Custom Query (2164 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 2164)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#5339 Add 'transfer type' to status/history pane accepted Ben Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to see the 'transfer type' (ASCII|Binary) added to each of the entries in the status/history pane at the bottom.

#11271 Add Ability to Set Default Local and Remote Directories from Current Working Paths new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


One biggest feature that would really make Filezilla even easier to use is the ability to set the default local directory and default remote directories of the current site without having to re-open the site's advanced settings panel every time.

As an active web developer, I find myself constantly needing to change my working directory (path) on my local machine or remote server depending on which part of the website I am focusing on for the current task.

Currently, the user needs to perform 14-20 actions (clicks, scroll, copy, paste, etc) in order to update the default directories in the active site profile each time. By having something perhaps like buttons in the file manager/browser area, this could be done with 2 actions.

See the image link below:

#7848 Add Easy Filter Toggle/Selection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I've created a filter to hide files/folders that start with '.'. This is useful as I usually do not need to access or transfer hidden files. But I occasionally do have to. I was wondering if a quick select (dropdown select box) or a toggle button for any saved filters. Possibly above the 'Quickconnect' bar.

#2081 Add FW support for kerberised ftp new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To allow kerberised ftp through a stateful firewall the (E) PORT and (E)PASV command must be send in cleartext. Can you add an option to allow the transfer of these commands only as cleartext. There is an example client/server implementation at group_id=70951&package_id=70374&release_id=194711.

I know it lowers the security somewhat but is better then opening all high ports on the firewall.

To support further Network Adress Translation on the firewall channel binding as to be removed. Could you add another option on the client/server to set the channel binding to GSS_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGs. The above implementation has this implemented.

Thank you Markus

#12390 Add File to Queue new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

One thing that seems to be missing (correct me if I'm wrong) is the ability to add a file to the queue by providing a path string (I can see you can add files that are showing within Filezilla or drag files in from Explorer)

A scenario would be when you have explorer in one virtual desktop and filezilla in another; because you can't drag between virtual desktops (I've suggested the idea to MS...) it would be ideal to be able to pick up the file name path, switch desktops, and add it to the queue (Main menu item, or right-click in a remote pane). Another scenario is when the file is listed in another application (eg a database) and you can copy its text path.

Since it would just pop up a simple dialog box you can paste the path in I would expect it would be easy to implement. I can see there's a slightly related ticket at which I can certainly see the logic of. Cheers, David

#4408 Add Hibernate as an option for queue completion new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In addition to Shutdown or Reboot system upon queue completion, could you please add Hibernate? My laptop is old and slow and I hate leaving it running all night but I also hate waiting for it to boot, so I would like it to Hibernate when my transfers are done.

#8068 Add MRU for actions after queue completion new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have a tendency to need to do the same default batch of actions (which I have in a cmd file) every time I finish uploads to server xxx. I'd like to see the "Action after Queue Completion" dialogue have a dropdown box with the most recently previously executed actions for the server I'm currently connected to. This would allow me to just select it from the dropdown, vs. type it in all over again.

#11768 Add Support for Windows 10's Built-In SSH Client new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, only pageant is supported. Please add support for the new built-in SSH client shipped with Windows 10 versions >= 1803.

#12938 Add Windows ARM64 support new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Windows ARM laptops are getting popular these days, and I would want to have official support in FileZilla.

MSYS2 has been building FileZilla for Windows ARM64 for quite a while now. So there should be no major technical issue.

MSYS2 only supports native compile by default, but cross-compile from Linux or x86 Windows is possible with the llvm-mingw toolchain.

Also, I maintained a build script with full installer support back then:

#5312 Add a box for showing important msgs new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A lot of times you get errors from servers, warnings that you really should pay attention to. Mostly failed attempts to upload or change files on the server.

Currently this errors are shown in the log when they happend, but the log keeps going and the msg is swept away in the background.

I hate to spend 15 minutes on a bug just to found out that the changes I make to the file where not saved because of permissions. Such things should be noticeable in a big red outline on top of my screen, along with any failed attempts to modify files on the server.

A new feature that presents a 1 line* box on top of the toolbar could serve as an important notification bar for just those occasions*.

  • - configurable
#11545 Add a checkbox to allow Import to replace all existing sites new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

At home I use a desktop computer for development, but when traveling I use a laptop. As my site list changes, I want to export from Filezilla on my desktop and then import on my laptop, replacing all of the existing sites. However, import ends up duplicating any sites that already exist on the laptop so I have to laboriously delete every site manually in the Site Manager before importing.

My request is to add a checkbox in the Import dialog that indicates that all of the existing sites are to be replaced by the sites in Filezilla.xml.

#12411 Add a confirm prompt for drag and drop new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I love filezilla but have been forced to use the slower WinSCP for 1 reason and 1 reason only, I am paranoid about holding down my mouse for too long when navigating to a directory and accidentally moving a directory, imagine the consequences of moving your entire home folder to root etc. I am asking that you please add the option of having a simple prompt "do you want to move dir1 into dir2?" YES/NO. Thank you for reading

#2736 Add a counter new Feature request low FileZilla Client

1)Add a counter that it comes visualized under or close to the word "queue: 0 byte ". The counter it must begin its job when you connect yourself in a server. The counter it must work until the fine ones when not there is more the job than download or upload of files in the server. The counter it must contain hours: minutes:seconds.

example: 14:03:22

#12185 Add a function to disable auto-download installer of new version new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Good day, In addition to very old tiket(, it would be logically to add a function to not auto-download FileZilla installer when update new version check performed.

For example, people may just want to know about release of a new version and make their own decision when and if they want to download new version.

Best regards

#10643 Add a keyboard shortcut for the "Reset and requeue" option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As stated in the summary -- in my humble opinion this might improve the user experience for some people. Personally, I may have to re-upload or re-download files after small changes have been made to them, so the "Reset and requeue selected files" command is something I use very often.

#10082 Add a new set of icons (for OSX) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Could you add a new set of icons for OSX theme in OSX Yosemite style ?


It would be a refreshing interface.

Thank you.

#12869 Add ability to select dark or light mode. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The newer versions of FileZilla client implement the dark mode feature. However the mode is forced on the user based on the macOS settings. It would be great to have settings such as System, Dark, Light to allow the user to override the OS settings. Where System would adhere to the OS settings, and Light/Dark would explicitly set the theme overriding the OS theme. If the user prefers a Light FileZilla and a dark macOS, this is not possible with the current implementation.

#12258 Add an option to allow specifying different IP addresses for FTP and for FTPS new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

There is a very old closed ticket on this: I hope it's ok to bring this up again.

