Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#335 Queue does not use automatic ASCII/BINARY mode after restart niver

Repro steps: -Connect to a server -Begin a few binary uploads to the server -Stop the queue -Stop the program -Restart the program -Restart the queue

->The files are now transferred in ASCII mode

Expected-> The files have to be transferred in the appropriate mode, depending on their extension

#336 Server 0.8.3: user can delete empty dirs w/o permission ruisa

Having setup a user with only permission to read files and list directories/subdirs, this user can still DELETE directories on the server as long as they are empty.

If I have an elaborate structure of directories on my server that for some reason are temporarily empty, any user can DELETE this whole directory structure without having permission to do so as a result of this bug.

#337 Directory listing incomplete with passive SSL p0s

Client: FileZilla 2.1.7 Server: proftpd 1.2.8 with mod_tls

When connecting passively to my LAN FTP server with explicit SSL enabled, half of the files in the directory listing are missing. When I disable SSL -or- passive mode, the file listing is complete. With FlashFXP and SSL enabled, the file listing is also complete. Thus, this is a bug in FileZilla because of the passive SSL mode.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.