Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 4044)

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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#836 cannot delete folder properly Alexander Schuch critical 19 years 18 years

by going right click, delete folder it does:

Command: RMD /test/ Response: 550 '/test/': No such Directory.

but if I run a raw ftp command:

Command: rmd test Response: 250 '/test': directory removed.

it doesnt like that forward slash at the end.

#1102 Version 2.2.23 or newer : Runtime Error! critical 18 years 18 years

Under Windows 98SE : version 2.2.23 or newer FileZilla

client are not functionnal.

A popup with Runtime Error! is displayed.

With 2.2.22 or older versions : no problem.

#1161 FileZilla Client to vsftpd (CentOS) random data modification critical 18 years 10 years

I test file download and file upload. There is a modification like follow. I found that modification occurs in download time.

ftp server : vsftpd-1.2.1-3E.1, CentOS 3.6

Kernel version : Linux version 2.4.21-

37.ELsmp ftp client : WinXP, FileZilla 2.2.27

There is no modification when I use WinXP ftp(console client) and Alftp.

The follow is result of my test.

[root@]#xxd ../ > ../ce.xxd [root@]#xxd > ce.xxd [root@]# diff ce.xxd ../ce.xxd

(downloaded file) (orgfile)

86009c86009 < 014ff80: 5cba 3a54 f9c1 6aa1 a472 c9b8 72d9 2994 \.:T..j..r..r.). ---

014ff80: 5cba 3a54 e512 afe1 a472 c9b8 72d9 2994

\.:T.....r..r.). 975097c975097 < 0ee0f80: 5eec b17c ce96 6fad 8cde a2b6 6e5e 47d3 ..|..o.....nG. ---

0ee0f80: 5eec b17c 9e13 6361 8cde a2b6 6e5e 47d3

..| 2262265c2262265 < 2284f80: 0b66 332e b941 651e 1d1d 83d8 82bc e8e7 .f3..Ae......... ---

2284f80: 0b66 332e 778d 846c 1d1d 83d8 82bc

e8e7 .f3.w..l........ 2283001c2283001 < 22d5f80: fce5 fcc1 af3b e453 4ccd de4b 9626 565d .....;.SL..K.&V] ---

22d5f80: fce5 fcc1 bdfc 12ae 4ccd de4b 9626

565d ........L..K.&V] 2625529c2625529 < 280ff80: ac6b 3913 a7b8 b17a 0ea3 e57c dd07 8ad1 .k9....z...|.... ---

280ff80: ac6b 3913 2976 f331 0ea3 e57c dd07

8ad1 .k9.)v.1...|.... 3548561c3548561 < 3625900: 1ee9 4c59 c3eb c905 2dd5 2245 0ddf 4747 ..LY....-."E..GG ---

3625900: 1ee9 4c59 6c72 5701 2dd5 2245 0ddf

4747 ..LYlrW.-."E..GG 3560185c3560185 < 3652f80: 0958 16f6 41a7 a007 e493 d169 8550 1f7d .X..A......i.P.} ---

3652f80: 0958 16f6 4a46 6d90 e493 d169 8550

1f7d .X..JFm....i.P.}

#1206 Drag & Drop and double-click to edit Files Tim Kosse critical 17 years 17 years

Drag & Drop and double-click to edit Files is not longer working at 3.0.0-4beta!

At all older Releases it works pretty well.

Filezilla 3 seems to get unusable.

#1216 if username have "%" the login fails critical 17 years 17 years

If the user name has a character % the connection it gives error. Filezilla 3.0.0-beta4 for Linux

#1256 Sites lost on export/import settings critical 17 years 17 years

When you export then import settings all sites are lost :-(

#3675 Problème de transferts critical 16 years 16 years


Quand je transfert un fichier, que se soit par "glisser/déposer" ou en double cliquant dessus ou enfin en utilisant le clic droit de la souris sur le fichier pour choisir "Envoyer", le fichier est bien "visuellement" transféré mais pas "physiquement".

Je constate l'erreur car dans la fenêtre de droite "serveur FTP" la taille des fichiers ne change pas. Si je supprime le fichier dans la fenêtre de droite et que je transfert le fichier de la fenêtre de gauche vers la fenêtre de droite, le ficher est également "visuellement" transféré mais pas "physiquement" car si je clique sur le bouton "Actualiser" la taille du fichier revient à celle du fichier d'origine ???

J'espère que vous pouvez lire le français car personnellement mon anglais est trop nul pour vous expliquer ce bug.

Merci par avance et mille fois bravo pour votre travail formidable.



#3687 Critical Error for all transfers critical 16 years 10 years

Every transfer attempt fails with a single error notice of "Critical Error". I am using the latest Filezilla and never has this happened with previous versions I've used.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP server ready Command: USER Nagi-kun Response: 331 Password required for Nagi-kun. Command: PASS Response: 230 User Nagi-kun logged in. Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT Response: 211-Features: Response: MDTM Response: REST STREAM Response: SIZE Response: 211 End Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,65,1,200,143,136). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD / Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,65,1,200,202,241). Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Calculating timezone offset of server... Command: MDTM LT2.html Response: 213 20080816091456 Status: Timezone offsets: Server: 0 seconds. Local: -21600 seconds.

Difference: -21600 seconds. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP server ready Command: USER Nagi-kun Response: 331 Password required for Nagi-kun. Command: PASS Response: 230 User Nagi-kun logged in. Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.YOUR-

BC8277587B\My Documents\My Pictures\My Forums\Webpage

Stuff\Graphics\\parchment.png Command: CWD / Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,65,1,200,124,9). Command: STOR parchment.png Response: 552 STOR denied: quota exceeded: used 60.20 of 60.00 upload Mb Error: Critical error Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.YOUR-

BC8277587B\My Documents\My Pictures\My Forums\Webpage

Stuff\Graphics\\LT chapters\LT1.html Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,65,1,200,245,210). Command: STOR LT1.html Response: 552 STOR denied: quota exceeded: used 60.20 of 60.00 upload Mb Error: Critical error Status: Disconnected from server

#3832 Filezilla Mac Unreliable critical rejected 16 years 10 years


I'm often using Filezilla because it's fast, and I have Mac Leopard 10.5.5.

When I start uploading files (joomla installation) with 8 connections (my occurance this time) I was finished and tried to install Joomla and it said files not found...

I had this issue a couple of times before, but now i was in the moment.

It's like Filezilla is skipping files, because when i uploaded the whole stuff the 2nd time and clicked the skip for the uploads that exist, it uploaded a couple of files that were forgotten the first time and no error is reported.

This is really weird, how and why this happens.

There is also no error visible in the log file, maybe filezilla skips files on mac?

The new version ( is doing a lot better already in performance. I had multiple occurances of this bug in older versions too.

Thanks, Patrick

ps, i don't think i've had this ever happen on filezilla PC.

#4069 Custom Server-Side Commands Features critical fixed 15 years 15 years

Every day I want to upload some files to FTP server and then rename them. It is a hard work when I have to rename many of files.

So I suggest that FileZilla will provide Custom Server-Side Commands feature.

i.e.: If there are 3 files(1.txt,2.txt.3.txt) will to be rename to (a.txt,b.txt,c.txt), then Filezilla can let me define a commmands-group as a menu to do this work.

#4507 Recent servers list save's passwords unencrypted critical rejected 15 years 15 years

Recently I found out that Filezilla saves the passwords of recent visited servers in an unencrypted file: recentservers.xml

Making it really easy to steal the passwords as soon if you have access to the computer.

This is in my eyes a security threat that should be taken care of.

PS: a little thanks to "Smash" who told me of this bug on the forum of my hoster.

#4547 Filesize 0 on upload critical fixed 15 years 15 years

Using and on uploads that are larger (100mb+), it displays uploaded file in Successful transfers window and shows file name on server, but the filesize is 0. I search forums and tickets but could not find anything. I did increase timeout setting to 9999 and Network configuration wizard runs successfully.

#4574 FileZilla wont recognize m4v extensions critical fixed 15 years 15 years


I've setup my own server so i can access all my music and movies from external networks. However upon acessing my movies wich are in the m4v file format FileZilla dosent recognize the format. The movies are only labelled as "file" in the filetype section, nothing about m4v. When I try downloading it, I recieve the error "Could not open (filename) for writing", desbite the permissions are set to 777. It works for any other filetype within the same folder, just not m4v extenstions.

Any clue why its not working for me?

#4785 reconnect to last server fails to forget critical rejected 15 years 15 years


I'm pretty sure this is a bug. When I use the options in the quick connect button 1) to erase the contents of the quick connect bar and 2) to clear the quick connect history, the Reconnect to Last Server button in the toolbar still recalls the server that I just erased.

This has to be a bug. Erasing the quick connect bar and its history should also remove that information from the log. Otherwise, the features are useless.

Even worse, the reconnect button remembers the passwords! Even worse, the reconnect button remembers everything even after a restart.

This is bad! This is a disaster for those of us who are on public or work computers!

#4795 Filezilla doesn't allow me to upload files whose names contain special characters critical rejected 15 years 15 years

Here is the log message:

Status: Listagem de diretórios bem sucedida Status: Renomeando '/wwwroot/cieaa/cieaa_trabalhos2009/117_SIMPÓSIO_-_ANÁPOLIS_p_ENVIAR.doc' para '/wwwroot/cieaa/cieaa_trabalhos2009/117_SIMPÓSIO_-_ANPOLIS_p_ENVIAR.doc' Comando: RNFR 117_SIMPÓSIO_-_ANÁPOLIS_p_ENVIAR.doc Resposta: 550 "117_SIMPÓSIO_-_ANÁPOLIS_p_ENVIAR.doc": no such file or directory.

