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Results (1001 - 1100 of 2163)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#8144 uneccessary file access new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla accesses on startup files on mount points that it does not need (and imho should not) access.

In my case it accesses a mount point that is auto-mounted. Sometimes this mount point is not available and accessing it just blocks. This problem occurred on first usage of filezilla. So there should be no need to do anything on the mount point.

I could also imagine that the problems arise with mountable media like USB sticks, etc.

I attached the output of strace.


#8152 Dropbox-like file link new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hey guys,

I would like to see a dropbox-like link in the Filezilla Client. Referring to Ticket #2591 (Put download link (FTP, HTTP) for file to clipboard).

The FTP-style-link got implemented - unfortunately the HTTP one didnt.

So, I would like to request a HTTP-link-to-clipboard-button. :-) It's just easier to use for me and my business-email-partners.

#8163 Error on quitting Filezilla client new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After updated to 3.5.3 I get this error when I quit the program (roughly translated from Italian):

The instruction at "0x69577966" referred to memory location "0x69577966". Memory cannot be read.

My OS is Windows XP SP3 full updated.

Maybe a problem with my preferences or datas because I dont get this error if I dont open a previosly saved server profile (I saved a lot).

But I really dont know what to do...

#8164 reconnect: remember Site Manager entry new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When using "reconnect" (Ctrl-R) after starting FileZilla it would be great if FZ rememberred not only the connection IP and local and remote directory but also the "session", i. e. the Site Manager entry it was started from - with all its settings like "Use synchronized browsing". Otherwise, if synchronized browsing is useful for this site (I guess as it is for most websites), using reconnect makes no sense. I always have to go to the Site Manager to start the session instead of using "Reconnect".

This ticket is some similar to ticket #4746, but there it is about remembering settings made interactively. Maybe it's easyier to implement remembering only Site Manager entry.

#8168 SFTP Certificate does not save in Program memory new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

'After going in and selecting the preferred SFTP certificate whether it is located on a network drive or local machine, Filezilla does not seem to save it in memory and I have to go in and reselect it at random times. Has anyone else had this problem yet?

Thank you,

#8173 Password Encryption // Master Password moreinfo Theo D. Patch normal FileZilla Client

Hi everyone,

I've just managed to make my patch working so I share it with you:

I've been using Filezilla for a long time now but I have always been concerned about the really low level of security it provided regarding to password storage - that is to say, no security (clear text). On Windows there are even now malwares that have been targeting Filezilla sitemanager.xml file....

So as I spare had time 2 days ago I decided to make a patch.

Here is what currently works:

  • Turning on password encryption in the settings window and entering the master password.
  • Storing the master password (encrypted using itself as password key) in the FileZilla.xml options
  • Turning off password encryption...
  • Starting filezilla in password encrypted mode and entering the master password at the start up of the application (if the user does not want to enter any password then FileZilla will close).
  • Building on GNU/Linu x86

I use the Crypto++ cross platform library which has integrated packages for most GNU/Linux distributions and has a non-viral license.

What I would need help for, in order to finalize this patch:

  • Explanations about the build process of FileZilla. I added a class called CCrypto (following the current naming conventions in the source code) and for now I edited manually the makefiles to get it building but that's just a quick-dirty-fix and we have to put the right things in the right place for autoconf and libtool to recognize everything. Same for the -lcryptopp option. I need to know how to add this new dependancy.
  • Light help on handling password fields. For now I use text fields and this not very pretty :)
  • Information about possible edge cases that come as a consequence of the changes I made (in terms of dealing with password in filezilla, I'd need to know if there are some tricky part of filezilla dealing with passwords that I should have a look at, to make sure the patch is compatible)

What still needs to be developped:

  • Converting the password when changing the master password (decrypting them with the former one and encrypting them again with the new one).
  • Decrypting the passwords when the user turns off the encryption

For now these two cases obviously end up with encrypted passwords that are not decryptable (because no master password or master password has changed).

What could be improved : Randomly generating a salt / iv (instead of hardcoded ones) when turning on encryption and then storing them in the settings file.

I am using AES by the way.

This patch is not intended to provide military security. It is intended to provide standard security that should be implemeted in every software storing password (like Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera... and even WinSCP (that has a CRAP UI but master password feature !!!).

I do not provide a patch file for now but you can see the changes I made by searching for the string "@td". That's a tag that I put where I make changes.

BTW I do not know if I can branch the SVN repo instead of holding the stuff on Github...? I think I need additional rights for that.

#8175 FileZilla Client should use the local certificate store new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently the FileZilla client does not trust any certifcate presented by the server even if it is signed by a Root CA.

FileZilla client should use the local certificate store (on Windows, Mac and Linux) to decide if a Root CA can be trusted and thus if the server's certificate can be trusted.

The user should not have to be bugged in the case a trust chain is already established.

This is espacially annoying when the server's certificate is renewed. Suddenly FileZilla client tells the user that the certificate is untrusted. In the end the user is confused resulting in support calls and frustration.

#8182 File Transfer Button (FileZilla Client 3.5.3) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful to have a file transfer button between the local and server windows - at least as an option. Drag and Drop and double-clicking is more prone to mistakes, and here an option to switch off this feature could also be implemented

#8184 Automatically launch the latest jobs in the queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add the ability to automatically launch the latest jobs in the queue when the application starts, or even better so that when connected to a specific server, will run the job associated with it.

#8198 TLS always stops transfering at 147456 Bytes (download to Samba share) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


the Debian pakage from Filezilla 3.5.3 and the version from the filezilla website does have this bug. Im not sure but its possible that it had somesthing to do with TLS Negotation (or Renegotation).

Version 3.2.7 works fine, with the same settings.

FTP Server is ProFTPd with various different TLS settings ( I tried everything... )

#8200 Random (and usually slow) download speeds new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


The problem is that the download speeds are random and usually not max.

Here's an example of what I mean: I download a file using filezilla, I notice slow speeds (200KB/s), so I cancel the download. Then I resume and I randomly get normal speeds (4MB/s).

Why are speeds random and how do I get max download speeds all the time?

#8213 Manual transfer multiple files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to manual transfer a bunch of files from a remote folder which contains 10s of thousand files.

When I try to enter this folder, it hangs up after command 'ls', even I set up a filename filter.


#8221 Continue load non-existing files when "File exists"-dialog appears new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It will be useful when user is AFK: loading won't stop.

#8222 Add option to always display filesize in KB to match Windows style new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems that Windows 8 always uses KB to show a filesize within Explorer. I'm not sure when this change happened, but it appears consistent in Windows 8 - from files that are just 1 KB to files that are 6 GB, the size is always shown in KB (see attached screenshot).

In order that files can easily be compared between remote versions in Filezilla, and local versions in an Explorer window, an option to *always* use KB when showing filesizes would be useful. Hopefully this isn't too laborious to implement :)

Thank you!

#8223 Filezilla Client - can't resume file >2GB new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have this situation:

Server: unbuntu 12.04 LTS, vsFTPd 2.3.5. (should support files >2GB since a long time) Client: windows XP, filezilla 3.5.3 (should support files >2GB) Settings: plain FTP with usr/pwd, server and client on the same LAN.

What happens: I can't resume files from server if they are >2GB. I tried another client (WinSCP) and this doesn't happen. I can transfer the file if I don't interrupt it, the issue is just on resume.

