Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (280 - 282 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7798 invalid 550 No connections allowed from your IP grace

It wont let me connect, here is the strand

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 550 No connections allowed from your IP Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 550 No connections allowed from your IP Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

#11504 rejected 550 No such file or directory / Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing ahafener

When accessing the contents of my FritzBox 7490 there is one directory which is listed in Filezilla but cannot be accessed.

Whatever I try for that one specific directory (rename, change rights, enter) fails with message "550: No such file or directory".

2018-01-30 08:26:20 9404 1 Command: LIST
2018-01-30 08:26:20 9404 1 Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for '/bin/ls -lgA'.
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Response: 226 Transfer complete.
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxr-x 1 ftp ftp 2048 Jun 21 2013 Bilder
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxr-x 1 ftp ftp 2048 Sep  6 2017 Dokumente
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp 2048 Oct 22 2015 FRITZ
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxr-x 1 ftp ftp 2048 Jun 20 2017 Musik
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxr-x 1 ftp ftp 2048 Jun 21 2013 Videos
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp 2048 Jan 30 08:00 awo_haan_dbbackup 
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Listing: drwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp 2048 Sep  9 2017 lvq
2018-01-30 08:26:21 9404 1 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
2018-01-30 08:26:24 9404 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/awo_haan_dbbackup"...
2018-01-30 08:26:24 9404 1 Command: CWD awo_haan_dbbackup
2018-01-30 08:26:24 9404 1 Response: 550 awo_haan_dbbackup: No such file or directory.
2018-01-30 08:26:24 9404 1 Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

All other directories are not showing this behavior. I crosschecked with other ftp client (Filezilla, see attached screenshot), here, everything works out fine.

The directory's name is "awo_haan_dbbackup", it contains 110 files using 285 MB of space.

Attached please find complete debug log.

#4307 rejected 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload + critical error + contact admin in forum keudal

We exchanged today through my filezilla client with a trusty friend some data (video + audio video files the day before). We had both the password for this common server on my machine (he is in paris me in the south west of france, 2 different locations and machines), ready that we were to only use it for this exchange and re-configurate later the server. Unfortunately, when i deleted the whole files, it remained 2 in a "prefs" of the public_html: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf and .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1, both cant be retrieved in anyways, match my whole hard disk when compared to the local server (which ever is selected); cannot delete or rename them. As well, trying to upload these files got me a critical error. DESPITE IT, WE HAD NO PB TRANSFEERING THE FILES ONE WAY OR THE OTHER (but is this procedure allowed? i doubt it ... now).

I would like to know: -if this procedure is allowed or forbidden -if i can change my password keeping the same host name on the local server -if these 2 files may harm or not the security of the exchanges (in normal conditions and in case i could change my password)

  • if they could have been introduced here to hack voluntarly my server a3356674 hosted @ (distant) or if it is just a consequence of a dysfunctional connexion and exchange;
  • if i order to sharpen risks in the future i should prefer to open a new account (new host name)?

I should add that i can delete with no pb my other accounts, one being hosted at the same root, with the same name of server a3356674, presenting the same characteristic, and this one too (it was unchanged when i reinstall filezilla and reconnect my local server)

I ask you to forgive me for this way to practice filezilla (i know pass exchange is never a safe way), but were not very used to it and it was a pretty much emergent work, that finaly we success to provide in the deadlines, and with the only help of this very practical soft i wish to keep in my favourites...

list of event follows:

Statut: Connexion à Statut: Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil... Réponse: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Réponse: 220-You are user number 21 of 500 allowed. Réponse: 220-Local time is now 17:41. Server port: 21. Réponse: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Réponse: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity. Commande: USER a3356674 Réponse: 331 User a3356674 OK. Password required Commande: PASS Réponse: 230-User a3356674 has group access to: a3356674 Réponse: 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / Réponse: 230-51 files used (0%) - authorized: 6000 files Réponse: 230 428152 Kbytes used (27%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb Commande: SYST Réponse: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Commande: FEAT Réponse: 211-Extensions supported: Réponse: EPRT Réponse: IDLE Réponse: MDTM Réponse: SIZE Réponse: REST STREAM Réponse: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Réponse: MLSD Réponse: ESTP Réponse: PASV Réponse: EPSV Réponse: SPSV Réponse: ESTA Réponse: AUTH TLS Réponse: PBSZ Réponse: PROT Réponse: 211 End. Statut: Connecté Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/" is your current location Commande: TYPE I Réponse: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,33,86) Commande: LIST Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 7 matches total Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,7,130) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 7 matches total Trace: Server seems to support LIST -a Statut: Calcul du décalage horaire du serveur... Commande: MDTM .ftpquota Réponse: 213 20090304195736 Statut: Décalage du fuseau horaire : Serveur : -28800 secondes, Local : 0 secondes. Différence : 28800 secondes. Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD public_html Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,130,228) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 3 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD public_html Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,180,61) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 3 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD prefs Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html/prefs Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html/prefs" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,133,30) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 4 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Commande: DELE .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Commande: DELE .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CDUP Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html" is your current location Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /public_html/public_html/prefs Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html/prefs Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,81,55) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 4 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Connexion à Statut: Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil... Réponse: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Réponse: 220-You are user number 21 of 500 allowed. Réponse: 220-Local time is now 17:42. Server port: 21. Réponse: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Réponse: 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity. Commande: USER a3356674 Réponse: 331 User a3356674 OK. Password required Commande: PASS Réponse: 230-User a3356674 has group access to: a3356674 Réponse: 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / Réponse: 230-51 files used (0%) - authorized: 6000 files Réponse: 230 428152 Kbytes used (27%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb Statut: Connecté Statut: Démarrage du téléchargement de /public_html/public_html/prefs/.pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Commande: CWD /public_html/public_html/prefs Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/public_html/prefs Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html/public_html/prefs" is your current location Commande: TYPE A Réponse: 200 TYPE is now ASCII Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,71,33) Commande: RETR .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a00928.15.1f63.841bf5d1 Erreur: Erreur critique Statut: Démarrage du téléchargement de /public_html/public_html/prefs/.pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,7,89) Commande: RETR .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Réponse: 550 Prohibited file name: .pureftpd-upload.49a01112.15.4127.1db34fbf Erreur: Erreur critique Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /lenvelopp.mp3 Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /lenvelopp.mp3 Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/lenvelopp.mp3" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,126,131) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 2 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /urh.htm Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /urh.htm Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/urh.htm" is your current location Commande: PASV Réponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (216,108,235,38,90,182) Commande: LIST -a Réponse: 150 Accepted data connection Réponse: 226-ASCII Réponse: 226-Options: -a -l Réponse: 226 2 matches total Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Récupération du contenu du dossier... Commande: CWD /public_html Réponse: 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html Commande: PWD Réponse: 257 "/public_html" is your current location Statut: Succès de la lecture du contenu du dossier Statut: Déconnecté du serveur

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