Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #13049

Jan 29, 2024, 1:04:36 PM (7 months ago)


  • Ticket #13049 – Description

    v4 v5  
    4545With the ssh-plugin plugin disabled, when I boot/restart my system, an ssh-agent doesn't get started on boot (I think it's like that by default; the ssh-agent plugin didn't change this, it was only responsible for automatically starting an ssh-agent when I open my terminal). Then I open my terminal. Then when I run the `ssh` command to ssh into a server, automatically an ssh-agent gets started and my private key gets imported without asking for a passphrase.
    47 By default, there is an environment variable `$SSH_AUTH_SOCK` set to a temp folder location and `$SSH_AGENT_PID` is empty. The ssh-plugin was starting a new ssh-agent instance and overwriting the `$SSH_AUTH_SOCK` variable to its own socket, and this way shadowing the existing ssh-agent instance that used the default socket location (if there is one running), and this led to two different ssh-agent instances running at the same time and listening on different sockets.
     47By default, there is an environment variable `$SSH_AUTH_SOCK` set to a temp folder location and `$SSH_AGENT_PID` is empty. The ssh-plugin was starting a new ssh-agent instance and overwriting the `$SSH_AUTH_SOCK` variable to its own socket, and this way shadowing the existing ssh-agent instance (which FileZilla uses) that used the default socket location (if there is one running), and this led to two different ssh-agent instances running at the same time and listening on different sockets.