Here I try to rename this kind of files on me host. Filezilla answer me 'no such file or directory'. The same hapens if I try to upload the files that has special chars like 'ç~´' on their names.

I already tried to switch the transfer kind to ASCII but it didn't work.

If matters, my Fillezila language is portuguese(brazil).

(I tested doing the same operation with SmartFTP and it worked. Don't think I'm comparing both).

Thank you.

#4803 can't edit multiple files with same name critical fixed 15 years 9 years

Using View / Edit - lowercase and uppercase files of same name results in error

Testcase 1 (works): Remote -> /foo/bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar.html Remote -> /foo2/bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar 2.html

Testcase 2 (fails): Remote -> /foo/bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar.html Remote -> /foo2/Bar.html Opens as -> fz3temp-1\bar.html Result -> when saving bar.html, it tries to upload it to both /foo/bar.html and /foo2/Bar.html

#5261 Things Missing critical outdated 14 years 12 years

My wife was uploading games to our site and the public_html folder just went poof and our tar file went missing a few months ago also

#5468 Particular filename string gets renamed critical rejected 14 years 14 years

We have discovered that any file we upload using the filename "114400227 <any words here>" will be renamed to "11440022_ <any words here>". Uploading using our servers web based platform does not reproduce the error, but filezilla consistently renames this filename.

#5478 ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted critical worksforme 14 years 14 years

Its very simple. I open my filezilla (3.3.3) and try to connect to a server, but it shows

Status: Resolving address of .org Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted". Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of .org Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted". Error: Could not connect to server

My friend can connect and my IP is not banned because i can connect to the control panel. I have a new computer for a couple of days but the old computer was fine with connecting.

#5658 Hidden Files not Shown critical invalid 14 years 14 years

I am currently having a problem whereby hidden files are not being displayed in Filezilla.

With debug switched on, I can see that the hidden files (ie ".htaccess") are being reported by the FTP server, however they are not being shown in the Remote View.

I have also checked "Server" > "Force showing hidden files", but with no effect.

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2010-08-16 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.11 GnuTLS: 2.8.3

Operating system:

Name: Windows Vista (build 6002, Service Pack 2) Version: 6.0 Platform: 32 bit system

#6518 modified uploaded files critical outdated 13 years 8 years


I've been using FileZilla for years now but lately I had to move to another FTP Client due to some issues I'm having.

FileZilla version: Processor: AMD Phenom 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.10 GHz RAM: 2GB System:Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits.

When I upload individual or a group (queue) of files to my Server (auto, ascii or bin) no error message is shown but is very common they fail when I test the result of the uploading.

They shouldn't fail beacause those files belong to applications I've got them running in my local environment AND in another remote Server of my own. Investigating the reasons of these failures I found out that most of the uploaded files have different size in my Server than the size they've got in my local installation. Using another FTP Client (Core FTP LE) the same files were uploaded properly, no different in their sizes and no failure when testing my Server's installation.

Attached you will find the print screen of both upload operations (FileZilla's and CoreFTP's). This shows up only one case; it happens with almost all applications I've got (more than 100).

I've got another ticket opened 15 days ago (Ticket #6505) where I report another issue with FileZilla and I believe both issues may have some connection.

Both issues (this one and the one reported in ticket 6505) started to show up after I installed Windows 7 in my PC.

I love FileZilla and after so many years using it I'm more than used to its features but, unfortunately, now I had to move to another FTP Client because I need to continue working and those misbehaviours add delays to my work.... but I'd love to go back to FileZilla.

I will appreciate any help.

Best regards, Lautaro.

#6527 menus do not display critical duplicate 13 years 13 years

The menus do not display when connecting to FTP. They only begin to show when the cursor is moved over the menu bars.

#7167 Failed to retrieve directory listing error: could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer critical invalid 13 years 13 years

I am using the FileZilla Server for this and the server is online.

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready Command: USER Jennifer Ng Response: 331 Give any password. Command: PASS Response: 230 logged on. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 500 invalid command, goodbye! Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server

I already made a home directory for it.

May I know how to make the correct directory?

I need to use this for my online shop so I put my priority of the report as critical.

Thanks a million and sorry for the inconvience caused.

#7190 "Overwrite if newer" not working with critical worksforme 13 years 12 years

I am in control of two websites that this function is critical that it works.

I am in Central Time and Dreamhost is in Pacific time, so I set the offset at "-2".

Not only does this function not work right but I'm having a problem on a fresh, the date comes back with NO time.

#7193 Ftp client not able to connect at all critical worksforme 13 years 12 years

Hi there, I have been using filezilla for years and after the recent upgrade, I keep getting this message

Status: Selected port usually in use by a different protocol. Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Delaying connection for 1 second due to previously failed connection attempt... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

I have checked the server and no problem. I have AVG firewall which I turned off and still the same response. I dont have windows firewall on and I disabled application gateway layer service - still same result. Could you please help? Its very important that I can get access to my ftp. Many thanks

#7251 Drop Shipping Companies - How To Work Doing Dropshipping Alexandra Woods critical invalid 13 years 13 years

If you want to work,one of the things that you can do is to work in drop shipping companies so that you would be able to earn the right amount of money that you want. All you have to do is to check the Internet for other types of Drop Shipping Companies so that you can compare. Aside from those things, you have to know how is work done when it comes to drop shipping companies so that you would be able to do the job right.

In order for you to know how to work doing dropshipping, you have to enter into a drop ship companies so that you would be able to know how to do that. Or you can check the Internet for details on the Drop Ship Companies where you want to do the drop shipping. On the other hand, you have to take note of the products that they sell so that you will be able to know how to advertise.

#7360 creates zero length files at the destination site critical fixed 13 years 8 years

win7 box with filezilla version 3.5.0

The tool will transfer all the files with out any error or warnings but the destinations files are all zero length. it creates directories OK

i can transfer the files using the command window via command line ftp and the files to arrive and maintain the original file size.

the hosting service has no trouble using filezilla from a different box transfering data to the same account.

snip from log in filezilla window, i told it to overwrite if file existed.: Status: File transfer successful, transferred 52,359 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2622.jpg Command: PASV Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226 File successfully transferred Status: File transfer successful, transferred 50,038 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2623.jpg Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,198,127,42,118,179) Command: STOR DSC_2622.jpg Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,198,127,42,119,182) Command: STOR DSC_2623.jpg Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226 File successfully transferred Status: File transfer successful, transferred 50,121 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2624.jpg Command: PASV Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226 File successfully transferred Status: File transfer successful, transferred 48,051 bytes in 1 second Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\kevin\Pictures\bibble5\unprocessed\2011-04-30\web\DSC_2625.jpg Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,198,127,42,120,153) Command: STOR DSC_2624.jpg

The configuration wizard results look like this: Connecting to Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready USER FileZilla Response: 331 Give any password. PASS 3.5.0 Response: 230 logged on. Checking for correct external IP address Retrieving external IP address from Checking for correct external IP address IP bhd-bhe-jb-f Response: 200 OK PREP 61598 Response: 200 Using port 61598, data token 1799810361 PORT 173,174,91,5,240,158 Response: 200 PORT command successful LIST Response: 150 opening data connection Response: 503 Failure of data connection. Server sent unexpected reply. Connection closed

#7389 Hello critical rejected 13 years 12 years

I am trying to upload a file at filezilla....and it says to me all the time's been 1 day now....plz fix it asap.

#7403 Win 7 64-bit Drag and Drop critical outdated 13 years 10 years

Cannot download files from FTP server to local machine by dragging and dropping out of FileZilla.

I've tested on a Win 7 32-bit machine and it works fine so this is a 64-bit problem I presume, unless there strange system settings on the 64-bit machine that are not present on the 32-bit.

#7443 View/Edit in Lion (10.7) critical outdated 13 years 10 years

Right click on a server file, and hit View/Edit. Make your changes, hit save. Should prompt to upload when focus is back on FileZilla. However this does not happen. Worked in Snow Leopard (10.6) but not Lion (10.7).

#7741 JPG Size changed from Client to FTP Server critical worksforme 13 years 12 years

When I transfer one jpg file (picture of me) the size of the file is changed.Very strange. When I use CoreFTP evrything is OK.

E:\Dev\ASPMVC2\HomePage\img\tgphoto.jpg 185.424 bytes

/www/img/tgphoto.jpg 185.421 bytes

I tried it 15 times. I will attach this file. Thomas Graupner Germany

#7797 Connection problem ! critical invalid 13 years 12 years

It clearly state that a connection was establish after I put in hosting ,username,password . There are files in the local site but in the remote site it say file name , Then it say not connected , Therefore I am not getting the files I am expecting . Why is this happening If it state a connection at the top . Here is what I am talking about .

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220- Response: 220 Ipage FTP Server ready Command: USER williejo Response: 331 Password required for williejo Command: PASS Response: 530 Login incorrect. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

#7798 550 No connections allowed from your IP critical invalid 13 years 12 years

It wont let me connect, here is the strand

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 550 No connections allowed from your IP Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 550 No connections allowed from your IP Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

#7872 FileZilla 3.5.3 update hangs on Windows XP critical worksforme 12 years 12 years

Just installed the FileZilla update, and it completely hangs every time I'm trying to connect to a server.

I saved the memory and hd dump from the Microsoft error report, but I don't know if I can send them without potentially exposing my accounts' passwords...

Below are my system details.



