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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12460 fixed File sorting preference (case sentisive vs case insensitive) is reversed php4fan

Under Edit -> Settings -> Interface -> File lists

there's a setting called "Name sorting mode".

It has several possible values, among which:

  • case sensitive
  • case insensitive

These are reversed, meaning that if you select one the other will be used and viceversa.

Consider a directory listing with these filenames:

ax, Ay, bx, By.

"Case sensitive" mode will sort them as: ax Ay bx By

"Case insensitive" mode will sort them as: Ay By ax bx

It should obvioulsy be the other way round.

#12459 fixed FileZilla crashing while adding Google Drive Mohammad

Hello, after the latest update Google Drive is not working, and while adding the google drive using the site Filezilla is crashing. Please look into it and suggest a solution.

#12458 invalid 下载数据出错 1919442280


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