Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#390 Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Bug report normal Other

Tried to connect to 2 different servers ( both work with other ftp clients ). I have IP on internal net, servers are outsite. No proxy

Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,1,8,18,171 Response: 500 Illegal PORT command. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Command: TYPE I

filezilla 2.1.8c

#391 FileZilla ignores UseRegistry if XML file exists Bug report normal Other

If a FileZilla.xml file gets created at any point, FileZilla ignores the UseRegistry key. We repackage FileZilla in MSI's, and need to use the registry for our roaming profiles. If a user downloads an interim release as a setup.exe it can create the XML file and then the MSI's repairs to the registry do no good.

thanks! atticus

#392 lose capitalization in directory name Bug report normal Other

version 2.1.9a

when transferring directories from remote to local computer the directories created on local computer are all lower case even though they were upper case on the remote computer.


#393 Server: fail to resolve .lnk to a drive root Bug report normal Other

The "resolve windows shortcuts" option works well when the target is a subdirectory. However, when the target is root of some drive (ex. D:\) the client will not be able to change directory to it.

#394 Downloading large file lists causes timeout. Bug report normal Other

When downloading a very large list of files yielded by the LIST command over a slow-ish connection, filezilla will detect a timeout and disconnect from the server unless the timeout period is increased to a very high level.

#395 hide Quick Connect Bar state Bug report normal Other

When I hide the Quick Connect Bar, it shows up again whenever I go into Settings and hit OK (even if it is already unchecked in Interface settings).

#396 memory overflow when viewing directory Bug report normal Other

Using FileZilla server v0.8.5, windows 2000.

I just replaced Cerberus FTP server with FileZilla, so I already had a bunch of directories set up for FTP, full of stuff.

While adding users, I was assigning home directories. When the directory explorer window opened, I began expanding to get to the D drive.

My D drive has several directories, each with nearly 70,000 image files in them (sequential image upload from several webcams). I don't think FileZilla handled this too well.

I didn't think this would be a problem, because it shouldn't have been scanning for files, only directories. It froze just while expanding the D drive and never displayed any of the directories within it. After about 5 minutes of waiting I got a blue screen (my first time EVER under windows 2000, by the way) indicating a memory dump.



#397 Queue's Status Column Width Not Saved Bug report normal Unknown

This has been around for a while. I was hoping it'd be fixed, but I guess no one reported or noticed it, so I think I will. :)

Pretty simple really, in the queue, the Status column's width is not saved. Every time I start FZ I have to reset it to not have a horizontal scroll bar.

Keep up the great work!

#398 Exporting Large Queue/Closing FZ w/Large Queue = 100% CPU Bug report normal Other

I help run a large Web site, and have been downloading the entire site to backup to CD. Right now I'm trying to download ~900MB from our main server, totaling several thousand files. Since FZ does not show a queue count (please add this!), I'm having to guess that the total is around 2,000-3,000 files.

Naturally, a transfer of this much data may not complete in one day, and I sure don't want to have to start over from scratch. Just downloading all of the directory listings takes about 10-15 minutes. So, I have been trying to export the queue.

I've tried exporting the entire queue of the ~900MB of files, and smaller portions of ~150MB, and whenever I try, FZ remains at 100% CPU usage, with memory usage continually fluctuating in small amounts. When I tried to export the 900MB queue, memory usage was around 96MB; when I tried the smaller one, it fluctuated more, from ~11MB to ~26MB, occasionally jumping to ~66MB.

I have FZ set to use XML, not the registry, and when I try to close FZ the same thing happens.

At first I had FZ set to use the registry, and when I tried to close it, the queue was so large, it ran the registry up to the max registry size, so I switched FZ to XML.

With the 900MB queue, I let FZ run at 100% CPU for around 15 minutes, which should certainly be enough on an Athlon XP 1700+ with 512MB of memory, don't you think? I mean, come on, what's a list of a few thousand files for a machine like that? :)

I think this is a fairly serious bug. If there's anything I can do to help the devs fix it, let me know.

#399 Queue: File Progress Bar Always White Background Bug report normal Unknown

In the queue, in each file's progress bar that appears when the file is being downloaded, the background is always white, even if you have the "window" color in Windows set to a different color.

#400 server:cant open shared files Bug report normal Other

when downloading files from server, it seems try to open the file in "rw" mode instead of "ro" mode

#401 APPE corrupts my work Bug report normal Other


I want to use FileZilla to upload Files to a Server. I want FileZilla to insert Files to the remote Filesystem that does not exist on the Server so far. FileZilla asks me how to handle Files on my sytem that are older on the server. What FileZilla does not ask me - and does wrong - is handling files with an identical timestamp on my PC and the Server. I transfer ASCII-Files. On my system a linebreak is stored with 2 bytes. The remote system stores one byte per linebreak. It strips off the extra byte automatically, thus making the file shorter. FileZilla on an update of the whole directory structure recognizes the identical FileDate and the different (smaller) filesize and thus thinks it has to APPEnd extra bytes to the file on the server. That's why I'd call "motherfucking bullshit" ;-) It does not malke sense at all. My ASCII-files are PHP scripts that now become unparsable by PHP and screw up my whole system. It took me 3 houres yesterday (Sunday evening) to figure this error out, finally delete all files on the server and upload them wholly. So please change FileZilla that it works in a way it does not automatically corrupt my scripts.

