Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (256 - 258 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1739 Update source date/time Alexander Schuch anonymous

When uploading from Windows to Unix, can the date/time on the Windows system be reset to the one assigned on the Unix system? This would greatly facilitate web site synchronization.

#1745 Map FTP resource as a network drive (and "send to FTP" option in file explorer) Alexander Schuch mraeryceos

Like Webdrive or Internet Neighborhood. Another option is to immitate Sendto FTP, but according to the author, windows can only handle 10 or so files through sendto at one time.

#1747 preserve date/time on upload Alexander Schuch anonymous

For those of us who upload files to an FTP server for backup purposes, it is crucial that the files' date & time be preserved. As it works now, the date/time is changed to the present time upon upload. The option of preserving date/time for downloads does not seem to affect this.

thank you

(great program btw!)

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