Some or many routers do behave as follows:

  • they change the FTP server PASV response, they change the internal IP to the external IP, so the FTP client gets the correct IP reported.
  • for some reason they reject the response when the external IP is specified in the FTP server response.

With this given behavior, unsecure FTP works correct when the internal IP is entered in the Passive mode settings in FileZilla Server Options.

But FTPS and FTP can not work correctly with the same settings:

  • When i specify the internal IP then on FTPS the wrong IP is reported to the FTP client because the router cannot change the internal to external IP in the PASV response when the response is encrypted.
  • When i specify the external IP then FTPS works correct, but unsecure FTP stops working because the client does not get the response.

I tested Cerberus FTP Server to figure out whether it's a FileZilla FTP server error, or whether the issue is on my side, or somewhere in the OS or hardware etc. I had the same issue when i entered the external IP in this FTP server. On research, i found then this note at

Some routers inspect FTP traffic and do not allow the public IP address to be passed in the response for the PASV command. Those routers expect the internal IP address to be used.

The solution (workaround) in this FTP server (also in tested ServU FTP server) is to specify the external IP only for FTPS.

Please add an option to allow specifying different IP addresses for FTP and for FTPS. The two commercial FTP servers which i tested have such options, they supply a workaround for this bad behavior of routers. I cannot use another router, my FTP server runs on a VM in the cloud (VMWare). And i don't want to buy a commercial FTP server. So i would appreciate to can solve (workaround) the issue in FileZilla Server.

I know FTP clients can handle wrong IP addresses in the PASV response, but i don't want to rely that all FTP client applications and all FTP client libraries work with misconfigured FTP servers.

#4053 Add an option to automatically delete the installation file after an update new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

On the "Check for updates" window, I would like to see an option (checkbox) to automatically delete the installation file after the update is complete.

Currently, the user is asked where to download the update file. After the update is complete, the .EXE file is left in the download directory and must be manually deleted by the user.

#9574 Add bookmarks to site manager quick selection drop down new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I love the feature to add bookmarks for a site so I can go to different folders for the same server and only have to update my password in one place, but I cannot quick select the bookmark like I can for sites. I either have to open the site manager dialog, or connect to the site, then go to a bookmark from that menu option.

#7784 Add buttons to increase/decrease # of simultaneous transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I find myself adjusting the "Maximum Simultaneous Transfers" on a fairly regular basis to adjust link usage and favor finishing some longer transfers over more transfers.

Please consider adding two new toolbar buttons to increase / decrease the "Maximum simultaneous transfers" count.

#4710 Add choice for directory location when editing files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I edit a file remotely, it stores the file locally in /tmp/fz3temp-<num> (on Linux), and C:\Documents and Settings\<home directory>\Local Settings\Temp\fz3temp-1 (on Windows). This is fine normally. I use Vim to edit files and I re-open the local copies up with each file up in a tab. It's just kind of a pain in the rear to drill down the long directory path, on windows more so than Linux. My request is to do the following: In Edit->Settings->File Editing, please add an input box/browse button to select/enter a directory path for the default local file edit storage path (or whatever you call it).

Thanks for a great program.

#4761 Add confirmation to "stop and remove all" option on the queued files section's context menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A number of times I have aimed to select "Process Queue" on the context menu and have accidentally click the "stop and remove all" option instead. This is quite a pain when I have a large number of files queued and have to go through adding them all again.

Basically a simple "are you sure?" message would save me in this situation.

#5181 Add connection history new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please add a menu pull-down that has a list of saved connections so they can be re-established by the click of a menu choice. This would basically be an extension of teh Reconnect function, only giving some choices of recent connections.

I am in customer service and frequently have to revisit FTP sites/directories 3 or 4 times per day, with other connections in between to archive customer data. I may be working with several customers during a day and collecting debugging data from each one, sometimes more than one time during the day. It is time consuming to have to drill down through the same directory tree over and over again.

You already have the technology. The Reconnect function is great. It just needs to be expanded to give choices of several recent connections.

I have no suggestion for how many connections to remember. Ten or twelve might be enough for me, I haven't thought that far ahead.

Thinking more about design suggestions, comparing for duplicates and not saving them would be good, too.

In my case, I would need to see more than the FTP server name because I connect to the same archive server for each customer, but the session is unique by the connected directory, which your reconnect function does save.

Then how or when would the list be purged? Roll out the oldest entry when the maximum for the list is reached? User can purge at any time?

You folks have designed a very nice tool in Filezilla. I'm sure you can come up with a great design for this added function.

Thanks for considering my idea. John

#13082 Add contrast to the highlighted folder for better visibility new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When a folder is selected, filzilla highlights it. That works fine with the part of filezilla I am working in. In all the other windows the highlighted folders turn into super-highlighted and their names cannot be read anymore in darkmode. See example:

please change this setting so that one can read them. There is no need to differentiate between a folder I work in and a folder I do not work in (I also do not need filezilla to show me, where my mouse is, if you know what I mean).

Thank you!!

#11099 Add custom sorting to Site Management new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Добавьте возможность самому сортировать порядок сайтов / папок в менеджере сайтов. Очень удобная и нужная функция.

!! Google translite -> Add the possibility to sort the order of sites / folders in the site manager. Very convenient and necessary function.

#2815 Add directory collapse "pluses" to unknown directories new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if directories that still haven't been opened had the little plus sign beside them by default, which would then act as if the directory itself was clicked if there is nothing to actually collapse.

It would save the extra click from doubleclicking the folder every time, and it would make it consistent with Explorer's behavior in some situations where it doesn't know what's in the folder.

#10886 Add drop down arrow to folder comparison icon (just like site manager icon) new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Maybe add drop drown arrow to folder comparision because just like for site manager so all icons that have drop down menu use the drop down arrow (is the system allows).

As it is now it seems that both the site manager icon and the folder comparison icon have a drop down menu, but only the site manager icon have a drop down arrow next to its icon.

I think it would be more consistent instead og having to right click to see folder comparison drop down, and left click to see the site manager drop down.

#11613 Add file/directory owner changing in File permissions... new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently I am using Filezilla to change access rights to directories and files in the server. But when I have to change the owning user and group of the file, I am bound to use Putty. I think it would be a very good and comfortable feature if you allowed changing owning user and group of the file/directory in the File permissions/attributes window.

#1804 Add gssapi support for SFTP new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


it seams that filezilla do not support kerberos 5 or gssapi for connection to an SSH2 SFTP server. Is it planned to be implemented ?


#11229 Add longPathAware support new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Windows 10 now supports paths longer than MAX_PATH for compatible applications: (without using "unsafe" UNC paths, like discussed here

It would be nice to add this "longPathAware" feature to FileZilla.