Thank you, Bernhard

#402 Client: Timeout while waiting for dir list = fail, no retry Bug report normal Other

If FZ gets a timeout while waiting for a directory listing, it fails and then sits there doing nothing. It should reconnect and retry the directory listing.

This is quite frustrating if you're trying to replicate a directory/file structure on a server. If the server is busy (or a piece-of-junk Windows server), and freezes up instead of sending the directory listing the first time, FZ will just fail and sit there. Then when you come back and notice, you have to delete the entire queue and start the whole queueing-up of files all over again. You waste time with FZ doing nothing, and more time downloading the same directory listings over again.

It seems like it should be pretty simple for FZ to reconnect and retry directory listings, just like it does with downloads and uploads.


#403 Client: Disconnect Not Detected, Directory Listing Fails Bug report normal Other

This one should be pretty simple. Here's a log that should pretty much explain it all:

Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Download successful Status: Disconnected from server [When I returned, I dragged some directories from the remote pane to the local one to download them, then this...] Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD tutorials Error: Disconnected from server Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

So instead of connecting to the server, *then* sending CWD and proceeding to get the directory listings, it just failed and sat there.

#404 Client: Deleting many files is slow if they are selected Bug report normal Other

If you're deleting several thousand files from a remote directory, and they are still selected in the remote view pane, the CPU usage remains at 100% and the files are deleted at a rate of about one every two seconds. If you click in the remote pane and deselect all of the files, they start deleting as fast as the server can handle it.

Must be some bug in the window pane code, maybe it's in Windows itself, but a workaround would be to automatically deselect the files if there are more than a certain number of them being deleted and the directory they're being deleted from is the one displayed in the remote pane.

#405 FileZilla Server - remote Dir Bug report normal Other

Setup: Filezilla Server and Filezilla Client

If you are in the root directory of the FTP user and you try to go one folder up, it shows the physical path of the folder in which you are c:\xxx\xxx\xx or d:\xxx,

I think it is a security/feature issue

#406 View|Show hidden files needs touching... Bug report normal Other

Hidden files are not always beeing displayed unless you again disable/enable the Show hidden files option in the view menu.

#407 Recursive delete doesn't delete hidden files... Bug report normal Other

If you choose to delete a folder, FileZilla recurses through its subfolders to delete all files, but it misses hidden files and is thus unable to delete the selected folder is the "directory is not empty"...

#408 files get skipped when downloading Bug report normal Other

(Version: 2.1.8c)

I've seen that when I wanted to download the virus signature files for my virus scanner. That are 2 files ( and So I drag to my local directory, then macrdef2. zip. The box pop's up if I want to overwrite the local file. But this box appears only for and gets skipped.

If I drag the second file after the box for the first appeared, it works. If I mark both files and drag them at once, it works also.

#409 Wrong "File already exist" warning using sftp Bug report normal Unknown

I've reproduced this problem sucessfully only using sftp and transfering 2 files and up.

I connect to an sftp server1, and send 3 files (abc.txt, def.txt, ghi.txt) that are not on that server.

Break connection and connect to sftp server2 and send the same 3 files, I'll get an "File already exist" warning box for 2 of the 3 files (def.txt and abc.txt), even though these files _do not_ exist on server2. ghi.txt is sent without this warning.

My configuration :

FileZilla 2.1.9 / 2.1.9a Windows NT4 SP6a

2 Servers are identical Solaris 9 with stock SSH server (OpenSSH)

adery _at_ hotmail _dot_ com

#410 Increasing Conn. Count During Download Causes Re-LIST Bug report normal Other

If you increase the number of simultaneous connections while a queue is downloading, the new connections re-download a directory listing before starting to actually download files in the queue.

For example, I am currently downloading my site's old UBB forum files for backup. There are many thousands of files, totaling over 600 MB. I had it on two connections, but the files are tiny, so increasing the number of connections helps them download faster. The directory of the files currently at the top of the queue has many files in it, so the LIST command takes a long time for the server to process. When I increased the number of connections to four, the two new connections each ran LIST commands, instead of just downloading the next files in the queue.

In small directories this isn't a problem, but when downloading from directories containing thousands of files, this can add several minutes to the download time.

When I de-selected Process Queue, then selected it again, all four connections immediately started downloading files, without getting new directory listings.

This should probably be simple to fix. If the devs need any help tracking down this bug, just use my SF e-mail address.

Thanks for your work on FileZilla.

#411 View/Edit with Ultraedit Bug report normal Other

When you click view/edit on a file that's associated to ultraedit and you already have ultraedit running, FZ opens the file in the existing window but then immediatly deletes the file.

#412 On remote site: transferred files too big and 0 bytes Bug report normal Other

This is my first experience with FileZilla. It was included in the new Kerberos kit for windows distributed by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Office (HPCMO).

The Kerberos kit is identified at kfw_20030506_setup.exe, and the included version of FileZilla is 2.1.4b.

I am running Kerberos on a Windows 2002 operating system and connecting to a remote DoD HPC site. I have a large file that is 1235774 bytes on my local computer. Actually this file is located on a disk that resides on a Silicon Graphics O200 which is NFS mounted to my PC via Hummingbird Exceed version 8.0. When I transfer this file, it becomes 1228800 bytes big, and FileZilla repeatedly asks if I want to overwrite it. Each time I do, the transfer repeats and the remote copy of the file is the same, overly big size.

