Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#2309 closed Feature request

Support multi-threaded multipart downloads — at Initial Version

Reported by: mrcapture Owned by:
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: mrcapture, Tim Kosse, lukebenes@…, hakan_deliyurek@…, fastgoldfish@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version:


FileZilla is really great software, but the feature I am
missing most is the ability to actually download ONE
file using multiple parallel connections. Many FTP
servers (including the one of the company I work for)
limit the bandwidth per connection, very often this limit
is in the 20kB/sec range. I was using LeechFTP before
that supports multi-threaded multi-part download (using
multiple parallel connections) but development has been
discontinued and it does not support any security (SSL).
Whenever you have a high-speed internet connection
and need to download a large file (e.g. CD image) I was
able to cut the download time by over 75% using this

Would be great if you could consider this for a future



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