#4774 Add one more option for synchronize browsing when sync is not available. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Overview: When synchronize browsing is enable and if a directory is missing on remote or local system, currently the system show an alert message something like "Stop synchronize browsing and continue with the remote/local directory?" and action for ok or cancel

Suggested Feature There could be another helpful action to offer here. which is download /upload to complete synchronize?

If remote directory is missing then it will be upload and for local directory missing it will be download to offer.

#2791 Add option for ASCII auto conversion to SFTP transfers reopened Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The issue has already been discussed, but there is not yet a final answer from the developers, so I am posting this feature request.

I (and tons of other people) would like to have the possibility to do an automatic ASCII conversion during SFTP transfers of text files.

I know that this should be supported on server side and the current SSH server implementations lack support for it, but it could be easily done on client side as WinSCP is doing.

Otherwise we will need to switch to another program.

Thanks a lot, Paolo

#2708 Add option for default local directory new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Note: This is one of a few requests currently posted in the forum (

When making a connection that has no local directory specified (e.g. quick connections), it would be very useful to have an option for FZ3 to open either (1) a user-specified default directory (e.g. user's desktop) or (2) use the previously used local directory. FZ3 currently defaults to the last used directory, but this isn't necessarily the most preferable.

#8222 Add option to always display filesize in KB to match Windows style new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems that Windows 8 always uses KB to show a filesize within Explorer. I'm not sure when this change happened, but it appears consistent in Windows 8 - from files that are just 1 KB to files that are 6 GB, the size is always shown in KB (see attached screenshot).

In order that files can easily be compared between remote versions in Filezilla, and local versions in an Explorer window, an option to *always* use KB when showing filesizes would be useful. Hopefully this isn't too laborious to implement :)

Thank you!

#4777 Add option to copy (not move) a file remotely or locally new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add a dropdown option to duplicate a file. This is good for create backup files, when I need to clone a file I need to copy and paste and rename in the explorer on a local directory. If this options exists I just need to clone and rename in ftp.

#12924 Add option to delay before starting the next file transfer in the queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I have multiple files in queue to be uploaded to my NAS, either only the first one is done and the rest of them fail or every other transfer fails. I think the reason is that the next transfer in the queue is started right away and causes a connection issue. So an option to wait a certain amount of time before the next transfer in the queue is started could be useful. Thanks.

#7220 Add row of navigation buttons above both local and remote listings new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be massively useful to have a row of navigation buttons above side of the listings.

These would include, but perhaps not be limited to: Up, Back, Up-To-Root-Of-Listing (i.e. the FZ entry point for this session, not the root of the folder/directory structure), Refresh.

Often I have listings on each side that are hundreds of files long. I have gone most of the way down one or both sides. To get back to the top or to the containing folder/directory, I have to slide up or page up or something on each side. When using many times a day, it adds up to a lot of unnecesssary mousing around.

#975 Add server type AS400 / Iseries new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  • FileZilla version: 2.2.17
  • FTP Server (SYST command): OS/400 is the remote

operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V5R3M0"

The contents of the working directory is listed correctly after logging in:

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "QGPL" is current library. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint. Command: PORT 10,10,21,33,5,33 Response: 200 PORT subcommand request successful. Command: LIST Response: 125 List started. Response: 250 List completed. Status: Directory listing successful

Note that the AS400 FTP server uses the name "library" instead of directory, and "file" + "member" for PC files (I'm not an AS400 developer => please correct me if I'm wrong).

But I get the following error when trying to change to another directory:

Command: CWD /DMFIN/ Response: 550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. Response: 550 Working directory not changed. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

I tried with the command-line ftp client provided with Windows XP, and the following commands work:

ftp> cd DMFIN 250 "DMFIN" is current library. ftp> ls 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 125 List started.

The problem seems to come from the fact that FileZilla doesn't issue the CWD DMFIN command as expected, but CWD /DMFIN/: it adds the forward slashes and that seems to be the cause of the problem!

#11018 Add site name in password entering dialog window title new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is it possible to add site name in window title of passphrase entering dialog? It will help with KeePass' Auto-Type feature by identifying which passphrase is needed and not having to select from many sites. It could be e.g. "Site - Enter password"

#7947 Add support for server type Unisys - OS2200 new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to have you add support for the Unisys OS2200 series mainframes. This OS does not use a hierarchical file structure. The only problem at the moment is that the Site Manager/Advanced tab/remote directory does not accept an OS 2200 file name.

The following is from the Unisys documentation on naming files and elements. Please contact me if you need more information.

3.3. Naming Files and Elements The only part of a file name that is required is the basic file name, as follows:


All other fields are optional. In some cases, the period is optional; if you do not include a period, the system assumes that it is the name of a file. In other cases, if you do not include a period, the system assumes that it is the name of an element. To avoid confusion, include the period except for file names specified on the @BRKPT statement. The name originally given to a file is called the external file name. A file can also have an internal file name. See Section 7.68 for information on how to use the @USE statement to give a file an internal name. Using Files and Elements

File Name and Element Name Format

[directory-id#qualifier*]filename[(F-cycle)/read-key/write-key.element-name/ version(S-cycle)]


Shared files exist exclusively on an OS 2200 mass storage device that is shared by two or more OS 2200 systems. Shared files are different from local files, which are files that are stored on a specific OS 2200 system. The directory-id field is valid when file sharing is configured on the system. It indicates which master file directory contains the file. The directory-ID has two possible values: STD (standard) for local files on any system and SHARED for shared files. The # is a delimiter to separate the directory-ID and qualifier. This field is valid only for the following statements:


All other statements that have a filename field cannot include the directory-ID in the file name. You can indirectly use a directory-ID for file names on these statements by either giving them internal names with the @USE statement or by specifying directory-IDs with the @QUAL statement, as in the following examples:


In the second example, the default qualifier (QUAL1) and directory-ID (SHARED) that were specified on the @QUAL,D statement are assumed in the file names on the @COPY statement.

For more information on the @USE statement, see Section 7.68. For more information on the @QUAL statement, see Section 7.49. If you omit the directory-ID and # from a file name and do not specify a directory-ID on a previous @QUAL statement, the system uses the director-ID value configured at your site. One exception to this is if a user is cataloguing a shared removable pack file, the system detects it is a shared pack and uses SHARED. If you include the # but not a directory-ID, the system uses the implied directory-ID you specified on a previous @QUAL statement. If you did not specify an implied directory-ID, the system uses the directory-ID value configured at your site. Using Files and Elements

The default directory-ID and default qualifier are the directory-ID and qualifier given on the last @QUAL,D statement performed in a run. The implied directory-ID and implied qualifier are the directory-ID and qualifier given on the last @QUAL with no options performed in a run.