For a small file of 7262 bytes in size, the remote copy is 0 bytes long. Again, FileZilla repeats the overwrite prompt several times with the same result.

I have to deal with a firewall and wonder if this has anything to do with having to have certain UDP and/or TCP ports being open. Or it may simply be that I need to set certain parameters. The above behavior occurs whether the transfer type is Auto or Binary.

FileZilla looks like a very slick and intuitive way to deal with protected file transfer, especially with Kerberos. I would really like to be able to use it.

Could you please help?

Thank you, Ed Vaughn


#413 Directory list incomplete w/ passive SSL Bug report normal Other

W/ passive SSL, directory list appears incomplete, w/o SSL appear complete

#414 Bug in assigning default programs Bug report normal Unknown

I think I have found a bug in the Options dialog. When trying to assign a default program to open files, unless I click the <Ok> button for every entry nothing is saved. This requires me to reopen the Options for every program I want to assign.

Thanks dorlands@…

#415 Conflict with Zone Labs IMSecure/ImSecure Pro Bug report normal Other

On a system with IMSecure or IMSecure Pro loaded, FileZilla will not connect out even in passive mode unless libeay32.dll is renamed to a different file extension.

#416 Filezilla Server Active Mode is not RFC compliant Bug report normal Other


A customer called me because he had problems using active FTP through his firewall. I checked a bit and I remarked that many other FTP servers were doing well with active FTP through his firewall (checkpoint). The difference is that the server that are working ok are RFC 959 compliant. It looks like Filezilla server is not compliant (because of time, I could only make very few testings) because when the FTP- DATA connexion is set up from the server to the client, the source port should be 20 (actually "listening port - 1", according to the RFC). It looks like filezilla sets the a random source port > 1023. Stateful firewalls (at least checkpoint) doesnt take in consideration this connexion as a part of an existing one and the drops the data connexion.

Extract of the RFC :

The user-DTP must "listen" on the specified data port; this may be the default user port (U) or a port specified in the PORT command. The server shall initiate the data connection from his own default data port (L-1) using the specified user data port.

#417 Change the default port for sftp Bug report normal Other

When we select sftp using ssh2 option in the site manager, the default port 21 should change to 22.


#418 Ascii-mode and auto-mode file transfer broken?(2.1.8c winxp) Bug report normal Other

ASCII or Auto-detect file transfer of an HTML or HTM file will break some Javascript rollover and/or OpenWindow-type coding in the page. Something is wrong with the ASCII file transfer.

Workaround is to transfer the file in Binary mode.

#419 Broken transfers in queue always resume, ignore error 451 Bug report normal Other

Files in the queue whose transfers are broken partway are always resumed by FZ, even if the server doesn't support resuming.

Resetting a file's queue status doesn't help; you have to remove the file from the queue and transfer again.

#420 No Keep Alive in SFTP over SSH2 Bug report normal Other

The keep alive function does not appear to work when using SFTP over SSH2 mode. Most FTP servers kick you off when the connection goes idle, so implimenting this feature to work under SSH2 would be a great addition. I'm sure many of us with remote servers would like to keep an open FTP session in the systray while working on their sites.

#421 I got the reason that cannot disply file list. Bug report normal Other

The reason is date-time format. Filezilla cannot parsing local date-time format that include 2byte character.

Below is reasult excute 'ls -la'

drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 1024 7Ô 5| 19:18 . drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 1024 7Ô 5| 19:18 .. -rw------- 1 root other 73 7Ô 5| 19:18 .TTauthority -rw------- 1 root other 98 7Ô 5| 19:18 .Xauthority -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 548 7Ô 5| 19:08 .cshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 548 7Ô 5| 17:35 .cshrc.old -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 124 7Ô 5| 17:34 drwxr-xr-x 12 root other 512 7Ô 5| 19:18 .dt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root other 5111 5Ô 17| 11:37 .dtprofile . . .

#422 File size difference in transfer Bug report normal Other

I transfered a file to a UNIX server and it was adding byte size to (832 bytes) the file, causing it to not to run by command line request. I transfered it to another server where the file ran fine and the size was correct (802 bytes). Each time I had Admin rights and I transfered the file as ASCII mode. The transfer was SSH secure each time. I was following a migration task and had to get the developer of the code to witness the issue before we discovered what the problem was preventing the file from running as developed. FYI - the .sh file called a tar.gz file to execute and install inhouse software on the server. We had to use another FTP application to accomplish our migration process.

#423 Can't build data connection: Bug report normal Other

Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: PORT 10,0,1,220,4,233 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: LIST Response: 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

This error is happening when I am trying to connect to this site using my Windows 98 machine. However, if I connect to the same site with Windows 2000 - the connection and directory listing happens perfectly.

Version 2.1.9a

#424 problem with uploading - doesn't send all data Bug report normal Other

seems to be a problem when uploading multiple files at once, sometimes they will not upload completely and yet they disappear from the queue as if the upload was successful... tends to be either 0 bytes, or a multiple of 16k (maybe to do with block size?)

this has been ongoing since filezilla 2.1.6 or so i think. i'm using war-ftpd which has been working fine before i started using the filezilla with problems, and also works fine with any other client i use...

i'm using filezilla 2.1.9a on windows 2000 pro.

