading always takes 100% CPU time Bug report normal Other

FileZilla always takes 100% of my CPU time when uploading over an explicit SSL connection. This even happens when uploading with 16kb/s but I can also upload with 1000kb/s which means that this is not a too- slow-CPU problem. I tried different ciphers, it happens with all of them (168 and 128 bit). Downloading only takes < 10% cpu time.

FlashFXP - which obviously uses the same SSL libraries - only takes 0 to 2% CPU time when uploading.

#135 How to build filezilla source? Bug report normal Other

VC 6 hint missing 'dbghelp.h' file, can anyone get some suggestion, Thanks.

#136 Filezilla on a virtual pc Bug report normal Unknown

I'm having difficulty getting permissions to use Filezilla on a Virtual PC on a Mac Powerbook - my environment requires me to have Kerberos tickets, which I was able to get - but Filezilla thinks I don't have them.

Does the Virtual PC work like a NAT box, interrupting the contact?

  • Thanks!

Marion Carroll MIT

#137 Windows Registry Entries Bug report low Other

Rather an annoyance for me. I like to make sure my registry is very clean, and i notice that filezilla has two entries under my winXP system:

HKCU\Software\FileZilla (being used properly)

HKCU\Software\Local AppWizard-Generated Applications\FileZilla (totally void and unnecessary)

It'd be great if the exe doesn't make the latter entry. It's a quick fix, and one I'd do myself.

Every last reclaimed bit in the registry helps.

#138 Cannot delete folder. Bug report normal Other

I'm using a win2k server at a hosting company called Not the greated, but?

I right click on a folder and choose delete. It deletes everything in the folder, but not the folder.

Am I doing it wrong? Or is it a bug?

I want to delete this empty folder. Please!


#139 (1.9.8) SFTP not working? Bug report normal Other

Our server was switched from normal ftp to sftp. But I cannot login with FileZilla 1.9.8 using 'FTP with explicit encryption'. All I get is following:

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.1p1

(nothing happens for about 5 minutes...)

Error: Timeout detected!

But when I use another client from <>, it works... A bug in FileZilla or maybe a server mis- configuration or something totally different?

BTW: 'FTP with implicit encryption' doesn't work at all and normal FTP says the same as with explicit encryption.

#140 (1.9.8) "show hidden files" not saved Bug report normal Other

Checking "Show hidden files" in "View" menu will always be resetted after restarting FileZilla. There is no option for setting it by default.

#141 Server: Showing incorrect transfer speed Bug report normal Other

I have a user getting 43-45kb/s from my ftp & in the server status bar it is showing 8132b/s & 16.xx/kb/s - it is alternating. Just a small thing but I noticed it, hope it helps? :/

#142 can transfer large file Bug report normal Other

I user FileZilla 1.9.8 and FileZilla server 0.7.1beta.

When FileZilla try to download a large file(ie, 14M) from FileZilla server, no problem.

But if FileZilla are downloading the same 14M file through socks or HTTP proxy(I use wingate 4.5.1), the downloading hangup when about 35% of the file has beed downloaded.

I also use another socks/HTTP proxy server to test and get the same result.

This must be a bug of either FileZilla or FileZilla server.


#143 transfering directory Bug report normal Unknown

just a request to return to original directory on remote site when you transfer a directory(folder). It end up in the last sub-directory parsed it looks like.

BTW love program

#144 cant upload perl scripts Bug report normal Other

any perl scripts uploaded with filezilla do not work, regardless of whether you transfer in ascii or binary.

#145 Speed Limit Bug report normal Other

on my LAN, i can't upload more than 30Ko/s... but, with another ftp client such as LeechFTP, no problem, i can upload at 1Mo/s....

#146 Too many retries Bug report normal Other

When connecting, and uploading a lot of times the same file (while it is changed all the time) itsays after some time: Timeout detected. Upload Failed. In the queue it says: Too many retries...

shouldn't I be able to upload the file as many times as I want?

#147 Don't store host names in registry! Bug report normal Other


I'm using PGP-disk and I store all data in files on this disk.

All sensitive information in registry can be easy taken!

Best regards, Joe.

#148 parsing path error Bug report normal Other

Hello, I am trying to evalue filezilla version 1.9.9. sftp support. I tried with our sftp server on windows machine, but it didn't work. here is an error:

So, basically, it cannot parse the path. Our root path is "home:/", which is not a standard unix one. Is it something difficult to fix ?? I really like your product, and I wish I would be able to deply it as the our sftp/ftp client choice.

Thank you very much for your help, wootti

Trace: FzSFtp.exe: Using username "testnet1" Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(4236): Sent password Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(3821): Access granted Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(4298): Opened channel for session Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: FzSFtp.exe: SSH.C(4408): Started a shell/command Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2194) : OnReceive(0) Response: Remote working directory is home:/ Status: Connected Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2068) : ResetOperation(1) Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(297) : List (FALSE,0,"","",1) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: Remote directory is home:/ Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(297) : List (FALSE,0,"","",0) Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(337) : Can't parse path Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2068) : ResetOperation(4) Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#149 Bypass proxy not working Bug report normal Other

In Site Manager, when logon type is normal (not tested in anonymous), when "bypass proxy / firewall settings" is checked, FileZilla try to connect to proxy, when one is defined.

#150 name in dir listing starts in wrong col Bug report normal Other

When generating a directory listing, names of files not modified in the current year start one column (one character) earlier than files that have a modification date in the current year. This confuses at least some ftp clients which list the file without the first character.

#151 filename and contents truncated Bug report normal Other

When transferring files whose names contain characters that would be illegal on the remote host, the destination filename is truncated and its byte count is 0. The status window however claims that the transfer was successful.

As an example, transferring a file whose name contains ":" (colon) from unix to a PC running Windows NT, the filename is truncated just prior to the colon and no bytes are actually transferred.

