Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (274 - 276 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1976 HTTP proxy with FTP support Alexander Schuch kyt

There is only one client that supports HTTP proxy with FTP support - Total Commander. I hope that FileZilla will be the next :)

#1983 Connection settings stored in file Alexander Schuch anonymous


The only thing I have found missing in FileZilla is a way to save the connection settings to a file.

I have lots of connections, and it would be great if these could be exported. That way I could quickly give these to another person, or back them up and restore them easily.

There already is a way to export interface settings to an XML file, but not the connections.

#1989 client: Override IP used in PASV connect Alexander Schuch puddle

Servers behind NAT may give the wrong IP when they give the host/port info in their response to the client PASV.

I just experimented, and I can simply substitute the original server IP instead of using the one the server passed in the response.

I think this would make a nice option.

I'm seeing this matter when the server's NAT gateway can fix the outbound info in unencrypted channel (so I have no problem there), but the server's NAT gateway can't fix it in encrypted channel, so I can't connect unless I hack the code in CFtpControlSocket::List to switch IPs.

I think it would be nifty to have an Advanced option something like

"Use original Server IP in PASV connection"

for this case, to avoid having to hack in the cpp code myself :)

I might be able to submit a code patch for it, if I can (a) figure out the original server IP (which shouldn't be hard, but when I was hacking, I knew the server IP and just put in a hardcoded one, so I didn't solve this part), and (b) figure out the GUI stuff (probably much the harder part).

FtpControlSocket.cpp, v1.76 circa lines 1306-1309

if (pData->bPasv) {

pData->host = ""; hack, should fetch

original server IP

if PASV create the socket & initiate outbound

data channel connection




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