Here the log:

16:19:26 Status: Connecting to 16:19:26 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 16:19:26 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.5) 16:19:26 Command: USER * 16:19:26 Response: 331 Please specify the password. 16:19:26 Command: PASS * 16:19:26 Response: 230 Login successful. 16:19:26 Command: SYST 16:19:26 Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 16:19:26 Command: FEAT 16:19:26 Response: 211-Features: 16:19:26 Response: EPRT 16:19:26 Response: EPSV 16:19:26 Response: MDTM 16:19:26 Response: PASV 16:19:26 Response: REST STREAM 16:19:26 Response: SIZE 16:19:26 Response: TVFS 16:19:26 Response: UTF8 16:19:26 Response: 211 End 16:19:26 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON 16:19:26 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode. 16:19:26 Status: Connected 16:19:26 Status: Retrieving directory listing... 16:19:26 Command: CWD /mnt/DATA/Scaricati 16:19:26 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed. 16:19:26 Command: PWD 16:19:26 Response: 257 "/mnt/DATA/Scaricati" 16:19:26 Command: TYPE I 16:19:26 Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode. 16:19:26 Command: PASV 16:19:26 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,42,0,1,101,248). 16:19:26 Command: LIST 16:19:26 Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing. 16:19:26 Response: 226 Directory send OK. 16:19:26 Status: Calculating timezone offset of server... 16:19:26 Command: MDTM Dummy.mkv 16:19:26 Response: 213 20120815152108 16:19:26 Status: Timezone offsets: Server: 0 seconds. Local: 7200 seconds. Difference: 7200 seconds. 16:19:26 Status: Directory listing successful 16:20:40 Status: Connecting to 16:20:40 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 16:20:40 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.5) 16:20:40 Command: USER pio-mode 16:20:40 Response: 331 Please specify the password. 16:20:40 Command: PASS * 16:20:41 Response: 230 Login successful. 16:20:41 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON 16:20:41 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode. 16:20:41 Status: Connected 16:20:41 Status: Starting download of /mnt/DATA/Scaricati/BIGFILE.mkv 16:20:41 Command: CWD /mnt/DATA/Scaricati 16:20:41 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed. 16:20:41 Status: Testing resume capabilities of server 16:20:41 Command: TYPE I 16:20:41 Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode. 16:20:41 Command: PASV 16:20:41 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,42,0,1,209,121). 16:20:41 Command: REST 4431494699 16:20:41 Response: 350 Restart position accepted (4431494699). 16:20:41 Command: RETR BIGFILE.mkv 16:20:41 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for BIGFILE.mkv (4478241540 bytes). 16:20:41 Response: 426 Failure writing network stream. 16:20:41 Error: Server does not support resume of files > 2GB. 16:20:41 Error: Critical file transfer error

I removed usr name and file name, all the rest is left untouched. Access to the file is possible, I resumed a couple of times while it was still <2GB, an it worked perfectly. I couldn't find any options for this case, and usually I just made a queue and process it in a go, so I never run in this. I think it's a bug, may be not, just signaling it.


#8238 list command used, not supported by msftp server 2003 new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it would appear that while filezilla does ask ftp servers for capabilities upon connection, it's not recognizing that a windows server 2003 ftp service doesn't support the list command.

dir, ls, yes, no list.

just tried it from command line myself to be sure... :-)

#8251 Error:Server unexpectedly closed network connection Error:Could not connect to server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Could upload with Filezilla this morning and unable to do so this afternoon.

Error: Server unexpectedly closed network connection Error: Could not connect to server

#8252 remove individual item from Quick Connect new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be useful to have the option of deleting individual items from the Quickconnect dropdown list, say with a right-click action. Addresses change, clients go out of business, etc. etc.

#8255 Quick enable/disable speed limit button new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Being able to disable any current speed limits with a simple button on the main screen would be very handy! Functionality is obvious but it would be something like a button on the right of the 'Lock Server' button which when enabled would cause all upload & download speed limits to be ignored so everything would go full speed.

My personal reasons for wanting this are because I run an ftp server from home and only allow full speed at night so it doesn't effect my internet speeds during the day. It would be great to be able to allow full speeds easily at times I'm going out, etc.

Obviously there would be many more uses for a feature like this other than my unimportant example!

#8260 Force Priority Change new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If I have a bunch of low, large priority downloads in the transfer queue (using all the simultaneous connections) and then add a new item to the queue, setting the new item to highest priority I have to wait for one of the low priority items to complete before the HP item is processed (which could be hours).

It would be nice if there was a feature that allowed the more important item to be processed immediately rather than waiting for the trivial items to complete. Possible approaches might be:

  1. A 're-evaluate queue now' button/menu option. If newer item takes precedence over a current item then that current item is suspended until the new higher items are processed.
  1. Add a new ‘Force’ priority that just jumps to the top of the queue, either pausing a current download if required or possibly creating a new simultaneous connection (so temporarily increasing the number of simultaneous connections above the configured limit – probably best to limit to one forced item per queue in that case)
  1. Allow a current item to be manually suspended
  1. Just always re-evaluate the queue when a priority is changed.


#8263 Can't delete a file when the first character is a space character reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Can't delete a file on an FTP server when the file name begins with a space character Using Filezilla 3.5.3

#8267 Rename permission seperate from Delete permission. new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I have come across a need to enable renaming files and folders without allowing a direct delete operation. What I would like to see implemented is a separate rename permission limited to RNFR and RNTO operations. When a file or folder already exists with the new name, the current behavior of throwing an error of "5xx file exists" is preferred.

Currently running FileZilla Server 0.9.41. Additional information available upon request.

#8271 Cannot move OSX client window in the normal fashion new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Usually when you click on any part of the grey window title/tool bar in OSX and drag the mouse the window moves, in Filezilla however this doesn't happen.

Instead to move the window you need to specifically select only the very top part of the title bar, where the close, minimise and resize gadgets and window title are displayed. The rest of the title/tool bar does not allow the window to be moved as it normally would on OSX. This isn't serious bug but me and many of my colleagues frequently try to "grab" these other areas of the tool bar to move the window around and find that they don't work in Filezilla.

Not a serious bug by a long stretch - but can be annoying at times. Hopefully this is something easy to fix...

#8279 Last transferred feature new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Sometimes I find myself working with several files which I don't want to put in "edit" mode, but I frequently need to switch directories in order to find a file to upload. It would help to have a feature showing last files I have transferred with an option to do another transfer.

#8281 Remote: dragging folder upwards in tree scrolls window to find target new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When a folder in the remote pane is dragged (say you want to move it), when you drag the folder to the top of that pane, it does not scroll up to reveal more files/folders.

Usually, in this kind of interface, the norm is for it to scroll with the mouse drag movement when you hit the edges of the pane. While there are other ways of achieving the folder move, it would be useful to do a move by dragging in this way, if possible?

#8283 Filetype Association not respected on "Open" new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla does not follow Windows filetype associations when "Open"ing files.

Reproduce: Open any .avi, .mkv or .mp4 file. Expected: Open file with Media Player Classic, set as default app. Actually: All media files open with Windows Media Player.

FileZilla settings:

Windows 7 Ult 64b filetype associations:

#8288 consider "invalid character replacement" in "compare directories" and "transfer files" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Taken from #3227:

When a file is downloaded and invalid characters are replaced in filename on the client, directory comparison does not consider both files to be the same.

When transferring files the "file already exists dialogue" does not show date/time and size of the file to be overwritten.

#8290 PAPERCUT: "Minimize to tray" checkbox behavior on OSX new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

ISSUE: In preferences/interface, there is a check-box setting "Minimize to tray". By default, this check-box is unchecked. If this check-box is checked, and OK button is pressed to close and accept the preferences, the next time "preferences" window is opened, the check-mark is unchecked.

Note: I am aware that this function does not make much sense on OSX, and makes a lot of sense on Windows XP. Still, I feel that removing this option for OSX (and perhaps linux) should be considered.

