Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (244 - 246 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1593 displaying SSL encryption key length Alexander Schuch suessm


it would be very nice if FileZilla, will be display the SSL encryption key length, e.g. 40, 56, 128 Bit. So the user is able to check the strengthen of the encryption.

Regards Michael

#1600 Time Completed/Stopped to message log Alexander Schuch anonymous

Downloading 3 linux ISOs = 3 * 650Mb.

Connections timeout and stop.

1) Can current time on (local box) client be added to the stopped/timeout or completed message to the message log, so that I can tell how long ago the work stopped?

2) Also I agree with connection retries feature request #540935. More control of connection resumption would be great. Also time lapse between reconnect attempts would be nice.

FYI: I am using FileZilla 1.9.3


#1620 Keep completed items in queue window Alexander Schuch magra

Can there be an option so that when a transfer has been completed, it remains in the queue window with a "Completed" status. Then you can have a in the right- click menu to say "Clear all" and "Clear completed", etc.

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