#425 Bad resume when not server suported Bug report normal Other

With version 2.1.8c

When I tried to resume a download on a IBM/aix server :

  • the resume seem to go normaly
  • then the download goes over 100%

I then went to the command window, to see "REST command not found".

The error wasn't trapped by filezilla, and the dowloaded file was bad.

The server couldn't resume and filezilla started to resume instead of sending a message and restarting the download from zero.

But Thanks for the very good job !


#426 pwd during idle changes directory Bug report normal Other

I noticed that during idle time - to stop server from disconnecting you use "pwd" with no params command. on my ftp server it changes to a different directory spec(at)webtech(dot)pl

#427 resume fail on reconnect Bug report normal Other
  • logged in a site
  • starting download of a binary file
  • closing client while downloading
  • open the client again, I see the queue with

downloading file

  • Process Queue
  • client connects to site and tells me download is

complete, even I got few bytes before, and lot of bytes still to download

#428 japanese language DLL is not archived Bug report normal Other

Japanese language DLL is not archived in install/autobuild rev 1.6.

--- autobuild.orig 2003-08-31 18:26:02.000000000 +0900 +++ autobuild 2003-08-31 18:26:54.000000000 +0900 @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@

"source/Language DLLs/Hungarian/release/FzResHu.dll" \ "source/Language DLLs/Italian/release/FzResIt.dll" \ "source/Language DLLs/Polish/release/FzResPo.dll" \

+ "source/Language DLLs/Japanese/release/FzResJp.dll" \

readme.htm \ source/documentation/FileZilla.chm \ GPL.html \

#429 Documentation addition Bug report normal Other

More like a request Please include in the compilation documentation page that you need to move the platform sdk include folder to the top, or some dumb coder (like me) might get frustrated, why FileZilla doesnt compile =]

#430 doesn't create empty folders Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

In my web server, i have several folders containing image files. Some of the folders are empty, but have to be created before even they are empty, for my PERL script to check them. When i try to upload the main folder containing those folders, FileZilla doesn't create empty ones. It only creates the folders that have files in. In my opinion, it should create the folders whether they are empty or not...

#431 Message log scrolls incorrectly Bug report normal Unknown

I'm using FileZilla version 2.1.9a and there's an issue with the Message Log window where it will scroll to the beginning of the log, then back to the bottom for the first hundred lines, then stay at the top at every line past.

#432 Download not working Bug report normal Other

When I have a local site path to my Web site like:


Then when I connect to my Internet FTP site and do a download of a file then Filezilla informs me of it about to overwrite the local file. So far, so good.

But the information of the local file is incorrectly shown. The local file file length is really only 73 bytes and it tells me that the local file is 80 bytes! The file on the FTP is also 80bytes.

When I click on the OK icon to get it to download it, it says it has downloaded it but it doesn't appear in the local folder.

I've tried this with several files and I even try first deleting the local file first and Filezilla keeps saying that its about to delete the local file but its no longer there!

The view within Filezilla of my local files doesn't seem to reflect what Windows explorer says they are. I've tried clicking on the refresh icon in Filezilla, makes no diff.

If I click within the local files view on one of the local files shown (but its really deleted) to read its properties, then it of course can't find the file!

If I try to download a file that is no longer present in the local folder then Filezilla pops up a 'File already exists' window. But it doesn't!

#433 [server]: mget Bug report normal Other

I use the ftp client of solaris, and when I make a "mget *", it do not work. I must do "mget ." Why ???? korsani at (yeah, at) caramail dot (yeah, dot) com

#435 Uploading via Network not possible Bug report normal Other

I have eg. on X: a Network drive mapped. I connect to my ftp site, change dir. Then try to upload a file from the Network-dir to the ftp-dir.

I see there is on the ftp-site the file somehow created, but only with 0 bytes len. And additionally I receive error that the 'local file 'X:....' could not be opened. Upload failed'.

When uploading it via DOS command-line, this works. Uploading from the local drive works also fine.

#436 Local/remote details format discrepancies; local time bug Bug report normal Other

Here are discrepancies in the list formatting of file and folder details and columns between local and remote lists (note that the local system is Windows XP Pro, and the remote is Unix runnning Apache):

Filesize: (Configurable, but the only one)


  • Local: One column named "Last Modified"; date

formatted m/dd/yyyy; time formatted H:mm t (?)

  • Remote: Two columns named "Date" and "Time"; date

formatted mm/dd/yyyy; time formatted H:mm

Filetype: Missing on remote list

Permissons: Missing on local list, even though Windows sets permissions, too (just not the same as Unix)

Also, note that the local time format is incorrect, using 24-hour time and the AM/PM variable.

I would suggest (if it's not in your todo already) making all file and folder details and list columns fully configurable for both local and remote lists, including selectable columns and formatting (like currently with filesize).

#437 files list is not updated in the local tree view Bug report normal Unknown

Here's the way to reproduce the bug :

  1. run filezilla
  2. browse a local directory, for exemple c:\TEMP using

the tree view.

  1. run the explorer, select c:\TEMP, create a new

directory called azerty (as you want)

  1. return to filezilla. try to refresh the tree by

double-cliking on c:\TEMP or c:\, but azerty will never appears Fortunaly, its appears when on the list view, you choose the parent directory (..) and re-select TEMP again. But even in this case, the tree does not refresh.

