Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (259 - 261 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12480 rejected Transfer from Mac to ZOS TSO file scrambles the file Gary Whittingham

A file is transferred from a TSO system to a Mac and back again. The file has format LRECL=80 RECFM=PS BLKSIZE=3120. The target dataset for the transfer back to TSO is preallocated with the correct attributes.

The contents of the returned file are not in the correct order.

This has started happening since the Mac was upgraded to BigSur.

When transferred using SFTP to the USS file system the order is correct.

#12475 outdated File Permissions text box cause crash when changed Christian Wilson

The File Permissions text box cause crash when changed

#12470 duplicate There is still no drag and drop confirm on filezilla 3.54.1 dagoz

Hello, it is currently version 3.54.1 of filezilla, 7429 days since initial release. I have read about 50 changelogs and none of them have contained "added confirmation for drag and drop" meaning that I still have to use WinSCP (yuck), please add this as soon as possible (thousands of people have been asking for drag and drop confirmation for decades as they don't like to destroy their server with the accidental flick of a mouse cursor)

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