Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (214 - 216 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4478 fixed Guard Page exception application error ineuw

Using Windows XP SP3. Filezilla Server installed as a service. Software error occurs when terminating Filezilla or when shutting down the computer. No error when shut down, and is installed as an application.

Please see the attached .jpg file for the exact error message.

#4479 fixed Automate backups eliezer

I need to automate backups to a remote server. I am using the SSL/TLS support which will not allow me to use the regular command prompt. What command client do you recommend to use with FileZilla Server that connects through FTPS and accepts certificates automatically from the server.

#4482 fixed 2048 selection creates 2058 bits size keys Claudiu Romaniuc

It looks like when you use the Generate Certificate facility, selecting 2048 bits size will result in a 2058 bits size key.

Here's the code :

m_country.MakeUpper(); int bits = 1024; if (m_keysize == 1) bits = 2058; else if (m_keysize == 2) bits = 4096;

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