Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (283 - 285 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4935 fixed Explorer layout shows as Widescreen in new tab Daniel Beardsmore

After opening a new tab, trying to change the layout under Settings > Interface > Layout to Explorer, shows the Widescreen layout instead.


#4939 fixed Tab navigation enhancements Daniel Beardsmore

Suggest adding the following enhancements to navigation of tabs:

ctrl-tab should wrap around from the last tab to the first, vice versa for shift-ctrl-tab

ctrl-pgup/ctrl-pgdn should also switch tab, per Windows convetion

rolling the mousewheel over the tab bar should also switch tab -- not convention, but used in a few apps and very useful :)

#4940 fixed CHMOD attributes not updated after changing them Danny

I believe this is a bug and has been present in all versions that I have used, including

I am using XP Pro

After changing the access attributes of a Folder, the new attributes are not refreshed in the client. In this example the existing attributes before CHMOD were 755

Command: SITE CHMOD 777 wp-content Response: 200 SITE CHMOD command successful

Right click on the folder afterwards --> File attributes and it shows the old settings before CHMOD was applied (755). Close FZ and launch it again. It now displays the correct current attributes (777).

Thanks, Danny

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