Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#214 Italian Interface anonymous

Hello, In italian interface I have find this mistake:

in menu Queue: option "Use multiple connections" aren't translated; it may be "Usa Connessioni Multiple".

in menu Server: ("Remoto"): this option aren't translated "Copy URL to Clipboard" (it may be "Copia URL negli appunti" or "Copia URL nella Clipboard"); "Entre raw FTP command" (it may be "Inserisci riga comando FTP" or "Inserisci comando FTP").



#215 Drop down menus turn black. Tim Kosse anonymous

FileZilla server causes all drop down menus (Right click menus, File, Edit, etc) to turn black after running the server for approximately 24 hours.

The icon in the task bar for the server disappears and becomes blank and then all menus are black upon initial click. Scrolling the mouse down the menu causes the menu items to appear one by one, but the space between the menus remains black instead of the customary Windows gray.

This behaviour is only observed with FileZilla Server 0.7.3a running and cannot be fixed without a reboot.

#216 send quit to disconnect anonymous

it seems that for some reason client doesn't send ftp quit command when it's disconnecting.

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