The qualifier helps to ensure that file names are unique. Different files can have the same file name, as long as their qualifiers or F-cycles are different. User-IDs and project-IDs are commonly used as qualifiers, but you can create your own. The qualifier can be up to 12 characters long and can include any combination of letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and dollar signs ($). (The @QUAL statement, which also defines the qualifier, is described in Section 7.48.) If you omit the qualifier and asterisk (*) from a file name and do not specify a qualifier on an @QUAL statement, the system uses the project-ID on your @RUN statement as the qualifier. If you include an asterisk (*) but not a qualifier, the system uses the implied qualifier you specified on an @QUAL statement. If you did not specify an implied qualifier, the system uses the project-id on your @RUN statement.


The basic name of a file can be up to 12 characters long and can include any combination of letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and dollar signs ($). Note: Do not use a processor name (ELT or DATA, for example) as a file name. The results will be unpredictable.


The F-cycle number identifies a file in a set of files that have the same qualifier and file name. Normally, you never have to include an F-cycle number with a file name. If you do not supply the F-cycle, you get the highest cataloged file cycle in the set. See Section 3.4 for more information on F-cycles.


Keys are like passwords that are required to read a file or write to it. Keys typically apply only to unowned files which are standard in Fundamental Security, but they can be used for owned files if the system is so configured. Keys are an easy way you can protect a file from unauthorized use. When you create a file, you can specify a read key, write key, both, or neither. If you use only a write key, you must precede it with two slashes to indicate that it is a write key, not a read key. Each key can be up to six characters long. You can use any characters but the period (.), comma (,), semicolon (;), slash (/), or blank. To change the read or write key on a file, or to add a read or write key to an existing file, use the @CHG statement as follows: @CHG filename/RK/WK,filename/RK/WK

Using Files and Elements

where filename1 is the file to be changed (including the current read/write keys), and filename2 is the file with its new or changed read or write keys. See Section 7.5 for more information on the @CHG statement.


Is the name of the element. Element names can be up to 12 characters long and can include any combination of letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and dollar signs ($). version Is used to distinguish between elements that have the same name and type, but contain different information. Using version names is one way you can save different renditions of the same program. Version names can be up to 12 characters long and can include any combination of letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and dollar signs ($). If the element is an omnibus type, some processors can ignore the version. A combination of element name and version need be unique only within a file. Thus, .CH2/VER1 and .CH2/VER2 are two different elements (note the leading period). Then with different files, FUR1*PUR.CH2/VER1, FUR1*PUR.CH2/VER2, FUR2*PUR.CH2/VER1, and FUR2*PUR.CH2/VER2 are four different elements.


Is a number identifying a cycle of a symbolic element. Element cycles are different stages a symbolic element goes through as it is updated by certain processors (U-option). Normally, you do not need to be concerned about element cycling and S-cycle numbers. Some processors, including IPF 1100, do not use element cycling. Processors that accept symbolic element input always default to the most recent cycle of a symbolic element. See Section 3.5 for more information. Only the basic element name is required; the version and cycle numbers are optional. In fact, you cannot use cycle numbers for elements other than symbolic elements. Normally, different elements within the same file have different names. However, elements can have the same name, provided their element types are different (symbolic, relocatable, executable, or omnibus).

File Name Examples

ACCT-MASTER. ACCT-MASTER is the basic file name. The system uses defaults for all other parts of the file name: · It uses the project-ID from the @RUN statement as the qualifier. · It uses the current cycle of the file. · No read key or write key is used.

GL*ACCT-MASTER. GL is the qualifier, and ACCT-MASTER is the basic file name. Using Files and Elements

GL*ACCT-MASTER/SESAME. GL is the qualifier, ACCT-MASTER is the basic file name, and SESAME is the read key.

PR*ACCT-MASTERPOPPY. PR is the qualifier, ACCT-MASTER is the basic file name, and POPPY is the write key. (The two slashes indicate that there is no read key and that POPPY is a write key, not a read key.) The current cycle of the file is used.

GL*ACCT-BAL/SESAME/#%$&!. GL is the qualifier, ACCT-BAL is the basic file name, SESAME is the read key, and #%$&! is the write key.

SHARED#DATA*BASE. SHARED is the directory-id, DATA is the qualifier, and BASE is the basic file name.

Element Name Examples

COLORS.RED,.BLUE,.YELLOW All three elements (RED, BLUE, and YELLOW) are assumed to be in file COLORS.

COLORS.RED,.BLUE,YELLOW The elements RED and BLUE are assumed to be in file COLORS, while element YELLOW is assumed to be in the TPF$ file.

MAIN In this example, only the basic element name is used. Since a cycle number is not specified, the current cycle of the element is used. The version name is blank.


Here, SUB1 is the basic element name, and APR02 identifies the version of the element to be used. Since a cycle number is not specified, the current cycle of element SUB1/APR02 is used.

When you specify an element name without a file name, the system usually assumes that the element specified is in TPF$, a temporary file automatically assigned to your run. An exception occurs when you specify a series of elements on the same control statement. If you include a file name with the first element name and put a period before the subsequent element names, the system assumes that those elements are in the first file named.

#10880 Add trac URL to Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in POT file new Other low FileZilla Client

I suggest adding this URL:

To Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in filezilla.pot so it becomes:

#4747 Add visual indicator to system tray icon (FZ minimised) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be great if when FileZilla is minimised to the system tray it could give some visual feedback when an edited file has been changed, like when you return to FZ after editing a file, there is a pop up asking whether you want to upload your file.

Perhaps it could flash, or change colour, or a balloon pops up?

#9155 Additional slot to View/Edit files new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There's an issue when one opens FileZilla 3.7.3, connects to a server, starts to download a bunch of big files (e.g. backups), and then notices a need to View/Edit a small text file (e.g. a .php or .html one).

The current choices are to either wait for one of the long already-started downloads to finish in order to View/Edit a tiny file, or to interrupt one of them. Both of these are more hassle than necessary in order to view a tiny file.

The issue can be resolved by allowing an extra download slot to be used only to View/Edit files. It would likely be enough if this extends only the concurrent downloads limit but still obeys the maximum simultaneous transfers limit. This could be added as a checkbox option in Settings > Transfers, perhaps to the right side of the "Limit for concurrent downloads" line.

#5618 After Action Queue Completion - Remove Remote File new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is there a way to add to the "After Action Queue completion" the command to Remove Remote File?

I have used, run cmd , then use rm "/part/file.file" after completion.

