Filezilla Version 3.2.0 Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnSend() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Error: Connection timed out Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(2114) Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... FileZilla Version 2.2.32 Status: Connecting to ... Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5151): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5151): m_pSslLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5151): m_pSslLayer changed state from 2 to 4 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1001): OnConnect(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x00b61d44 Status: Connected with, negotiating SSL connection... Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server hello A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server certificate A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server done A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write client key exchange A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write finished A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 flush data Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read finished A Trace: Using TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3: AES256-SHA, 1024 bit RSA Status: SSL connection established. Waiting for welcome message... Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 220-TCP/IP for VSE Internal FTPDAEMN 01.05 F 20081114 09.36 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: Copyright (c) 1995,2006 Connectivity Systems Incorporated Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 220 Ready for new user Command: USER KRIP Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=0 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 331 User name okay, need password Command: PASS ******** Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=3 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 230 User logged in, proceed Command: SYST Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-14 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 215 UNIX Simulation on VSE system Command: FEAT Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 211-Supported extensions: Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: AUTH TLS Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: PBSZ Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: PROT Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 211 END Command: PBSZ 0 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-11 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 200 Command okay Command: PROT P Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-12 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 200 Data connection private(encrypted) Status: Connected Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3986): ResetOperation(1) OpMode=1 OpState=-12 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",1) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x00b61d44 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=0 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 257 "/" Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=0 caller=0x00b61d44 Command: TYPE A Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 200 Command okay Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x00b61d44 Command: PORT 158,100,101,3,10,31 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 200 Command okay Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(558): SetActive() caller=0x00b760ac Command: LIST Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 150 File status okay; about to open data connection Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(387): OnAccept(0) caller=0x00b760ac Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1139): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 7 caller=0x00b760ac Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1139): m_pSslLayer changed state from 7 to 4 caller=0x00b760ac Status: SSL connection established Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x00b61d44 Response: 226 Closing data connection Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1139): m_pSslLayer changed state from 4 to 6 caller=0x00b760ac Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(518): OnClose(10053) caller=0x00b760ac Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x00b760ac Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1969): TransferEnd(4) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(TRUE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x00b61d44 Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(96): ~CTransferSocket() caller=0x00b760ac Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x00b760ac Status: Directory listing successful Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3986): ResetOperation(1) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x00b61d44