#8291 PAPERCUT: A common OS X [Cmd+W] shortcut is not working. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

ISSUE: A common shortcut on Mac [Cmd+W] is used to close windows. this shortcut can be used to close any window that has "close", "minimize", "maximize" buttons in the menubar.

For example, usually windows such as "About" and "Preferences" can be closed using [Cmd+W]. In FileZilla, this shortcut does not respond when a user wants to close "About" or "Preferences" windows although those windows display working close button in menubar.

SUGGESTION: FileZilla windows such as (unfinished listing): "About", "Preferences", "site manager", "Manual transfer", "Manage bookmarks", "Network configuration wizard" should respond to [Cmd+W] shortcut.

TO BE DONE: Revise the need for "close", "minimize", "maximize" buttons on panels and windows and enable the shortcut functionality accordingly.

#8292 Many interface languages in FileZilla cannot be used. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

ISSUE: In Preferences/Language: FileZilla offers a list of languages to choose from as a user interface language. Many of these languages cannot be activated. The error displayed by Filezilla states:

"Failed to change language Failed to set language to [name on the language], using default system language"

The languages I could not set to work are:

-Arabic -Armenian -Farsi -Galician -Georgian -Indonesian -Kurdish -Latvian -Macedonian -Nepali -Norwegian (bokmal) -Norwegian (nynorsk) -Occitan -Serbian -Thai -Valencian -Vietnamese

SUGGESTION 1: Remove non-functioning languages from the list. (In that case maybe those languages should be moved to a place where contributors can update them/fix them)

SUGGESTION 2: If this error is an absolute necessity and cannot be avoided, I suggest using a fuller sentence to provide clarity.

"Failed to change language Failed to change language to [name of the language]. FileZilla will use this system's default language instead."

ADDITIONAL QUESTION: What happens if the system's default language is one of those that are not working in FileZilla? Which language FileZilla will fall to?

#8296 FZ Server 0.9.41 beta loses window size and position new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

The server Admin UI does not remember the window size and position after the UI has been closed. This is contrary to normal Windows behavior.

#8297 Every file being reported as new new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have followed the procedure here, which says my timezone offset is correct:

but filezilla is downloading every file of hundreds or thousands, when set to Only Download if Newer -- because it is getting all the times wrong by an hour.

:( :(

This problem just began this week, so clearly it is an error related to daylight savings time.

#8300 TLS 1.2 ClientHello Signature Algorithms extension incomplete. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

RFC 5246 which defines the TLS 1.2 protocol added a new optional extension to the ClientHello handshake message. This is detailed in section of the RFC. If this extension is included in the ClientHello, it must contain all of the signature algorithms that the client is willing to accept. Here is a quote: "If the client supports only the default hash and signature algorithms (listed in this section), it MAY omit the signature_algorithms extension. If the client does not support the default algorithms, or supports other hash and signature algorithms (and it is willing to use them for verifying messages sent by the server, i.e., server certificates and server key exchange), it MUST send the signature_algorithms extension, listing the algorithms it is willing to accept." The list sent by FileZilla Client 3.6.0-rc1 includes these in its preferred order: SHA384/RSA, SHA384/ECDSA, SHA512/RSA, SHA512/ECDSA, SHA256/RSA, SHA256/DSA, SHA256/ECDSA, SHA1/DSA, and MD5/RSA. This list is conspicuously missing SHA1/RSA. This should be added. If you are considering a response (see ticket #7864) of "We don't support SHA1 anymore", I would point out that SHA1/DSA in included in this list, as well as MD5/RSA. If you are considering a response of "SHA1/RSA is the default, we don't need to specify it", I would point out that according to the RFC (see quote above) if the extension is used, it must list all supported signature algorithms--also, SHA1/DSA is included, and it is a default accoring to the RFC if the extension is not used. The bug fix is to include SHA1/RSA in the signature extensions.

#8304 Web interface for FileZilla Server. new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I apologize if this is a repeated request (I have searched the forms and have not found it in there). I would love to see a web based interface for the FileZilla server, as I have the server running in several locations, and it would make it much easier to manage them all, rather than having to log into a pc running the admin interface.

#8306 Different transfer type for downloads and uploads new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to use the "Binary" transfer type for downloads and the "Auto" transfer type for uploads.

#8307 Stop remote tree browser jumping while retrieving file lists new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When a folder is chosen to download from a remote repository, via drag and drop for example, the remote directory tree browser expands each folder individually. This overrides any user actions, and renders the remote directory tree browser effectively inoperable until all files and sub-folders have been located.

Although I can see the point in showing the user the files that are going to be downloaded, often these flash past too fast to see. As the browser is in-essence a user interface, I believe it makes sense to keep it usable by the user during this time.

A feature to prevent this behaviour, effectively performing the retrieval of directory listings and filling the transfer queue in the background, would allow a user to continue browsing the remote repository for other files.

Ideally, the user's browsing of the remote directory tree would also take priority over any automated/queued retrievals.

#8310 PAPERCUT: The tooltip says that right clicking on "directory listing filter" icon should toggle the filters On/Off, but it only shows the filter configuration panel. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

ISSUE: The tooltip for "directory listing filter" icon in the main toolbar says that right clicking on "directory listing filter" icon should toggle the filters On/Off, but it only shows the filter configuration panel. i.e. the both right and left clicking starts

SOLUTION SUGGESTION: A simple solution would be to fix the right-click function. On the other hand, joining these two functions (toggle filters and filter configuration) in one tool menu icon like this is unusual. From the usability standpoint, a better solution could be possible.

NOTE: I was unsure whether to call this issue a bug or a papercut. I have decided to call it a "papercut" since it seems to be a GUI issue and toggling the filters can be achieved via filter configuration panel, too. So, there is no bug in the software functionality itself.

#8320 Is there any way to import users from Bullet Proof FTP Server to FileZilla FTP Server? new Other normal FileZilla Server

Is there any way to Import user from BFTP to Filezilla FTP Server.

#8324 Slow and interrupted upload in FileZilla client 3.6 and on Mac 10.8.2 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I tried both FileZilla 3.6 and on a 2010 MacBookPro running OSX 10.8.2 using various network connections and user accounts. Uploads to a normally very stable and quick server (in local network) were very slow and connection was very instable. After 4 hours of trying, with multiple retries inbetween I transferred a few hundreds of kilobytes. After downgrading to version 3.5.3 the upload speed went back to a normal 10-15 MB/s.

#8325 Default editor preference does not work properly new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

[Steps to reproduce]

  1. install file zilla
  2. install ultra edit
  3. update file zilla
  4. uninstall ultra edit
  5. install some other editor - eg) notepad++
  6. OPEN or EDIT a file in file zilla client

[Current issue] Filezilla keeps finding older editor.

[Client Info] Filezilla 3.6.0 compiled for i586-pc-mingw32msvc build date: 2012-11-10 compiled flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

[Related issue]

#8328 PAPERCUT: "Downloading update" download status bar and text on OSX are oversized. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

LOCATION When downloading FileZilla updates, using FileZilla's "Check for updates..." function, eventually the user will be downloading the FileZilla. A dedicated dialog box will display the status of downloading process using a percentage status bar with some textual information underneath. This textual information stretches to the right too much and, as a result, gets cut off by dialog box' frame. (please see the attached image)

NOTE This problem does not exist on WinXP. On WindowsXP, this data is nicely centered under the status bar.

#8330 FileZilla run from installer runs under admin privs new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After upgrading to FileZilla 3.6.0, I allowed the installer to launch FileZilla.

This is on Win7 Pro x64, where I had right-clicked on the FileZilla installer, and selected "run as administrator".

However, it looks like the instance of FileZilla, as launched by the installer, will then also run with elevated privileges!

