Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#490 "Connect to Default Site" will not prompt for a password anonymous

I have been very happy with your software for the better part of the last year. I have noticed a problem with your 2.2.X releases to date however. If i use the "Connect to Default Site" from the File Menu, it WILL NOT EVER prompt for a password. I am on a multi-user system, and i do not store my passwords locally so this is a problem for me. If i open the Site Manager, and double click the connection, then it prompts for a password. If you need further clarification on this issue, contact me @


Thanks for the great software!!!

#4025 outdated "Connection Closed by Server" message donratcliff

I have a "connection closed by server" message as an error message on the last line of the top large box, yet data continues to be exchanged, as indicated by the bottom box (progress line as well as the number listed) and also my computer also shows data is being transferred. It has transferred at least 100 mb since this error message came up, and continues to transfer more to the site.

#9640 fixed "Create directory and enter it" continues after disconnect Deebster

If the connection drops during the first part of a "Create directory and enter it" operation, FileZilla will reconnect but resume with the second command. E.g.:

10:39:13	Command:	MKD newdir
10:39:18	Error:	Connection timed out
10:39:18	Status:	Connecting to
10:39:18	Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    // login snipped
10:39:18	Response:	230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
10:39:18	Command:	OPTS UTF8 ON
10:39:18	Response:	200 OK, UTF-8 enabled
10:39:18	Status:	Connected
10:39:18	Status:	Retrieving directory listing...
10:39:18	Command:	CWD /public_html/newdir
10:39:18	Response:	550 Can't change directory to /public_html/newdir: No such file or directory
10:39:18	Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing

FileZilla should complete the failed MKDIR command before attempting the CWD.

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