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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1113 ssl3 error ben62


i use filezilla 2.2.24b and filezilla server 0.9.18, i have error during file transfert, the error is :

Data connection SSL warning: SSL3 alert write: fatal: bad record mac Data connection SSL warning: error:1408F455:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or bad

can you tell me a solution to repair this error?



#3322 ssl/tls does not work for me nikolai10

XP sp2 client: 3.0.3, Server: 0.9.24, file zilla client can not connect to filezilla server (ftps ssl/tls force eplicit, passive mode) behind firewall. port 21 is forwarded. passive portrange is also forwarded and public ip adress is now set in filezilla server. Here is the Clientlog: Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbindung hergestellt, warte auf Willkommensnachricht... Antwort: 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.24 beta Antwort: 220 Welcome xxxxxxxxxx Befehl: AUTH TLS Antwort: 234 Using authentication type TLS Status: Starte TLS... Befehl: USER stevo Status: Überprüfe Zertifikat... Status: TLS/SSL Verbindung hergestellt- Antwort: 331 Password required for stevo Befehl: PASS Antwort: 230 Logged on Befehl: SYST Antwort: 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla Befehl: FEAT Antwort: 211-Features: Antwort: MDTM Antwort: REST STREAM Antwort: SIZE Antwort: MLST type*;size*;modify*; Antwort: MLSD Antwort: AUTH SSL Antwort: AUTH TLS Antwort: UTF8 Antwort: CLNT Antwort: MFMT Antwort: 211 End Befehl: PBSZ 0 Antwort: 200 PBSZ=0 Befehl: PROT P Antwort: 200 Protection level set to P Status: Verbunden Status: Empfange Dateilisten... Befehl: PWD Antwort: 257 "/" is current directory. Befehl: TYPE I Antwort: 200 Type set to I Befehl: PASV Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (82,83,xxx,xxx,xx,xxx) Befehl: LIST Antwort: 425 Can't open data connection. Fehler: Dateilisten konnten nicht empfangen werden

#859 ssl support is getting worse in each release digiboy86

In version 2.1.6a I can connect to my FTPserver in implicit and explicit mode no problem. In version 2.2.8c only implicit works. In version 2.2.12 and 2.2.13 none work.

[implict failure] When it fails it just says "Status: SSL connection established. Waiting for welcome message..." and then it timeouts (after 60 seconds). The accept cert dialog box works and looks fine.

[explicit failure] After issuing AUTH SSL command the server send 250 status but FileZilla says "Error: Can't establish SSL connection Error: Disconnected from server Error: Unable to connect! ".

You can download my FTPServer @ and try it out if you like. It uses OpenSSL. Like I said it all works perfect with 2.1.6a and I'm not sure exactly at which versions the ssl code breaks but I gave some examples above.


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