The ability to select multiple files for transfer, then on completion, the client remove the remote file from remote site... I would love to see that feature added.

I transfer all the time using FileZilla, both work and pleasure. Thank you for such a great sftp solution!

#8696 After renaming a remote file, the list cursor moves to first list entry new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the local file list box, the behavior is as expected: the list cursor stays at the same list position after renaming a file.

But in the remote list box, the list cursor moves to the first entry ("..") in the list after renaming a file. The user can press "Page down" and the cursor keys to navigate to the last position and rename the next file. Which is more annoying the more files you have to rename.

I use filezilla since several years now and this was ever an annoying issue. I thought "I can not be the only one and in one of the future updates this will be fixed for sure". But maybe the develpers are are not using filezilla often to rename remote files... ;)

Anyway, thank you for this otherwise great piece of software.

#12982 After returning from sleep mode the app doesn't establish any connectrtion new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After returning from sleep mode (hybernation) (windows 10 Pro) the app doesn't establish any connectrtion. No reaction on any action in already opened tabs and trying to establish any new connection - nothing happend in the app. This occurs only on returning from sleep mode

#11916 After upgrade 3.42.1, TLS connections to proftpd server broke new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After getting reports on connection errors, I tested my setup, which worked fine. (Unfortunately, i'm not sure what version I was running at the time, but it was not more than a couple months old)

I then upgrade FileZilla to latest, and when I connect to my ProFTPd server now, I get the following errors clientside

Response:	150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list
Error:	GnuTLS error -58: An illegal TLS extension was received.
Error:	The data connection could not be established: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
Response:	425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted
Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing

and this is what I see serverside

2019-05-12 09:37:05,083 mod_tls/2.8[18]: TLS/TLS-C requested, starting TLS handshake
2019-05-12 09:37:05,090 mod_tls/2.8[18]: client supports secure renegotiations
2019-05-12 09:37:05,090 mod_tls/2.8[18]: TLSv1.2 connection accepted, using cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256 bits)
2019-05-12 09:37:05,154 mod_tls/2.8[18]: Protection set to Private
2019-05-12 09:37:05,157 mod_tls/2.8[18]: unable to accept TLS connection: system call error: [104] Connection reset by peer
2019-05-12 09:37:05,157 mod_tls/2.8[18]: unable to open data connection: TLS negotiation failed

Server is setup with session reuse, and everything was running fine before updating.

#4744 After uploading local file that has been edited, automatically refresh the local display details new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

After uploading local file that has been opened for edit through FileZilla, automatically refresh the details in the local display so that Directory Comparison does not show a difference. Steps:

  1. Using: Directory Comparison 'ON', Synchronised Browsing 'ON'.
  1. Open local file for edit.
  1. Make changes, Save.
  1. FileZilla asks if you wish to upload; Upload file.

What happens:

  1. Uploaded file on server shows new Last Modified datestamp (ie now).
  1. Local file maintains Last Modified datestamp from before file was opened for editing view not refreshed).
  1. File in remote pane is highlighted green as newer.


  1. File in local pane is refreshed with current details.
  1. Files in both panes are unhighlighted since they are the same.
#12748 After uploading or downloading, the software crashes moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

After uploading or downloading, the software crashes

#9926 All files in queue overwrite local files, regardless of overwrite setting new Bug report normal FileZilla Client
  1. client for PC Windows 7.

when downloading, all files from remote server are overwritten on local machine, regardless of settings (I have chose to only overwrite if files are Newer or Different Size).

This bug was not present in the last release.

#12931 All folders time out after NewTek WebHosting moved servers. moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Ever since my host provider NewTek Web Hosting changed our servers (shared) we get timed out on opening any folder.

FileZilla is at the latest level. See about at end of this.

09:56:27 Status: Initializing TLS... 09:56:27 Status: TLS connection established. 09:56:27 Status: Logged in 09:56:27 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/ftp/troubleshooting"... 09:56:27 Command: CWD /ftp/troubleshooting 09:56:27 Response: 250 CWD command successful. 09:56:27 Command: TYPE I 09:56:27 Response: 200 Type set to I. 09:56:27 Command: PASV 09:56:28 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,119,91,155,242,67). 09:56:28 Command: LIST 09:56:28 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection. 09:56:48 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity 09:56:48 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Ticket email response from NewTek. Thank you for contacting Newtek Technology Solutions. My name is Nick with the Technical Support Team.

This appears to be an issue specific to Filezilla as I was able to replicate your error in Filezilla but used WinSCP and was able to not only connect but drill down to the troubleshooting folder you mentioned. Please see images below.

FileZilla About screen. FileZilla Client

Version: 3.64.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2023-04-26 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 10-win32 20210110 Compiler flags: -O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-copy -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-cast-function-type

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.2.1 SQLite: 3.39.4 GnuTLS: 3.8.0

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 18363), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Jack\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#9729 All views aligned to right new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The display is aligned to right and the punctuation order is wrong as you can see in the attachement. I have the latest version. The view in the previous version was correct. I have Hebrew and English installed.

#3696 Allow "Open With" as you do "Open" new Feature request low FileZilla Client

"Allow Open With as you do "Open"

I have Windows Vista Home Home Premium 64 bit. I have Windows Office 2003. I have FileZilla

When I right click on a file in Office 2003, I am offerd both "Open With" and "Open" in a windows file directly. When I right click on a file in the left directory list of FileZilla I only am offerd "Open". "Open With" shold also be included in the drop down menu. That will allow me to open .html files with notepad. "Open With" would allow me to edit files directly from the file directory listed in FileZilla and would be a great time saver.

#8874 Allow Directory Comparison with Different Filters new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

With more developers using GIT or similar Version Control Systems, I have files and folders in my local folders which I must retain, but which I would not want/need to upload to my FTP server.

Similarly, some other developers (working on the same projects, or who have created plugins or other software which I am using) may have failed to properly sanitise their files, resulting in files being on the server which cannot be seen when I have a Filter applied, and which prevent the deletion of some folders (because the folders, containing these hidden files, are not empty).

Attempting to apply a Filter, where "CVS and SVN directories" are filtered locally (so I don't upload them) and not remotely (so I can see them and delete them as needed), when I try and apply Directory Comparison, I get an error:

Directory comparison failed
Cannot compare directories, different filters for local and remote directories are enabled

Could this alert be modified so that the buttons are "OK" and "Ignore"? Allowing users who want to apply different local and remote filters to do so, but warning other users that they may not be seeing a correct reflection of the local and remote files?

#7441 Allow Indexing All Drives Dynamically new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I know that individual drives can be linked via virtual path names from the home directory. This is fine if one has only a few static drives, but sometimes the drive situation is more dynamic.

