Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (280 - 282 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#281 Empty lines bonvenon

I have problems viewing and editing remote files trough FileZilla... When I open a file for editing, new, empty, lines has been added between every single line in the document. After removing all the hundreds of empty lines, I saved the file again. When I opened it again later, all the lines were back again. I have tried opening the file in a few different programs, with the same result. That is what makes me think FileZilla is the problem.

#282 Anonymous Login anonymous

When connecting to a ftp-site by clicking on the saved site in the 'adress book' the "enter password" window opens and the "OK"-Button is greyed out. You can't login to an FTP-Site which doesn't need a password without entering at least one character into the "enter password" window. You can't just press OK when no password is needed. Is that a bug or a feature? I think it sucks.

#283 FileZilla 2.1.5 - Help file.... links2learning

When ENGLISH is selected as the LANGUAGE via SETTINGS the HELP file is in FRENCH. A bug?

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