Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#294 GSSAPI/Kerberos and raw FTP PROT command anonymous

By default, FileZilla currently uses PROT P (encrypted, with checksums) for all file transfers.

Using the Server/raw FTP command, it is possible to change to PROT S (unencrypted, with checksums) successfully.

However, PROT C (unencrypted, no checksums) fails with "Out of memory" at beginning of file transfer.

Being able to use the raw PROT command is useful, until (if) FileZilla supports a GUI interface to change encryption and checksums, but PROT C doesn't work.

#295 Can't remember password? anonymous


I'm using 2.1.5 in windows2000, in the site manager screen, the password field is always gray out. I'm not sure if there is any option to enable this feature, anyway I didn't find it.

I like it! and I like free.


by jiangpet@…

#296 sftp download speed v. slow rolfy

OS: win XP machine: dual 1700 XP with 512 MB Ram client connection - cable modem. server connecting to - work machine with dedicated T1

While using sftp through filezilla, the speed seems to be very slow. I found that the max i got from my work machine to home is 4.4KB / s and UP 6.5 KB / s.

I thought this was a little strange, so I downloaded WinSSH and used it's sftp functionality and got 100KB /s down, and 12 KB / s up.

I have attached the settings file (I marked previous stuff as *REMOVED*)

I checked the speed limiting, and it didn't seem to be set...

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