I would very much like to see Filezilla Server able to create a drive list in the home directory. Such a list would contain only currently mounted drives (those with a drive letter). This would allow accessing drives that aren't always plugged in without having to leave many (often dead) virtual paths to those drives.

Thank you for your consideration.

#10260 Allow Save/Edit the local and remote site drop down contents new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to have an option to save and pre-populate the local and remote site drop down contents on a site by site basis as very often we are visiting the same sites over and over again. If this is an option, then it might be nice to allow removing folders from that list.

Current FileZilla Client information:


Build information:

Compiled for: i686-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2015-02-01 Compiled with: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions -std=gnu++11

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.2.21 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit edition Version: 6.3 Platform: 64-bit system

#10945 Allow TYPE I before logon new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I would like FileZilla Server to allow clients to send TYPE I before logon (similar to #9878 allowing OPTS UTF8 ON before logon).

This is because the Cisco MDS 9710 firmware, NX-OS version 6.2.1, has a bug: it sends TYPE I before logon. The command is rejected, resulting in the firmware files transferring in ASCII mode (and getting corrupted in the process). This behavior is fixed in later firmware versions. Cisco firmware does not offer a generic FTP client (it only prompts me for the host, username, password, and path) so it appears the only way to overcome this bug is on the FTP server side.

Based on SVN commit r6120 that fixed #9878, I have created and attached a possible patch. However, I don't know how to compile the source to test the patch.

Failed firmware update: NX-OS 6.2(1)

Note line 5, where the old switch firmware sends "TYPE I" before logon.

(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> Connected on port 21, sending welcome message...
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.58 beta
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> TYPE I
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 530 Please log in with USER and PASS first.
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> USER upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - (not logged in) (> PASS ********
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 230 Logged on
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> SYST
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> FEAT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 211-Features:
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MDTM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  REST STREAM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  SIZE
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MLSD
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  UTF8
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  CLNT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MFMT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  EPRT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 211 End
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> SIZE /cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 213 36789248
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||55451|)
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> RETR /cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 150 Opening data channel for file download from server of "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> 226 Successfully transferred "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> MDTM /cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> 213 20160628160400
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> QUIT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> 221 Goodbye
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> disconnected.

Successful firmware update: NX-OS 6.2(13a)

Note that the new firmware version sends TYPE I after logon.

(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> Connected on port 21, sending welcome message...
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.58 beta
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> USER upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - (not logged in) (> PASS ********
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 230 Logged on
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> SYST
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> FEAT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 211-Features:
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MDTM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  REST STREAM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  SIZE
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MLSD
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  UTF8
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  CLNT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MFMT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  EPRT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 211 End
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> TYPE I
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 200 Type set to I
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> SIZE /cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 213 36701184
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||63073|)
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> RETR /cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 150 Opening data channel for file download from server of "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> 226 Successfully transferred "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> MDTM /cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> 213 20160812200254
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> QUIT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> 221 Goodbye
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> disconnected.
#12555 Allow building of filezilla_client-3.56.0 on OpenBSD new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

#12554 fixes building of libfilezilla on OpenBSD. It does this by introducing FZ_OPENBSD, mimicking behavior of e.g. FZ_MAC.

Enclosed patch adds support for FZ_OPENBSD to filezilla client.

#8851 Allow creating a Site with a password but without a username new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, There is if a feature I'm missing in FileZilla: Creating a Site profile with:

  • Auth type = Normal/Interactive/Ask for Username
  • no username
  • a password

I connect often to a support sftp server where the login is the TikectID (as username) and a personal password.

If this feature is implemented then upon connection FileZilla will ask for the username and complete the login.

Thanks, Opher.

#7283 Allow deletion of source files/folders after transferring new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hello Is it possible for the developer/s to add an option of deleting the source files/folders after a FTP transfer has been successfully completed in the next release of FileZilla Client?

#12253 Allow for audio bell on transfer to be muted new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This may seem silly, but for those of us who work on audio software, the "ding" on file transfer is quite annoying.

You say "turn down the volume", or "change your default speaker", both reasonable under most circumstances. But when in heavy test mode, which requires audio to be on, the ding on transfers is annoying at best, and invasive at worst.

So, what I am asking for is a "mute audio" selection somewhere in user prefs.


#11808 Allow key file reference to not exist new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Whenever you save a configuration in the site manager, it is possible to select the key file for the logon type.

Unfortunately, the key file always has to exist in order to be able to leave the configuration. I have some key files on external devices and therefore the path is not always available. When I want to connect to another configuration, I can not click on this configuration since the still open configuration gives me an error the key file can not be found.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create site A, choose for logon type 'key file'
  2. Add a key file from an existing location
  3. Create site B, it does not matter what you configure here
  4. Connect to site A
  5. Close filezilla
  6. The last item you connected to was Site A, so this is still selected in the Site manager. Now delete the key file (or move it) like you are disconnecting the storage volume the key file is stored on.
  7. Try connecting to site B. This is not possible due to the key file not existing.

Since it does not matter our key file is not available at this moment, since we are trying to connect to Site B (not A), this error should not be in the way of selecting another configuration.

#11435 Allow log directory location to be customized new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

In Windows, the Program Files folder is supposed to be considered "off-limits" to frequently-written data, like log files. (The %APPDATA% path is the suggested replacement.)

It would be really useful to be able to specify the location of the logfile rather than have to grant permissions to the Program Files directory of a machine if I want to access the logfile remotely.

#6193 Allow long path names reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Server

It seems that FileZilla server cannot handle path names exceeding the maximum path length of 260 character Windows sets by default. Using the Unicode versions of Windows API functions and the UNC file extensions would permit longer file pathes. More infos: Windows SDK - File names

#2042 Allow multiple mirrors per file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I recently downloaded RedHat Linux from one of the mirrors. Due to the number of current users it had to reconnect hundreds of times wasting a lot of time. Since I was already halfway through the download I didn't want to try to find the files on another mirror which could potentially have the same problem.

What would be really nice is to assign several mirrors to certain files. Most mirrors will have an identical file structure once you get down to a specific level. It would be nice to have FileZilla check each mirror in sequence until it found one available and then download the file from there rather than trying the same mirror over and over again every few seconds.

For example I could highlight a large amount of files in the Queue and assing the following mirrors for RedHat Linux: ...

Thanks, Matt Penner

#2433 Allow only one instance (option). new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Having a option to allow only one instance would stop accidentsly opening more then one instance of FileZilla (useful for people who have only one target site, and would hence rarely need more than one instance).