FileZilla Client

Version: 3.5.3

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-01-08 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.10.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 2) Version: 5.1 Platform: 32 bit system

#7875 Upper and lower case problems in FileZilla and OS X critical duplicate 12 years 12 years

I notices a huge bug in Filezilla 3.5.3 (and older) when using it on Mac OS X: If you edit two files with different capitalization FileZilla get's confused and in worst case it overwrites the wrong file.

  1. Create a Test.txt and a test.txt in different directories (A and B) on the server
  2. Write click on both files and chose "View/Edit".
  3. Edit Test.txt and save it.
  4. FileZilla notices the change and asks if it should upload test.txt in A and then it asks again if it should upload Test.txt in A. So afterwards you have a test.txt and a Test.txt in Folder A.

Unfortunately I can't reproduce how it overwrites the file but it clearly happens as my style.css and Style.css got messed up two times! And as you can see with the 4 steps I described there seems to be a problem somewhere.

AFAIK the problem doesn't occur in Windows!

#7877 since update to Filezilla 3.5.3 users can not connect to our server : FTPS over explicit critical duplicate 12 years 12 years

SERVER : vsftpd (2.0.7) Linux Red Hat 5

Error : GNUTLS error-12 : A TLS fatal alert has been received

We have a lot of partners connecting to our ftp every day and it's a very critical issue. With older versions of Filezilla we do not have any problem.

#7918 (Client) All transfers fail (Mac and PC) following upgrade today critical outdated 12 years 12 years

An employee on Mac and I (PC) both upgraded this morning. Now all transfers fail. When trying to send a new file, it creates the instance of the file with a zero kb size on our remote server, then repeatedly tells you it already exists (apparently the zero kb version) and asks if you want to overwrite, repeatedly, without ever overwriting or allowing the transfer.

#7937 TLS broken in 3.5.3 Mac Client critical duplicate 12 years 12 years

GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received. TLS worked in 3.5.2 on Mac (intel). Reverting worked.

Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to #.#.#.#:21...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
Command: AUTH TLS
Response: 234 Proceed with negotiation.
Status: Initializing TLS...
Error: GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
Error: Could not connect to server
#7956 FileZilla doesn't work with vsftpd using SSL critical duplicate 12 years 12 years

Trace: CControlSocket::DoClose(64) Trace: CControlSocket::DoClose(64) Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: AUTH TLS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 234 Proceed with negotiation. Status: Initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::ContinueHandshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnSend() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::ContinueHandshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::Failure(-12, 53) Trace: GnuTLS alert 40: Handshake failed Error: GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received. Trace: CRealControlSocket::OnClose(53) Trace: CControlSocket::DoClose(64) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Error: Could not connect to server Trace: CFileZillaEnginePrivate::ResetOperation(66) Status: Waiting to retry...

#7964 File Upload Infinite-Loop critical outdated 12 years 12 years

I have been trying to upload a file for the past few days. When it gets to 100%, it starts all over again never allowing the file to be actually uploaded. I have restarted my computer several times, I have updated the program, I have cleaned my cache, and still the same problem. I really need to get my file uploaded. What else can I try?

#8010 Continuously damaging pdf and swf files. Chilm critical worksforme 12 years 12 years

Why is Filezilla constantly damaging pdf and swf and even animated gif files. Those files will not play or show when uploaded with Filezilla. This is going on for quite a while now, no matter wether you are uploading as ASCII or Binair or automatic.

When i use WinSCP the files arrive o.k. at the ftp server.

Help! cause i love FileZilla.

#8028 ERROR 530 FTP set up critical invalid 12 years 12 years


I am desperately trying to configure a fileZilla account through my host media temple. I am following the instructions to s T but keep getting the following error:

Command: USER Response: 331 User OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Authentication failed, sorry Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server



#8033 Empty Directory Listing critical outdated 12 years 12 years

Logs in successfully however the directory listing says it is empty. It has been working properly for months this just happened out of nowhere.

#8097 Could Not Connect To Server critical worksforme 12 years 12 years

I sign into my Filezilla account just about every day to check on incoming work for my home business. Today, when I tried to login, I received the "Could Not Connect To Server" Error. This is how it looks:

Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Error: Could not connect to server

It is vital that I have filezilla up and running for my business. I have checked other tickets for problems connecting to the server and I cannot find the help I need. Please HELP!

#8145 Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server - please help critical rejected 12 years 12 years

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

#8237 Encrypt passwords critical duplicate 12 years 9 years

Just found out about this due to a recurrent series of website hacks which seem on investigation to be to this error.

It's really lax. Even if FZ is not being used at the time, any virus or malware can scoop up the ftp addresses, usernames and passwords.

I have been recommending FZ for years, but I am now putting out an advisory to stop using it as a matter of urgency. For those using it to manage a lot of sites, a single infection on a client machine could trigger weeks of server clean-up work.

And I'm frankly shocked by the developer's response to tickets and forum posts on this over the years. It borders on negligence for such an otherwise excellent tool.

#8249 when downloading a directory tree, a random part of it may not be downloaded critical outdated 12 years 9 years

I right-clicked on a directory (that contained a lot of subdirectories with thousands of files) on the server and selected "download".

During the download process I lost connection a few times and sometimes had to restart filezilla (because of another bug, that sometimes you can't resume processing a queue until you restart filezilla), but then I always resumed; that shouldn't be a problem at all. I never, ever deleted anything from the queue nor did I ever receive any error prompt to which I could have given the wrong answer.

After hours of downloading, the queue was finally empty and FileZilla was apparently done downloading. Then I found out that more than half of the directory tree simply HADN'T BEEN DOWNLOADED.

I don't know whether the missing directories have never got into the queue (I'm ALMOST sure this was the case) or if they did and then they failed to download, but in both cases SILENTLY failing to download is a disaster.

If a queue becomes empty and you haven't explicitely deleted anything from it, you must be 100% sure that everything in it has been downloaded. And if you download a folder, you must have 100% guarantee that all its contents get added to the queue.

I SUSPECT that the queue is built (i.e. the directory tree scanned) while the download is ongoing, so in case of huge directories, if the download is interrupted and resumed, maybe the scanning of the directory is not resumed properly. If that is the case, than that is the bug. Either the whole scanning of directories and queuing of files should be done prior to starting to download, OR actions should be taken to ensure that in case of interruptions the scanning is resumed reliably.

Assuming that downloading a directory tree is always done without the slightest network error or without restarting FileZilla from the beginning to the end in one chunk, is a ridiculous assumption.

#8305 FileZilla process does not terminate on exit critical fixed 12 years 10 years

My install of FileZilla just updated (to 3.6.0). To reproduce the bug: open an SFTP site, exit out of FileZilla, then open Windows Task Manager. Both 'filezilla.exe' and 'fzsftp.exe' remain running.

I call FileZilla from a VBScript, and my program continues only after exiting FileZilla. After installing the latest version, exiting FileZilla did not allow my process to continue.

Opening Windows Task Manager, it became evident that closing the FileZilla interface does *not* halt 'filezilla.exe' or 'fzsftp.exe'; both of these remain resident in memory despite exiting-out of FileZilla.

Opening FileZilla manually and connecting to an SFTP site causes the same behavior. The behavior only manifests if an SFTP site is opened.

#8829 Filezilla can't start. critical outdated 11 years 10 years

When i start filezilla client,i crash.

  问题事件名称:	APPCRASH
  应用程序名:	filezilla.exe
  应用程序时间戳:	52029f25
  故障模块名称:	msftedit.DLL
  故障模块版本:	6.2.9200.16384
  故障模块时间戳:	50108893
  异常代码:	c0000005
  异常偏移:	0009fabf
  OS 版本:	6.2.9200.
  区域设置 ID:	2052
  其他信息 1:	ccc2
  其他信息 2:	ccc26e050958f1c9740725e357b088e2
  其他信息 3:	d905
  其他信息 4:	d905c4a6e8c4f293bb902da09930cc0e

Sytetm: windows 8 Enterprise 64bit

#9326 FileZilla Client ver. crashes within seconds it is started critical rejected 10 years 10 years

Hi, I run Windows XP SP2, and I had no problems till I upgraded to ver. Now File Zilla crashes within seconds of it being started. Not only it crashes, but the computer shuts down and it restarts on its own. Please help. Thanks.

#9702 "Right click" on Mac Trackpad - error critical duplicate 10 years 10 years


After upgrade Filezilla to version i've notice, that sometimes when i "right click" (two fingers) on my macbook with maverics 10.9.4 filezilla recognize it like left click (one finger click). In the prev version, all works well. But if i click again it works ok.

#9796 impossible de me connecter depuis mise à jour critical outdated 10 years 9 years

bonjour, je viens de faire des mises à jour sur mon site avec l'avant dernière version de filezilla et tout s'est bien passé. puis j'ai fait la mise à jour de filezilla version et depuis, je ne peux plus me connecter sur le serveur de mon site ! voilà ce que j'obtiens : Statut : Résolution de l'adresse de Statut : Connexion à Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "EACCES - Autorisation refusée". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur Statut : Attente avant nouvel essai...

alors que juste avant la mise à jour cela fonctionnait correctement ! que dois-je faire ? Cordialement, Jean-Paul Pérot.

#9855 password lost as soon as i enter in Site MAnager critical fixed 10 years 10 years

Hi All,

something very very strange is happening to me.

Yesterday at some point Filezilla lost all password.


Im not able to directly install the new version FileZilla_3.9.0.5_win32-setup.exe getting "Product Configuration Missing"

with the zip file i can lounch filezilla but..

if i import my backup it works untile i enter in the Site Manager. As soon i enter in the Site Maneger all my 20 ftp site change instantly from "normal Access" to "ask for password"

i already tried several times

#9858 Urgent! Latest versions not working with latest Mac OS!! critical duplicate 10 years 10 years

On launching the past two or three versions of FileZilla the top menu bar of the program is not visible. There is no way to "drag the window" to make it visible. It is somehow being blocked by the system menu bar, therefore there is no way to "quick connect."