I noticed this when I used FileZilla to connect to a previously saved site, and FileZilla couldn't see a mapped drive letter (my logon session can see the shared drive, but anything running under elevated privileges can't see mapped drives).

This is a concern, because it means the instance of FileZilla launched by the installer has admin privs, instead of being reduced to normal user privs, as it would be when I launch it as myself.

#8331 version check didn't download and install latest version new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I had FileZilla 3.5.3 or something installed.

When I launched it, it performed a check for a new version, advised that 3.6.0 was available, downloaded it and installed it.

I then went to the Help -> Report a Bug menu item, only to be told by the website that I wasn't running the latest version, but was available.

The version checking / updating should ensure users are upgraded to the latest version, not a slightly old version.

#8335 Auto-updater steals focus, intercepts keypresses and exhibits unexpected behaviour new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I opened FileZilla and the auto-update notice appeared indicating that an update was available. I permitted the program to perform the update and went to do some typing in another window. At some point the updater opened a window which stole focus, intercepted one or more keypresses, and closed rapidly. I do not know what this window was for, because it disappeared so quickly. I believe that the keypresses intercepted may have been "png", or a subset of those, as that is what I appear to have been unsuccessful in typing in the window that was the intended recipient of the keystrokes.

After the window closed, it seems that the auto-updater did not complete its intended task, although I do not know whether that is as a result of the intercepted keypresses or for some other reason. FileZilla proved not to be installed on the computer (or at least, Windows did not list it as an installed program) and no shortcuts to FileZilla worked. I was obliged to download the installer and install FileZilla afresh. Happily, my preferences and settings were intact.

#8339 Wrong text in either button or text in Norwegian translation when done downloading a new version of FileZilla. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When the download of a new version is done, the text says in norwegian "Den seneste versjonen har blitt nedlastet. Klikk Ferdig for å lukke fileZilla og starte installasjonen". The word 'Ferdig' and the button 'Avslutt' are not the same text. I suggest to change the text 'Avslutt' to 'Ferdig' would solve the cosmetic bug.

#8346 Filezilla transfer hangs while transfer file to aruba. The 5 threads stops one at a time near end of file. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

transferring file to aruba. one at a time the thread hangs at the end of file and remain still. so filezilla remains locked and the transfer does not go ahead. in the log, at the end of collection i give an F5 to refresh dir. This malfunction happens for several months but only now I decided to report it after several new versions of filezilla.

win xp SP3 filezilla logfile attached.

Best Regards, gadareth Elio Bellucci

#8347 Automatic Update from to 3.7.3 fails reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I opened FileZilla (Client) and was informed a new version was available and was asked to confirm update.

Next, I was asked to confirm where to save the setup file.

After the file download "completed", I was notified there was an error downloading the file.

I repeated this attempt a few times with the same results.

Manually downloading the setup file resulted in a successful download and successful update to FileZilla CLient Version

I am running Windows 7 x64 (fully updated) with AMD Quad Core and 8GB Ram.

#8349 show splash screen at startup (Long delay on startup using local network drive) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When the local site remembered on startup is a network file share containing thousands of sub-directories, the FileZilla client takes about 5 minutes to appear.

This delay with no splash screen or progress indicator would typically lead the user to try again repeatedly, as if the launch did not execute. (There was no visual feedback of any sort.)

This symptom suggests inefficiency reading large numbers of filesystem objects. Perhaps it should be limited by default?

At least the operation should indicate some sort of progress. Preferably interruptible by user ("Cancel" button).

An instantaneous Splash Screen would help mitigate the confusion.

Similar delay occurs also when navigating to said directories after startup.

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-11-18 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.4 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 32 bit system

#8353 FTP connection problem via VPN new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have installed FileZilla server and user FileZilla client to connect it in normal I can connect without problem. But via VPN PPTP connected I can't using FileZilla connect to server

here is log

Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.40 beta
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	220-Welcome to AsnpnetServer1 FTP Server
Response:	220 ผู้ดูแลระบบ : nProtect
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	USER StorageAdmin
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	331 Password required for storageadmin
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	PASS ************
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	230 Logged on
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	SYST
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	FEAT
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	211-Features:
Error:	Connection timed out
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Error:	Could not connect to server
Status:	Waiting to retry...
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.40 beta
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	220-Welcome to AsnpnetServer1 FTP Server
Response:	220 ผู้ดูแลระบบ : nProtect
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	USER StorageAdmin
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	331 Password required for storageadmin
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	PASS ************
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	230 Logged on
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Command:	FEAT
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	211-Features:
Error:	Connection timed out
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114)
Error:	Could not connect to server

problem occur with only FileZilla Client connect to FileZilla Server. other ftp client and server is working on PPTP VPN

#8369 jpg files fail to open on download new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Selecting view/edit .jpg files from server but after download is completed Microsoft Photo Editor gives "Error reading file" message. However if downloaded to desktop and file opened from there then all is OK.

#8371 Remote Path Handling Feature Request new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I download a pair of files each day. The name changes based on the date. So I use the search feature/binoculars. Every day, I have to change the remote path handling to 'Flatten remote paths, download all contained files directly into target directory.' because that is my preference. I would like to make that the default. I don't want to have to choose that option each time I go to download files out of the search results. -Mike

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-11-18 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.4 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) Version: 5.1 Platform: 32 bit system

#8379 Sitemanager "move site to folder" function new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  1. Now it is impossible to move 1(or many) "site(s)" in "Site manager" to the top folder in a long site list

Is it possible to show second tree? in case when folder was selected, or there can be some tab/switcher

Just example, how can it look

So, it will be possible in second tree to select many "sites" and move them to selected folders from 1st tree

#8380 Massive Memory and CPU utilization with large dataset Uploads new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Windows Server 2008 R2 running under VMware Workstation 8 Two Intel CPUs 2 GB memory

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit physical machine. 8 Intel CPUs 16 GB memory

I have been trying to use FileZilla to test an FTP server implementation and how it scales using millions of files. My data set contains 10 million 1 KB files in a fairly deep directory structure. What I have found is that after a few minutes, FileZilla becomes non-responsive. A check of the memory sees it climbing very high. Some test runs, I'm able to get it to crash when the memory gets to ~2 GB consumed, probably because its a 32-bit process. Other times, the CPU just spikes to 100% and the process just looks like its hung when looking at the logs on the server side.

This is pretty simple to reproduce on the two machines listed above.

I personally think it has something to do with the queueing mechanism and how much memory is consumed per item. The queue can grow quite faster than files can transfer leading to rather large lists on the queued side.

#8388 Quick Connect Bar Settings lost after each new version update new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi there,

I value the work you do on this project and I must say that I use FileZilla almost every day.

Bug description

I have one small issue with the "Quick connect": each time I install a new version, only one FTP server remains... and each time I have to search all my settings.

FileZilla Client

Portable version Version: 3.5.2

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2011-11-08 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.10.4

Operating system:

Name: Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) Version: 5.1 Platform: 32 bit system

If you could correct this small bug, that would be perfect.

Kind regards, Dominique

#8391 Full screen feature for Mac OS new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A full screen feature for Mac OS X would be an improvement in usability of the application, which would make it easy to switch from FileZilla to Safari for instance.

#8394 File transfer stalling and retrying new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When attempting to drag and drop a zip file either directly to my desktop location or to a shared network drive in the tree structure, the transfer begins and proceeds smoothly to 46.3% complete and then stalls and retries. After the retry is intiated, it recognizes that the file already exists and prompts to select an action. Regardless of the action selected, the file will begin transferring again and consistently fails at 46.3%. I have attempted this transfer about 10 times.

