Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (256 - 258 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1982 fixed status bar: add Total Transfer Speed eklass

I think it would serve very well to have a total transfer speed, especially with multi-threaded downloading. This should be very simple to do, and it could be stuck down in the status bar.

Thank you.

#11706 worksforme startup script command line switch Howard Brown

When I start fileZilla, 99% of the time, I open a specific site in the site-manager, but then I navigate down from the project top-level directory to a sub-directory nested a few levels below that to a sub-directory under the source directory. I still need the project top-level directory so that I can manage other parts of the project such as pictures and css files that are not located in the source directory, but I'd rather not create another site for them.

If a startup script command could be added then I could use ftp-like commands in the script to change into the source directory's sub-directories and display that directory automatically, as I now do almost every time I start fileZilla.

Please understand that I'm using the windows gui interface and not running fileZilla client from the command prompt, and that the start script option that I'm talking about should support the windows gui mode, too.

Thank you, Howard Brown

#1443 standard anonymous password Tim Kosse anonymous

This anonymous password works better that current. Some stupid ftp servers try to check the host if exists. Also neither mozilla nor ie send a host. Mozilla and IE are not anonymous but they should fix that.

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