This must be a compatibility issue with the very latest Mac OS because I don't have this problem on another machine that has not yet been updated with the latest OS.

Also, "component" select menu (below this window) was not allowing me to select the component, which I believe is "client." Seems to work when previewing the ticket.

#9979 v3.10.0_rc1, SIGSEGV, crash on load critical fixed 9 years 9 years

Total crash, I just installed the update from Beta 2 to rc1 and it crashes instantly... there isn't much to tell I even tried passing it through GNU debugger but it did have anything usable without debugging symbols...

Fault bucket 753968117, type 17

Faulting application name: filezilla.exe, 
time stamp: 0x00000006

Faulting module name: filezilla.exe, 
time stamp: 0x00000006

Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x009c4d87
Faulting process id: 0xdb8
Faulting application start time: 0x01d026edf8cbe7ad

Faulting application path: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla\filezilla.exe

Faulting module path: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla\filezilla.exe

Report Id: 46d125af-92e1-11e4-afcd-001e33825849
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0x00dc4d87 in ?? ()

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00dc4d87 in ?? ()
#1  0x004a5b1a in ?? ()
#2  0x004a66b8 in ?? ()
#3  0x005a115b in ?? ()

[Inferior 1 (process 3512) exited with code 030000000005]

I am attaching the windows Error report file its a txt file so any text editor should be able to read it...

but... WinDbg is helpful O_o

(47c.228): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)

I take it you forgot to remove a break point lol.... O_o

#10059 New version of Filezilla give unknown certificate error for Dlink critical fixed 9 years 9 years

When I try to connect with my personal ftp server it give me a error that the certificate expired 7/16/2013 and will not allow me to trust the certificate and give me errors when I connect so I can no longer connect with the FTP server. I have been using this server for years on a daily basis and have never seen this error.

#10146 Not recover the file list and not connected critical duplicate 9 years 9 years

When I try to connect to my hosting, tries connect and then disconnect me and does not show the file list.

Status: Resolving address Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message ... Status: Initializing TLS ... Status: Verifying certificate ... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Online Status: Retrieving directory listing ... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is your current location Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (108,61,29,155,37,151) Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed wait Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Resolving address Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message ... Status: Initializing TLS ... Status: Verifying certificate ... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Online Status: Retrieving directory listing ... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is your current location Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (108,61,29,155,218,184) Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed wait Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#10188 Temp files mismatch critical fixed 9 years 9 years

On new FileZilla_3.10.1, there is a temp files corruption problem with editing 2 files with same name.

I edit myftp/include/myfile.php I edit myftp/anotherpath/anotherfolder/myfile.php

Filezilla take my second file for my first file and see my first file as modified and ask me to update it on server ...

At the end result myftp/anotherpath/anotherfolder/myfiles.php = myftp/include/myfiles.php

This problem is not present in FileZilla and previous ...

Myfile.php is open as temp file Myfile.php and /anotherfolder/Myfile.php as Myfile2.php

#10400 Initializing TLS Error critical rejected 9 years 9 years

When I am connected FTP show error

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 02:15. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 5 of 50 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 02:17. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

#10785 Application Vulnerability critical fixed 8 years 8 years

There seems to be a security issue in your filezilla application. We need to connect with a security/developer personnel to disclose this vuln. Please reply ASAP.

#10832 Privilege escalation vulnerability in installer due to executing uninstaller using unquoted path critical fixed 8 years 8 years

As received via mail:

It seems that the setup.exe is prone to unquoted path vulnerability.

more info on the vuln itself :

While it send the command :

"C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\uninstall.exe _?=C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client"

It fail to quote the path correctly and launch any program named Program.exe in c: with administrator rights ( or Filezilla.exe/Filezilla FTP.exe in Program Files) I've made piece of code to help me investigate on this (get the command and the parent process) and a video as proof of concept

This trick can be use by malware to gain admin privilege or persistance, on compromised windows system (for info i'm on Win7 SP1 x64 but it should work for all systems as its a common windows vulnerability)

I didn't investigate on the previous version but they are possibly vulnerable too.

A cool way to trigger the vulnerability is to wait for an update as it launch the same unquoted command (that's where it was first discovered and that's why it concern the client too not only the install.exe)

Cyril Vallicari /Ug_0 Security

#10950 FileZilla fails to list directory contents with certain filename present, times out critical fixed 8 years 8 years

Encountered on 3.20.1, tried nightly snapshot from 2016-08-23 and encountered it there as well.

I have a Debian jessie 8.5 system running openssh-server 6.7p1-5+deb8u3. I attempt to access it via sftp://IP as my user/pass, and it logs in successfully, says "Listing directory /home/FOO", and then reports timeout after 20 seconds, repeat forever.

Experimentation has revealed that removing the file named "download?dl=packages%2Fdebian%2Fnautilus-dropbox_0.7.1_amd64.deb" in my homedir causes FileZilla to behave as expected. (Determined by comparing the "raw directory output" from FileZilla with ls -f and seeing which file came next.

Other SSH and SFTP clients, like PuTTY, sftp under Cygwin, and WinSCP, on the same machine, function perfectly fine while filezilla is not behaving.

I do not have any saved config settings for this host.

#11536 Possible Malware critical rejected 6 years 6 years

I had a user on my network download the latest windows package from and Palo Alto Traps caught what looked to be malware delivered to his system at install. I submitted the exe to our malicious code analysis service and it was flagged as suspicious. I've attached that report for your review.

Please give me a call or email if I can be of assistance.

#11574 [AVAST] FileZilla 3.32.0 macosx-x86_setup_bundled (MacOS:InstallCore-EY [PUP) critical rejected 6 years 6 years

Hello, I tried to install the latest version of FileZilla from FileZilla_3.32.0_macosx-x86_setup_bundled but this time Avast threw a warning.

Could somebody advice is this is false or the repository been hacked?

#11704 Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED" Could not connect to server critical fixed 6 years 6 years

I have been attempting since yesterday to connect to the FTP site using the same connection method I have used for years. My version of FileZilla Client is 3.35.2.

#11746 550 Error critical fixed 6 years 6 years

Response: 550 Directory not empty.

After last update i have this error when i try to delete directory witch is not empty. I verify this with my pro client on various type of connection and various type of servers. I try to delete folders with other client and succes.

#11749 No se pueden borrar carpetas con contenidos critical duplicate 6 years 6 years

En la más reciente versión de FileZilla Pro no se pueden borrar carpetas que tengan algún tipo de contenido. Marca error 550. Sin embargo con otros programas de cliente FTP si es posible hacerlo. Utilizo el software WinSCP y logro borrar carpetas con contenidos sin problema alguno. No puedo hacerlo solamente en FileZilla.

#11816 File content messed up after uploading critical invalid 5 years 5 years

After downloading and uploading back the same file - it's content got messed up. I attached file examples after downloading/uploading.

But it's a little bit tricky: 1) Everything works fine on my previous laptop 2) The bug appears on a completely fresh installed OS with latest FileZilla version 3) The bug doesn't appear when I'm using a different FTP client (WinSCP) on the fresh install.

#11870 Version 3.41.0 unusably slow critical fixed 5 years 5 years

I upgraded today to 3.41 (64-bit windows) and it is unusably slow. I estimate it is at least 100 times slower than earlier versions. For example, I regularly need to replace a complete subdirectory tree on the server and it usually takes less than second or so. With 3.41 it was taking longer than 10 minutes and barely made an impact, I gave up.

I also see that I cannot just jump from one directory to another, since I now get warnings that a directory synchronisation is taking place.

I wasn't sure that it was Filezilla the problem (maybe a network issue or a million other things), so I downgraded to 3.40 and all was good again. I then tried to reinstall 3.41 and all was slow again. I have now gone back to 3.40 until this gets fixed.

I am a long time user and big fan of Filezilla.

#12005 FileZilla Pro freezes while trying to access subfolder in Shared Drive (Team Drive) critical fixed 5 years 5 years


I just updated to the latest version 3.45.1 and now unable to access Google's Shared Drives. *Checked accessibility via web browser, works OK.

This is what I've tried a few times after restarting.

  1. Connecting to Google Drive is per usual
  2. Accessing "My Drive" (personal) and "Shared with Me" works normally.
  3. When I click into Shared Drives, and I click on one of the Shared Drives subfolders, FileZilla Pro becomes unresponsive/frozen.
  4. Upon freezing, I'm unable to click on anything except to close it.

<Laptop and FileZilla info>

FileZilla Pro

Version: 3.45.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2019-09-25 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.29.0 GnuTLS: 3.6.9

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 17763), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\howie\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

<Message Log>

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to [2404:6800:4001:80e::200a]:443... Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established, sending HTTP request Status: Retrieving root listing... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/My Drive"... Status: Directory listing of "/My Drive" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/Shared with me"... Status: Directory listing of "/Shared with me" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/Shared drives"... Status: Directory listing of "/Shared drives" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/Shared drives/howie Shuttle"...

