Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (277 - 279 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2005 Timestamp in message log window Alexander Schuch anonymous

Is there any way of turning on a timestamp in the message log window so I can see exactly when I connected, disconnected, etc. Basically, I want to know when every single occurrence happened.

Example: [20:30:04] Status: Connecting to ... [20:30:10] Error: Unable to connect! [20:30:11] Status: Waiting to retry... (999 retries left)

Which shows me that at 8:30pm, I tried to connect to localhost and failed.

#2011 Allow a specific range of ports to use for PASV connection Alexander Schuch rickst29

It seems that I must currently set my firewall to allow outgoing connections on ANY port > 1024. Could we please allow the user to specify a limited range of ports for Filezilla Client to use, allowing the firewall to be configured more tightly? Maybe the GUI could be integrated with Feature Request 875817, also related to PASV connections. And, my thanks for this great software!

#2019 more than 999 sec. for timeout Alexander Schuch pbru

I have to go thru a firewall with anti-virus that send no data until the download is complete and the file is analyzed, and then, send the whole file at once.

for large files, even on fast remote servers, the download can take more than 999 seconds.

is it possible to allow larger timeout ?

TIA, Pierre.

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