File size is 121MB Operating on latest version downloaded today


Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-- FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta Response: 220- Response: 220-Welcome to the Oberon Technologies FTP Server. Response: 220- Response: 220-All information within this system is "Confidential", unless otherwise Response: 220-noted. This system is for use by authorized personnel only. Unauthorized Response: 220-access to this system is monitored and any violation will be reported to Response: 220-the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the Response: 220-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Response: 220-Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). If there Response: 220-is a problem with the system or configuration options that need to be Response: 220 added, please contact the System Administrators at it@…. Command: USER kyle.bangerter@… Response: 331 Password required for kyle.bangerter@… Command: PASS * Response: 230 Logged on Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla Command: FEAT Response: 211-Features: Response: MDTM Response: REST STREAM Response: SIZE Response: MODE Z Response: MLST type*;size*;modify*; Response: MLSD Response: AUTH SSL Response: AUTH TLS Response: PROT Response: PBSZ Response: UTF8 Response: CLNT Response: MFMT Response: 211 End Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (208,42,231,237,195,137) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Connection accepted Response: 226 Transfer OK Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD Initial DITA Sample Response: 250 CWD successful. "/Initial DITA Sample" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/Initial DITA Sample" is current directory. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (208,42,231,237,195,138) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Connection accepted Response: 226 Transfer OK Status: Directory listing successful Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-- FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta Response: 220- Response: 220-Welcome to the Oberon Technologies FTP Server. Response: 220- Response: 220-All information within this system is "Confidential", unless otherwise Response: 220-noted. This system is for use by authorized personnel only. Unauthorized Response: 220-access to this system is monitored and any violation will be reported to Response: 220-the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the Response: 220-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Response: 220-Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). If there Response: 220-is a problem with the system or configuration options that need to be Response: 220 added, please contact the System Administrators at it@…. Command: USER kyle.bangerter@… Response: 331 Password required for kyle.bangerter@… Command: PASS * Response: 230 Logged on Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /Initial DITA Sample/ATV Sportsman Command: CWD /Initial DITA Sample Response: 250 CWD successful. "/Initial DITA Sample" is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/Initial DITA Sample" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (208,42,231,237,195,139) Command: RETR ATV Sportsman Response: 150 Connection accepted Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed after transferring 56,371,180 bytes in 126 seconds Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-- FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta Response: 220- Response: 220-Welcome to the Oberon Technologies FTP Server. Response: 220- Response: 220-All information within this system is "Confidential", unless otherwise Response: 220-noted. This system is for use by authorized personnel only. Unauthorized Response: 220-access to this system is monitored and any violation will be reported to Response: 220-the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the Response: 220-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Response: 220-Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). If there Response: 220-is a problem with the system or configuration options that need to be Response: 220 added, please contact the System Administrators at it@…. Command: USER kyle.bangerter@… Response: 331 Password required for kyle.bangerter@… Command: PASS * Response: 230 Logged on Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /Initial DITA Sample/ATV Sportsman Command: CWD /Initial DITA Sample Response: 250 CWD successful. "/Initial DITA Sample" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (208,42,231,237,195,140) Command: REST 56371180 Response: 350 Rest supported. Restarting at 56371180 Command: RETR ATV Sportsman Response: 150 Connection accepted, restarting at offset 56371180 Error: Connection timed out Error: File transfer failed Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-- FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta Response: 220- Response: 220-Welcome to the Oberon Technologies FTP Server. Response: 220- Response: 220-All information within this system is "Confidential", unless otherwise Response: 220-noted. This system is for use by authorized personnel only. Unauthorized Response: 220-access to this system is monitored and any violation will be reported to Response: 220-the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between the Response: 220-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Response: 220-Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). If there Response: 220-is a problem with the system or configuration options that need to be Response: 220 added, please contact the System Administrators at it@…. Command: USER kyle.bangerter@… Response: 331 Password required for kyle.bangerter@… Command: PASS * Response: 230 Logged on Status: Connected Status: Starting download of /Initial DITA Sample/ATV Sportsman Command: CWD /Initial DITA Sample Response: 250 CWD successful. "/Initial DITA Sample" is current directory. Status: Skipping download of /Initial DITA Sample/ATV Sportsman Status: File transfer skipped

#8398 UNC path error new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client is unable to normally download a file from ftp, if resulting path name exceeds MAX_PATH limit. Which is already reported, see related bugs: 6193,4791 ,4792,6193.

Though, I've just tried to manually input an UNC path to "Local site" field. Like "
?\G:\temp\timeweb-ftp4(filezilla)\" instead of just "G:\temp\timeweb-ftp4(filezilla)\".

And now I was able to download needed files. Although files were downloaded OK, there were multiple error messages: "Directory ':\temp' couldn't be created (error 3: the system cannot find the path specified). If I close this message - new one won't pop up immediately, though, after some time - it would, for sure.

Here's 45sec screenvideo I've captured.

Also, please find filezilla.log attached (sorry,in fact, it is not the one related to the video, it was a separate run.) At the end of the log, I've canceled transferring, though, once again - this error message does not affects transferring, it just continues.

#8404 Favorites in Dock menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if your FTP favorites were populated in the list when you right click on the icon in the Dock, and when you click on a favorite it starts FileZilla and automatically connect to the selected favorite. If FileZilla was already started, just connect to the selected favorite.

#8405 Timeout in big directory delete new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

it is impossible for filezilla client to erase directories if this directiory is too big, if it contains many files. Timeout on connexion duration stops this operation before it is complete. Timeout on connexion duration is not reinitialized at each operation (LIST ou DELE). To erase such big directories, it is necessary to proceed in several (many) smaller erase operations. Best regards.

#8406 When a new directory created, focus the new directory in listviews new Patch normal FileZilla Client

When a new directory created, filezilla refreshes the corresponding local or remote listview and leaves the focus where it was before. I think it should set the focus to the newly created directory since the user most likely will want to go in that directory.

The attached patch implements this behaviour for both the local and the remote listviews, also it adds the [ctrl]+[shift]+[n] keyboard shortcut for the "New Directory" menu item (does the same thing in windows explorer or nautilus and Thunar on linux).

The remote side implemented extending the facilities added in r4868 with setters and a new conditional. Maybe these functions/member variables need a new name. Since i'm not 100% sure on the remote side's implementation, i'm attaching a patch only for the local side and the keyboard shortcuts.

Sidenote: On my system, i couldn't compile a clean r4872, compile failed with:

src/interface/listctrlex.cpp:1179 col 36: error: passing ‘const wxListCtrlEx’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘wxScrolledWindow* wxListCtrlEx::GetMainWindow()’ discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

This can be fixed easily enough with a cons_cast<> like this:

-    wxRect windowRect = GetMainWindow()->GetClientRect();
+    wxRect windowRect = const_cast<wxListCtrlEx*>(this)->GetMainWindow()->GetClientRect()
#8408 Freeing the "transfert done" list from 100'000+ files takes 5 minutes new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I sucessfully transfered more than 100'000 files from an archive to local. The log pannel of sucessful transfers contains the 100'000 names of files. I select all the log by ctrl-a and press the del key.

It takes about 5 minutes to clear the list - a huge time.

Observation: at the beginning of the freeing, memory is released by 5ko/interval (monitoring the processes), than by 24 ko/interval and finally at 200ko/interval. I bet that the algorithm used fro freeing the list and memory is not optimal.

The same "long time" was observed at least 3 times and is always present.

When the list is "short", the time is short - a few seconds or so. Is a much faster ?

#8409 Stopping the treatment of the queue dosn't stop distant site tree exploration new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I tried to stop both the files' downloading and the exploration of the tree (huge, more than 8 minutes) of the distant site using a ctrl-p. It effectively stopped the downloading of files, but not the tree exploration.

Is there a facility to stop the tree exploration from the distant site ?