#12222 MacOS select associating edit client cause crash critical fixed 4 years 4 years

When select any associating edit client(sublime text,ultra edit or any other client),the filezilla client always crash. here is crash detail:

Process: filezilla [3301] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: org.filezilla-project.filezilla Version: 3.49.1 (3.49.1) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible: filezilla [3301] User ID: 503

Date/Time: 2020-07-20 13:06:06.203 +0800 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.4 (19E287) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: AE5ABE47-6F3E-A103-F814-AD8AD782E4A0

Time Awake Since Boot: 8500 seconds

System Integrity Protection: disabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb Terminating Process: exc handler [3301]

VM Regions Near 0: --> TEXT 000000010bf3d000-000000010cada000 [ 11.6M] r-x/r-x SM=COW /Applications/

Application Specific Information: Performing @selector(controlAction:) from sender wxNSButton 0x7fae13ebd610

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bfeac2b 0x10bf3d000 + 711723 1 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bffcefc 0x10bf3d000 + 786172 2 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bffcded 0x10bf3d000 + 785901 3 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c952 0x10bf3d000 + 10615122 4 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c6cb 0x10bf3d000 + 10614475 5 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c5e0 0x10bf3d000 + 10614240 6 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c98c 0x10bf3d000 + 10615180 7 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c77b95e 0x10bf3d000 + 8644958 8 0x00007fff33a37437 -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 299 9 0x00007fff33a372d2 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 86 10 0x00007fff33a37204 26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke + 136 11 0x00007fff33a37106 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 171 12 0x00007fff33a3704d -[NSButtonCell _sendActionFrom:] + 96 13 0x00007fff33a3332b NSControlTrackMouse + 1745 14 0x00007fff33a32c32 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 130 15 0x00007fff33a32af1 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 691 16 0x00007fff33a31e6d -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 748 17 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7e34ee 0x10bf3d000 + 9069806 18 0x00007fff33a30280 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 4914 19 0x00007fff3399aa81 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 2612 20 0x00007fff33999e29 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 349 21 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7d420b 0x10bf3d000 + 9007627 22 0x00007fff339981b4 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 352 23 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c75e432 0x10bf3d000 + 8524850 24 0x00007fff33af5b0b -[NSApplication _doModalLoop:peek:] + 388 25 0x00007fff33c87fac 33-[NSApplication runModalSession:]_block_invoke_2 + 69 26 0x00007fff33c87f54 33-[NSApplication runModalSession:]_block_invoke + 78 27 0x00007fff33af4094 _NSTryRunModal + 100 28 0x00007fff33c87e4f -[NSApplication runModalSession:] + 128 29 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7c9a20 0x10bf3d000 + 8964640 30 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c942533 0x10bf3d000 + 10507571 31 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c9425d6 0x10bf3d000 + 10507734 32 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7ca08d 0x10bf3d000 + 8966285 33 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c94268d 0x10bf3d000 + 10507917 34 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c8d5305 0x10bf3d000 + 10060549 35 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c760bbf 0x10bf3d000 + 8534975 36 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bfc14ff 0x10bf3d000 + 541951 37 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bfe5051 0x10bf3d000 + 688209 38 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bfe22b3 0x10bf3d000 + 676531 39 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bfdfad6 0x10bf3d000 + 666326 40 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c2303a7 0x10bf3d000 + 3093415 41 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95b93f 0x10bf3d000 + 10611007 42 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c6ea 0x10bf3d000 + 10614506 43 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c5e0 0x10bf3d000 + 10614240 44 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c891372 0x10bf3d000 + 9782130 45 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c98c 0x10bf3d000 + 10615180 46 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c84b746 0x10bf3d000 + 9496390 47 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c782fc9 0x10bf3d000 + 8675273 48 0x00007fff33a37437 -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 299 49 0x00007fff33b47aee -[NSMenuItem _corePerformAction] + 312 50 0x00007fff33b4786a -[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 106 51 0x00007fff33b983e8 -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:] + 114 52 0x00007fff33b9836d -[NSMenu _internalPerformActionForItemAtIndex:] + 82 53 0x00007fff33b981b7 -[NSCarbonMenuImpl _carbonCommandProcessEvent:handlerCallRef:] + 101 54 0x00007fff33b288f8 NSSLMMenuEventHandler + 908 55 0x00007fff351828ff DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1254 56 0x00007fff35181d8d SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 329 57 0x00007fff3519747e SendEventToEventTarget + 39 58 0x00007fff351f740b SendHICommandEvent(unsigned int, HICommand const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char, void const*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventRef) + 368 59 0x00007fff3521e065 SendMenuCommandWithContextAndModifiers + 45 60 0x00007fff3521e00d SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 346 61 0x00007fff3521de59 FinishMenuSelection(SelectionData*, MenuResult*, MenuResult*) + 96 62 0x00007fff353288c2 PopUpMenuSelectCore(MenuData*, Point, double, Point, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int, Rect const*, unsigned short, unsigned int, Rect const*, Rect const*, CFDictionary const*, CFString const*, OpaqueMenuRef, unsigned short*) + 1615 63 0x00007fff35327db6 _HandlePopUpMenuSelection8(OpaqueMenuRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, unsigned int, Point, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int, Rect const*, unsigned short, Rect const*, Rect const*, CFDictionary const*, CFString const*, OpaqueMenuRef, unsigned short*) + 410 64 0x00007fff351ff2b5 _HandlePopUpMenuSelectionWithDictionary + 329 65 0x00007fff33cea96d SLMPerformPopUpCarbonMenu + 1611 66 0x00007fff33b90f48 _NSSLMPopUpCarbonMenu3 + 782 67 0x00007fff33b90b94 -[NSCarbonMenuImpl popUpMenu:atLocation:width:forView:withSelectedItem:withFont:withFlags:withOptions:] + 439 68 0x00007fff33bca117 -[NSPopUpButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 604 69 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7d07ad 0x10bf3d000 + 8992685 70 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c769e27 0x10bf3d000 + 8572455 71 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c8742e3 0x10bf3d000 + 9663203 72 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010bfa91de wxWindowBase::PopupMenu(wxMenu*, wxPoint const&) + 46 73 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c22d1c5 0x10bf3d000 + 3080645 74 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95b93f 0x10bf3d000 + 10611007 75 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c6ea 0x10bf3d000 + 10614506 76 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c5e0 0x10bf3d000 + 10614240 77 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c891372 0x10bf3d000 + 9782130 78 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c98c 0x10bf3d000 + 10615180 79 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c767175 0x10bf3d000 + 8561013 80 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95b93f 0x10bf3d000 + 10611007 81 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c6ea 0x10bf3d000 + 10614506 82 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c5e0 0x10bf3d000 + 10614240 83 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c891372 0x10bf3d000 + 9782130 84 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7b3636 0x10bf3d000 + 8873526 85 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95b93f 0x10bf3d000 + 10611007 86 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c6ea 0x10bf3d000 + 10614506 87 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c5e0 0x10bf3d000 + 10614240 88 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c95c98c 0x10bf3d000 + 10615180 89 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7e708d 0x10bf3d000 + 9085069 90 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7e3497 0x10bf3d000 + 9069719 91 0x00007fff3399b9bd -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 6512 92 0x00007fff33999e29 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 349 93 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7d3dcb 0x10bf3d000 + 9006539 94 0x00007fff33998b1b -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 2759 95 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c75e432 0x10bf3d000 + 8524850 96 0x00007fff337e521f -[NSApplication run] + 707 97 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c7c9c0a 0x10bf3d000 + 8965130 98 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c94268d 0x10bf3d000 + 10507917 99 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c8d5305 0x10bf3d000 + 10060549 100 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c8ac514 0x10bf3d000 + 9893140 101 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c79306a 0x10bf3d000 + 8740970 102 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c8fc89a 0x10bf3d000 + 10221722 103 org.filezilla-project.filezilla 0x000000010c0123c3 0x10bf3d000 + 873411 104 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff704becc9 start + 1

#12262 Assert error message and crash on uploading files critical outdated 4 years 4 years

I uploaded a bunch of files by dragging them from a Nemo window into Filezilla's server-side tab.

I do this all the time, but this time a window with an assert error message showed up.

Here's the backtrace:

    QueueView.cpp(1231): assert "(res & (0x0100 | (0x0002))) != (0x0100 | (0x0002))" failed in SendNextCommand().

    [1] wxEvtHandler::TryHereOnly(wxEvent&)
    [2] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventLocally(wxEvent&)
    [3] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&)
    [4] wxEvtHandler::ProcessPendingEvents()
    [5] wxAppConsoleBase::ProcessPendingEvents()
    [6] wxApp::DoIdle()
    [7] g_main_context_dispatch
    [8] g_main_loop_run
    [9] gtk_main
    [10] wxGUIEventLoop::DoRun()
    [11] wxEventLoopBase::Run()
    [12] wxAppConsoleBase::MainLoop()
    [13] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**)
    [14] __libc_start_main

I tried the "Continue" button, but the popup would show up again and again, so I eventually chose "Stop", and then FileZilla crashed (unless closing it is what the Stop button does).

I have no idea how to reproduce this systematically. It only happened randomly this one time (and I'm sure it'll happen again in the future, but it certainly doesn't happen often)

#12359 Error Mac FileZilla critical fixed 3 years 3 years

Error Al descargar archivos de ftp Los asteriscos * lo he cambiado manualmente ya que es un proyecto privado

cd "/var/www/vhosts/*.com/httpdocs/0_*.1/update" Respuesta: New directory is: "/var/www/vhosts/*.com/httpdocs/0_*.1/update" Comando: get "update.php" "/Users/imac_fer/Desktop/vertary/0_*.1/update/update.php" Error: Could not allocate memory to open '/Users/imac_fer/Desktop/vertary/0_*.1/update/update.php' for writing. Error: local: unable to open /Users/imac_fer/Desktop/vertary/0_*.1/update/update.php Error: Error crítico de transferencia de archivo

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-apple-darwin20.2.0 Compiled on: x86_64-apple-darwin20.2.0 Build date: 2021-01-06 Compiled with: Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28) Compiler flags: -Werror=partial-availability -Wall -g

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.15

Operating system:

Name: Mac OS X (Darwin 19.6.0 x86_64) Version: 10.15 CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 lm Settings dir: /Users/imac_fer/.config/filezilla/

#12363 File corrupted when uploading via updated Filezilla critical fixed 3 years 3 years


We just updated our Filezilla Pro ( and sent a compressed file in WinRAR format (.rar) to an S3 bucket on AWS. The upload is successful and the download is successful, but when trying to extract the file it gives an error. We repeated the process several times and it doesn't work, and the compressed file on the source computer is unzipping normally. The problem is when we send the file. Since we sent and downloaded it through the AWS web interface and the file unzipped normally at the destination.