One solution, used by other ftp packages, is to convert the illegal characters. Most convert to "_" (underscore). This would be the simplest fix. A really nice feature (but don't hold up the fix for making it really nice) would be to all the user to specify a mapping. "_" is usally best for most conversions.


#152 Odering local file system Bug report normal Other

This is a very small bug but it gets annoying. I have a folder on my local box that I've added folders to. The new folders always show up at the bottom of the list (in the top frame of the local tree view) and not in alphabetical order.

#153 Incorrect Remote Date/Time Bug report normal Other

The Date/Time for the remote server is showing times 4 hours ahead of what the server says they are. For example, FileZilla shows a file has a Date/Time of "08/02/2002 02:14" but the same file on the server shows a Last Modified Date/Time of "Thu Aug 1 22:14:38 2002". The server is showing the correct modification date/time.

#154 Remote file size/date show ??? on upload Bug report normal Other

V2.0.0 beta 5: After uploading a new file to the remote server, the file is shown on the right hand side but has "???" for filesize and date and the time and permissions fields are blank. If I hit F5 to refresh the information is then correctly shown.

Can't remember seeing this behaviour on previous versions, but I may be wrong.

#155 Timestamp out 1hr on downloaded files Bug report low Other

If I download a file from the remote site to local and I have the "Preserve date/time of downloaded files" option set, the timestamp for the file once downloaded is one hour out.

For example:

Remtoe file is dated 07/08/2002 14:44. After downloading,. the local file is dated 07/08/2002 15:44.

My other FTP client gets it right. I also verified the remote file timestamp in a shell session.

#156 Issues with new transfer system Bug report low Other

The new separated transfer "thread" in Filezilla is nice but the implementation has problems.

I think you must have a user definable file size, below which the seperate connection is not established and instead the "browsing" connection is used (as how it worked before). When developing I tend to upload small files repeatedly and before this was very quick, but now every time I upload a file I have to wait about 15 seconds everytime for the connection to be established.

Also, it appears that the second connection is dropped as soon as the file/queue is transferred. I think you need to add an option so that this connection is kept alive for a specified duration of time. So when new transfers are initiated it doesn't have to reconnect again (which on my system takes around 10-15 seconds).

#157 problem with date Bug report normal Other

i use filezilla on a server with the french display of date, and i think there is with august as on my server i have aoû

example drwxr-sr-x 4 dev dev 512 jul 24 09:36 log drwxr-sr-x 2 dev dev 512 aoû 20 12:28 obj drwxr-sr-x 4 dev dev 512 jul 23 16:46 src

and any file or directory that has been modified in august in not displayed. there is no check before overwriting, i think that filezilla simply doesnot see these files.

Tell me if you see anything

#158 2 connexions instead of 1 Bug report normal Other

Good evening,

my ISP lets me connect to his FTP server with only *one* connexion.

  1. I launch Filezilla, choose my ISP FTP account
  2. I connect to my account
  3. As soon as I want to upload a file, everything behaves

as if Filezilla attempted to make a second connexion : my ISP FTP server systematically answers : upload forbidden, you already have an active connection.

Regards, Antoine

#159 totally useless Bug report normal Unknown

The option to set the directory and language is completly gone in version 0.7.2 making it useless.

Also it forces you to set ports for the custom PASV settings even though it isn't checked, when you do this it does not recognize the ports and returns the error dialog. Unless you cancel out of the setup this dialog will not go away.

#160 Lockups On Large File Structures Bug report high Other

If i attempt to transfer an entire web site directory with many directories/files inside of directories filezilla attempts to cue up every single file and appears to overflow whatever buffer it has for the queue listing. Why bother cue up every single filename? It basically has to go and search for every single file before even transferring anything. So even if it didn't freeze up i'd have to sit there for 10 minutes while it queues everything.

#161 Download Executable from UNIX server Bug report normal Other

Operations on an executable file on a UNIX server are hampered when the file name is listed as "<filename>*" (the usual "ls -F" indication that the file is an executable). The problem occurs when the files is downloaded or operated on (for instance chmod'd), in which case the filename is passed as "<filename>*" to the command, which fails. The workaround is to temporarily remove execute permission on the file before downloading.

#162 FileZilla server: unable to change port Bug report normal Other

when I try to change the port the server will listen, I get a error message (in Gernan?) that ask me to enter a value between 1 and 65535.

I get this error for any port number I tried except for 21.

#163 2 Bugs... Bug report normal Other

Since V1.9.9 their is a BUG which goes like this....

If you onetime Installed Filezilla with secureflag their is no way to bring it back without. which means I always have to type the password, which terribly SUXX when ya have a bit complexer one.

I even can't get Filezilla compiled anymore coz of missing some ENUMs.

VC reports:

