Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2480 double-click "Do Nothing" option Alexander Schuch whdconsultant

I request that an additional feature be added to the double-click options that causes nothing to occur when a file is double-clicked. Right now, under the Interface Settings tab, you can choose a "File doubleclick action" of Transfer, Open, or Add to queue. "Do nothing" is an option that is supported in most FTP programs I have used.

#2481 MD5 Checksum whdconsultant

I request a new feature of being able to calculate an MD5 checksum, or some other adequate checksum, on both local and remote files for file equality comparison. Remote files would need to be downloaded to a temporary location to compute the checksum. (or calculated 'on the fly' without actual physical storage locally) So you should be able to select one or more files and choose "Compute Checksum", and the values would be displayed as one of the optional columns for those files. The values would need to be erased if the file is re-uploaded or re-downloaded. It would be nice if the values were remembered as long as the directory wasn't changed, but they are really only needed for a moment's comparison and can then be forgotten. Optionally, or additionally, it would be nice to be able to select two files, one local and one remote, or perhaps even two local, or two remote, and choose a "Check Equality" button that computes the checksum of each file and tells you if the files are equal, or not. If you could select more than one file locally and remotely and have all of the equally named files compared, that would be nice, too.

#2449 Windows safe filenames Alexander Schuch whangiorva

A lot of times when I use filezilla to download some stuff, it'll get confused by the unix / linux filenames.

As a result, it'll get confused by the directory names and try to overwrite stuff it just downloaded. Either from the same directory (similar filename) or from another directory that has similar contents (but perhaps a different version.)

Or worse, it'll create the directory or file, but it wont be accessible under windows. Things like NUL, CON, etc. Those and more are reserved under Windows. They date back to DOS, but are still a problem in windows.

Perhaps Filezilla should have an option (enabled by default) to create Windows safe filenames.

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