#8411 Remove clients "local" pane, add vertical directory tree new Patch normal FileZilla Client

I was hoping that this could be implemented. I see that tateu updated 3.5.3 but it doesn't work for the latest version. Can someone create a patch please?

It would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

#8421 Search or sort "Transfer" column new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

The ability to sort the "Transfer" column. Or as an alternative, the ability to search and/or filter on the "Transfer" column.

#8424 "Always upload this file" option when editing/updating new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Thanks for FileZilla client - great software; I just made a donation.

When editing a file, my workflow is like this: 1) Edit file 2) Switch to FileZilla to upload 3) Switch to browser to test impact 4) Switch back to editor

If FileZilla's "Do you want to upload this file?" box had a "Always upload this file" checkbox that could last for the session's duration, then that would be great and save some time.

Thank you for considering the idea.

#8427 PAPERCUT: Only the very top of the FileZilla title bar is draggable on OSX new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On any other Mac program, the entire grey title/toolbar can be clicked and dragged. In FileZilla, only the very top portion works as it should. This often leads to the cursor arrow sliding off and moving something in the window below.

#8461 Directory tree view is not refreshed after dragging folders. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

CONDITIONS: Create 2 folders, e.g. TEST1 and TEST2. Use directory tree pane to drag TEST2 onto the TEST1 folder. As when trying to move a folder inside another folder. Although the folder TEST2 is successfully moved to TEST1 using this approach, the TEST2 folder's icon will still remain where it was. Resulting in seemingly 2 TEST2 folders. (please reference the submitted image).

When this happens, slicking 'Refresh' will not help as long as the original TEST2 folder icon is highlighted.

#8466 FTP URL in Quick Connect should open directory/download file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right now, it's nice that you can put FTP URLs in the quickconnect bar, but the functionality isn't quite usable.

For example, if you copy from your browser and you want to download it in filezilla. When you paste it in the quick connect "host" field, you get the following error:

Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-Microsoft FTP Service Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /planificacion/VAD&Hepp/Metodo-participativo-VAD.pdf Response: 550 /planificacion/VAD&Hepp/Metodo-participativo-VAD.pdf: The directory name is invalid. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory.

Ideally, it would CDW TO /planificacion/VAD&Hepp/ then start a download of Metodo-participativo-VAD.pdf

#8476 Too many publickey verification attempts were made new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Version: OS: Windows 7 x64

I have a LOT of certificate-authenticated SFTP sites; since I went over 10, I began getting this error:

Status: Connecting to devstbe1... Response: fzSftp started Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\test1_password1234.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\devccm\ccm.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\ccm\ccm.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\hoh\wellsfargo.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\ccm\sterling.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\mytestuser\mytestuser1.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\mytestuser\mytestuser2.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\cie\cie.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\fisglobal\dataexpress.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\testcertlogin\testcertlogin1.ppk" Command: keyfile "
tsclient\C\Users\hwilkins\Documents\Work Documents\projects\0 I02218 ST Upgrade\SFT\certificates\testcertlogin\testcertlogin2.ppk" Command: open "testcertlogin2@devstbe1" 22 Error: Server sent disconnect message Error: type 14 (no more auth methods available): Error: "Too many publickey verification attempts were made." Error: Could not connect to server

Shouldn't FileZilla only try the key file reflecting the login name instead of trying them all?

#8478 ftp/s does not support certificate-auth (no password) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla does not appear to support client-certificate auth (no password) mode. Examples where this does work via cURL include:

curl -v -k --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv --disable-epsv --key userkey.pem --cert usercert.pem ftp://user@server

curl -v -k --tlsv1 --ssl --ssl-reqd --ftp-alternative-to-user "SITE AUTH" --disable-epsv --ftp-skip-pasv-ip --key userkey.pem --cert usercert.pem ftp://server

I can provide output and trace logs if desired, but since the traces show certificate detail, I'd prefer not to do it in public.

RFC 2228 specifically states that the server can accept AUTH info as sufficient for login, and provides FTP response codes for doing so, bypassing the PASSWORD prompt.

The ability to specify a certificate for a particular connection profile would help here, keeping the connection from trying the wrong certificate (this would also help SFTP connections avoide the error noted in bug report 8476 (

#8484 Please change "Selected file already being edited" box. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please add a checkbox to this dialog that causes the dialog to remember what you did last time. I frequently use FileZilla to just look at files that are changing at the remote site so every time I want to refresh I have to select "Discard local file...".

You get the idea.

As an alternative to this change make view and edit two different functions.

Here are the "info" dump:

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i686-apple-darwin9 Compiled on: i386-apple-darwin9.8.0 Build date: 2012-11-29 Compiled with: i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.3 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Mac OS X (Darwin 10.8.0 i386) Version: 16.104

#8488 Incomplete File Transfers to Server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

With recent versions of FileZilla, we have been seeing a number of incomplete file transfers. Here are our steps to reproduce:

1) Connect to the FTP server (on Windows CE device). (No encryption, anonymous FTP). 2) Transfer a file of size > 1MB from client to server. 3) Often the file transfer will "complete" after only ~200kB have been transferred. Sometimes a client PC will get stuck in this state, unable to transfer larger files. 4) The file remains on the server with a size of ~200kB.

The reason why I suspect FileZilla is the culprit is because other FTP clients (such as Microsoft command line ftp client and Windows Explorer) work OK from the same machines that have trouble with FileZilla.

Furthermore, I once took a Wireshark capture during the transfer and it seemed evident that FileZilla was dropping the ball on the communications.

This seems to happen with but not with 3.6.0. However, I am not certain of that.

Thank you for your assistance. Please let me know if there is more information I could provide that would be helpful in tracking down this bug.

Detailed version information below:

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-11-29 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.4 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

#8491 Use the server's external IP address instead not working reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

we have following issue

protocol: ftp encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS Logon: normal our client have an internal ip 10.35..4 the destination address is the internal ip address from our firewall : 10.35..254 the real destination is an server outside: 172......

when the client open the connection to the ftp server: The ftp connection can be opened to the destination server!

But wenn the command "LIST" where send to the server, we don't get a sign from the real destination ftp server, because the protocol package has the wrong IP address information included into the package to the client. Maybe it wll be a bug?

when we use another software 4 example "smartftp", to do the same thing -> it works fine. We we want to use flezilla.

#8492 FileZilla very slow (~5MB/s) when using sftp to upload file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla is very slow ~5MB/s, ~90seconds when using sftp to upload a file to my local SSH file server only, while a Linux command-line "sftp" tool is much faster:

$ sftp sshserver@ sftp> put Filename.tar Filename.tar 100% 379MB 20.0MB/s 00:19

I'm really wondering why this is.

#8500 rename a local folder while downloading other folders new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

While downloading some folders from my webspace with ftpes (explicit ftp over tls), I tried to rename another local folder in the left area in filezilla, where i can see my local folders.

I made a right-click/edit on it, and it turned editable. Then I clicked on it directly after its name (downloads|) because i wanted to rename it to "downloads-old".

When i start to type the first letter ("-"), the "edit-mode" disappeared/closed , and so it is impossible to rename this or another local folder.

I had to open a filemanager of gnome to rename the folder.

This problem exists only When downloads are active. Without any downloads, the renaming works without problem.

The 'Download-Mode', where the problem appeared, is: "overwrite if filesize is different or file is more actual". I use the german version of filezilla.

here my filezilla info: =============================================================== FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu Compiled on: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-12-06 Compiled with: gcc (GCC) 4.7.2 20121109 (Red Hat 4.7.2-8) Compiler flags: -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic -Wall -g -fexceptions -std=gnu++11

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 2.12.22 SQLite: 3.7.13

Operating system:

Name: Linux 3.7.7-201.fc18.x86_64 x86_64 Version: 3.7

======================================================== i can't test it with the nightly build because does only show a "nightly builds" - header, but no content or download-links, at the moment.