Please check.

I look forward and thanks.


#12376 Latest FileZilla Pro 3.52.2 crashing new critical outdated 3 years 3 years

The new 3.52.2 version is crashing when uploading to dropbox. I never had any problems with 3.51 and have uploaded over 2TB of Data with no problems. The new version randomly crashes at different times. I've also tried reinstalling. Is there any chance you can send me a link to download the older FileZilla Pro 3.51 again until there's a fix?

#12488 Malware in installer critical rejected 3 years 3 years

The download of FileZilla for Windows in the front page is infected with malware:

Windows Defender has removed the file on download.

Virustotal shows a number of detections, from adware to trojan:

#12540 Regarding the error while connecting to sftp critical duplicate 3 years 3 years

While connecting to SFTP we are facing an error in login. Error 'Could not get reply from fzputtygen'. Please help me in troubleshooting the error

#12569 Neen help as FTP not working critical worksforme 3 years 3 years

hello team, i am a filezilla user, recently i update the software to FileZilla_3.56.2 , after doing this FTP not working.

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER giveuc2t Response: 331 User giveuc2t OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

for every FTP account same happening, please help me to connect FTP.

One more thing left local path folders & file not showing.

#12606 new release version 3.57.0 failed to load local site directory critical rejected 2 years 2 years

installed the new release version 3.57.0, the local site failed to load any directory or files.

#12680 Bug listen file on win 7 critical rejected 2 years 2 years

i try all versions portable cludnt version server version

i cannot list my owner pc Harddisk C or D or any one from stick i can connect the server and transfer files from server to my laptop but ohnly on Main Drive like D or D i cannot list any folder on my Lapto to see files or folder on my PC on Server side i can see folder and change them and can see files too und transfer them in both ways .

But no version and latest version 3.58.0 64bit dont whant open any folder on my laptop . win 7 Pro

#12871 DLL Hijacking Bilal Qureshi critical invalid 15 months 15 months

DLL Hijacking vulnerability is discovered in latest version of FileZilla Client which is 3.63.1 which allows an attacker to gain access, execute arbitrary code via crafted DLL.

#12925 filezilla update on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS critical fixed 12 months 11 months

hi, FileZilla is awesome but there are many bugs on version 3.58. I can't officially update it and in Ubuntu software, there's no newer version :)

please update the project for Ubuntu users :)

#12952 File cannot be uploaded to Onedrive after recent update. critical fixed 10 months 10 months

File cannot be uploaded to Onedrive.

The reason for cancellation is "Could not start transfer".

My ondrive capacity is 500gb left, so it's not a capacity issue.

My current Filezilla version is 3.65.0, and I am a pro user.

#13021 FileZilla Application Flagged as Malware by Windows Defender critical rejected 6 months 6 months

Dear Support Team,

I wanted to bring to your attention that the FileZilla Application is currently being flagged as malware by Windows Defender. Additionally, upon checking the file and URL with VirusTotal, both are identified as suspicious or potentially harmful.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your guidance on resolving this issue.

Best regards,

#868 SFTP over SSH2 - 2.2.13a - ascii transfer blocker wontfix 19 years 10 years

the ascii transfer is not functioning when transfer files .txt in ascii (or automatic) modus. when tranferrring from windows to unix the file remains the same. there is still the crlf. (when i change the connection to ftp it is functioning)

#911 Complete System crash while uploading Alexander Schuch blocker 19 years 17 years

This seems to appear in conjunction with #1191004, but not neccessarily. I use windows XP and FileZille (some versions, also 2.2.14b) completely crash windows XP (can't move mouse, pressing numlock does not change anything). At the moment I have to use a different FTP Client as this is not a state to work with :( Just let my know if you need further information from me.

#1078 2.2.23 won't execute after install blocker 18 years 10 years

Running Windows 98SE on a Dell Inspiron 3500 laptop.

I installed the latest version from the HEAnet (Ireland) mirror and ran it just like I do every other update to the program. I went to launch the program (both from the desktop shortcut, and from the actual EXE in the install directory) and it gave me a runtime error. sorry i don't have it in front of me... and I have since installed 2.2.22 on top of it - and the program runs fine now.

#3700 Uploading mp3 file hangs after first 200kb blocker outdated 16 years 10 years

Trying to upload a 20MB mp3 file to this server with Filezilla always seems to hang after the first 200kB. I have been using FTP Commander for several years, uploading a file like this to the same site every week without problems. I have tried to use various versions of Filezilla (, and now because I would prefer to use Filezilla if it would work. But it never does. It always hangs up when trying to upload these large files. I can upload small text/html files, but it always hangs on the large mp3 files. Below is a copy of the log, connecting to the site, changing to the "Services" folder and then trying to upload the mp3 file. I used the debug=verbose setting. Rob Doerksen

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 16:02. Server port: 21. Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: USER trinity@… Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 User trinity@… OK. Password required Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: PASS * Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230-User trinity@… has group access to: menno3 Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: SYST Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: FEAT Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: EPRT Response: IDLE Response: MDTM Response: SIZE Response: REST STREAM Response: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Response: MLSD Response: ESTP Response: PASV Response: EPSV Response: SPSV Response: ESTA Response: AUTH TLS Response: PBSZ Response: PROT Response: 211 End. Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "/" is your current location Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: TYPE I Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: PASV Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,200,235,101,12,10) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: LIST Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: Skipping socket event 4, id mismatch. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 150 Accepted data connection Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 226-ASCII Response: 226-Options: -a -l Response: 226 86 matches total Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(1) Trace: Skipping socket event 5, no socket or id mismatch. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend() Status: Calculating timezone offset of server... Command: MDTM .ftpquota Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 213 20080507133206 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListParseResponse() Status: Timezone offsets: Server: -25200 seconds. Local: -21600 seconds. Difference: 3600 seconds. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() Command: CWD Services Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /Services Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "/Services" is your current location Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: PASV Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,200,235,101,53,36) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: LIST Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: Skipping socket event 4, id mismatch. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 150 Accepted data connection Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(1) Trace: Skipping socket event 5, no socket or id mismatch. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 226-ASCII Response: 226-Options: -a -l Response: 226 7 matches total Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Status: Directory listing successful Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 16:03. Server port: 21. Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: USER trinity@… Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 User trinity@… OK. Password required Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Command: PASS * Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230-User trinity@… has group access to: menno3 Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / Status: Connected Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::FileTransfer() Status: Starting upload of C:\RobDPersonal\Other\TrinityWeb\Services\Service2008-06-22-32.mp3 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ChangeDirSend() Command: CWD /Services Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /Services Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ParseSubcommandResult(0) Trace: FileTransferSubcommandResult() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: FileTransferSend() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: TYPE I Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: PASV Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (209,200,235,101,126,132) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend() Command: STOR Service2008-06-22-32.mp3 Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: Skipping socket event 4, id mismatch. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 150 Accepted data connection Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend()

#3775 Filezilla 3.1.2 os x Intel (10.5.5) crashes on launch blocker outdated 16 years 12 years

Hi there,

I rebuilt my mac a few days ago and hence had to reinstall filezilla.

This morning (sept. 16) I got an update notice from Apple that system updates are available and I installed them. I am currently running version 10.5.5 of os x on an iMac with a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor.

I later went to the filezilla web site and downloaded the intel mac version of the software: (Intel)

I uncompressed the downloaded file and dragged the program into the applications folder.

upon launching the filezilla logo briefly appeared in the task bar and then as the dialog box so eloquently puts it " The application Filezilla quit unexpectedly".

The following information was generated by problem reporter:

Process: filezilla [430] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: de.filezilla Version: 3.1.2 (3.1.2) Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [102]

Date/Time: 2008-09-16 16:03:41.131 +0300 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F33) Report Version: 6

Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000 Crashed Thread: 0

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x96dc8150 strlen + 16 1 de.filezilla 0x002b3562 wxIcon::LoadFile(wxString const&, wxBitmapType, int, int) + 786 2 de.filezilla 0x002b3b6b wxIcon::wxIcon(wxString const&, int, int, int) + 75 3 de.filezilla 0x000e0ef7 CThemeProvider::GetIconBundle(wxString const&, wxString const&) + 647 4 de.filezilla 0x000655ee CMainFrame::CMainFrame() + 718 5 de.filezilla 0x00025e2d CFileZillaApp::OnInit() + 1821 6 de.filezilla 0x00026191 wxAppConsole::CallOnInit() + 17 7 de.filezilla 0x003b3e5b wxEntry(int&, wchar_t) + 59 8 de.filezilla 0x00021a08 main + 24 9 de.filezilla 0x00002d16 start + 54

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):

eax: 0xffffffff ebx: 0x003f4d71 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x00000000 edi: 0xbffff71c esi: 0x00000000 ebp: 0xbffff6d8 esp: 0xbffff69c

ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00010286 eip: 0x96dc8150 cs: 0x00000017 ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037

cr2: 0x00000000

Binary Images:

