Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4849 fixed Columns on remote server do not display properly if reordered Michael

In FZ 3.2.8 under WinXP SP3, if I right-click on the remote server's column headings (the gray area above the current directory's file listing that reads Filename | Filesize | Filetype | etc.), check all six boxes, then use the Move Up/Move Down buttons to move Permissions to any position other than the fifth, the column headings move as requested, but the data in the column do not. So, for example, if I exchange Permissions (which was originally in fifth position) with Last Modified (which was originally in fourth position), the Last Modified information shows up in the new Permissions column (which is now in fourth position, where Last Modified was before the exchange), and the Last Modified column contents (now in fifth position) are blank (except for the header). Also, sorting of the date-last-sorted data in the "Permissions" column no longer works properly. Restoring the column headings to their original positions fixes all problems, but of course this defeats the purpose of having the column heading portability feature in the first place.

#4858 fixed Client crashed after double click on remote file. Vit

After connect to remote site and double click on remote file, client crashes. Tried to change double-click action in settings - same story. Log attached.

#4861 fixed View/Edit of files without file extension crashes FileZilla Ebb2008

I think the problem is pretty clear! Here my "About FileZilla"

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.2.8

Build information:

Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2009-10-03 Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2) Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 2.8.10 GnuTLS: 2.8.3

If I try to View/Edit a file without file extension, be it on the local drive or on the server, by right-clicking on the file and choosing View / View/Edit, FileZilla crashes.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.