Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (289 - 291 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2058 Timestamp in message log window Alexander Schuch anonymous

A timestamp in the message log window so I can see exactly when I connected, disconnected, etc. Basically, I want to know when every single occurrence happened.

Example: [20:30:04] Status: Connecting to ... [20:30:10] Error: Unable to connect! [20:30:11] Status: Waiting to retry... (999 retries left)

Which shows me that at 8:30pm, I tried to connect to localhost and failed.

#2061 Remote treeview right-click menu Alexander Schuch Scott M. Sanders

There should be a right-click/context menu in the remote treeview as there are in the local treeview and both file lists.

#2067 Maintain Letter Case for Folder Names Alexander Schuch ocyl

It would be great if the FileZilla Team can add an option that will allow us to keep folder names "as is" during transfer. Right now, FileZilla always forces folder names to lowercase, and those of us who like to use capital/uppercase letters for the first letter of folder names have to change it manually at all times.

Thanks in advance =)

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