0x1000 - 0x57afef +de.filezilla 3.1.2 (3.1.2) <311e710350693ba477e232b5604009a0> /Applications/

0x75a000 - 0x75bfe1 2.2 (2.2) <542f2b8930d6bdf16c318ffea541acab> /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings

0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe2da53 dyld 96.2 (???) <14ac3b684fa5a31932fa89c4bba7a29b> /usr/lib/dyld 0x90003000 - 0x90003ff8 6.5 (???) <e064f94d969ce25cb7de3cfb980c3249> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa 0x90004000 - 0x90009fff 1.2.4 (85) <ea0665f57cd267609466ed8b2b20e893> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels.framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels 0x9000e000 - 0x90018feb 3.9.2 (3.9.2) <0f2ba6e891d3761212cf5a5e6134d683> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Versions/A/CarbonSound 0x9001e000 - 0x90021fff 1.1 (36) <b507b08e484cb89033e9cf23062d77de> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framework/Versions/A/Help 0x90095000 - 0x9011cff7 libsqlite3.0.dylib ??? (???) <6978bbcca4277d6ae9f042beff643f7d> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib 0x902d9000 - 0x902e0ffe libbsm.dylib ??? (???) <d25c63378a5029648ffd4b4669be31bf> /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib 0x902e1000 - 0x902e1ffd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib 0x902e2000 - 0x903c2fff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <7b92613fdf804fd9a0a3733a0674c30b> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib 0x903e9000 - 0x904b4fff 4.5.0 (4.5.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync 0x904b5000 - 0x904effe7 1.2 (62) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI 0x9060f000 - 0x9064efef libTIFF.dylib ??? (???) <3589442575ac77746ae99ecf724f5f87> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib 0x906c2000 - 0x906c2ffa 32 (32) <2fcc8f3bd5bbfc000b476cad8e6a3dd2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices 0x906c3000 - 0x909cafff 1.5.4 (???) <5e2af960b53059c648af4adb99471032> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x909cb000 - 0x90a47feb 3.1.0 (3.1) <70bb7c657061631491029a61babe0b26> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio 0x90b12000 - 0x90b19ff7 libCGATS.A.dylib ??? (???) <973c01cc14f3d673270e269ccfaec660> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGATS.A.dylib 0x90b1a000 - 0x90ba5fff 1.5.1 (???) <324526f69e1443f2f9fb722cc88a23ec> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit 0x90ba6000 - 0x90c58ffb libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <69bc2457aa23f12fa7d052601d48fa29> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib 0x90c59000 - 0x90cb2ff7 libGLU.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib 0x90cf3000 - 0x90e39ff7 2.0.4 (2.0.4) <6a6623d3d1a7292b5c3763dcd108b55f> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO 0x90e3a000 - 0x90e4affc 1.6.4 (1.6.4) <8b7831b5f74a950a56cf2d22a2d436f6> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis 0x90e4b000 - 0x90f12ff2 3.0 (3.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.framework/Versions/A/vImage 0x90f13000 - 0x9118efe7 6.5.6 (677.21) <5cfa0aa8b9b43193955d601ba6c2591a> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x911cc000 - 0x911eafff libresolv.9.dylib ??? (???) <a8018c42930596593ddf27f7c20fe7af> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib 0x911eb000 - 0x91206ffb libPng.dylib ??? (???) <4780e979d35aa5ec2cea22678836cea5> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib 0x91207000 - 0x91217fff 3.7.1 (3.7.1) <06d8fc0307314f8ffc16f206ad3dbf44> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis 0x9148e000 - 0x91497fff 3.7.24 (3.7.24) <d3180f9edbd9a5e6f283d6156aa3c602> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecognition.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition 0x91498000 - 0x915cafff 6.5.4 (476.15) <e2869ad6dc1dd289f21b305b0bea9158> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x915cb000 - 0x91989fea libLAPACK.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib 0x91b4b000 - 0x91b51fff 218.0.2 (220.1) <8bf7ef71216376d12fcd5ec17e43742c> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framework/Versions/A/Print 0x91b52000 - 0x91b7dfe7 libauto.dylib ??? (???) <42d8422dc23a18071869fdf7b5d8fab5> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib 0x91b7e000 - 0x91b7eff8 34 (34) <8f910fa65f01d401ad8d04cc933cf887> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices 0x91b7f000 - 0x9237cfef 6.5.3 (949.34) <4c7af9b12c894d4a528fda29377f143b> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x9237d000 - 0x9237effc libffi.dylib ??? (???) <a3b573eb950ca583290f7b2b4c486d09> /usr/lib/libffi.dylib 0x9237f000 - 0x9237fffc 1.5 (1.5) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit 0x92390000 - 0x923a8fff 1.2.8 (???) <572c7452d7e740e8948a5ad07a99602b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting.framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting 0x923a9000 - 0x92403ff7 2.0.3 (???) <1f1a97273753e6cfea86c810d6277680> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText 0x92439000 - 0x92446fe7 1.5.7 (1.5.7) <db835aeb1ffca9f5b5647dd0829a5b2c> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL 0x924cd000 - 0x924d9ffe libGL.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib 0x924da000 - 0x92877fe7 1.5.5 (1.5.5) <82435993614a3fff1236be18f82188bf> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore 0x92878000 - 0x92878ffd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib 0x92879000 - 0x928b0fff 1.9.2 (1.9.2) <8b26ebf26a009a098484f1ed01ec499c> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration 0x92960000 - 0x92976fe7 1.5.1 (1.5.1) <001910004257f1386724398f584b30b5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo 0x92977000 - 0x9297efff 3.0.9 (AGL-3.0.9) <aeab67ef267f8295ae80fddc197b52a5> /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL 0x9297f000 - 0x92a4dff3 5525.18 (5525.18) <672d1c7f16a4300addabeff4830f5024> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore 0x92a81000 - 0x92b28feb 3.11.54 (???) <b743398c24c38e581a86e91744a2ba6e> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QD.framework/Versions/A/QD 0x92b29000 - 0x92ffaf3e libGLProgrammability.dylib ??? (???) <fe1a33d4919c121aab831ad516da6a89> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgrammability.dylib 0x930aa000 - 0x931e2ff7 libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <3d8fdaf51c2664ab620f1688203caf26> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib 0x931e3000 - 0x933b1fff 5.0.4 (34102) <f01d6cbd6a0f24f6c13952ed448e77d6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security 0x933b2000 - 0x93a02fff 5525.18.1 (5525.18.1) <9fcf69305c5b48dd8a5cb77107f66c7a> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore 0x93a03000 - 0x93ae4ff7 libxml2.2.dylib ??? (???) <1baef3d4972ee789d8fa6c1fa44da45c> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib 0x93b53000 - 0x93bd0fef libvMisc.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib 0x93bd1000 - 0x93c12fe7 libRIP.A.dylib ??? (???) <1f09316e876fe813271bdfb9eb5b229e> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib 0x93c13000 - 0x93c9fff7 290 (290) <61af37aac50984d220dd176f777e3b72> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices 0x93ca0000 - 0x93ca0ffb 1.0 (8) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InstallServer.framework/Versions/A/InstallServer 0x93ca1000 - 0x93ca9fff 2.2.1 (2.2.1) <75b0c8d8940a8a27816961dddcac8e0f> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration 0x93caa000 - 0x93caaffd 1.4.2 (Accelerate 1.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate 0x93cab000 - 0x93d2aff5 1.2.1 (1.2.1) <3140a605db2abf56b237fa156a08b28b> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchKit.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit 0x93d2b000 - 0x93d69fff libGLImage.dylib ??? (???) <f0fe2252f6b1ca341bc7837fe2dcf11a> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dylib 0x93d6a000 - 0x93e5eff4 libiconv.2.dylib ??? (???) <c508c60fafca17824c0017b2e4369802> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib 0x93e77000 - 0x93ea6fe3 402.2 (402.2) <e01596187e91af5d48653920017b8c8e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE 0x93ea7000 - 0x94543fff 1.351.33 (???) <481a77e81d9e53589a05e80cfa90bbb5> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics 0x94718000 - 0x949f2ff3 786.6 (786.6) <5682aae1e2cf5ae750d5a4dea98c084c> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x949f9000 - 0x94a83fe3 1.4.7 (1.4.7) <d16642ba22c32f67be793ebfbe67ca3a> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/DesktopServicesPriv 0x94a84000 - 0x94b17ff3 3.4 (???) <a96cd91dabc68545183c11de8f92c7e4> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS 0x94b1d000 - 0x94e3ffe2 7.5.5 (990.7) <87077cec43c7e9b02c8ee80e50b8b81f> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime 0x94e5f000 - 0x94e8cfeb libvDSP.dylib ??? (???) <b232c018ddd040ec4e2c2af632dd497f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib 0x94e8d000 - 0x94f47fe3 226.5 (226.5) <2a135d4fb16f4954290f7b72b4111aa3> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServices.framework/Versions/A/OSServices 0x94f48000 - 0x9506cfe3 1.5.1 (1.5.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox 0x9506d000 - 0x9547dfef libBLAS.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib 0x9555f000 - 0x955a1fef 3.5.2 (163) <91844980804067b07a0b6124310d3f31> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationServices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices 0x955a2000 - 0x955b0ffd libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <5ddd8539ae2ebfd8e7cc1c57525385c7> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib 0x955b1000 - 0x95661fff 6.0.12 (6.0.12) <da7253e3fb7e47e46cb46d47ed320ffc> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos 0x95672000 - 0x95672fff 136 (136) <98a5e3bc0c4fa44bbb09713bb88707fe> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon 0x9667a000 - 0x9667cfff 3.0 (30817) <2b2854123fed609d1820d2779e2e0963> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SecurityHI.framework/Versions/A/SecurityHI 0x9667d000 - 0x966c6fef 10.5.2 (398.22) <a6b676925dd832780daf991e79adfebd> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Metadata 0x966c7000 - 0x966dbff3 4.0 (5.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture.framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture 0x966dc000 - 0x966e0fff libGIF.dylib ??? (???) <572a32e46e33be1ec041c5ef5b0341ae> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib 0x966e1000 - 0x966f7fff 1.0.0 (1.0.0) <ad0aa0252e3323d182e17f50defe56fc> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices 0x966fe000 - 0x96778ff8 5.5.3 (245.3) <222dade7b33b99708b8c09d1303f93fc> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore 0x968d7000 - 0x96927ff7 1.7.0 (???) <f7e78891a6d08265c83dca8e378be1ea> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices 0x96928000 - 0x96947ffa libJPEG.dylib ??? (???) <e7eb56555109e23144924cd64aa8daec> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib 0x96971000 - 0x969ceffb libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <04b812dcec670daa8b7d2852ab14be60> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib 0x969cf000 - 0x969d6fe9 libgcc_s.1.dylib ??? (???) <f53c808e87d1184c0f9df63aef53ce0b> /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib 0x969d7000 - 0x96abcff3 100.1 (186) <8e28162ef2288692615b52acc01f8b54> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData 0x96abd000 - 0x96ac8fe7 libCSync.A.dylib ??? (???) <86d2f2e167ba6f74f45a186f5c7f8980> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib 0x96ac9000 - 0x96b4dfe3 339.5 (339.5) <c6565c13b0356e1d4bb99a68398d558b> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork 0x96cce000 - 0x96cd0ff5 libRadiance.dylib ??? (???) <8a844202fcd65662bb9ab25f08c45a62> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib 0x96cd1000 - 0x96d64fff 101.3 (86) <bf3fa8927b4b8baae92381a976fd2079> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework/Versions/A/Ink 0x96d95000 - 0x96dbdfff libcups.2.dylib ??? (???) <bddaa132350e872b9d6d8b7e57f204d1> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib 0x96dbe000 - 0x96f1eff3 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <98fc91f31f185411ddc46d3225e9af55> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x96f1f000 - 0x96f43fff libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <4933ddc7f6618743197aadc85b33b5ab> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib 0x96f44000 - 0x96f48fff libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib 0x96f49000 - 0x96fa5ff7 68 (1.1.3) <fe87a9dede38db00e6c8949942c6bd4f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering.framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering 0x96fa6000 - 0x97063fff 5525.18 (5525.18) <9228870ec6a53b83134fd13a359276a8> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit 0xfffe8000 - 0xfffebfff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1780 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

