Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (253 - 255 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#256 Excessive CPU usage anonymous

Using 0.82 of Server. Haad to install from scratch having removed previous version as it never connected to server and always crashed. On reboot and re-install of 0.82 worked fine for a while, but now just starts up as before and just consumes 99% of CPU constantly regardless of priority set.

#257 Can't manage SSL keys anonymous

After renaming the DNS name of a server, I can no longer connect to it via SFTP. I suspect that the fzsftp backend is detecting a potential spoof attack because of the DNS change.

I do not know where the SSH equivalent of 'known_hosts' is being stored, so I can't edit it or delete it. It doesn't appear to be in filezilla.xml, and I'm not sure what to look for in the windows registry.

Korey Renner renner@…

#258 Microsoft Distributed File System anonymous

FileZilla hangs when start browsing a Microsoft Distributed File System in Local Site File Tree. rks/fileandprint/dfsnew.asp

submitted by Andreas.Heidoetting@…

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