FileZilla\source\misc\SystemTray.cpp(1074) : error C2065: 'IDANI_CAPTION' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner WheatyExceptionReport.cpp filezilla\source\misc\wheatyexceptionreport.h(53) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler : Bezeichner 'PSYMBOL_INFO' filezilla\source\misc\wheatyexceptionreport.h(55) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler : Bezeichner 'PSYMBOL_INFO' filezilla\source\misc\windowsversion.h(45) : error C2065: 'VER_SUITE_PERSONAL' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner filezilla\source\misc\windowsversion.h(64) : error C2065: 'VER_SUITE_BLADE' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(23) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler : Bezeichner 'PSYMBOL_INFO' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(52) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler : Bezeichner 'PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBAC K' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(59) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler : Bezeichner 'PIMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(101) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler : Bezeichner 'IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(553) : error C2065: 'SYMBOL_INFO' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(554) : error C2065: 'PSYMBOL_INFO' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(554) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner 'pSymbol' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(554) : error C2065: 'pSymbol' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(554) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner 'symbolBuffer' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(555) : error C2227: Der linke Teil von '->SizeOfStruct' muss auf Klasse/Struktur/Union zeigen FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(556) : error C2227: Der linke Teil von '->MaxNameLen' muss auf Klasse/Struktur/Union zeigen FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(563) : error C2227: Der linke Teil von '->Name' muss auf Klasse/Struktur/Union zeigen FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(592) : error C2065: 'IMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(592) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ';' vor Bezeichner 'imagehlpStackFrame' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(592) : error C2065: 'imagehlpStackFrame' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(593) : error C2228: Der linke Teil von '.InstructionOffset' muss eine Klasse/Struktur/Union sein FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(597) : error C2197: 'int (stdcall *)(void *,unsigned int64,const char *)' : Zu viele Parameter uebergeben FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(611) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner 'pSymInfo' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(611) : warning C4229: Anachronismus verwendet : Modifizierer der Daten werden ignoriert FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(611) : error C2350: 'WheatyExceptionReport::EnumerateSymbolsCal lback' ist kein statisches Element FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(613) : error C2059: Syntaxfehler : ')' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(614) : error C2143: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ';' vor '{' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(614) : error C2447: Funktionskopf fehlt - Parameterliste im alten Stil? FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(638) : error C2146: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ')' vor Bezeichner 'pSym' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(638) : error C2350: 'WheatyExceptionReport::FormatSymbolValue' ist kein statisches Element FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(638) : warning C4800: 'int' : Variable wird auf booleschen Wert ('True' oder 'False') gesetzt (Auswirkungen auf Leistungsverhalten moeglich) FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(641) : error C2059: Syntaxfehler : ')' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(642) : error C2143: Syntaxfehler : Fehlendes ';' vor '{' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(642) : error C2447: Funktionskopf fehlt - Parameterliste im alten Stil? FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(720) : error C2065: 'TI_GET_SYMNAME' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(729) : error C2065: 'TI_GET_CHILDRENCOUNT' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(740) : error C2504: 'TI_FINDCHILDREN_PARAMS' : Basisklasse undefiniert FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(745) : error C2039: 'Count' : Ist kein Element von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(739) : Siehe Deklaration von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(746) : error C2039: 'Start' : Ist kein Element von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(739) : Siehe Deklaration von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(749) : error C2065: 'TI_FINDCHILDREN' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(768) : error C2039: 'ChildId' : Ist kein Element von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(739) : Siehe Deklaration von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(776) : error C2039: 'ChildId' : Ist kein Element von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(739) : Siehe Deklaration von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(777) : error C2065: 'TI_GET_OFFSET' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(782) : error C2039: 'ChildId' : Ist kein Element von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(739) : Siehe Deklaration von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(783) : error C2065: 'TI_GET_TYPEID' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(787) : error C2065: 'TI_GET_LENGTH' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(792) : error C2039: 'ChildId' : Ist kein Element von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(739) : Siehe Deklaration von 'FINDCHILDREN' FileZilla\source\misc\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp(857) : error C2065: 'TI_GET_BASETYPE' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner

Greets Mike...

#164 Unable to connect through squid proxy Bug report normal Other

Unable to connect through squid proxy.

Proxy settings in FileZilla options is HTTP 1.1 Proxy. FTP proxy settings is None.

Debug info:

Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(216): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 0 to 1 Status: Connecting to ... Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(216): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 1 to 2 Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(216): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 2 to 6 Error: Can't connect to proxy server Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(652): OnConnect(10060) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(708): DoClose(0) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2650): ResetOperation (4100) Error: Unable to connect! Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(216): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 6 to 0

Others http/ftp clients like Netscape or IE, works properly through squid proxy.

#165 Problems with Cgywin SFTP Servers Bug report normal Unknown

When connecting to an SFTP server (SSH-2.0- OpenSSH_3.0.2p1) distributed by cygwin the remote file names were not displayed but instead the permissions were displayed. More recent builds of cygwin servers are ok. I connected using sftp and the file list returned by a dir command looked no different.

#166 Bug in v2.0: File Transfer Settings. Bug report normal Other

I have encountered a bug which pops up whenever I click on Edit - Settings - File Transfer Settings. An error message pops up saying "An unsupported operation was attempted", and then there are no options there for file transfer.

#167 bug & solution: private key decryption Bug report normal Other

Password provided in FileZilla is not used to decrypt the private key referenced in the PuTTY settings for the specified host.

In "ssh.c" (revision 1.8):

4128: need_pw = FALSE;

needs to be replaced with:

4128: if (ssh2_userkey_encrypted(cfg.keyfile, &comment)) { 4129: need_pw = TRUE; 4130: } else { 4131: need_pw = FALSE; 4132: }

Attached is "ssh.c" with the above changes made. I'd commit them myself, but I'm not a project developer. :)

Regards, Elahn

#168 New kerberos tickets requires re-launch Bug report normal Other

We have been experiencing a minor bug where if a user destroys his Kerberos tickets, then gets tickets for another user, FileZilla is unable to connect properly.

Quitting and re-launching FileZilla solves the

problem. This is under 1.9.7. We tried testing under 2.0.0, but encountered another bug (garbled server response.. see bug report).

#169 garbled server response (kerberos?) Bug report normal Other

In 2.0.0 (we were using 1.9.7), connecting via Kerberos authentication returns garbled responses (unencrypted connections are fine). USER, PASS, PWD seem to work fine. The next command PASV returns "632 <junk>" where <junk> is a very long string of characters. Then we get "Error: Could not retrieve directory listing". All other commands from that point on also return gibberish.

#170 timeouts on SSL downloads Bug report normal Other

Clients: FileZilla 2.0.0.a on Win98SE and W2K

Servers: ProFTPD 1.2.6rc1-tls listening on port 990 on Solaris 8 and Linux using explicit SSL.

Uploads work fine, but downloads are getting timeout errors. The files transfer completely but FileZilla's status stays at 100% for several seconds before issuing the timeout error.

The same files transfer without problems using the lftp 2.6 client on Linux.

