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Results (205 - 207 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12398 rejected too many connections (several dozens up to some hundreds) with settings max connections = 1 Axel

FileZilla Client 3.53.0 (macOS 10.13.6) cable internet (200 MBit/s)

Settings -> Transfers:

  • max simultaneous transfers: 1
  • limit for concurrent downloads: 1
  • limit for concurrent uploads: 1

Site Manager -> Transfer Settings:

  • maximum number of connections: 1

With these settings (see screenshots attached) I would expect, that only one connection is being used. Other than that (depending on how much files I transfer, lets say 1000) FileZilla creates during the FTPS transfer several dozens (up to some hundreds) connections to the server until I got blocked by the servers firewall.

Is this a bug or a feature? ;-)

Settings Site Manager

#7775 outdated too many connections mjreine

my web host, supports 6 concurrent connections. Ive tried filezilla and like it but one thing is making me switch to smartftp...

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 421 Too many connections (8) from this IP Error: Could not connect to server

Even though I set under settings - transfer max simultaneous transfers to 4, somehow it keeps going OVER this hard limit.

And my web host then blocks me out for about a half hour. Other ftp apps this isnt a problem. I would say this is a showstopper.

Please fix this asap.


#3653 toggle transfer queue doesn't work properly johnsmith5

I'm using win xp sp2, filezilla

If I turn off queue processing then add a folder to the queue, the queue begins to process. When I then turn it off again, once a subfolder is encountered the queue again begins to process.

If I turn off queue processing it should stay off until I turn it on again, this is a bug. This was also a problem with the previous version.

The reason I want to turn off queue processing is so that I can remove files or directories from the queue that I don't want to be processed.

Filezilla is otherwise excellent software, keep up the good work.


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