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Results (235 - 237 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12301 rejected Update checks are still run with update checking disabled Daniel Beardsmore

Configuration: disable update checks using Edit → Settings → Updates → FileZilla updates → Check for FileZilla updates automatically = Never Expected behaviour: no update checking Actual behaviour: a nag window appears titled “Check for Updates” with the message “Unfortunately information about the new update could not be retrieved. Either you or your system administrator has disabled checking for updates …”

The only two ways that the program can display this message are a) the program has psychic powers that allow it to magically know about updates without checking, or b) it checked for updates when explicitly instructed not to do so.

The program violates the aforementioned setting. If update checking is disabled, then update checking must not occur. Instead, the program checks for the update and then chooses not to tell you anything about it, as if that somehow constitutes not checking. If update checking is disabled, the program must refrain from making any attempt to check. Otherwise, that setting is virtually meaningless. The only thing it does do is prevent downloading the update installers, but if that is what it is intended to do, the setting needs to say “Download updates automatically and display update changelogs” with a notice below it that update checks cannot be disabled, because the user interface and behaviour must match each other. The program cannot be allowed to disobey the user’s instructions. If the setting exists, it must behave exactly as it indicates.

#10655 worksforme Shutdown when downloads end DaniloPolani

Hello, I think it would be a great addon to set the possibility to shut down the computer when all uploads or downloads end.

Now I have to go away from work and FileZilla is still downloading 44,000 files, so I have to ask to a collague to shut down it.

Thanks for your attention.

Danilo Polani

#4940 fixed CHMOD attributes not updated after changing them Danny

I believe this is a bug and has been present in all versions that I have used, including

I am using XP Pro

After changing the access attributes of a Folder, the new attributes are not refreshed in the client. In this example the existing attributes before CHMOD were 755

Command: SITE CHMOD 777 wp-content Response: 200 SITE CHMOD command successful

Right click on the folder afterwards --> File attributes and it shows the old settings before CHMOD was applied (755). Close FZ and launch it again. It now displays the correct current attributes (777).

Thanks, Danny

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