Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#266 Directory cache and Case in names anonymous

When there are 2 directories with the same name but with a different case (ex: "gallery" and "Gallery"), if the directory cache is activated, once you've accessed one of these two directories and you try to access the other one, you see the contents of the directory you accessed first.


#267 can't go to the disk root using 'Local site' iput field strauss_sf

When entering disk letter in the local site input field (e:, e:\, d:, d:\ etc) I'm receiving an error 'The path you entered could not be found'. It's interesting, that when you are entering the name of currently active disk (which folder is displayed in Local site panel) - there is no error, but the folders are still not changed.

This bug is reproducible in the two lates FZ releases: 2.1.4, 2.1.4a.

Thank you.


#268 Entering local root can't be found danielvijge

When typing c: or c:\ in the Local Site edit there's an error 'The path you entered could not be found!'

Entering a subfolder (c:\folder) works correctly

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