Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (253 - 255 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4359 outdated Export function in versions and 3.2.3 crashes program webcraft

I just edited all my passwords on a laptop and now need to transfer the site manager entiris to a) a portable version and b) to my main PC. Both of these already have Filezilla on them with my old site manager entries.

When I select File . . . Export and try to export the Site Manager entries fromeither version the program freezes and I have to use Task Manager to end it.

(WinXP SP3)

What I do not understand is that when I downloaded this verson 3.2.3 (zip file) it automatically found the settings in the previous version even though it is in a different folder. There is no sign of any XML file in either Filezilla folder, just some DLLs ... where are the settings stored? Can I copy the 3.2.3 folder to another PC and keep the settings, and will I have to delete my previous installation on the other PC?

I am very confused :-(

#3984 rejected FileZilla show incorrect Date/Time on transfer Wendy Cramer

When I upload files, the server showed incorrect date/time

#10038 rejected Unable to log in after update Wendy Cramer

I updated FileZilla when prompted today but receive an error message

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