#171 (2.0.0a) site manager: export/import bug Bug report normal Other

There is a bug in the site manager! Following steps should reproduce the problem:

  • create a new site with 'SFTP using

SSH2' as server type

  • export with all details
  • clear list

import site manager list

Now the server type isn't 'SFTP using SSH2' as it should, instead it is 'FTP over SSL (implicit encryption)'.

#172 Cannot CDUP Bug report normal Other

This program failed to change Directory .. First I get into one directory and CDUP (but the program didn't send the command "CDUP") and I stuck right there.... I guess it was some kind of link problems.

Here's the record:

======= Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5i for WinSock ready... Command: USER mfa Response: 331 User name okay, need password. Command: PASS * Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/d:/ftp" is current directory. Command: PORT 210,85,21,112,12,46 Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD Download Response: 250 Directory changed to /d:/Downloads Command: PWD Response: 257 "/d:/Downloads" is current directory. Command: PORT 210,85,21,112,12,47 Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /d:/ftp/ Response: 250 Directory changed to /d:/Ftp Command: PWD Response: 257 "/d:/Ftp" is current directory. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

======= END

despite this bug, this program is pretty cool, thx for making this one for us.

#173 rename to a name of an existing file Bug report normal FileZilla Server fixed

I wanted to rename a filename on ftp server. Unfortunately, the filename I rename to is the same as an existing file!

Finally, the existing file is replaced.

Is this a bug?

Thanks a lot

#174 delimited window width? Bug report normal Unknown


I'm running 2.02 here. have found that I'm unable to make the main window narrower than 820 pixels across.

Image available at:


#175 Link with misprint in the help file. Bug report normal Other

There is incorrect link to the "Message Log" page ("messagelog.hzm" instead of "messagelog.htm") on the "Menus and Toolbars" page in the help file.

#176 crash with big queue Bug report normal Other

tried to upload a 2GB queue and filezilla crashed.

filezilla 2.0.2 win 2000 athlon XP 1700+, 512MB RAM

#177 Links are not translated correctly Bug report low Other

Tested with FileZilla v2.0.2 on Windows 98 SE.

Links made to files are translated as being directories. That makes downloading impossible. This bug can be easily tested on the Gnome ftp server. Please try this link -> . FileZilla is unable to download any of the files. Actually I've tested this on many other FTP clients and the only capable of downloading the files was the standard windows ftp command line client (ftp.exe). :)

#178 Crash connecting to network drive 2.0.2 Bug report normal Other

Filezilla 2.0.2 treeview crashes when I try to access a network drive mapping. The following happens:

  1. The crash occurs when trying to access the drive

mapping through the local treeview.

  1. It looks as if the local tree view is trying to

refresh, but the program crashes.

  1. When I uncheck the treeview option in the view menu

to hide it, the program functions as normal.

  1. It also does not crash when broswing non network

drives (ie c:\ drive)

This happens on my little home network, with just 2 machines and 1 mapped drive, have not tested on any other type of network.

Hope this is helpful. Filezilla is great, keep up the good work.

#179 FileZilla cant parse some FTP addresses Bug report normal Other

When using FileZilla with outside argument (ARGV[]) Example: FileZilla.exe cd/3.0_r0/i386/debian-30r0-i386-binary-2.iso


FileZilla cd/image/3.0_r0/jigdo/i386/debian-30r0-i386-binary-4.iso

This one sounds easy to solve, because when cutting and pasting it to the "Quick Connect" address bar, it works perfect...

#180 No activity on status bar during upload Bug report normal Unknown


I'm running 2.0.2 on an XP system. When I upload to my location, there's only activity on the status bar at irregular times.

At first I thought it was because some of the items I was uploading were so small that the status bar just blinked (and I didn't catch it) but the example that I'm showing here:

was a 1.2M file that took about 20 seconds to upload.

Sometimes the status bar shows activity and sometimes it doesn't. There doesn't really seem to be a pattern...



#181 Remote dir restore after dir upload Bug report normal Other

Suppose I have a /goofy directory on the remote server, I'm currently located into it, and I want to upload into it the dirs /goofy/pluto and /goofy/venus together with the files they contain.

I select the two local dirs and upload them.

When the upload has finished, FileZilla should bring me back to the remote /goofy dir, like I was in the beginning. Instead, it remains _inside_ one of the two dirs just uploaded.

#182 crashes while exporting the queue Bug report normal Other

tried to export the queue, after hitting the button filezilla crashes

athlon xp, 1600+, 256mb ram

#184 Ver 2.1.0 Site Manager Backup Bug report low Other

Hi, in the previous versions of FileZilla it was possible to back up the setting associated in SITE MANAGER. However, in this version I can not seem to do this. Only Filezilla settings can be backedup. Please can this feature be restored! [Now, if I have made an error and the feature is still there. Then please tell me where to find the feature.]

#185 Transfer setting not saved Bug report normal Other

I have set "overwrite if newer" but after i restarted FileZilla setting is not saved... every time FZ ask me what to do if file already esists on server... May be It's me.. but maybe not !!! :-\


#186 Tranfer type not working for SFTP Bug report normal Other

When using "SFTP using SSH2" to transfer an ascii text file to a Unix server the file ends up with M at the end of every line. It does so even if I set the Transfer Type to "ASCII" on either the Transfer menu or the default settings.

#187 xml settings @ start up Bug report normal Other

I like the idea of saving to xml files. Site Manager - working fine. Filezilla Settings - keeps being reset to blank xml file at start up. === In SETTINGS I export my valves to an xml file called filezilla setting.xml, this I change to filezilla.xml as suggested by the dialogue box. == On restarting Filezilla a warning appears asking me to either save to the registery or use xml files. Surely if the file filezilla.xml with all my settings is present in the same folder as filezilla, this xml file should be automatically read. What happens is that when I select NO to not use the registry a blank filezilla.xml file is generated which wipes out all my stored settings. == OK I can import these settings from filezilla settings.xml but options like display remote directory on startup are ignored because the programme is running. == Me? or the software?

#188 Remote file listing doesn't show files Bug report normal Other

I have a problem with a FTP site. Remote file listing looks empty, although there are files in the directory.

