Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (250 - 252 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1655 Convert illegal filename characters Alexander Schuch anonymous

Rename files, converting characters that would be illegal on the destination host to acceptable characters.

As an example, when transferring a file whose name contains ":" (colon) from unix to a PC running Windows NT, FileZilla truncates the filename just prior to the colon and writes no bytes. It also claims in the status window that the transfer was successful. (I've reported this as a bug.)

Simply converting all such illegal characters to "_" (underscore) would be ok, since that is what some other FTP clients do. If you want to go a step beyond that, you might allow the user to specify the character to use or even allow a mapping table.


#1657 Webdav support Alexander Schuch anonymous

Summary saids it all

#1662 Default double-click action Alexander Schuch danielvijge

I'd like to see a setting for the default double click action on both local and remote files. I'd like to choose if I want to upload/download the file, open it or edit it on double click. This option can came on the Local file list/Remote file list option page so you can set different options for local and remote files.

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