Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (289 - 291 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#353 Can't parse path on Windows server anonymous

FileZilla doesn't like Windows FTP servers. It can't parse the path, I assume because it doesn't start with a slash.

Here's the log with debugging turned on:

Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(811) : List(FALSE,0,"","",1) Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(315) : OnReceive(0) Response: 257 "C:/" is current directory Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(811) : List(FALSE,0,"","",0) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(960) : Can't parse path! Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2646) : ResetOperation(4) Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

ftp> quote syst 215 WIN32 A N (WFTPD by Texas Imperial Software)

#354 Changing dirs locally and remotely at the same time anonymous

It would be great if I could quickly change directories locally and remotely at the same time by holding down a key, such as CTRL and clicking on the directory in one view.

This will work a little like the following:

If key is pressed and directory is changed (doesn't matter in what view), FileZilla should check if the same directory exists in the other view. If it does, then it should open it up as well. If it doesn't, just open up in the view that was selected.

This would an excellent feature, especially for people that constantly change directories. Usually, the directory structures locally and remotely are the same.

#355 'default remote directory' setting in Site Manager fails anonymous

setting the 'default remote directory' setting in Site Manager to a directory eg home will be saved as /home/

this works fine on a unix box but on a windows box it will fail

on a windows box the command 'cwd home' will work whereas 'cwd /home/' gives a 'could not receive directory error'

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