I set on the debug options "Trace messages from the FTP engine" and "Show raw directory listing". LIST commands seems to work. The message log is:

Trace: -rw-r----- 1 user1 staff 42637978 01-10 2001 access.log Trace: drwxr-xr-x 4 user1 staff 512 17-10 2001 apps_backup Trace: -rwxr-x--- 1 user1 staff 1933 03-06 18:01 backup_start

Probably it's because of the date format returned from remote server? Is there a way to configure FileZilla to understand this date format?

#189 Remote File List does not show all files Bug report normal Other

The remote file list does not show all files. The listing is showing all, but the largest file. I have attached the trace of the file list request and bolded the one file that is not showing up. You will notice that the group and filesize are running together. I figured that is what is causing the problem.

FileZilla Version 2.1a

The server I am connecting to is: $ uname -a SunOS xxxxxxxxx 5.6 Generic_105181-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-80

#190 Server does not accept wildcard filespec Bug report normal Other

When given a wildcard file specification within the LIST or NLST command, the server responds with a "directory not found" message. This behaviour is regardless of which client I have tried.

#191 GSS Login fails with username no warning Bug report normal Other

If you go to the site manager and connect to a site defined as 'use GSS' (* for example) it connects if you have Kerberos tickets, or gives you an "Are you sure you want to send password in the clear" dialog if you don't have tickets. However, if you have tickets and enter a different username to connect with, it just asks for your password with no 'no tickets' warning. Entering a password yields an Error: could not retrieve directory listing. It then remains connected and periodically gives a 530 Please log in with USER and PASS .

#192 error in remote directory Bug report normal Other

I want to connect with a FTP server on a Windows machine. The defaut remote directory is like : "D:/path/to/my/directory" (i can't change it, it's a server of a provider)

but Filezilla add a "/" to this remote directory

When i want to download a file "file", filezilla send to the server : "/D:/path/to/my/directory/file"

and CWD failed because the server don't understand the directory name...

download works with other FTP clients like WSFTP or CuteFTP.

I think thaht in this case you must not add a "/" to the remote directory

#193 Executable files from Solaris servers Bug report normal Other

I've connected to 2 or 3 different Solaris servers and have noticed the same problem on all of them: any executable files in the file listing have an asterix at the end of the name, for example:*

It is of course normal to see an asterix following files that have the execution bit set, since this is the way ls will often display such files, so that they can be quickly identified in a long listing.

However, the fact that the asterix is appearing in the Filezilla listing seems to confuse Filezilla, since any attempt to download these files will fail.

The following is an example of the error I'm describing, pulled from the filezilla log window:

Command: GET* c:\* FALSE Response: /www/cgi-bin/*: no such file or directory Error: Download failed

In general Filezilla is a great tool, but the only work around I've found for this is to temporarily turn off the executable bit using CHMOD ... which is not very handy to say the least, but necessary if I want to get at these files.

I have not seen this problem on Linux boxes, only Solaris.

#194 Italian language interface Bug report normal Unknown

In edit menu the option: Export Setting Import Setting are wrong translated.

The right translate are: Export Setting ---> Esportazione Settaggi Import Setting ---> Importazione Settaggi

Otherthewise you can use: Export Settaggi Import Settaggi


#195 Changing netware servers (and downloading files) Bug report normal FileZilla Client rejected

When logged into a netware server it is possible to also access other servers in the same tree. This is done with the command CD servername/volumename/directoryname/ etc. etc.

Filezilla removes the first / and sends /servername/volumename/directoryname/ which of course fails. Some way to override the default behaviour so that the other servers can be accessed is required.

#196 Crash when pressing F1 Bug report normal Other

FileZilla preforms and illegal operation when pressing F1, just after the CHM help file has been opened. I'm using FileZilla 2.1.1 with Windows 2000 SP3

#197 error can't reload queue item Bug report normal Other

I was using Filezilla to download an entire directory structure. The connection was too slow so I closed the program. An hour later I cam back and needed to use ftp again. I open FileZilla and I get a popup box that says "error can't reaload queue item". I click "OK" only to have the same message pop up again. I have to click this popup approximately 100 times before FileZilla will start again.

#198 Can't see files when connecting via SFTP Bug report normal Other

When I connect to a server via SFTP using SSH2 FileZilla connects and everything seems wonderful. But when the connection is done I can't see any files. Although the message log says "Response: Sucessfully received 29 items". I've posted the whole message log further down.

Sometimes I can upload files, but I can't see the file. I know the file is there because the FTP-account holds the files for a website (if I upload a picture I can download an view it via HTTP). I've tried to upload a file which doesn't already exist in the directory (not overwriting) I couldn't see the file when it was uploaded. But I could get it via HTTP and it was there when I browsed the server internally.

I'm using FileZilla 2.1.1 on WinME with a ISDN- connection to the internet. I know I have the permissions to do everything in my account (view, write etc).

Here's the whole message log from a test session when this problem occured:

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT eliasa@…:-26 Response: Remote working directory is /usr/home/eliasa Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CD /usr/home/eliasa/public_html/ Response: Remote working directory is now /usr/home/eliasa/public_html Command: LIST Response: Listing directory /usr/home/eliasa/public_html Response: Sucessfully received 29 items Status: Directory listing successful

#199 Upload and download a file with 0 Kb Bug report normal Other

HI, filezilla it's great. Sometimes filezilla ask me to replace a file that was uploaded with 0 Kb with the original one (with more than one Kb). I'm using W98SE and up/down from a W2000 IIS5 server. Any suggestions?

#200 can't delete dirs with hidden content Bug report normal Other


a remote directory /test/ contains a file beginning with a dot, '.htpasswd'. If you try and delete /test/ you receive a 550 error ("directory is not empty"), even though it appears empty in the GUI.


You can only delete the dir if you check the option:

  • Always show

hidden file Settings -> Remote File List.


