33 | | With the ssh-plugin plugin disabled, when I boot/restart my system, an ssh-agent doesn't get started on boot (I think it's like that by default; the ssh-agent plugin didn't change this, it was only responsible for automatically starting an ssh-agent when I open my terminal). Then I open my terminal. Then when I run the `ssh` command to ssh into a server, automatically an ssh-agent gets started and my private key gets imported without asking for a passphrase. I hope this is how it should work based on my config. |
| 33 | Host * |
| 34 | AddKeysToAgent yes |
| 35 | UseKeychain yes |
| 36 | IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 |
| 37 | |
| 38 | Host website.com |
| 39 | HostName xx.xxx.xx.xxx |
| 40 | Port 1500 |
| 41 | User user |
| 42 | |
| 43 | I use ohmyzsh with a couple common plugins. I found out I had the ssh-agent plugin enabled. |
| 44 | |
| 45 | With the ssh-plugin plugin disabled, when I boot/restart my system, an ssh-agent doesn't get started on boot (I think it's like that by default; the ssh-agent plugin didn't change this, it was only responsible for automatically starting an ssh-agent when I open my terminal). Then I open my terminal. Then when I run the `ssh` command to ssh into a server, automatically an ssh-agent gets started and my private key gets imported without asking for a passphrase. |