My system configuration as reported by the problem reporter is:

Model: iMac7,1, BootROM IM71.007A.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB Graphics: kHW_ATIr600M76Item, ATI,RadeonHD2600, spdisplays_pcie_device, 256 MB Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x88), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( Bluetooth: Version 2.1.0f17, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0 Serial ATA Device: WDC WD3200AAJS-40RYA0, 298.09 GB Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-85J, 13.1 MB USB Device: External HDD, Western Digital, high_speed, 500 mA USB Device: Built-in iSight, Apple Inc., high_speed, 500 mA USB Device: USB2.0 Hub, high_speed, 500 mA USB Device: Samsung CLP-300 Series, Samsung, high_speed, 500 mA USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, Apple, Inc., full_speed, 500 mA USB Device: Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, full_speed, 500 mA USB Device: Apple Optical USB Mouse, Primax Electronics, low_speed, 100 mA USB Device: Apple Extended USB Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, full_speed, 250 mA USB Device: IR Receiver, Apple Computer, Inc., low_speed, 500 mA

Hopefully you can fix this issue soon as I love filezilla and would like to continue using it.


Yoram Chisik

#3881 Crashes with SIGPIPE during uploads on non-Windows systems Tim Kosse blocker fixed 16 years 16 years

I have been trying to upload a 1.2GB file with FileZilla via the queue. Not once has it uploaded fully but that could be due to networking issues. However FileZilla crashes if there is an error in the upload process.

Also on smaller files the upload sometimes does complete but the file is corrupted i.e. the byte sizes mismatch.

This happens on both the latest stable release and the release candidate 3.1.4-rc1.

How can i help to further troubleshoot as i am not sure if there is any trace/log left.

#3897 Crash 3.1.4 blocker fixed 16 years 16 years

After upgrading FileZilla to version 3.1.4, application crashes after connection is established with a server (FTP, SFTP)

Thanks in advance Simone

#4217 Crashes on launch when external drive is not present blocker fixed 15 years 15 years

Using the latest release (3.2.1) on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6 (Mac Pro, Intel Quad Core Xeon, 4GB RAM):

If an external drive was last used as the 'Local Site', and has since been ejected, and FileZilla closed, re-opening the application will immediately crash, and no access to the application will be gained until the same external drive is reconnected.

Normally, the application should revert to a default folder on the OS hard drive, but in the latest version, this does not seem to be the case.

#4338 3.2.3-rc1 crashes with synchronized browsing sites blocker fixed 15 years 15 years
  1. enable synchronized browsing for a site
  2. connect
  3. navigate to any sub-folder
  4. double click the local pane 'navigate up a level' icon
  5. it crashes every time
#4626 Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac blocker duplicate 15 years 10 years

Only Client 3.2.6 corrupts files during upload/transfer. Downloading files works just fine. During upload of files to filezilla server 0.9.27 and filezilla server 0.9.32 both of which are set up with ftps port 990 using passive transfer mode, files stop and restart at random offsets thusly corrupting the files. also strange is if you click disconnect from ftp server during a transfer, the files continue to transfer. The only way to stop it is to completely close filezilla client. Error received during corruption is "Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac". logged as follows...(names and ip addresses changed)

(000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:50 PM - (not logged in) (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> SSL connection established (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - (not logged in) (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> USER FTPUSER (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - (not logged in) (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 331 Password required for FTPUSER (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - (not logged in) (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> PASS (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 230 Logged on (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> PBSZ 0 (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 200 PBSZ=0 (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> PROT P (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 200 Protection level set to P (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> CWD /1ST QUARTER (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 250 CWD successful. "/1ST QUARTER" is current directory. (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> TYPE I (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 200 Type set to I (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> PASV (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XX,XXX,XXX,195,83) (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> APPE Cable 2 X3e.pdf (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 150 Connection accepted, restarting at offset 3063808 (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:51 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> SSL connection for data connection established (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted. (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> PASV (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XX,XXX,XXX,195,84) (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> MLSD (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 150 Connection accepted (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> SSL connection for data connection established (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 226 Transfer OK (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> PASV (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XX,XXX,XXX,195,85) (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> APPE Cable 2 X3e.pdf (000039) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 150 Connection accepted, restarting at offset 3211264 (000040) 6/30/2009 15:44:52 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac (000040) 6/30/2009 15:44:53 PM - FTPUSER (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)> 426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.

#4634 FileZilla should remember Synchronized browsing setting in Site Manager Tim Kosse blocker invalid 15 years 7 years

Operating System Windows 2000 SP 4

I mark 'Synchronized browsing' in the settings. It works during a session. After closing and starting FileZilla again, the setting is forgotten.

#4836 dialog box for existing files hangs with arrowed mouse icon blocker rejected 15 years 15 years

When I start the filetransfer to the server then the error dialog opens, because the files already exists, some with older dates. When I click into the dialog at the time it opens and I move the mouse cursor, then the mouse cursor is changed into an arrowed icon. One arrow of this icon shows to the top and one to the bottom. The icon is like: ⥏⥏

Now FileZilla hangs. And all the GNOME desktop hangs completely. The programs are still running, but I cannot use my keyboard and my mouse, no reaction because of the wrong mouse icon and the FileZilla dialog box. I can only turn the computer off using the power buttom.

FileZille 3.2.3

#4890 Missing mingwm10.dll after upgrade to blocker rejected 15 years 15 years

The installer for FileZilla (Win32) correctly installed the new version. After finishing the installation, the new version started.

However all hosts were lost. After closing FileZilla, it does not start again, saying that mingwm10.dll is missing.

#4946 more than 1 connection to server blocker outdated 15 years 10 years

If I try to transfer files to or from a server that only accepts one connection to the server i continuously get disconnected and reconnected with the status message 421 I can't accept more than 2 connections as the same user. i think the way this could be fixed is to add a checkbox in the Site manager that disables more than 2 connections. another suggestion: you can make filezilla automatically change the state of the checkbox (permanently, not temporary) to checked when it finds at least two 421 errors per connection.

Also can someone put a move and copy function into filezilla, for working with files on the server side? thanks!

#4951 Cannot open remote directories after aborting connection and reconnecting to another Tim Kosse blocker fixed 15 years 15 years

FileZilla version: 3.3.0-rc1

Steps to reproduce this bug:

  • Connect to an FTP server that is nonexistant
  • Try to connect to an existing FTP server for the dialog box that shows two options on whether you want to create a new tab or abort connection and connect to the new server
  • Select the abort connection option and then try to open a directory.
#4973 Filezilla 3.3.0 build with wxWidgets 2.9.0 blocker wontfix 15 years 15 years

Hi, please tell - are you try to build new verion of filezilla 3.3.0 with wxWidgets 2.9.0? Compilation impossible and fails

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