#7891 Allow opening of more than one site automatically at startup new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Allow the ability to include more than one site to the filezilla command line so that upon starting the filezilla client there will be will be two or more tabs, each with an already active session.

Thank you.

#2435 Allow registration as a URL handler for FTP, SFTP new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Optional) registration as the default URL handler in windows may be added with a registry addition similar to:


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sftp] @="URL:sftp Protocol" "URL Protocol"=""



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sftp\shell\open\command] @="\"C:
Program Files
FileZilla.exe\" \"%1\"" --END--

Allowing FZ to register itself for FTP and SFTP URLs would be useful.

For SFTP, this is potentially blocked by this bug:

#9918 Allow resizeable window in 'Check for updates' dialog new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if I could resize the "Check for updates" dialog/window so I could read the release notes ("What's new") with less scrolling.

#7915 Allow right-click context menu when selecting/changing filename in OS X new Feature request low FileZilla Client
  1. Click on a filename to allow renaming
  2. Select the filename (or a part thereof)
  3. Right-click

Expected result: context menu appears with options to copy/paste/etc. (As in Finder)

Actual result: context menu does not appear; selection is cancelled. Cursor moves to location of click.

I'm running OS X 10.6.8; not sure if this functionality is available in other OSes.

#11605 Allow specifying LAN addresses to be treated as external in PASV PORT new Feature request low FileZilla Server

When running in a home network with the ports mapped in the router FileZilla Server can't tell whether a connection is comming from the LAN or the Internet.

Look at this example setup:

  1. FileZilla Server Host
    • LAN IP:
    • FTP Port: 21
    • PASV settings:
      • Port Range: 5000-6000
      • Retrieve external IP address from: selected
      • Don't use external IP for local connections checked
  2. Network Router/Firewall
    • External IP: (dynamic)
    • LAN IP:
    • Mapped:
      • TCP 21 to port 21
      • TCP 5000-6000 to range 5000-6000

This is very common for home and small businesses where NAT is not available and the IP is dynamic.

Since the external IP is dynamic Retrieve external IP address from: is the only acceptable option. If you uncheck Don't use external IP for local connections most connections from LAN will fail because most household routers I've seen don't handle LAN -> External IP connections properly. This is most noticeable when the router was provided by your ISP so you can't tweak it or update the firmware.

The issue here is that passive connections comming from respond with PORT 192,168,0,5,XX,YY instead of PORT 200,200,200,200,XX,YY because FileZilla server has no way of knowing those connectios are actually comming from the outside.

Fortunately modern clients will properly handle cases where the PORT response us pointing to LAN IP addesses but not all do.

What I'm requesting is a way to tell FileZilla Server which LAN IP addresses should be treated as external when sending PASV PORT responses.

In the previos example we add:

  1. FileZilla Server Host
    • PASV settings:
      • External LAN IPs:

Then the responses are:

  • source: except response PORT 192,168,0,5,XX,YY
  • source: response PORT 200,200,200,200,XX,YY

This can be extended to support more complex scenarios but those are outside the scope of this request.

#2895 Allow specifying speed limits on a per-site basis new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be nice if users could specify different speed limits for different sites. Right now, there is only one global setting to control this.

My reason for this is as follows. I use FileZilla to download from my computer at home (SFTP), and in order not to kill my VOIP, I want to set a download speed limit to something low (e.g. 15kBps). However, if I'm downloading from some crazy fast site later on, I have to go change the global setting in order to get the good speed.

#5497 Already Connected dialog should support doubleclick new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be more comfortable if the user could simply doubleclick on " tab" or "...current tab" instead of selecting one option and then clicking on "ok".

#4079 Alternating background color for file lists new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to suggest alternating background color for file list rows. On very wide monitors (16:9) it is quite hard to visually follow line from filename to attributes.

Thank you.

#5315 Alternative SFTP directory listing parsing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When you name files on the remote server such that their names begin with a space character, FileZilla is no longer able to operate on those files. It always returns the error "no such file or directory" when trying to move, delete or rename the file.

Another similar bug (#5292) was rejected because it related to a limitation of using the LIST command and the identification of padding characters.

However, I am connecting to my remote server using SSH and FileZilla is using the "ls" command, rather than LIST. Another difference is that, when using LIST, if the file either begins or ends with a space, it becomes unmodifiable, while with ls, files ending with a space can be interacted with normally. Only files that begin with a space become problematic.

Using FZ

#5082 Always "Abort previous connection and connect in current tab" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have found it to be annoying that it asks me what I want to do when trying to connect to another server when I'm connected to a server already. I have no desire to use the "tab" feature and would like to always abort my current connection and connect to the new server. Consider this a request for a legacy option/behavior.

#7816 Always connected - dialog with optional disabling this feature new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, while im using sperate connections to different paths, i have to confirm always a connecting - dialog.

May you can set up in preferences, so it will always (like in version 2) connect to the same tab as i want ?

I dont need this dialog. I want disconnect the acutal connection and connect to another without asking me.

This dialog is going to annoying me really :(

#11630 Always have to reupload large files moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

I always have to reupload audio files when the program says they were successful. Never fails that I have to upload again.

#11608 Amazon S3 permissions applied to only 1 file instead of entire multi-selection new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Amazon S3 integration is great. However, there is a huge limitation. Whenever, I upload new files through FileZilla, they do not get the appropriate permissions of the containing folder.

What's worse when I try to mass apply the permissions to a selected group of files, the interface only applies permissions to a single file.

The only workaround is a 2-step process of upload using FileZilla and then reapplying the permissions on the folder level of Amazon S3 bucket using the AWS management console.

Possible solutions would be to 1.) iterate through the selection applying the permissions to every file in the selection. OR 2.) allow the applying of permissions on the folder level (currently the interface just shows a dialog as though it were connected to a Linux server, so there is no way to set permission on a folder within Amazon S3 using FileZilla 3.) automatically apply the appropriate permissions of the Amazon S3 folder immediately after the initial upload

#5420 Another win file name upper/lower case issue new Bug report low FileZilla Client

To reproduce (windows only, probably):

  1. Pull up a local directory / FTP site where local files == remote files
  2. Right-click a local file and select "edit"
  3. Rename file, changing case only (i.e. foo.js => Foo.js)
  4. Change something in the renamed file and save

Result: filezilla's "File Has Changed" feature uploads the file using the old filename (i.e. uploads foo.js rather than Foo.js, even though foo.js no longer exists)

#7806 App Data localtion should be customable new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

OK, ticket #2173 said the Windows App Data, should be stored in [system drive]:\Documents and Settings\[logged on username]\Application Data\[Filezilla] ...

And there, i suggest it should be point by commond line option, like google chrome's --user-data-dir <path-for-custom> or any else it can do this...

