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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1843 Per-site firewall (SOCKS) settings Alexander Schuch zilch_zero

A single proxy/SOCKS setting is fine for if I am using it to connect to servers on the Internet, but not so for use inside complex network environments.

Per site proxy settings are essential for use in any larger corporation, or supporting multi-client environments. For example, I work for an outsourcing company and to connect to client A, I need to use SOCKS server a, and to connect to client B, I need to use SOCKS server b, and so on, as we have a SOCKS server that acts as a gateway to every client network. In order to use FileZilla for this, every time I connect to a different site I have to go to the settings and manually change the firewall options.

Note: This would be consistent with how products such as PuTTY work. Currently I connect to the same servers via SSH using PuTTY, and for each connection I define in PuTTY, I can set the SOCKS server (and SOCKS userid/password).

In summary - please consider adding this, as the client is great other than this issue. (I read that the site manager was getting a make-over at some stage so maybe this could be part of that?)


#411 View/Edit with Ultraedit zhapp

When you click view/edit on a file that's associated to ultraedit and you already have ultraedit running, FZ opens the file in the existing window but then immediatly deletes the file.

#518 FZ cannot understand "451 Append/Restart not permitted" zhangweiwu

Hello. There are many wildly used ftp servers default to not allow APPE command. Sometimes the upload connection breaks, and FZ tries to APPE, receiving the message:

451 format_de.tpl: Append/Restart not permitted.

FZ records an error, and tries it again. Failed certain times, FZ state the file as "Too many error attempt."

What's worse, that if a user clears these file states, and tries to upload them again, he goes into the error circle again, each file fails certain times and quit from the queue. The user actually get no way to upload the files from the queue.

Yesterday I spent a night to upload about 9000 files, about 300 files are not successfully uploaded. They are nightmares to me. I can clear the status, but the queue remain unsuccess because FZ always tries to tell the server APPE without luck.

I suggest 1) filezilla recognize the "451 Append/Restart not permitted." message and try to STORE in that case; 2) there be an option in the preference to let FZ never use APPE.

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