#438 List in solaris ftp server don't show Tim Kosse Bug report normal Other

The listing for ftp solaris server, don't show ok.

I put image file, and debug file.

#439 passive mode problems Bug report normal Other

I have Filezilla server(0.8.5 beta ) set up behind my router. I'm forwarding a block of ports to it and I have Filezilla server set up to use those ports in passive mode.

When I try to connect with Filezilla client (2.1.9), I can connect, but the connection hangs on the "LIST" command. The PASV command returns a valid IP address and port combination (one of the ports I have forwarded).

If I telnet to the port indicated by the PASV command, I get the directory listing.

If I use WS_Ftp (or even IE 6 in pasv mode) I can get a directory listing just fine. LeechFTP however, hangs on LIST as well.

hanfeitzu a_t hotmail d o t co m

#440 User Group changes when clicked on in User Accounts dialog Bug report normal Other

Each time you click on a user's name in the User Accounts Dialog is changes user to the next group. If you click again, it moves to next, etc.

This can cause incorrect permissions for accounts.

#441 filezilla hogs user registry size Bug report normal Other

I recently wanted to transfer a filestructure that contained thousands of small files.

I believe filezilla failed to do that and I changed to flashfxp that correctly did this.

This bug has allready been posted, but I want to post another bug.

Also recently, whenever I logged my user account off, windows would fail to unload it after 60 seconds.

To repair it I wanted to dump my registry and create a new account. However, dumping also gave me an error. Part of the registry was dumped and it failed after the filezilla part. it was dumping the complete queue I was transferring a few weeks ago (covered 80% of what it had dumped)

Now I deleted the complete filezilla sub-hive and the computer started to do a lot of work. After doing this the problems were completely solved and now my account unloads within 5 secs.

#443 SFTP ASCII Mode dont work in Solaris server(Linux work) Bug report normal Other

Hello! (sorry , my poor english) When using "SFTP using SSH2" to transfer an ascii text file to our Unix Solaris(5.9) server the file ends up with M at the end of every line. The file was created in a windows 98 machine. In ours Linux Servers works. Using comercial program 'SSH Secure Shell' works and the files are correct but we want use Filezilla for Open Source The ascii mode is not implement in Sftp? This a failure. Thanks from Spain.

#444 Ambiguous wording in install startup option Bug report normal Unknown

This one should be easy to fix (as long as someone actually knows what this option does:) The ambiguous text is:

"Do not install as service, started automatically (not recommended)"

This is found in the FileZilla_Server_0_8_6.exe setup:

Startup Settings

Select startup behaviour for FileZilla Server

Please choose how FileZilla Server should be started:

"Do not install as service, started automatically (not recommended)" (3rd option)

It's ambiguous because it leaves you wondering whether it will be started automatically or not.

I recommend changing to:

"Do not install as service and do not start automatically. (not recommended)"

as long as that is indeed what that option means.

#445 downloads to local UNC paths don't work correctly Bug report normal Other

Filezilla V2.2 doesn't download to the correct place when I specify a UNC path as the path where I keep my local copy of the files I use on my Internet web site.

The correct path is shown in the 'local site' field though, see example.

Alleuus\publicweb\weretell-live\ecssystem\webs\ecs- tech\htdocs\

But when I download a file to the current local directory by right clicking on a remote file and choosing the download option, the file downloads into:

d:\Alleuus\publicweb\weretell-live\ecssystem\webs\ecs- tech\htdocs\

The local tree view though *is* however looking at the UNC path location so the downloaded file is never displayed.


Could some clever person fix this? :-)

#446 FileZilla Server LIST <file> is treated as a dir Bug report normal Other

When a LIST request is sent with a file as a target, the server responds with:

Server error: tcp 550 Directory not found

LISTing a directory works as expected. I have confirmed by looking in the client ftp handler code that the client indeed sends a LIST.

If I am right, FileZilla Server is trying to follow RFC 959:

which contains:


This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the passive DTP. If the pathname specifies a directory or other group of files, the server should transfer a list of files in the specified directory. If the pathname specifies a file then the server should send current information on the file.

That looks like FileZilla Server is at fault here.



#447 Unable to retreive directories list from MVS Server Bug report normal Other


I am using FileZilla V2.2 (french language).

I cannot retreive directories list from an IBM MVS Server.

Etat : Récupération de la liste de répertoires... Commande : CWD /'TEMP'/ Réponse : 550 CWD cmd failed : EDC5129I No such file or directory. Erreur : N'a pas pu récupérer la liste du répertoire

same as post previously send:

Response: 230 XAHEDM is logged on. Working directory is "XAHEDM.". Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of O:\FTP Temp\test.send Command: CWD /'XAHEDM.'/ Response: 550 CWD cmd failed : EDC5129I No such file or directory. Command: CWD / Response: 250 HFS directory / is the current working directory

Do you have a setting or patch in order to support MVS ?

thanks in advance,

-- mushu

smtp: Logestim@…

#448 corrupted files when resume from timeout Bug report normal Other

Files resumed after a send timeout are sometime corrupted. I suggest to trim files of some KB (the amount maybe can be setup in options) before resume them.

