Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#12558 closed Bug report

Re: Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it Empty Directory Listing — at Version 1

Reported by: John Skinner Owned by:
Priority: high Component: FileZilla Server
Keywords: defunctspeedway problem Cc: John Skinner
Component version: FileZilla Server 3.56 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: windows 10

Description (last modified by John Skinner)

Reporting a Bug
I use FZ to upload files to 3 websites. 2 of the sites are fine in Filezilla but the 3rd website is experiencing problems when uploading to the remote server.

Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it saying Empty Directory Listing
Upload of files now fails. I get the message, Transfers Finished “All transfers have finished 1 file could not be transferred”

Example 1
Command: CWD /htdocs
Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,32,7)
Command: STOR sean courtney berwick.jpg
Response: 553-Can't open that file: Invalid argument
Response: 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory
Error: Critical file transfer error

all i get in the server window is a folder with 2 dots after it and a note saying "Empty Directory Listing"

Here is another example: -

Example 2
I tried to upload a jpg called “Odsal Bulletin” it failed saying: -
Command: STOR odsal bulletin.jpg
Response: 553 Rename/move failure: Success
Error: Critical file transfer error
Status: Disconnected from server
The FZ local and remote server windows show the following:-

see file attached[[Image] 1jpeg attached

The 2 examples shown above returned different responses but both ended with the same result Error: Critical file transfer error and the Empty directory listing message in the remote server window with the folder and 2 dots.

Example 3

I tried sending 3 files up but FileZilla said: -
Command: STOR odsal bulletin.jpg
Response: 553-Can't check for file existence: No such file or directory
Response: 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory
Error: Critical file transfer error

I tried the Zilezilla Client Support forum and got the following answer from an apparent expert called BOCO
Re: Files fail to upload. The server shows a folder with 2 dots after it
Looks like the server is on the fritz. It responds to the upload command with error messages.
Code: Select all
Command: STOR sean courtney berwick.jpg
Response: 553-Can't open that file: Invalid argument
Response: 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

That's a case for the server support. You need to send a bug report their way.

From John Skinner
Email jskinner06@…
Date 16/10/2021

Change History (2)

by John Skinner, 3 years ago

Attachment: bug screenprint.jpg added

Result of attempt to upload files result Critical Error messages

comment:1 by John Skinner, 3 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

On odd occasions I manage to send up a few files then it crashes again

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