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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12529 fixed "impossible d'obtenir une réponse de fzputtygen" error message and .ppk empty file generated Prx38


1/ I have generated on Linux a key pair with ssh-keygen and a path-phrase. 2/ on windows 10 , I copied my private key 'id_rsa' and try to use it with FileZilla : he wants to convert it to .ppk (by the way why ???) , I say yes and ask my secret : I have only the path phrase : I type it and I get the error message on my french PC :

"impossible d'obtenir une réponse de fzputtygen"

(the program fzputtygen.exe is right under the Filezilla installed dir) and a id_rsa.ppk file at 0kB ! and impossible to transfert my files with that Filezilla ! regards

#12527 worksforme ftp uploading: file corruption nRookie

Hi All,

I recently encountered a very strange file corruption problem.

The scenario is that I upload a file from my PC(macOS) through FTP protocol with Filezilla(v3.55.1) to an FTP server(windows).


I have set the FTP mode to passive and FTP transfer mode to binary.

if the file size is bigger than 1M, it would be corrupted, but there are no errors shown at Filezilla. (File transfer successful, transferred 6014038 bytes in 12 seconds) I check the MD5 of the file at the server-side. Which has diverted from my client-side. I capture the packet of the communication between server and client with Wireshark, does not find any explicit error. I also hex dump the content of the original file at the client-side and the file at the server-side and compared them, the former 16385 bytes are different, but the remaining bytes are the same. (approximately 360000 bytes).

More info:

if the file size is smaller than 100KB. It could be uploaded successfully. if the upload speed is limited under 500KB/s(enable speed limit in FileZilla), the larger file could be uploaded successfully. the file could be uploaded by other FTP clients to the same FTP server without corruption, so the FTP server is working fine.

I tried other FTP client, which can also upload the files to server without corruption.

I although check with my two colleagues' PC (both MacOS Bigsur), they can upload with FileZilla(same version) successfully without corruption.

at first, I doubt that there would be some problem with my network condition, but the md5 of the file I uploaded is the same every time even if it is corrupted.

Any help or tips would be very appreciated.

Best regards, nRookie

#12525 rejected Prevent Window position and size to saving minus values on exit Grzegorz


Often I having problem with window position. Please add a feature to prevent saving minus X and Y position of FZ Window. This will allow to resume FileZilla without editing xml file to start it - with normal position. Its happen on multiple screens (monitors), I can figure out how - but this trick should help.

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