#449 Message log shows only last line Bug report normal Other

Using recent versions (2.1.6 to 2.2.0) on Win98SE. This did not happen in older versions.

The message log behaves fine until its window is full. After that, it shows only the most recent line, at the top of the window. Previous lines are only readable by scrolling up, and as soon as a new message is received (FTP command or response), they disappear again.

#450 No disconnect from server Bug report normal Other

I'm not sure this is a bug -- but it's not behaving the way I expected. I'm using FileZilla version 2.2, that I downloaded today 15 Sep 2003. I connected to a remote site and started downloading a file. Decided to stop the download, so I used menu command File/Disconnect. Dialog box shows the following lines, but the download is still continuing to run, like the remote site did not receive any command to stop or disconnect.

Response: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Status: Connected Status: Disconnected from server

#451 Following Win Link Fails, Upload-Dir Refresh Bad Bug report normal Other


As of FileZilla 2.1.7 I was able to follow a link correctly and didn't have any problem now in 2.2.0 it only seems to work correctly when relative paths are set in the server end... I do not wish this as I would like users to be able to go to the parent directory of their home path which does not work when relative paths are set on the server side (dont know if that is supposed to happen).

Also, after trying to upload to a directory when permission is not allowed, it shows in the file tree as if it has been uploaded...

Thanks Brewskie

#453 Quick Connect Bar reappears although is set not to. Bug report normal Unknown

I use Windows NT 4.00.1381

--Initial Settings-- I set my interface settings not to display Quick Connect Bar and also went to menu View->Quick Connect Bar and unchecked it. The Quick Connect Bar was not displayed.

--The Bug-- When I go to menu Edit->Settings and simply click OK button without changing anything, after Settings window is closed, the Quick Connect Bar is displayed again.

--Checked settings afterwards-- I went to Edit->Settings->Interface settings, and my current configuration is still set not to display Quick Connect Bar. After I clicked OK button the Quick Connect Bar disappeared.

Also, if I go to Edit->Settings and click Cancel, the Quick Connect Bar doesn't appear.


#454 connect through OpenBSD's ftp-proxy fails Bug report normal Other

The ftp-proxy is transparent

Other ftp clients such as WS_Ftp, cuteFTP works fine but FileZilla fails with the following error immediately after LIST is issued:

Error: Disconnected from server Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Error: Timeout detected!

note: I am not using passive mode

the ftp-proxy log shows the following error:

Sep 19 15:40:21 openbsd ftp-proxy[15486]: accepted connection from to 6024 Sep 19 15:40:22 openbsd ftp-proxy[15486]: client: USER xxxx\M Sep 19 15:40:25 openbsd ftp-proxy[15486]: cannot connect data channel (Connection refused)

Note: I WANNA USE FileZilla, nothing else!!! :-)

#455 Closing Remote Parent Directory Bug report normal Other

If a child directory is highlighted and you click on the - icon in the parent directory to close the parent directory, it highlights but does not close. If you click on the - icon of the parent directory while it is highlighted, it will close.

#456 Proposal: Byte size local directory Bug report normal Other

I find that it is much easier to tell if a file has been changed on the server side if I can compare the exact size of the file to the file size on the server side. Unfortunately on the local size, it shows KB, MB, etc instead of the filesize in bytes. Perhaps there could be option to change this so I can see the file in bytes instead of kilobytes, etc?

#457 Remember Directory after upload Bug report normal Other

Sometimes when you click on a directory on the remote side and then click on another directory and upload to that directory, it goes back to the previous directory after uploading the files.

Version 2.2

#458 Proposal: Move Capability Bug report normal Other

Are there any plans to implement the ability to move files within the local side as well as remote side?

#459 Toolbar buttons become bigger Bug report normal Other

After a while (?), the Toolbar buttons become bigger, but the Toolbar's size remains the same, so the buttons are visually cut off at their bottoms.

It has happened to me numerous times.

I will attach a screenshot later when it happens again. Unfortunately, I don't know how to reproduce it manually.

#460 Crash when Port 21 is not available Bug report normal Other

Hi, I just realized that FileZilla Server 0.8.7 is crashing, when the used port is in use by another application. Its not a big prob, because that should not be the case in production env, but anyhow ... it looks ugly :) Regards Daniel

#461 installer doesn't install to All Users profile Tim Kosse Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When installing FileZilla-2.2.0 (on a WinXP box) it offers no capability to install for "All Users", and instead unconditionally installs Start menu items in the current users' start menu (whether they be an administrator or not).

FileZilla-2.1.7 had a similar bug. It installed to "All Users" but the permission of the files were set to be unreadable by anyone other than the user who installed them.

#462 Queue window does not update during large downloads Bug report normal Other

I'm downloading a large binary file and the Queue window shows all relevant data, including the progress bar and speed. After very short time, the progressbar and actual size/speed stops completly. The elapsed and expected time also stops. However, I can see from my DSL modem, that downloads is still going on!! Also when I look with the Explorer into the directory, the File is growing!!! I can repeat this effect any time, including closing and starting FileZilla again..

Thank you very much for this great program!!!!

best wishes from Germany, Peter

#463 Filezilla Server & shortcuts to Network Drives Bug report normal Other

Just installed the Filezilla Server 0.8.7 beta.