The current 550 error with the empty GUI list is extremely confusing. FileZilla should delete all content in a directory - including hidden files - when a directory delete is requested.

Thanks for a great piece of software though!

  • Aaron
#201 problem when remote disk is full Bug report normal Other

When uploading something, it might happen that the remote site's disk is full. At that case, ftp client should stop retrying transfer queue items for that server. I think FileZilla is not implementing this feature for now.

#202 Filesize truncation Bug report normal Other

A 1.9 MB file is listed as 1MB in local or remote file views when "Filesize format in details style" is set to Auto or MB.

Perhaps filesize should be rounded and carried to at least one decimal place?

#203 Transfer queue heading: painting problem Bug report normal Other

The header control for the transfer queue list view sometimes fails to paint correctly. To reproduce:

  1. Start filezilla (no items in queue)
  2. Dismiss site manager dialog
  3. Maximize application
  4. ALT+TAB to another application which is not

maximized (alternatively do start->run and run CALC).

  1. ALT+TAB back to filezilla.

When I do this I see that the header control disappears either totally or partially. If you put the second application so that it covers part of the header control then alt-tab back to filezilla I get the portion of the header control that was obscured repainted, but the rest remains blank. This does not appear to occur if something is in the list view.

Running Windows 2000, SP2.

#204 EPLF List format support missing Bug report normal Other

Please add support for EPLF formatting of LIST command output.

EPLF Specification:

Test site:

#205 Status bar should show combined status Bug report normal Other

Just a suggestion:

The status bar should show the combined status for all downloads when doing multiple downloads.


#206 Default Remote Directory / not saved Bug report normal Other

If the Default Remote Directory only contains / it will not be saved and even if setting this manuell in FileZilla.xml it will be cleared.

#207 file upload error Bug report normal Other

characters added to file on upload, a 15KB local file becomes a 1MB file once uploaded on the server side.

Version 2.00a (Windows)

#208 what about the "welcome message" on FZse Bug report normal Other

i have FZserver

and i dont't have the welcome message when i connect to my server... even if i use filezilla to go on my ftp.. (i've tried with IE : same result, and with some others ftp client , etc...)

#209 FileZilla is too damn good Bug report low Other

You guys kick ass You've saved my ass so many times & BTW, Filezilla ROCKS


#210 headers of queue panel disapears Bug report normal Unknown

hello, i wonder if it caused by my config and if anybody can reproduce that on windows98se

juste after i opended filezilla 2.1.2 [french language save config in xml file and remember the panel position and width ]

then when i drag the slide to move right in the queue panel the headers of the columns disapears.

and when i move my mouse over the headers columns they reapears !

#211 incorrect timestamp in Unix Bug report normal Other


When using FileZilla in the Unix environment, my timestamps are off by 4 hours. I have encountered this with 1.9x and 2.x versions of FileZilla. Strangely, this is the only file sharing application which has this bug (no other apps have this problem). Please, if you have any information to a solution, email me.


Rupesh Kapadia


#212 Transfer Queue Pane size decreases Bug report normal Unknown

In FileZilla 2.1.2, when "Remember Windows Size and Position of FileZilla" is checked, the transfer queue pane displays an odd quirk.

When FileZilla is started again, the size of the pane decreases. Upon each restart of the program, the pane gets smaller and smaller until it is no longer visible.

#213 Incorrect filename handling by FileZilla Bug report normal Other

FileZilla Server (0.7.3.beta) can't handle filenames, which use ASCII code 255. LIST command works correctly, while RETR causes Error 550 "File not found" and returns filename with omissed chars (both spaces and chars with code 255).

#214 Italian Interface Bug report normal Unknown

Hello, In italian interface I have find this mistake:

in menu Queue: option "Use multiple connections" aren't translated; it may be "Usa Connessioni Multiple".

in menu Server: ("Remoto"): this option aren't translated "Copy URL to Clipboard" (it may be "Copia URL negli appunti" or "Copia URL nella Clipboard"); "Entre raw FTP command" (it may be "Inserisci riga comando FTP" or "Inserisci comando FTP").



#216 send quit to disconnect Bug report normal Other

it seems that for some reason client doesn't send ftp quit command when it's disconnecting.

#217 Cannot handle running out of space Bug report normal Other

I have my hard drive logically partitioned -- the first partition has Windows and FileZilla, the second one is only 40 MB in size for misc. stuff.

When I am transferring a large (51 MB) file to my second partition, at some point (not immediately, but I guess when it runs out of space) FileZilla pops up a window saying that this file already exists and would I like to overwrite it, skip it, rename it, etc. When I choose overwrite it, FileZilla begins transferring the file from the beginning. When I choose rename it, FileZilla creates a 0-byte file with that name and immediately pops up the same window again.

Suggested behavior: pop up a message saying that the volume is out of space and possibly offer to save to a different location.

#218 FZ Server 0.7.4 download not working Bug report normal Other

I downloaded the new versionof Filezilla server, and when double-clicked the exe file pops open a window that looks like it will run like the installer for the client of FZ, but after a fraction of second it disappears and nothing happens.

In case I had a bad transfer I went ahead and downloaded it again from a different mirror, with the same result. To be extra a redundant I tried it one more time a couple hours later, and had the same result.

I tried to eliminate anything on my end which may be interfering, such as antivirus software and other apps, and still have not been able to get it to work, so I thought I should let you know.

Thanks for a great product - I appreciate Filezilla immensely!

#219 Incorrect datestamp in UNIX Bug report low Other

I see that someone posted a bug about an incorrect timestamp in UNIX. We are seeing an incorrect datestamp, where the date shown in filezilla is a year later than the actual date. So, a file dated Oct 11 2001 is shown in Filezilla as Oct 11 2002. The file is on a Sun Solaris 2.8 server. If you have a fix for this, let me know, as this is makes Filezilla unusable for us. Thanks.

Margaret mlouie@…

#220 Timeout interrupts transfer Bug report normal Other

When I get a big file from a server (> 60 min.) Timeout

interrupts this transfer after the defined time and

connects again.

