Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (229 - 231 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#291 remote directory change without command anonymous

Moving a file from




works fine but when i change to remote/dir/ and home/dir/ and start uploading that already exist and i choos "overwrite" as action the remote dir changes back to remote/dir/subdir/ instead of staying in /remote/dir/

Hope that helps good work though thanks for this free piece of technology

askless@… <-- yes it is valid

#292 using FTP proxy : remoteID@fireID@remotehost anonymous

on FileZilla 2.1.5, using the FTP proxy setting as : remoteID@fireID@remotehost the authentication is rejected by the firewall. Not quite sure FileZilla handles correctly the password which should be : remotePWD@firePWD looking at the status window, the password is longer than the comniation remotePWD@firePWD.

PS : the FTP proxy that we have is the FTP proxy of CheckPoint Firewall-1.

#293 SQUID - not working with it anonymous

Hi. FileZilla doesnt working with Squid. IE, Mozilla, WSftp and another apps goes through Squid without problem. I tested all config combination options.

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