#8505 Upload elapsed time incorrect new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I'm uploading a file very slowly and I believe it is not counting the hour in the upload's elapsed time. Essentially this previous bug: but as applied to uploads rather than downloads.

#8537 upload fails to start following change in directory from successful upload new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I renamed about 20 of the 48 .JPG files in the 'photos' directory in my PC mirror of my website. Instead of manually renaming them on the website, I created a new '@swap' sub-directory there, and dragged and dropped the files to be renamed to it. Then on the PC I selected all the files in the 'photos' directory and uploaded them to the website's 'photos' directory, responding to whether to skip overwriting the files that were not renamed with 'skip' and 'all'. It all worked fine.

Before that upload was quite completed, on both the PC and Website, I changed the window focus to another directory, my 'ph' directory in each window. The I tried to upload its '@…' file, but the file was not added to the queue. I tried changing the directory focuses in other ways and coming back to try again with no effect. I opened a new connection to the website and went to the 'ph' directories and it had no effect.

I closed and reopened FileZilla and went to the 'ph' directories and the file uploaded as usual, prompting me to overwrite the old one.

The version it occured on was: 3.5.3 then I installed current version:

#8576 Small redo last transference new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I always miss this little detail. You must take the file and put it into the dir, one change an do it again. I will thank this little button that I would use to upload new version of a file that i'm editing, but i would do twice (up and down)

Actually you need to edit a file directly from ftp to do some like this. The idea is make it on local server files.

my two cents. thank you.

#8577 Asks to overwrite file when first attempt fails new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Figured this should be automatic.. appears to inquire about overwriting when first attempt to download fails (broken connection or incomplete transmission).

I would have expected this to be automatic on retries..

On the other hand, if it fails, I would expect it to ask to keep partial file or delete...

#8587 Race condition in upload: Collisions with previously failed transfers (?) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'm experiencing a race condition when uploading. Approx. every 300 files, a file that's being uploaded already exists, and I'm prompted what to do. Typically the file has 0 bytes, sometimes it has <100% size. These files are from previously failed attempts in the same queue - NB that the target directory was empty before.

I'd expect FileZilla to retry failed uploads non-interactively. I'm using 8 concurrent transfers, and the remote server is "flaky" in that it likes to terminate connections randomly every once in a while.

So here's my hypothesis:

1) Thread A uploads file foo, is kicked off the server before upload completes. This leaves the file in the transfer queue (does it?). 2) Thread B finds foo in the transfer queue, tries to upload, and finds the incomplete file created by thread A in 1).

If this is true, the solution might be to do the collision handling cross-threads, i.e. B should know that A just failed to upload foo, and retry non-interactively.

I'm happy to set up a test account on this flaky server. The race is pretty easy to trigger by uploading, say, WordPress (maybe 2 or 3 times).

Also, and I assume this is related, there are files in the "Failed transfers" list. Shouldn't those be retried? (Should I open a new bug for the latter issue, in case it's not related? Or is it even a bug?)

#8590 Directory listing with proftpd mod_sftp reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Here is my problem. When I do Directory Listing of an SFTP Server running ProFTPD 1.3.4b with mod_sftp 0.9.8, I see Filezilla Client 3.5.3 reporting me that there are some directories whose name are including their last writing date : "avril 8 14:48 <directory name>"

I checked the same server with Windows client version, Linux Client version : it's the same problem.

I checked with WinSCP client under Windows and all is OK. I checked with the last version of proftpd 1.3.4c and the problem still appear with FileZilla Client

I want to say that during last month, everything was OK with proftpd 1.3.4b/Mod_sftp 0.9.8 versions.

I checked sftp with openssh soft and everything is OK.

But, the difference I noticed is that with the same host, running directory listing under mod_sftp returns me a list of files whose date are in french (eg : 'avril' for the 4th month) whereas with openssh, the same directory listing returns me a list of files with a date in english (eg : Apr for the 4th month).

Can you confirm me that there is a FilleZilla issue ?

#8592 Common Name in SSL/TLS certificates is not checked against the server name connected to new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When connecting to a site using FTPS (SSL/TLS) the common name of the certificate is not checked against the server name. Although a warning is displayed that the certificate is untrusted it is not explicitly stated that the server named mismatches the CN.

This could be easily overlooked by unexperienced users.

Steps to reproduce:

In servermanager: config server A: (explicit TLS)

Setup an FTP Server presenting a certificate with a common name of ""

Connect to server A, a warning is displayed that the certificate is not trusted. The fact that "" and "" do not match is not explicitly stated.

As this is a strong indication of malicious activity, the user should be warned about it in an urgent manner.

#8600 Site Manager search option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I love filezila it’s the best. I running hundreds of sites using that software and it's the quotations Is if it possible to have an "search option" inside the site manger windows So I will be able to quaky find web sites information instead spending minutes to find one site info in my 250 hundred web sites?

Regards yani

#8632 unclear colors at directory-comparison new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I'm not sure, if it's a bug or a feature. I searched a little bit for this, but found no other tickets on this:

When the directory-comparison mode is enabled, differences between host and server are displayed in three colours: green, yellow, red. But it seems, that the test on possible differences are made in the wrong order.

This is the actual behaviour of filezilla: if a file occurs on one side only, then the colour is yellow. else if a file differs in its age, then the colour is green. else if a file differs in file size, then the colour is red.

The result is, that files, which differ in file size _and_ age are displayed green, not red.

As the difference in age may be irrelevant (sometimes the timestamps are simply not correct on one side), but the difference in file size and hence the difference in content is relevant very much.

According to this, I would prefer, if the files with difference in age and file size are displayed in red, not green. The test on differences in file size should be made before the test on a different age.

I'm sorry, that no patch is attached, because I think it would be easy to change the described behaviour, but I don't have the time to do that by myself actually.

thanks for a great client,

Christoph Mühlmann

PS.: I'm using FileZilla on Windows 7 x64

#8652 active mode does not work with SOCKS 5 proxy new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


there is a problem if I want to connect to a ftp server that ONLY supports active mode connections.

This is the FileZilla client output: 13:58:31 Status: Connecting to through proxy 13:58:31 Status: Resolving address of 13:58:31 Status: Connecting to 13:58:31 Status: Connection with proxy established, performing handshake... 13:58:32 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... 13:58:32 Response: 220 X2 WS_FTP Server 7.5.1(64741463) 13:58:32 Command: USER username 13:58:32 Response: 331 Enter password 13:58:32 Command: PASS 13:58:32 Response: 230-User logged in 13:58:32 Response: Welcome to FTP Euro RSCG 13:58:32 Response: 230 User logged in 13:58:32 Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. 13:58:32 Status: Connected 13:58:32 Status: Retrieving directory listing... 13:58:32 Command: PWD 13:58:32 Response: 257 "/users/username" is current directory 13:58:32 Command: TYPE I 13:58:32 Response: 200 Transfer mode set to BINARY 13:58:32 Command: PASV 13:58:53 Error: Connection timed out 13:58:53 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

I have enabled Active-Mode in Transfer-Settings but FileZilla still sends the PASV command to the server to obtain the directory listing. That is where it stops. Since I don't have access to the server and can't change anything on the server side it would be nice if you can have a look at this issue. And the problem is not in my network configuration, because ws_ftp manages to connect to that server in active mode without any problems. I even can reproduce the problem with a simple linux ftp command line client outside of our firewall. As soon as I send the PASV command to the server, it stops responding. Without the PASV command, the connection works fine.



