Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#250 Queue Processing does not respect retry settings anonymous

Using v2.1.3a:

Not using multiple connections.


  1. Connect to site
  2. Find directory to download
  3. Right click - "Download As"
  4. Enter another username/password and hit ok
  5. Select Process Queue

Expected Results: New connection attempt under entered username/password should proceed, if the connection is not made, the client should attempt to reconnect x number of times after waiting for y seconds, as specified in the settings dialogue.

Actual Results: New connection attempt under entered username/password.

If connection is not made reconnection is attempted

IMMEDIATELY. Very frustrating for ftp servers with auto-ban after x number of failed connections.

#251 Bug: NO-Welcome message -> Filezilla Server crash anonymous

The Filezilla server requires a welcome message or it'll crash...tested it with a standard install...and added one simple user account... However if you have already succesfully logged in with a message currently, you'll have to reboot to see this for yourself...I'm absolutely sure this is a reason why it was failing for me... to filezilla supporters-> keep up the great work and happy new year! ..:-)


#252 Conflict with WinGate Server 5 - Freezes System While Loadng ssokolow

I have a pentium 233 running windows 98 SE. I do not have microsoft internet sharing installed.

When wingate server version five is turned on, filezilla will freeze the system (except for sometimes allowing Control-alt-delete) and it will do it 8 or 9 times out of 10.

It does not seem to matter whether my virus scanner is on or off although for some reason, the virus scanner causes the system to freeze for several seconds while loading FileZilla, Gnucleus, WinMX, and several other programs which I have forgotten the names of.

Also, when I restart, I get file allocation errors in the wingate log files.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.