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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#60 lower pane separator bug starless

If I activate the "Remember window size and position" option, and then maximize FileZilla's window, after quitting and restarting the program a couple of times the separator of the lower pane (the upper border of the queue view area) starts behaving on its own, and is always very high, on each program start, even though I move it down each time.

BTW, how is FileZilla development going on? I hope everything is well, I like the program very much, but there are a couple of quirks to be fixed, yet, like the fact that local file sizes are shown differently from remote ones.

...and happy new year!

#63 inconsistent reference to stdafx.h anonymous

Several of the source files include stdafx.h, unfortunately how the file is referenced is inconsistent and may cause build problems.

The project files in the repository do no cause the base source directory to be searched as an include directory.

Files in the misc directory have statements that say "#include <stdafx.h>" or "#include "stdafx.h"".

Either the project file should be changed to search the base source directory for include files, or the refernce should always be written as "#include "../stdafx.h".

#64 missing files in CVS repository anonymous

Three weeks ago a revised version of asyncproxysocket.cpp was checked in. The source file now references CBase64coding.hpp, however that file is not in the repository.

Also, the project file includes a dependancy on source\msic\CBase64Coding.cpp. That file is currently missing from the repository.

The current FileZilla source snapshot does not build, please check in the missing files.

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