Unfortunately i can neither deactivate Timeout nor can I enter a value bigger than 999 sec.

I use version 2.1.2

#221 Fatal exception windows Bug report low Unknown

Hi, Note that 2 windows of maintain report exception in filezilla 2.1.2 display 2 different e-mail addresses. First windows: Tim.Kosses@… Second windows: Tim.Kosse@…

First e-mail address (tim.kosses@…) doesn't exist.

Please fix them.


#223 filezilla 2.1.2 italian interface Bug report normal Unknown

Hi, in italian interface, translation of option windows - Ident Server customization is not implemented.

String: "Some FTP servers require that you have an Ident server running when connecting to them. Enable Ident server. User ID - System Enable only when connecting. Only accept requests from the same IP"

May be translate:

"Alcuni server FTP richiedono che ti abbia un server Ident in esecuzione quando ti connetti

Abilita il server Ident

ID Utente (or untraslate it) - Sistema

Abilita solo quando è connesso. Accetta solo le richieste provenienti dallo stesso IP"



#224 cd to dir in tree w/ read protect fails Bug report normal Other

This is similar, but not the same as bug #515812. That bug report deals with not being able to change dir into a directory with list protect. My bug report refers to trying to change dir into a directory _further_ below a directory with list protect.

For example, dir /var/log has list disabled (via disabling read), but has navigation enabled (via enabling execute). Subdirs (and subsubdirs, etc.) below /var/log allow both reading and navigation. So, I should be able to use Filezilla to get to /var/log/foo and /var/log/foo/bar and even /var/log/foo/bar/baz. Indeed, Filezilla will show me the contents of /var/log/foo, but it will not show me the contests of either /var/log/foo/bar, nor /var/log/foo/bar/baz. Filezilla stops at 1 level down.

If it can do 1 level down, why not 2 and 3? Using

WS_FTP works (though it does complain about not being able to set the directory identifier; but at least I can get a listing and transfer the needed files).

An example from the log:

Command: CD /var/log/foo/bar/ Response: Remote working directory is now /var/log/foo Status: Directory listing successfull

In this example from the log, the directory listing is that of /var/log/was, which is interesting because it shows that Filezilla can list dir contents 1 level below a read-protected dir. It can not list dir contents more levels down.

#225 Transfer status "hangs" Bug report normal Other

When downloading from an FTP server that enjoys disconnecting frequently, FileZilla will attempt to retry the file. When it's "had enough" the transfer status will indicate "Transferring" but nothing is actually happening. I can reconnect to the FTP server, however the transfer status doesn't change. If I right-click on the download job, my only option is "Remove from queue" and "Move Up/Down." If I choose "Remove" the job doesn't get removed from the queue and the status stays at "transferring." Closing and reopening FileZilla is the only way to clear the status.

#226 "Can't resolve host name" error in 2.1.3 Bug report normal Other

I upgraded from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 but whenever I try to connect I get the error "Can't resolve host name". The settings for 2.1.3 work fine when imported into 2.1.2. The system is behind a firewall and requires going through the proxy.

The debug output for 2.1.3 is as follows:

FileZilla started (12/06/2002 16:58:30) Status: Connecting to ... Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(118): OnAsyncGetHostByName(11004, 0, 2) Error: Can't resolve host name Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(708): DoClose(0) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2680): ResetOperation (4100) Error: Unable to connect!

The debug output for 2.1.2 (which is successful at connecting) is as follows:

FileZilla started (12/06/2002 17:07:12) Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(244): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 0 to 1 Status: Connecting to ... Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(244): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 1 to 2 Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(244): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 2 to 4 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(652): OnConnect(0) Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(527): OnReceive(0) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(527): OnReceive(0) Response: 220 ProFTPD FTP Server ready.

#227 change to new directory failed Bug report normal Other

This problem occured on with Filezilla version 2.1a running on Windows XP, both home and pro edition. The host was which is running OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, Version 6.2.

I created a new directory on the server, attempted to change to that directory, and failed. I then telneted into the server, created a file in the directory, and tried to change directories in Filezilla again, it worked fine. Here is the output from Filezilla during this trial.

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 SCUACC FTP Server (Version 4.2) Ready. Command: USER niglesias Response: 331 Username NIGLESIAS requires a Password Command: PASS Response: 230 User logged in. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,112 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]*.*;* (,4208) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD WWW Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WWW] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WWW]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,115 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WWW]*.*;* (,4211) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: CWD WEBPAGE Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,116 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]*.*;* (,4212) Response: 550 file not found Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: CWD WEBPAGE Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,117 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]*.*;* (,4213) Response: 550 file not found Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: CWD WEBPAGE Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,128 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]*.*;* (,4224) Response: 550 file not found Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: CWD WEBPAGE Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,133 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]*.*;* (,4229) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.WEBPAGE]" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: MKD NEWDIR Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" directory created. Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD NEWDIR Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,251 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]*.*;* (,4347) Response: 550 file not found Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: CWD NEWDIR Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,16,252 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]*.*;* (,4348) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: REST 0 Response: 502 REST is unimplemented. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]" is current directory. Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Status: Directory listing successful Command: DELE STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]BLAH. Response: 550-Failed to delete file STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.NEWDIR]BLAH.; Response: 550 The file specification must contain a name, type and version number (even if wildcarded). Command: RMD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]NEWDIR Response: 550-Failed to delete directory STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]NEWDIR.; Response: 550 The file specification must contain a name, type and version number (even if wildcarded). Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 SCUACC FTP Server (Version 4.2) Ready. Command: USER niglesias Response: 331 Username NIGLESIAS requires a Password Command: PASS Response: 230 User logged in. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,18,4 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]*.*;* (,4612) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: MKD test Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]" directory created. Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD test Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,18,5 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]*.*;* (,4613) Response: 550 file not found Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

* At this point I create a file in the TEST directory *

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Command: CWD test Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,0,18,18,6 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE set to ASCII. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening data connection for STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]*.*;* (,4614) Response: 226 LIST Directory transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful

#228 OpenVMS Support? Failed Delete. Bug report normal Other

This seems to me like simply a lack of support for OpenVMS servers, but I'm not working from much. I actually found this problem in the process of posting bug 650374 "change to new directory failed." They both take place on the server running OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, Version V6.2.