Any body want a portable version for filezilla client on USB strore device really need this feature.

#9570 Apply to current queue - apply to current operation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When downloading a complex website with lots of files and directories if overwriting a copy on your local machine.

Ticking "apply to current queue only" to overwrite only applies to the current files listed in the queue ignoring all the files that haven't yet been queued within the same operation.

Please add a way to apply this action to the whole operation (i.e. the whole download operation) therefore it can be left to download the site in the background.

#11308 Ask For Password Once, But Only On One Of My 3 Servers new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have 3 ftp servers saved and normally just click on the server as the passwords are saved and they let me transfer files on all 3 ftp servers without issue, but after the last update 2 of my servers are fine, but one keeps asking for the password, but only once, when i put it in i can transfer what i want, but when i close filezilla down and reopen, again, it asks for the password the first time you need to transfer anything and then not again as long as the program is open, but the other 2 servers don't ask for the password, all i did was update filezilla... :-)

#6509 Ask confirmation before clearing history new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

One could ask confirmation before clearing the history.

#4925 Ask for action becomes a tickbox - then default option can be preselected new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I always use 'ask for action' for the 'file exists action' - but I would prefer if 'replace if newer' was the default for the 'ask' - as I sometimes click the direction to transfer wrongly. So - why not have the alternatives set up as a selection, and 'ask' as a tickbox? That way - if 'ask' is not set - the selected action will be taken regardless, and if 'ask' IS set - the selected action becomes the default action in the 'ask' box. To me - this seems to be a much more useful interface, with a minimal change in design.

#12001 Asking for Overwrite of new files new Bug report normal Unknown

Every time I try to upload a new file, I am given a notification that the "Target file already exists" when that is not the case. These are brand new video files that did not exist before. I have tried all of the options from "overwrite" to "skip" and the notification continues to appear. Eventually the file will transfer, but not in full. A 3 minutes and 21 second video will only transfer the first 4 seconds. I have tried with over 20 different videos and video file types with the same result.

#8577 Asks to overwrite file when first attempt fails new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Figured this should be automatic.. appears to inquire about overwriting when first attempt to download fails (broken connection or incomplete transmission).

I would have expected this to be automatic on retries..

On the other hand, if it fails, I would expect it to ask to keep partial file or delete...

#7963 Assigning several program options to individual server manager entries new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Dear developers,

there are some settings within the program option -dialog (which affects all connections) example: ftp-settings, transfer settings and so on which needs can differ dependent on the server- type. It would be (my opinion) rather better to put them into the individual saveable connection- setting dialogs. In my case some older servers need the connection-refresh-command (I just don't know the exact term) some not. Only the settings for the global program appearance and behavior should be left there.

#1940 At-a-glance log of uploads and downloads new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As a user, one of the main features that I need with FTP clients is a simple, saved list of all things that are uploaded and downloaded, from where, to where, and when. I can get that by setting the Debug list to save to a log file - but it doesn't say where thing come from or go to, it doesn't say when, and (most importantly), it's cluttered with all sorts of other things I don't need so that it quickly turns into an absolutely huge file I can't use.

The best example of the type of log file I'm looking for is provided by WS_FTP. I attached a sample of the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Is there any way we can have FileZilla automatically create a simple text file like this, so I can see at a glance that (say) I did download the wna_site.mdb database, and then uploaded it again 15 minutes later.

#12441 Atributts new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Cant change atributts on this update 3.51.3. gone back to 3.51.0

#11054 Atualização 3.22.2 moreinfo_reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Estou tendo problemas após a última atualização (hoje) do Filezilla Client (3.22.2), o programa abre mas não funciona. A janela de boas-vindas não fecha.

#12465 Authentication failed. Cannot connect to server new Bug report critical FileZilla Client

Status: Connecting to Status: Using username "tiptonpt1". Status: Access denied Error: Authentication failed. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=10 Command: open "tiptonpt1@…" 9922 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=10 Command: open "tiptonpt1@…" 9922 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=10 Command: open "tiptonpt1@…" 9922 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=10 Command: open "tiptonpt1@…" 9922 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=10 Command: open "tiptonpt1@…" 9922 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=10 Command: open "tiptonpt1@…" 9922 Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Connecting to Status: Using username "tiptonpt1". Status: Access denied Error: Authentication failed. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

Connects without issue to 2 other servers but will not connect to Availity.

#12968 Authorization control R+W+D new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

The existing options for granting permissions, especially via the "Use system credentials also for accessing files and directories" option, work OK, but are cumbersome for administration.

In addition to the existing options under "Access mode:" there should also be the option of deleting files/directories. restricted, also in connection with read-only access.

#8230 Auto Clear History on exit from Filezilla client. new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Dear Sir,

Most of time we connect our server from untrusted computers (Cyber Cafe & other). if it is possible please do one thing if we exit from filezilla client,connection history will automatic clear from quick connect. this feature is optional (enable & disable from settings)

#2576 Auto queue start new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If I have some files in the queue and close FileZilla, the queue is saved. After starting FileZilla, the queue is loaded, but not started. So, could there be some checkbox indicating whether to start queue automatically after the program starts?

#11466 Auto sync data with Filezilla new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hello Admin,

Is it able to sync the data from remote FTP site with Filezilla in a scheduled date. Filezilla is a great tool. But we need to download the data everyday, The FTP server is in other country, due to the time difference, we can't download the data in time. If FileZilla can auto sync the data from remote site. it would be much helpful.

#12585 Auto transfer Type choose for UTF16 text file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When downloading text file with UTF 16 LE, Should using binary transfer type. Otherwise the downloaded file will become unreadable. If the transfer type is set on "Auto", FileZilla will use ASCII mode to download the text file. For some green hands. they will consider it the file in the FTP server is bad. Can FileZilla detect the encoding automatically and choose the correct transfer type for downloading the text file ?

#4599 Auto-Complete Remote Site Path new Feature request low FileZilla Client

In the "Remote Site" address bar, it would be handy to include an auto-complete feature so that when you begin typing an address, it suggests similar addresses, much like Mozilla Firefox's URL auto-completer. Would be extra handy if it kept a history of all paths for all time or did something similar to command line when you begin typing a path and press tab to auto-complete.

#7215 Auto-expanding remote view on transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


This is related to (but not a duplicate of) #2745

When working with sites that have several levels and copious subfolders, I simply do not want the remote view to expand every directory. It's really annoying and the only way to collapse them all is to restart Filezilla.


  • Have an option "do not automatically expand remote view"

or failing that:

  • Have a simple "collapse/expand all" button on the remote view

Many thanks.

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