Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (229 - 231 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3404 ftpcontrolsocket.cpp werwin

When I stop/cancel a file upload/transfer, I get this message.

I also cannot upload any more files in the #1 spot, so everything gets uploaded in the #2 file slot in FileZilla. I hope that makes sense.

ftpcontrolsocket.cpp(1764): Waiting for replies to skip before sending next command... caller=0p20f2728

Running 3.0.6-rc1

#3405 Error loading xml file werwin

I was running Filezilla 3.0.7-rc1 and then had a power outage. When I restarted FileZilla, I got the message

"Error loading xml file - Could not load "C:\Users\werwin\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\filezilla.xml" , make sure the file is valid. For this session, default settings will be used and any changes to the settings are not persistant."

Even after restarting Filezilla, the message still appears. I assume my filezilla.xml file got corrupted somehow. Could you make a fix that if it is corrupted, then to create a new one?

FYI, I opened the specified filezilla.xml file and it was empty - contained nothing.

#3486 Problem when server uses non-UTF8 encoding werre2

Filezilla 3 recursive directory download does not get any files, it just creates the directories, if the directory path contains any non-ASCII characters and the server fs uses ISO-8859-1 encoding. The error message is 'critical failure'.

The flow:

  1. Recursive upload works...
  2. ...but the directory names get mangled on server side
  3. Recursive download fails

Tested with Filezilla client running on 32bit Win XP SP2 patched to level of 23-Apr-2008. On the server side, Red Hat 8.2 and vsftpd-1.1.3-8. Ext3 fs with default options.

The recursive download works with version 2 of Filezilla client.

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