Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (274 - 276 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#274 pumps up users directories anonymous

Strange effect appears when setting up user's accessible directories. One dir e.g. F:/UPLOAD is shown twice or even more. And it grows with the time...

Send further questions to penzgnu@…

#275 Slow anonymous

When I upload a file, through my bordermanager server over an ADSL line. The transfer rate is about 8 kb/s, but when I use a differnt ftp client I get 21 kb/s. The proxy I use is http 1.1. I have no speed limits. Transfer type is: auto. I use version 2.1.4b

#276 Accents not recognized anonymous

Accentuated characteres (é,è,ù,à, etc...) are not recognised and replaced by a comma.

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