Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#211 incorrect timestamp in Unix anonymous


When using FileZilla in the Unix environment, my timestamps are off by 4 hours. I have encountered this with 1.9x and 2.x versions of FileZilla. Strangely, this is the only file sharing application which has this bug (no other apps have this problem). Please, if you have any information to a solution, email me.


Rupesh Kapadia


#212 Transfer Queue Pane size decreases nuroticat

In FileZilla 2.1.2, when "Remember Windows Size and Position of FileZilla" is checked, the transfer queue pane displays an odd quirk.

When FileZilla is started again, the size of the pane decreases. Upon each restart of the program, the pane gets smaller and smaller until it is no longer visible.

#213 Incorrect filename handling by FileZilla anonymous

FileZilla Server (0.7.3.beta) can't handle filenames, which use ASCII code 255. LIST command works correctly, while RETR causes Error 550 "File not found" and returns filename with omissed chars (both spaces and chars with code 255).

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