Tried to configure a user accessing a directory tree, including an home directory, a local drive (C:) and a network drive (mapped U:).

To that effect I enabled the "follow links" options and I created windows shortcuts in the home directory pointing to those drives.

The link to the local drive (C:) works, while the link to the network drive (U:) does not work, nothing appears respect to that when logging in with an FTP client (Filezilla 2.20)



#464 Quick connect bar appears when setting Interface setting Bug report normal Unknown

Follow this,

  1. Make sure you don't see quick connect bar. (turn off


  1. click Edit->Settings
  1. click Interface settings
  1. Then make sure you didn't checked Quickconnect Bar

(it should be unchecked)

  1. Then Press OK
  1. Tada! You have Quickconnect bar now.

After that situation, When you enter Settings menu and just click ok, Quickconnect Bar visibility is toggled each time.

#465 Filezilla tries to resume file instead of retransfer Bug report normal Other

This occures sometimes. I've reported this earlier as 786803, but now I've seen that also in the latest version and I saw what happened. Filezilla tried to resume the file with start = filesize instead of asking me what I want to do. I've attached a debug-log.

Hope this helps.

#466 item not transalated in pref panel Bug report normal Unknown

the panel layout option in the pref is blank in the tree and is not translated in french

see the image

#467 corrupted xml file Bug report normal Other
  1. Started filezilla v2.1.8 when the hard-disk was full.
  2. Got a message "hard disk full"
  3. Cleaned some disk space
  4. Repeatedly getting the following message at startup:


Error, can't parse 'FileZilla.xml', the file may be corrupt. For this session, the registry will be used to store the settings.


  1. All config data was clear . FileZilla.xml is of size
  2. Even after adding new configuration.
#468 File listing and long username's Bug report normal Other


Easy to reproduce bug, tested on FileZilla 2.1.7 and 2.2

When you try to LIST the content of a remote directory who has long username (more than the standard 8 characters), some files won't appear when their size is to big.

Example :

Owner | Group | Size (in Bytes) | Filename | Result

root other 3842072 trtContinu.dup : Listed streamserve streamserve 3842072 trtContinu.dup : NOT Listed streamserve streamserve 842072 trtContinu.dup : Listed

I haven't try to exactly determine what was the limit of username's lenght which cause the bug but I think it would not be complicated to resolve.

Hope explanations are clear enough ;)


#469 FileZilla_2_2_1_setup.exe not fully uploaded. Bug report normal Other

FileZilla_2_2_1_setup.exe doesn't seem to have been fully uploaded to SourceForge. its file size is 92160, where-as FileZilla_2_2_0_setup.exe is 3086467

#471 Edit/view command open an empty file Bug report normal Other

If you select a remote file and right-click and Edit/View the file is downloaded (i believe) but when the file is open in text editor it is empty and its size in temp directory is 0 !!! The file is probably downloaded but not write in temp directory !!

#472 Comments don't stick in Site Manager Bug report normal Other

It's nice to have the possibility to add comments to each ftp site, however they don't seem to stick, neither when just clicking in another site nor when exiting with the Save and Exit option.

#473 SiteManager doesn't work with registry ? Bug report normal Other

Pulled lastest FileZilla source version (2.2.1).

Tried to compile with MSVC6, failed (because FileZilla uses headers not included with MSVC6), tried to compile with MSVC.Net, succeeded.

Ran FileZilla.exe. It asked me whether to use the registry, and said that registry is recommended for multiuser environments, so I said yes.

I connected, transferred files, things look nice.

I went to Site Manager and configured a site, went to Advanced to set the initial directory, Saved the Settings, closed FileZilla.

Now every time I run FileZilla I get a corrupt xml error:

Error, can't parse 'FileZilla.xml', the file may be corrupt. For this session, the registry will be used to store the settings.

and it doesn't remember the site I configured. I tried the same thing again (except not recompiling the source), and the same error happens.

Is SiteManager incompatible with registry settings ?

#474 Version history in help ends at 2.1.6 Bug report normal Other

Using just compiled 2.2.1.

Invoking Help, and choosing version history, it appears that the most recent version is 2.1.6.

(I speculate that some file just needs to be updated with a new copy of change notes.)

#475 drag & drop Bug report normal Other

this was listed in feature requests in may 2002 but to me this is more of a bug than a feature...

you can drag files from local directories outside of filezilla to upload but you can't drag files from filezilla to other locations.

#476 Disconnected on change file attribut UNIX Bug report normal Other

Version 2.2.1a

if i change file attribut on system Unix (example : check execute Group Permission), FileZilla disconnected Unix server.

#477 installer doean't provide description for "debug files" Bug report normal Unknown

The bug is present in version 2.2.1. I have not tried the latest alpha release, 2.2.1a.

OK, this is really small bug and should be easy to fix. Does not affect the functionality.

In the installer screen, at the point where the user selects the modules to install, the last module is the "debug files" module, but it does not have a description. As a sidenote, the additional language files description could be slightly expanded, to make it more descriptive, explaining for example which languages exist. These are minor improvements which take less than 5 minutes to implement in the installer, but this is what the end user sees when first downloads the program and goes through the installation, and make the best impression.

Overall I find filezilla at least as good if not better than commercial products e.g. cute ftp. Keep up the good work guys!