#8657 Imported settings not working new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I am having trouble with imported settings not changing the Filezilla active settings.

I have altered the settings as needed and then created my export file, FileZilla.xml, which I can open and see has all the values that I changed. For example:

<Setting name="File exists action upload">6</Setting>

When I import the XML file in a new Filezilla client and restart, the settings are still set to their defaults. The program does not generate any errors, and does provide feedback that the task has completed: "The settings have imported successfully..." and "The selected categories have been imported."

If I look in $HOMEDIR\AppData\FileZilla\filezilla.xml, it still has the default setting:

<Setting name="File exists action upload">0</Setting>

Site manager entries are getting imported with no problem, but none of the settings are changing.

I've tried multiple times, restarting FileZilla each time after import, and it never shows the imported settings.

Below is the client version info, and I've attached the exported settings file I'm trying to import (I manually deleted the Last Server tag for privacy reasons).

FileZilla Client Info:


Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2012-11-29 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.12 GnuTLS: 3.1.4 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Version: 6.1 Platform: 64 bit system

#8660 Better handling / overview site manager list under Mac new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If you have a lot of entries plus bookmarks in your site manager list (which is always fully expanded), it needs some time to find the server you're searching for. Under the windows version of FileZilla, there is a drop-down-list in the button bar for a fast access.

It would be great, if such a kind of compact list can be included in the Mac version too.

Additional suggestion: Building the site list as a menu with server entries and expanding bookmarks as submenus: 1st level: Only the server entries; If the mouse hovers the server entry, than the additional bookmarks from this server appears as child-menu.

However, thanks for constantly improving FileZilla!

#8681 The problem with the Cyrillic character set in the 'Remote site' input box new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Example: displayed /Work/Êëèåíòû instead of /Work/Клиенты

Please, fix this little bug

Best regards, Anton

#8687 Filezilla fails to begin uploading multiple connections when uploads set to two new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Transfer Settings > Limit number of simultaneous uploads.

If I set this to two, and begin the upload, only one upload begins.

If I then begin an additional upload to a different server, the second upload for the first server begins, and the second server is queued.

The second server being queued is fine and correct, but the first server should begin with the two uploads as I have set, and not just the one.

Hope that made some sense.

#8691 Implement negotiate/kerberos authentication for proxy connection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla works well with a Squid proxy using the basic authentication mechanism, but with the negotiate mechanism using a kerberos backend, it doesn't work at all.

It would be great to have this working, since it would allow to use Filezilla with our proxy server in a secure and convenient way.

Is it possible to implement kerberos authentication?

#8694 Duplicate open tab new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Every day I use FileZilla and it is common for me to open several tabs connecting to the same server/ftp account. On every new tab I have to manually navigate to the folder I am interested.

It would be a nice feature to add a "Duplicate tab" functionality, meaning open a new tab, connecting to the same server and open the same folder as the original tab.

Is it possible?

#8701 no warning about missing keyfile new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When setting a key file in the SFTP settings, closing the dialog, then deleting the key file from harddisk and connecting, Filezilla does not warn about the file being not accessible.

I still get:

Befehl: keyfile "Z:\foo.ppk" Befehl: open "user@…" 22

without any warning that foo.ppk does not exist.

#8702 Improve Update Process new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to improve the update process? Currently (at least for the mac), updates are downloaded and require the user to manually extract and apply the update.

Ideally, I would like to see the process enhanced so that after the file is downloaded, the option to restart + install is provided to automatically apply the update.

Given the diverse user base for Filezilla, if this particular feature request conflicts with other user workflows, perhaps it could be implemented as an option within the application?

#8705 DDE Execute Request Failed: a transaction failed new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Since recently updating Filezilla, I now get this error when opening a html file to view? Filezilla use to open the file in a new tab in an open browser, but now after getting the error, it opens a brand new browser.

#8709 Shortcut for directories in site manager new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Feature request: Add shourtcuts for entries in the Servermanager to allow the users to jump directly to designated directories.

Something like that:

#8727 Update sorting of files/dirs by date new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

RE: Sorting of files or dirs is still in "old style" (pre-vista) format:

Client is still using a click column date sort based on pre-vista - (initial sort is old to new - new at bottom first). Please do the initial sort 'new to old'.

This was an annoyance in Windows for years (fixed in vista onward), and still a MAJOR annoyance in client.. why? Seems as simple change and a pretty logical follow-through to complement Vista/7/8/ explorer interfaces..

#8729 files get lost from "not transfered" to transfer list => ALWAYS "not all files re-listed" new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

i regularly perform backups of all kinds of files with filezilla client and i use it a lot. actually, reliability has been an issue before. i even noticed files that were not entirely transfered. actually, i don't if this has been fixed by now. but back then i noticed, files were not fully transfered. so i went back and had to transfer it directory after directory to make it work.

and i've lost files before. but this time it's very critical. and i don't talk about the files. a website or application never runs if even one or two files are missing. but the loss this time is severe.

the trouble is, i can re-list "not transfered" files. but now filezilla ALWAYS says, not all files were put back in the transfer list. and i mean ALWAYS. every time i tried and try, i had this message and with different file formats. no matter if there were only 4 entries in the "not transfered" list, 40 or 400.

two days ago i started a major backup and after only a few thousand files and this message coming again and again i started checking and within a few thausand transfered files i've lost like 700 files!!! meaning even after like 1/6 of the backup i've lost more than 1000 files!!!

the entries just disappear from all lists. they don't go back to the transfer list and they are cleared in the "not transfered" list. it's not quite funny to backup lost files by hand. especially if there are hundreds or thousands. but that is not even possible when they are cleared in all lists! backing up some thousand files of different purpose and directories, you have no chance to find out the missing files. actually, today i tried to backup the most important files and again i've lost a lot of files. just now i re-listed 1772 files, 12 were in the list before and after re-listing i had 1756. meaning, 28 files are gone in only this one re-listing.

i didn't notice this trouble before and especially not to this extent. i'm using a german version and it says it's compiled on may 26th ... and it's says, version is wxwidget 2.8.12, gnutls 3.1.11, sqlite, active transfer mode ... hope that's everything you need.

you should really try to get filezilla highly reliable. i barely have trouble with the application, but reliability has always been an issue. and this application is for "file transfer". so, i don't know about other people, but my data is always important. so is reliability. i like filezilla and i've been using it for years. reliability would be a good "feature" to add.

#8730 Preserve timestamps of transferred files does not preserve for file type eml new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I am working under Windows Vista with filezilla client

I am extensively using the "Folder compare" feature of filezilla client and I am using the option to preserve timestamps when uploading files.

After uploading a file on the box, filezilla client still says that the files are not the same. The timestamp of file copied is the current timestamps only for files with eml extension.

I am connected to a remote linux box throught its sftp server

I've rename the file with txt extension and now it's good !!!

Thanks for looking into this


Patrick (french user)

#8741 upload goes into loop when a file name has a space at the beginning new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I tried to upload a file that has a space at the beginning of the name, for example: " 123.tif". The application starts uploading it but after reaching the 100% it returns to 0 automatically and upload the file again. I am using the latest version of Filezilla.

#8742 Options - Auto Changing Simultaneous Transfers new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Adding the optional option for FileZilla to change Simultaneous transfers based on current file size(user set) that is currently being transferred.

Example: User sets if a file is greater than or equal to 1GB(customizable) use only x(customizable) simultaneous transfer in transfer options when enabling this optional option by checkbox. While the norm of that user is using x simultaneous transfers. (x=1<->10)

Basically smaller files get multiple transfers while larger files run on a single or few transfer/s to speed up the transfer of the larger files since the current bottleneck for the larger files would be the network and disk speed.

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