Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (268 - 270 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4831 fixed Filename/Last Modified Column Conflict Éanna

In the FTP window the Last Modified & Filename columns seem to have switched. The folder icons now show under the Last Modified column and I am unable to move the Filename column back to the left of the window where its default position should be.

When i go to column set-up by right clicking on the column headings; if I try to unselect the Last Modified column it returns the error "The Filename Column can neither be hidden nor removed". I am also unable to move the Last Modified Column, it is fixed in the left side position (top of list in Column chooser). I can move the Filename column down the list (in Column chooser window) but not back up to the first position; only to 2nd spot behind the Last Modified column.

Screenshot attached.

#4846 fixed enable prioritizing of edited files Mark Jansen

I really love FileZilla and I'm especially fond of the file editing features (FZ detecting updates of edited files, asking to upload them).

However, there's one thing which would greatly improve this feature: give updated files high upload priority (well, make an option so users can set FZ to behave as such).

Currently when I'm uploading a lot of files - eg photo's - the edited file gets stuck in this large queue and I manually need to give the edited file high priority. It would be great is FZ could do this automatically for all files uploading due to changes when edited.

#4847 fixed program crashes maciek_s

FileZilla Client crashes after program starting. The last version that works is

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
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