Manos Papantoniou

#478 FZ server/service chokes if account <> local system Bug report normal Other

An attempt to have the FZ server service run under a user other than local system causes the service to fail on startup (and remain unstartable/unstoppable as a service).

Steps to reproduce: a) create a local user, say "ftp" b) change that user's group to "guest". c) set FZ server login credentials to user=ftp d) try to (re)start the service.

Result: the service is hung and does not respond to attempts to start or stop it. It cannot be killed, and cannot be connected to by the FZ server interface.

#479 FZ server/service chokes if account <> local system Bug report normal Other

An attempt to have the FZ server service run under a user other than local system causes the service to fail on startup (and remain unstartable/unstoppable as a service).

Steps to reproduce: a) create a local user, say "ftp" b) change that user's group to "guest". c) set FZ server login credentials to user=ftp d) try to (re)start the service.

Result: the service is hung and does not respond to attempts to start or stop it. It cannot be killed, and cannot be connected to by the FZ server interface.

#481 Extremely slow startup Bug report normal Other

I experience very slow startuip of FileZilla on my laptop. It takes about 40 seconds to FileZilla window to appear after I clicked the icon.

Configuration is following:

HP omnibook 6000, PIII-850, 512MB Windows 2000 SP4

On my home PC it starts quickly.

#483 Lock on Windows Files Bug report normal Other

Using FileZilla V 2.1.8c

If I have an .xls file open in MS Excel, filezilla fails to upload. I must first close the file in MS Excel and then re-FTP.

#484 IPv6 support requested Bug report normal Other

IPv6 is becoming more prevalent, and not supporting IPv6 in FileZilla will limit its widespread use.

#485 [2.2.1a] 0 KB size files produced Bug report normal Other

In multi connection mode, when transfering files there is often 0KB files transfered to the remote server. These are report as OK transfers when infact they have been corrupted.

#486 Timeouts w/directory listings Bug report normal Other

This occured with both Windows FileZilla 2.1.9a and 2.2.1a on Win2k. The issue hasn't been encountered with other ftp clients connecting to the same servers. Attached is a short trace log.

dev1 at es11 dot com

#487 Transfer queue size decreases... again Bug report normal Other

Looks like bug 636100 is back:

"When FileZilla is started again, the size of the pane decreases."

But this time, it seems to only happen in certain conditions which I haven't been able to isolate myself but have seen it happen a number of times since 2.2.1a was released, and not with 2.2.1.

#488 Feature Request: Splitting Large files Bug report normal Other

Sorry if this is inappropriate. I'm new to this but I think this app would be killer if it had just one more feature. That is the ability to take a large file and split it up into small chunks which are then downloaded using multiple threads. Much like BitBeamer and LeechFTP can do.


#489 Wrong perms returned by FileZilla server for plain files Bug report normal Other

In FileZilla Server's Permissions.cpp,

memcpy(pDir->buffer + pDir->len, "-xw", 3);

should be

memcpy(pDir->buffer + pDir->len, "-rw", 3);

Right now, the server reports that every file is executable by owner, which is bad for two reasons: 1. it's wrong, since not every file is executable and 2. It causes clients which parse the permissions string to fail, because the string is malformed. (x in the 2nd place is invalid).

#490 "Connect to Default Site" will not prompt for a password Bug report normal Other

I have been very happy with your software for the better part of the last year. I have noticed a problem with your 2.2.X releases to date however. If i use the "Connect to Default Site" from the File Menu, it WILL NOT EVER prompt for a password. I am on a multi-user system, and i do not store my passwords locally so this is a problem for me. If i open the Site Manager, and double click the connection, then it prompts for a password. If you need further clarification on this issue, contact me @


Thanks for the great software!!!

#491 Dialog Windows and Dual Head Card Bug report normal Unknown

I use a doubleheaded video card and have 2 monitors ( the left windows being the Primary on Windows 2000)

When I have Filezilla in my right monitor, any of the dialogs popup eg site manager appear in the left monitor.

Not sure whether this is WIndows or filezilla or indeed Hydravision.

#492 Critical Transfer Error with Serv-U on Windows Bug report normal Other

I am experiencing a critical transfer error trying to contact a Serv-U FTP-Server on a Windows machine. A detailed log is attached. I am using FileZilla 2.2.1a. Version 2.1.5 does not appear to do this.

#493 Slow File Transfer compared to cmd line SFTP Bug report normal Other

I'm experiencing transfers using FileZilla that are significantly slower than using command line SFTP.

If i transfer a 3 MB file from a machine on my local network using FZ (2.2.1a), the fastest speed that i can get is around 200 KB/s. Transferring the same file (on the same server and client) using command line SFTP i can get 1.6 MB/s.

It seems like something is not quite right here.

#494 Timeout during dir listing Bug report normal Unknown

When listing large dirs (20000 to 50000 files) under HPUX I get a timeout error: 'Befehl: LIST -a Antwort: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /usr/bin/ls. Fehler: Timeout entdeckt! Fehler: Dateiliste konnte nicht empfangen werden'

Where can I raise the timeout value?

#496 Server not loading Group permissions on startup Bug report normal Other

The server does not appear to load the Group permissions when first started, resulting in lots of 'permission denied' errors at the client end when trying to list files/folders. Resetting a single directory permission for each defined group and the server will then recognise group permissions again.

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