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Results (226 - 228 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4560 fixed Error message "Timer creation failed." when update is downloaded JanRei

After the download of the new FileZilla version has been started there is an error message "Timer creation failed.". The download completes successfully despite of that, but there is no progress information shown and the progress bar stays empty.

Upgrading from version 3.2.4 works fine for me. I first saw this message when upgrading from version to 3.2.5-rc1. The issue seems to happen with 3.2.5-rc1 as well.

#4574 fixed FileZilla wont recognize m4v extensions Rocky Nordberg


I've setup my own server so i can access all my music and movies from external networks. However upon acessing my movies wich are in the m4v file format FileZilla dosent recognize the format. The movies are only labelled as "file" in the filetype section, nothing about m4v. When I try downloading it, I recieve the error "Could not open (filename) for writing", desbite the permissions are set to 777. It works for any other filetype within the same folder, just not m4v extenstions.

Any clue why its not working for me?

#4606 fixed Download ver 3.2.5 error message Donald A. Perry Don Perry

Tried several times to download updated version 3.2.5 and get a FileZilla error message stating "Timer creation failed".

Will not execute to install.

Please advise...Thank you.

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