The problem is simply that I can't delete a folder or files. I think it has to do with the OS adding version numbers to files and Filezilla not taking this into account. Here is a log of a failed directory delete (TEST) and a failed file delete (Q.).

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Response: 250-CWD command successful. Response: 250 New default directory is STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS] Command: PWD Response: 257 "STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]" is current directory. Status: Directory listing successful Command: DELE STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]BLAH. Response: 550-Failed to delete file STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS.TEST]BLAH.; Response: 550 The file specification must contain a name, type and version number (even if wildcarded). Command: RMD STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]TEST Response: 550-Failed to delete directory STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]TEST.; Response: 550 The file specification must contain a name, type and version number (even if wildcarded). Command: DELE STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]Q. Response: 550-Failed to delete file STUDENT:[NIGLESIAS]Q.; Response: 550 The file specification must contain a name, type and version number (even if wildcarded).

This may be useful? This is a directory listing in the TEST directory (different from where I was trying to delete things). It shows two files, both called blah with version 1 and 2, and a single file called foo with version 1 only.

Filename Blocks Date Modified Owner Protection


BLAH.;2 1 8-DEC-2002 01:16:16.31 [1000,46412] (RWED,RWED) BLAH.;1 1 8-DEC-2002 01:03:07.81 [1000,46412] (RWED,RWED) FOO.;1 1 8-DEC-2002 01:18:21.69 [1000,46412] (RWED,RWED)

Total of 3 files, 3 blocks. [NIGLESIAS.TEST]>

Feel free to contact me if you need anymore tests, or even access to an account on the server if its important.

#229 upload of file to an empty dir fails Bug report normal Other

Uploading of a file to a remote empty dir fails if the file exists in the remote dir's parent dir (ie. as a sibling to the remote dir).

For example:

When trying to upload local file c:\tmp\foo to remote

empty dir /tmp/test/foo, if the remote file /tmp/foo exists, then filezilla will think that file "foo" already exists on the remote host and will prompt if I wan to overwrite or not. If I skip, then it skips ok; but if I ask to overwrite (hoping it will writing into /tmp/test/foo, not into /tmp/foo), then filezilla will fail. It will display the contents of /tmp/test/ and will show status of "Too many retries".

Thanks in advance for fixing this bug. /Eric

#230 View / Edit Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The menu option "View / Edit" should use the windows explorer default editor if "File viewing / editing" doesn't have a program manually configured to view/edit the file...


#231 No elipsis (...) on certain menu items Bug report normal Unknown

It is standard practice in MS Windows UI design to put an elipsis (...) on any manu item which will raise a dialog box. Elipses are present on the Transfer->Manual Transfer option, the Queue->Import option, etc., but are not present on the Edit->Settings menu option and others. A quick look over the mneu and simple edit of the resource file should fix this.


#232 Proxy problem? File size 0 on remote Bug report normal Other

Trying to put a file on a remote host filezilla asks me what to do (overwrite, overwrite if newer, ...) if the same filename already exists. If I select overwrite and OK I get the same query again and again. Exiting leaves the file on the remote server with file size 0 bytes.

Any hints?

Thanks. Mathias


Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbunden mit Warten auf Willkommens Mitteilung... Antwort: 220 FTP proxy (Version V5.0) ready. Status: Versuche über den Proxy zu erreichen Befehl: USER username@… Antwort: 331-(----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO Antwort: 331-(220 FTP Server ready.) Antwort: 331 Password required for username. Befehl: PASS Antwort: 230 User username logged in. Status: Verbindung hergestellt Status: Starte Upload von d:\Startseite.html Befehl: CWD /test/ Antwort: 250 CWD command successful. Befehl: PWD Antwort: 257 "/test" is current directory. Befehl: TYPE A Antwort: 200 Type set to A. Befehl: PASV Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (...) Befehl: STOR Startseite.html Fehler: Verbindung getrennt Fehler: Upload fehlgeschlagen Fehler: Timeout entdeckt! Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbunden mit Warten auf Willkommens Mitteilung... Antwort: 220 FTP proxy (Version V5.0) ready. Status: Versuche über den Proxy zu erreichen Befehl: USER username@… Antwort: 331-(----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO Antwort: 331-(220 FTP Server ready.) Antwort: 331 Password required for username. Befehl: PASS Antwort: 230 User username logged in. Status: Verbindung hergestellt Status: Starte Upload von d:\Startseite.html Befehl: CWD /test/ Antwort: 250 CWD command successful. Befehl: PWD Antwort: 257 "/test" is current directory. Befehl: TYPE A Antwort: 200 Type set to A. Befehl: PASV Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (...) Befehl: STOR StartseiteD.html Fehler: Verbindung getrennt Fehler: Upload fehlgeschlagen Fehler: Timeout entdeckt!

#233 Incorrect Time display Bug report normal Other

Hi, can somebody please fix this problem. It has been submitted before, and I don't see anything. We do also have the same problem. "Incorrect Remote Date/Time The Date/Time for the remote server is showing times 4 hours ahead of what the server says they are. For example, FileZilla shows a file has a Date/Time of "08/02/2002 02:14" but the same file on the server shows a Last Modified Date/Time of "Thu Aug 1 22:14:38 2002". The server is showing the correct modification date/time."

#234 Garbage text on final installer step. Bug report normal Other

Steps to reproduce: 1) Run the installer for v2.1.3a. 2) Choose English. 3) Do not choose the insecure mode.

The attached form is displayed, note the unreadable text above "Setup was completed successfully.

Environment: Windows 2K SP3.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.